Pallas the Silencer Kosmos Cultist Location - Heroes of the Cult - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Pallas the Silencer is a member of the Heroes of the Cult branch of the Cult of Kosmos in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Unlocking him isn’t too difficult, but figuring out where to find Pallas the Silencer cultist is a whole different story. The location of Pallas is pretty mysterious. The clue does give you some strong hints, but it’s not nearly enough; there’s a lot of hoops to jump through. With all of that in mind, here’s our AC Odyssey Pallas the Silencer Kosmos Cultist location guide to show you where and how to find the cult member.

Where to Find Pallas the Silencer Cult of Kosmos Member in AC Odyssey – Heroes of the Cult Branch
To find Pallas the Silencer, you’ll have to participate in the Conquest Battle for the Achaia region. The catch is that you have to fight on the side of Athens, no matter where your actual preferences lie. If you fight on the side of Sparta, the cultist Pallas won’t spawn. So, once the region becomes vulnerable, make sure to report at the blue flag when the Conquest Battle becomes available. Luckily, it absolutely doesn’t matter whether the Athenians are the invading or the defending force; just fight for Athens, and you’ll be golden.
Pallas the Silencer will show up about the halfway point of the battle, so just try and live long enough. The game will show you a short cutscene showing you Pallas, and you’ll also get the objective to kill the Enemy Hero. Once you kill him, you’ll still have to play through the rest of the battle before you can proceed with the game normally.
If you’ve reached this part of the game and somehow haven’t really figured out Conquest Battles, here’s how they work. You’ll have noticed by now that every region in the game is under the control of either Sparta or Athens. As you complete missions and side content such as clearing out bases, their hold becomes weaker. When the purple meter on the map screen goes low enough (to Vulnerable), the possibility of a Conquest Battle comes up. And, once again, to fight Pallas the Silencer, you have to fight on the side of Athens in the Conquest Battle for Achaia.
I think I fought with Spartans by mistake and lost so I would have to redo the game to get this cult member back?
You can weaken the sparta in that area to fight again
I can’t find where the battle is
You must be in Achaia, and you must continually talk out Athenians. Check every building, walk every street, check the walls around the town on the western edge. Do not use quick travel as it will reset the weakness bar! Eventually you will see Conquest Available. Look on your map to the left center of Achaia for a red flag and a blue flag. Head to the blue flag. Stop and load up arrows and gear to your advantage and save. Walk into the fort and talk to the blue commander and agree to fight with them. The screen dims then comes back showing the battle. You gain control after killing some dude. Start fighting and taking out Athenians. After you take out a few you’ll get a notice to take out the leader. Big gold crown dude, take him down. As soon as you do that the screen shot shows the appearance of Pallas. He is a hard opponent, and he along with a few heavys will track you but try to keep moving and stay away from clusters of fighters. Have at it and try to take him down. Your critical hits really do little damage so you have to be persistent and keep his guards at bay at the same time. Not easy to do at all. I had to change my weapons and gear a few times to get a combo where I made decent headway and didn’t get killed with two hits. My most useful weapon is a level 58 curved blade staff that gives me 25% health on each hit and does warrior damage. Pallas loves to shoot multiple poison arrows. I’ve tried fire arrows in threes and given a moment I can knock his bar down a bit. The blade staff also cuts pretty good, but you need power up and that’s what that is for, if your low or out of yellow bar run away and start slashing regukarcsoldiers with it and your bar will fill right up. You can then use the health boost, and charged hits. Keep moving but don’t dawdle too much as Pallas health bar will recharge. Choose the armor that gives the best armor protection, or the most warrior damage. I’ve tried 10 times this evening, and almost had him but lost. My current set up should allow me to get him soon. I just hope the conquest battle is not gone when I get back on and I have to go through all that weakening the nation crap again.
I was suffering from the same predicament, I followed your advice and just defeated the last cultist. Thank you!
I fought for Sparta in Achaia…how can I kill Pallas now?
You’ll have to weaken Sparta’s hold on the area, killed the Spartan city leader, and do the conquest battle again.
How can I do the battle again
I fought with the Spartans before finding the clue of the cultist. How can I over come that
Also, destroy all weapons racks you come across. That also weakens the nation. It helps out a lot. Trust me.
You’re gonna have to go back and do all the nation treasures and s**t again to trigger another one so you can fight for athens
I cant kill pilas the silencer I don’t no what weapons to kill him with I’m on level 52 and he’s 50 impossible
You don’t have to be on the invading side you just have to fight for Athens
Why did not I meet this guy in the war?
Ok have the name and face of this cult leader. Have also done the battle three times now. Have gotten the flag each time prior to battle even. Yet, he has not shown up even once. He is actually my last cult member except for the ghost. Her name has shown up and know who she is. Just can’t figure why he has. Not joined the battle. I’ve known who he is from early on in the game I think about the same time I had found out his sister was in the cult. Actually a fifty now and it is getting frustrating that I can’t get this one guy to come battle. Have even done all but one of the mystical beasts and so on. Where have I missed something? Please help.
Did anyone figure this out? I have the same problem, and now I feel I am stuck!
Are you fighting the right battle? It’s not for Corinth, it’s for Achaia
I’ve killed the guys in front of him and in back. So I need to gain rep for athenians correct? Where is a good place to kill spartan guy?
You have to fight in the Athenian side and get a merc
How are u guys doing the battles multiple times? Just quicksaves. I accidentally did this fight a bunch of saves ago and fought w Sparta, so I think I’m screwed?
this may sound like i’m being sarcastic but are you sure you are in the right area. I did the battle 3 times in near by Arkadia before i realized i was in the wrong place. As soon as i moved onto the right area he turned up straight away.