How to Decrease Notoriety in Assassin's Creed Mirage

The life of an Assassin is one that depends on secrecy. After all, you don’t want people to know what you look like. Or, even worse, to be on the lookout for you. AC Mirage has a system that is very similar to GTA’s Wanted Level, called – Notoriety. If you perform actions such as failing to pickpocket NPCs or killing them in broad daylight, your Notoriety level will go up. This will cause more (and tougher) Guards to appear and to more easily detect you. We don’t need to point out that this is very bad news for any Assassin, and that it can quickly cut your newfound career short. Luckily, there are several ways to lower and even remove Notoriety altogether. Here’s how to decrease Notoriety in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

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How to Decrease Notoriety in Assassin's Creed Mirage
How to Decrease Notoriety in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

AC Mirage How to Lower Notoriety

First, let’s see how the Notoriety system works. You gain Notoriety by doing things such as unsuccessfully pickpocketing NPCs, stealing from them, and murdering them around other NPCs. Basically, everything that a Thief-turned-Assassin should avoid. There are three Notoriety Thresholds (think of them as Levels). Each one has bigger drawbacks for Basim. On the First Threshold, civilians can recognize Basim and call for Guards. In addition to this, Wanted Poster with Basim’s likeness start popping up.

On the Second Threshold, even more Wanted Posters are going to appear across Baghdad. These will draw greater crowds of people and more people will be aware of how you look. Also, Guards will have an easier time detecting you, and Archers will start appearing on rooftops. This makes exploring the city much more dangerous. And on the Third and final Threshold, the Elite Shakiriyya Guard are going to be on your trail. These enemies are very strong, and getting rid of them is no easy feat. Guards can spot you even more easily, there are more Wanted Posters (and more people aware of them), and NPCs are very likely to recognize you and call the Guards on you. You will have a lot of problems navigating through the city if you reach this level of Notoriety. As such, it’s best to avoid this altogether.

So now that you know what each of these Notoriety Thresholds does – how can you reduce your Notoriety in AC Mirage? Or even eliminate it altogether? Well, the first thing that you can do to decrease your Notoriety is to tear down Wanted Posters. This way, the civilians won’t know what you look like and they won’t alert the authorities to your presence. The second method is to use Favor Tokens to bribe certain NPCs. This is a sort of in-game currency that you can use to lower your Notoriety. You can also use it to obtain information, and to distract guards during quests, or to hire mercenaries to attack guards you want to take out. Because of this, you will want to have as many of these Favor Tokens as possible on you at all times. To earn Favor Tokens in AC Mirage, complete Contracts and pickpocket NPCs.

Shakiriyya Guard attack you on the Third Notoriety Threshold
Shakiriyya Guard attack you on the Third Notoriety Threshold.

And the last method is to kill the Elite Shakiriyya Guard that are after you. As these only appear on the Third Notoriety Threshold, and not to mention – that they are pretty difficult opponents to beat – you should think of this only as a last resort. All in all, it’s a much safer bet to rely on tearing down Wanted Posters and using your Favor Tokens to get rid of Notoriety instead of fighting it out with the Shakiriyya.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.


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