Finger Tip Ainigmata Ostraka Location & Solution - AC Odyssey
A Finger Tip ainigmata ostraka in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is one of the many puzzles for you to solve. The beginning of the puzzle is in Desphina Fort, where you’ll find the ainigmata ostraka. The clue on the ostraka points you to the Valley of the Snakes, but that’s only the first step towards the ostraka solution and the reward solving it offers. So, with that in mind, here’s our AC Odyssey A Finger Tip ainigmata ostraka guide to help you out.

Where to Find Ainigmata Ostraka in Desphina Fort?
The Ainigmata Ostraka in Desphina Fort is in the west of the stronghold. Desphina Fort is in the northwest corner of the Hill of Sacred War area in the Phokis Region. As for the Ainigmata Ostraka, you can find it pretty easily if you let your bird fly around Desphina Fort. In short, go to the west of the fort, and look for a statue of a man enveloped by a golden snake. The Ostraka itself is next to an altar, which is right next to the statue. To reach the statue, go to the nearby green awning, and look for the arch leading into a tiny courtyard. The aforementioned statue is on one side, and another, less-descript one, is on the right. It’s hard to miss.
A Finger Tip Ostraka Puzzle Solution – Giant Half-Buried Location
Description: In the Valley of the Snake lies a giant half buried. From where his mossy finger points, head north to the peak where I can be found.
The first half of this riddle is fairly obvious. The Valley of the Snake is the area immediately to the northeast from Hill of Sacred War. If you go to the northeast from Desphina Fort into Valley of the Snake, you’ll come across the Satyr’s Respire synchronization point. Anyway, as you uncover the map to the east, you’ll notice the giant half buried on the map pretty easily, if you zoom in. It’s basically a huge statue of a man whose guts are being eaten by vultures (presumably Prometheus). The location is called Tomb of Tityos. Check out the screenshots below if you’re having trouble.
Now for the hard part – “from where his mossy finger points, head north to the peak where I can be found.” Basically, from the place where the statue, you have to go north, not where any of its fingers are pointing. Just go north, and start clambering up the nearby cliffs.
The only issue here is that the Finger Tip puzzle solution is not even in the Valley of the Snake area. No, it’s way further to the north, in the Grand Mount Parnassos region. You’ll have to clamber all the way to the top of one of the nondescript mountain peaks; which, in all fairness, is in a straight line to the north. Just be careful of the wolves and bears that will likely attack you up there.