Pressed For Time Ainigmata Ostraka Location - AC Odyssey
Pressed for Time ainigmata ostraka is one of the many riddles you’ll face in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. You can begin the journey by visiting the monument of Prometheus and the Birth of Mankind, where you’ll find a tablet with further instructions. The trail will lead you to another location, where you’ll find a unique weapon engraving. We’ve written a guide to help you with the AC Odyssey Pressed for Time ainigmata ostraka, in case you get stuck.

Where to find ainigmata ostraka at Prometheus & Birth of Humankind?
The tablet is in Phokis, at the site of the Prometheus and the Birth of Mankind monument. Once you reach the place of interest, look for a pair of tents right next to the monuments. There will be a bunch of stone bricks next to one of them, and the tablet will be on the ground close by.
Pressed for Time riddle solution
Description: If you slip beside the Leader’s house in Pilgrim’s Landing, you can find me in a large bowl of olives.
Once you have the tablet, go south to Pilgrim’s Landing. The leader’s house is on the eastern edge of town. You won’t be able to miss it, it’s a big, expensive mansion. Go either over or around it, and look for a clearing with lots of olives in various containers, as well as tarps strewn across the ground. One of the containers is shallow and wide, made from bright brown clay. That’s the one you should interact with in order to finish the puzzle and get the reward.
Reward: +2% elemental resistance engravingRemember – if you have trouble completing any of the other riddles, our Ainigmata Ostraka locations & solutions guide will help you find and solve them all, so you can get all of those fancy engravings and ensure 100% completion.