AC Mirage The Gift Enigma Location

The Gift Enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the bane of my existence. I spent hours searching for its solution location. It all starts innocently enough in the AC Mirage Abbasiyah district. AC Mirage The Gift Enigma is picked up on top of a house in the central-western part of the district. It tells a sad story of lost hopes and then poses a riddle about casting a gift into the river next to a bridge by a famed market. I thought this would be simple enough. Little did I know it will take hours and some help. To avoid what I went through here’s AC Mirage The Gift Enigma solution location just for you.

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AC Mirage The Gift Enigma Solution Location

I cast my gift into the river

The Gift Enigma consists of the following text:
If you should read this, know that I waited, in my hand a token of past glories, my pledge to set aside the trappings of war for children’s toys and laughter.
You never came.
I cast my gift into the river, saw it borne towards the bridge where we first courted, near the gate famed for its markets.
May it sail on towards the setting sun, far beyond my view.
Bearing with it every hope I had of us – of me and you.

Start Location
The Gift Enigma can be started by picking up this book on the rooftop of a building.

“There will be swimming in this one”, I thought to myself. Taking place in the ancient city of Baghdad, AC Mirage does not put emphasis on traversing water surfaces as much as previous games in the series. This would be a perfect way to explore its waterways. I then read the part about the bridge that is near the gate famed for its markets. There are several famous markets in Baghdad. There’s the Bazaar and the Four Markets points of interest. You can also search around the Tuesday Market POI near a gate exiting the city. Plenty of bridges are around there. Unfortunately, AC Mirage The Gift Enigma was not going to make it that easy for me.

The Search for AC Mirage The Gift Enigma Solution

I went to all the bridges around famed markets and then jumped into the water. Found nothing. I then looked at the part that says that it may sail on towards the setting sun. This could mean that it went west down the river. I swam and then dove across both rivers in Karkh and Abbasiyah in both directions. Nothing. I though I was going blind and then asked my wife for an extra pair of eyes. She looked at one half of the screen and I at the other. We then proceeded to use a boat to push ourselves along both rivers for an hour. We went through all the waterways of Baghdad. Nothing.

The Search

I spent the wee hours of the night going another circle around the waterways without any luck. I thought it might be underwater so I then spent a lot of time in the the depths of murky waters. Even visited Caravanserai outside of the city walls. Nothing in the water and nothing on its shores. I then turned to our YouTube crew for help in the morning. They found it in 15 minutes. AC Mirage The Gift Enigma is located outside of Baghdad.

AC Mirage The Gift Enigma Location Map

You want to follow the waterway exiting Baghdad and going west from the start of the enigma. You then want to reach a wooden bridge halfway on your way to the Euphrates. I believe that is the big river on the west side of the game’s map. The Gift Enigma solution is in front of the bridge on the southern bank of the canal. For the exact location on the map of the solution to The Gift Enigma refer to the screenshot bellow.

AC Mirage The Gift Enigma

Thus ends the sad and epic story of my search for the gift. All other enigmas in the game were easier to find for me. Usually, after picking up an Enigma puzzle I would then find its location in the same district. This is where AC Mirage threw a curveball. Besides, who puts that it is located near a famed market and then not use the Bazaar? I appreciate all the historical effort they’ve put in to faithfully present ancient Baghdad, but still. Someone evil in Ubisoft is snickering because of this riddle. This is, by far, the thing I spent the most time on in the game.

The Gift Enigma Reward

Once you reach the bridge outside Baghdad and interact with the white shine on the ground you’ll get a Knight’s Talisman. This is a cosmetic item that hangs from your back. In-game text says that this talisman would have adorned the horse that bore an Abbasid knight into battle. Red and gold, it bears the cavalry’s colors. You can go into your inventory and then equip it to marvel at the accomplishment that was finding the Gift Enigma solution.

Knights Talisman

Visit all Enigmas in AC Mirage guide for spoiler free list of starting positions. If you need help with individual ones then see the list bellow.


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