Amazon & Achilles Set Legendary Armor - AC Odyssey
Amazon & Achilles are two legendary armor sets in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The reason they’re often lumped together is that they’re the same – one is exclusive to Kassandra, the other is only meant for Alexios. Apart from the looks – both of which are based on famous movie or comic book outfits – they’re entirely the same. Both offer the same set bonus, and their pieces have the same perks and stats. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get Amazon & Achilles set AC Odyssey legendary armor, what it looks like and its stats.

How to get Amazon & Achilles set?
In order to get either of these legendary armor sets, you’ll have to defeat the Heroes of The Cult. They’re one of the branches of the Kosmos cult, and you’ll find them on the right side of the diagram. There are five pieces in the set, and each of the lower tier cultists will drop a piece on death. The head of the branch will reward you with a weapon, so you don’t have to kill them in order to get the full set.
AC Odyssey legendary armor – Achilles & Amazon
The Amazon set looks like Wonder Woman’s costume. It consists of a leather bodice, bracers that cover the entire forearm, a skirt with leather tassets, metal greaves that cover the entire shin and the inevitable circlet/headband. The Achilles set, on the other hand, will make Alexios look like Brad Pitt in the movie Troy. It’s a dark brown outfit that combines leather and metal, along with golden ornaments. The helmet leaves the face open and has a giant, dark plume.
As we’ve mentioned, they’re completely the same stat-wise. The set bonus returns 2% of damage dealt as health. As for the pieces themselves, here are the perks they offer:
- Head: +15% warrior damage, +25% crit damage
- Arms: +15% warrior damage, +15% adrenaline per hit
- Torso: +15% warrior damage, +10% health
- Waist: +15% warrior damage, +5% crit chance
- Legs: +15% warrior damage, +5% all damage
What if I start a new game plus with the other character.
Will the sets change?!
So %5 damage dealt restored as health, that’s not very clear, at all. Damage I deal to enemies restored as health? Damage enemies deal to me restored as health? WTF?
5% of damage dealt restores health
I killed pallas the silencer but he didnt drop the helmet of achilles i need help.