Assassin's Creed Odyssey Kill Monger in Theater or Cave - Monger Down
Killing Monger in the cave or theater is an important choice in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. It doesn’t seem like a major choice, but it does affect the ending of AC Odyssey more than you’d expect. The choice of where to kill Monger in the Monger Down quest is going to influence the way future quests, and block you from talking some cult members out of the Cult of Kosmos. With all of that in mind, here’s our AC Odyssey Kill Monger in Theater or Cave – Monger Down quest guide.

NOTE: There are going to be some pretty big AC Odyssey end-game spoilers in this article. If you want to play through the game without spoilers, please click away, or proceed with caution. That’s you’re warning, let’s dive in.
Kill Monger in Cave or Theater – What to Choose in AC Odyssey Monger Down Quest?
The choice between killing Monger in the Cave or the theater in AC Odyssey is a deceptively important choice. The game doesn’t reveal this to you at all. Depending on what you choose, you might end up completely blocking yourself from certain choices that will affect the ending to a degree. If you want to know what’s the best choice without any other spoilers, here’s the best choice: Kill Monger in the cave.

Here’s a quick rundown of what happens here. Once you bring down Monger to his knees, Anthousa will come into the cave and ask you to kill him publicly in the theater. This sounds like the right choice, doesn’t it? Show everybody that you mean serious business. However, the problem is that it steels the resolve of some of the cult members. As a result, you won’t be able to convince a certain character to leave, which has even more important consequences later on. Which brings us to our next section.
AC Odyssey Late Game & Ending Consequences of the Monger Down Choice – What Happens?
Last chance: we’re getting into some serous spoilers from here on out. Read the second paragraph to get the TL;DR version, and turn back now if you don’t want spoilers. Here we go. Choosing to kill Monger in the theater, as I’ve hinted at before, blocks you from managing to talk one member of the Cult of Kosmos from leaving. The member in question is Lagos, whom you will meet in Chapter 7, during the Judge, Jury, Executioner quest. The character Brasidas want to keep him alive, and doing that will further help you in the A Bloody Feast quest.
If you’ve killed Monger in front of it, Lagos will refuse to leave the cult, and you’ll have no choice but to kill him. That’s not exactly the worst of options, to be sure, but it will affect your ending to a degree. The arguably happiest ending to the game is one where you have as many people with you, and where you’ve killed the least amount of key characters. So, that’s why I’d say that killing Monger in the cave is the better choice. But, again, it’s all up to you.
Would’ve defeated him in cave but he threatened Alexis mom revenge
“The choice of where to kill Monger in the Monger Down quest is going to influence the way future quests, and block you from talking some cult members out of the Cult of Kosmos.“
WTF!? The choice is going to influence the way future quests what? Why is everyone so damned lazy these days that they immediately resort to relying solely on spell check instead of proof reading to make sure their articles actually make some semblance of sense before posting them?
Dude, this article is a game guide, nobody’s putting a gun to your head and making you read it, if you’re that much of a grammar nazi, don’t read it.
I’m actually coming in here to agree with HellbillyBob. That’s not grammar, that sentence makes no sense. “influence the way future quests…” what?
Awesome read with some good advice! Thanks.
Thank you very much for how you wrote this and how great the spoiler warnings are.
Awesome idea of offering the “best” option before reading into spoilers. I took it and I didn’t read any further, I wish more can do like you guys did. GG