Anthem Physical Sales Down by Half from ME Andromeda in UK
The physical sales of Anthem, at least when it comes to the UK, have been enough to propel it to the top of the chart. Despite that, the sales are down drastically compared to BioWare’s previous child, Mass Effect Andromeda, and even worse when you pit it against Destiny 2, which many consider to be Anthem’s top competition.

Anthem is a weird thing. It seems that it’s doing well, and yet not doing well at all. According to Eurogamer, the game has reached the top of the list of best-selling games in the UK (physical copies only, though). This is good news, right? Well, yes, until you learn that Anthem has moved just half the number of copies as Mass Effect Andromeda has in the same amount of time. Well, okay, Andromeda and Anthem are drastically different games in almost every way. True, but compared to Anthem’s arguably main competitor, Destiny 2, things are even more dire. In fact, Anthem has sold only a quarter of physical copies that Destiny 2 had in its first week.
Now, it’s true that these numbers don’t reflect the actual sales. It’s true that the majority of Anthem’s sales come digitally. Especially considering that you can get it for “free” on PC if you have an Origin subscription. Honestly, it’s starting to look to me like EA released Anthem solely as a method of boosting the number of subscribers for their service. So yeah, I’m sure that the actual sales are actually higher if you take digital sales into account. Will that be enough, though? Who knows. We’ll have to wait and see.
Anthem, as you probably already know, has come out for everybody on February 22nd, on Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4. We’ve written a number of Anthem guides, including How to switch weapons on PS4, XBOX One and PC, Elements & Elemental Effects – How to Use Ice, Fire, Acid, Electricity, and How to Equip Banners & What They Do, among others. So, check them out, if the game is giving you trouble.