Oikos Inventory October 9th - Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legendary Vendor
Oikos of the Olympians is a legendary vendor in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. He sells high quality gear – armor, weapons and cosmetic items – in exchange for orichalcum ore. His wares rotate each week, and the shift happens on Tuesdays. He just switched up his stuff, and if you keep reading we’re going to show you AC Odyssey Oikos inventory October 9th – what’s on offer, what it does and how much ore it costs.

Oikos of the Olympians – October 9th Inventory
This week, Oikos is selling the following things: the Paralos (legendary ship cosmetic), the Athenian Pteruges (an epic waist armor piece), the Bone Mace (an epic heavy blunt weapon), and the Serpent Bow (an epic bow). There’s also the Olympian Gift, which is always on offer. It’s a sealed container that costs 20 ore. It holds one piece of equipment, guaranteed to be either epic or legendary quality. It’s a gamble, but it’s a nice option to have if you don’t have another way to spend your orichalcum.
This legendary ship cosmetic costs 80 orichalcum, and it will pain the Adrestia’s hull blue and adorn it with blue sails. There are a lot of golden decorations on the woodwork, as well as a big emblem woven into the sails using a golden thread.

Athenian Pteruges
This epic waist band will cost you 40 orichalcum. It’s supposed to be part of the armor soldiers at the front of the Athenian phalanx use. It will give you +14% hunter damamage, +25% elemental buildup and +5 seconds burning duration.

Bone Mace
This is a heavy blunt weapon, which means it’s slow and powerful. It will set you back 50 orichalcum fragments. The perks it has grant the wearer +14% hunter damage, +25% critical hit damage and +20% adrenaline per critical hit.

Serpent Bow
This epic bow costs 50 orichalcum. Although the description mentions venom, it doesn’t actually affect your poison attacks. It does, however, give you +14% hunter damage, +10% warrior damage and +20% fire damage.