Batman: Arkham Origins, just like its predecessors, has several collectibles for those gamers that love exploring the game’s world. Enigma is up to no good and he is blackmailing the good citizens of Gotham.
It is your job to complete a set of
Enigma Datapacks to decipher Extortion Files and stop Enigma’s blackmail attempts. Each district in the game contains several Extortion File collections for you to locate and secure. There are total of 20 of these file collections and each contains 10 datapacks to be found. We have explored every nook and cranny and compiled guides for each File. Each guide contains screenshots with map locations and brief explanations on how to find that particular extortion file. You can find the list of all Enigma Extortion file locations we have uncovered so far bellow. They are sorted by the district they can be found in (note that some span across several districts). We thought this will help your collectibles hunting per district. We’ll be adding more to this list as we go through the game.
Diamond District
Industrial District
Dark row
- Extortion File 1 (coming soon)
- Extortion File 2 (coming soon)
- Extortion File 3 (coming soon)
- Extortion File 4 (coming soon)
Amusment Mile
- Extortion File 5 (coming soon)
- Extortion File 6 (coming soon)
- Extortion File 7 (coming soon)
Shadow park
- Extortion File ? (coming soon)
Gotham Bridge
- Extortion File ? (coming soon)
- Extortion File ? (coming soon)