The Floor is Lava Ainigmata Ostraka Riddle Solution - AC Odyssey
The Floor Is Lava ainigmata ostraka is a riddle for you to solve in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The first step is in Epidaruos Akropolis where you find the ostraka, that sends you to find a precious relic in Foundry of Hephaistos. This isn’t exactly the most difficult of riddles to solve; that said, you might still have trouble figuring it out. If you do end up needing help, here’s our AC Odyssey Floor is Lava ainigmata ostraka solution guide.

Where to Find Ainigmata Ostraka in Epidauros Akropolis?
Epidauros Akropolis is in the Kingdom of Hope region of Argolis. The Epidauros Akropolis is marked on the map as a temple, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to spot. The ostraka itself is near the temple proper. Specifically, there is one place, kinda like a marble courtyard, that is hewn into the rocks behind. There’s a basket of flowers and some pots around the ostraka. Fortunately, you won’t have to go too far for this one.
Floor is Lava Ostraka Puzzle Solution – Foundry of Hephaistos Precious Relic
Description: Rumors are erupting that a precious relic was sent to be destroyed at the Foundry of Hephaistos. Dive down the throat of the volcano and be mindful of your footing. Some have been scorched trying to recover me.
The Foundry of Hephaistos is near the location of Epidauros Akropolis. In fact, it’s a volcanic island right off the coast, to the east. So, head on over there. You’ll want to climb the highest point of the island and get the synchronization point there. Do a leap of faith off the synchronization point and into the underground lake below.
Swim out of the lake and follow the path deeper into the volcano. As you go forward, you’ll come across a small, broken bridge on the left. Look beyond it, and you’ll see a waist-high statue on the rock in the lake of lava (and a charred corpse). That’s where the solution to the Floor is Lava ostraka puzzle.