AC Mirage Nehal's Calling, Hidden Place North of Aqarquf Dunes
Assassin’s Creed Mirage Nehal’s Calling quest will have Basim meeting with his childhood friend, Nehal. After a heartwarming exchange, she will reveal that she’s being troubled by dark visions and a strange symbol that is “calling her”. She doesn’t know what is this about, she only knows that this location is at a hidden place in the Oasis north of Aqarquf Dunes in AC Mirage. In this guide, we will help you pinpoint the exact location of this mysterious place.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Nehal’s Calling Location
One of the early investigations in Assassin’s Creed Mirage will send Basim back to Anbar, the starting location of the game. There, he will seek his old hideout (“My Old Home”), where he will look for Nehal. She is one of his biggest childhood friends and, from time to time, a partner in crime, given that they were both thieves. However, this time around, she’s not here because she has that kind of a job for him. Rather, she’s being haunted by strange visions. And she cannot distinguish between waking and dreaming.
She only knows about the strange sign which is calling her. She explains to Basim that there’s this strange hidden place somewhere at the Oasis north of the Aqarquf Dunes. That’s the only clue we have. So, where exactly is this hidden place in the “Nehal’s Calling” investigation? Read on as we explain all you need to know.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage Hidden Place at Oasis North of Aqarquf Dunes Location
As the first clue suggests, the hidden location is somewhere around the Oasis north of the Aqarquf Dunes. This location is in the Wilderness West, north of… well, the Aqarquf Dunes. Check out our map for the exact location. Once you are there, it can be really tricky to find the exact entrance. However, Enkidu, Basim’s faithful eagle, can help you a lot with this one.
The thing is, this hidden place north of Aqarquf Dunes in AC Mirage is not somewhere around the Oasis. It actually right inside the water in the Northern Oasis! Hence, what you need to do is jump into the water and swim towards the spot you can see in our image. Once there, dive down. The area where you need to dive has bubbles/dirt on the surface, so it should be easy to know where you need to dive.
As you dive down, you should be able to spot an underwater chasm. Continue diving down the chasm until you reach the bottom. There, you should spot a tunnel cave-like passage. Continue through it, and just swim until you reach the other side. This will eventually bring you to the mysterious chamber! And that’s it, that’s the hidden place in Oasis north of Aqarquf Dunes in AC Mirage!