How to Unlock Harv's Shopping Plaza ACNH 2.0
The latest update to Animal Crossing New Horizons, which has updated ACNH to 2.0, has been a particularly substantial one. Many new additions have made their way to the game, and you are now able to cook, grow crops and vegetables, have a cup of coffee with your friends in a new café, and so much more. One of these additions is the inclusion of Harv’s Shopping Plaza. This location can be found on Harv’s Island, and it becomes available after you complete certain steps. To help you get busy shopping at this wonderful new place, our How to Unlock Harv’s Shopping Plaza ACNH 2.0 guide will explain what you need to do to unlock this shopping area.

How to Open Harv’s Shopping Plaza in Animal Crossing 2.0
To be able to open Harv’s Shopping Plaza on Harv’s Island, you will first need to have a 3-Star Island Rating. If your island fulfils these prerequisites, and you have completed Harv’s photography studio tutorial, then you need to wait a day. After waiting for 24h, check your mailbox. You should see a letter from Harv, inviting you to his island. Go there and you will see him and Harriet in an area out back. Speak with them and they will explain that Harv wants to turn this area into a bustling hub of commerce. You can now donate your Bells to build up shops in to populate this shopping plaza.
Each shop costs 100,000 Bells, and there are seven of them. These are: Redd (art dealer), Sahara (rugs and wallpapers), Kicks (shoes and handbags), Leif (seeds and starts), Tortimer (home storage), Reese and Cyrus (furniture customization), and Katrina (fortune-teller). In addition, Harriet will also be here, providing hairdressing services, but you do not need to pay for her shop as well. While you will definitely want to open up all of them, if you are short on cash, our advice is to donate to open Leif’s store first. Gardening and cooking are such important additions to ACNH update 2.0 and you will want to have access to gardening materials he sells.
thank you so much; every other website said “just walk to it on his island!” and i didn’t have it. this is incredibly helpful, thank you again 🙂