Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons Dodo Codes are temporary codes that you use to invite friends to play online co-op multiplayer with them. This requires you to go through several steps, and also unlocks some new options on your Nook Phone. If you want to play co-op multiplayer online, you have to figure out how to use the dodo codes and invite friends. We’re gonna break the process down in our Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons guide, including how to add people to your Best Friends list.

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to Invite Friends & Share Dodo Codes?
To invite friends and share Dodo Codes in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to go to the airport. Walk right into Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville (the guy behind the counter). Select the option “I want visitors.” Then, select Online Play (you can do local if you want, but Dodo Codes play not part there). Now, choose “Invite via Dodo Code,” then “The more the merrier.” This will make your lobby public, but won’t allow just anyone in, don’t worry. Confirm your choice, and you’ll get the temporary Dodo Code. Share it where and with whom you want.
Tips & Tricks you should know while playing Animal Crossing New Horizons
The people you shared the code with have to go to their Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville, then tell him that they want to visit an online town, then give the code. You’re free to do what you want in the meantime. When they do arrive, they won’t be able to cut down trees and such until you add them to your Best Friends list. To do so, open the Best Friends List on your Nook Phone. It will show you a list of friends you can add to the list, so add your visitor (you can add a bunch of people at the same time).
Once your Best Friends invitation is accepted by another player, they gain the same privileges as you on your island. You can also message them using the in-game keyboard. However, be careful when adding players to this list, as they can destroy and stole things on your island. For more info on playing the new Animal Crossing with friends, check out our Animal Crossing New Horizons Co-op – Local, Online Multiplayer guide.
I need peaches please.
I have all the other fruit, happy to trade!
My Dodo code is 66LVF
Hey! open the gate and i can drop some 🙂
My dodo code is KTSWW
I have cherries, pears, coconuts, peaches.
I need oranges and apples if you want to trade??
I need peaches willing to trade?
I have pear, apple, orange and cherries.
Hey, I’m in need of some peaches, I have the other fruit to trade or veggies too (tomato, wheat, sugar cane, potatoes, & carrots)
I’ll trade
I have both of those fruits
02SV8. I have cherries and a bunch of flowers near the left beach.
Can I visit?
I need gold nuggets can I get some from somebody or a web site
My code is 34B76
I’m looking to get cherries, pears, and apples. Can someone please help?
Hi I need help I have to trade sugar cane, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, wheat, pears, cherries, gold nugget’s young bamboo , bamboo I am looking for peaches ,Oranges and apples I don’t know how to get a codes thanks in advance
Hey can you open your island so I can visit?
Looking to buy fruits code 1239
Come to my island! My code is KX1Y4
Yes Here is my friend code KPR93
Can i please use this code? I olny have peaches cherries and coconuts 🙁
Hi I need you help please,
how do I get peaches and pears could you trade with me
Many thanks
who want to visit
can I visit
Mine is 7Q03H
I need apples, cherries and oranges.. help a girl out pls
Im new to this game. How can I visit other islands? I need dodo codes. Mine is H0554
I have cherries my code is 4583
My code is 4583 come I have cherries
My friend code is 5466-7453-5994 add me for free items and I have all fruits:)
Can we trade we need cherries pears oranges
I wanted to make friend .I a beginner .using Nintendo how to make friend need what
Sent you a friend request! I’d like some fruit!
Can you open your island so I can get fruits?
Are you still playing
Like to trade apples peaches pumpkins for cherries pears oranges.
Hi Krista we dont know each other I am looking to plant a cherry tree on turtle island would you have any please would be appreciated. Thank you
my code is 72H1D pls come. rules don’t pick up my flowers.
Can I visit?
Thanks! My code is 3H8B0 (last one is a zero).
I’ve got cherries and coconuts and hyacinth flowers.
can i come through to your island for cherries? i’m new and have peaches(:
I have pears oranges cherry an peaches..I need ur code
I need peaches is there a way we can make a trade I have every other fruit
Hello, I have peaches, pears and coconuts. Need everything else, whom’s island can I visit for a trade?
I have oranges, can I visit your island??
I have cherries and coconuts, let’s trade
I have oranges
I have oranges, apples, cherries, coconut, bamboo(idk if that’s even hard to get?)
Also, feel free to take flowers, shrubs, even a whole tree if you want. I have plenty! Please just don’t take items(like furniture and decorations). I would hope that would be obvious.
I really need pears and peaches if anyone is willing to give me their code. I’d greatly appreciate it!!
My code is J8BJF
How to visit your village ?
Is anyone online
I have apples, pears and coconuts. Need all other fruits. Would anyone like to trade?
I have oranges and coconuts
I’d love some oranges! Do you need any apples or pears?
I would love to have your apples & pears, I have oranges, coconut & cherry. Many thanks
I would love to have oranges, pears, peaches and if there are anymore fruits.
I have coconuts, apples and cherries.
Also looking to collect more flowers, don’t have any pansies, cosmos, hyacinths, roses or tulips but have wildflowers, and mum’s
I a beginner in this game .my code is 8140T .can I visit your village make friend with u
Hi I’m after oranges, apples and pears. I have cherries, peaches, coconuts and lots of flowers to trade
I would love some oranges pls
I have oranges, coconuts and apples…I need pears and cherries…. Anybody want to trade?
Can I visit you?
I have apples and peaches
Hey I have peaches, apples and coconuts
I have coconuts peaches and oranges
Code is BYM66 got bamboo apples and wildflowers want to diversify anything. Bring whatever and im sure we can make a trade
I need oranges. I have peaches, apples, pears, cherries and coconuts. What is your Dodo code to visit your island
My code is 8140T don’t mess my thing .make friend with me .thank u
Looking to join on line play. I have peach and cherry .
I have coconuts peaches pears and apple ?
I have oranges.
I need peaches please
I have apples
I have every fruit besides a pear! I would be willing to trade!
My gates open now for a little while, dodo code is 77GQ3
My gate is open, dodo code 12JDH
I need Erik can i please come to a Iland
I have pears if u still need them!
I have oranges and coconuts. Is anyone available to trade? I neeed everything else LOL
I also need bamboo! Would love to trade for anyone who needs what I have or would be kind enough to let me get some fruit! Thanks!!
Hey I have peaches a nook ticket, I need apples cherrys and pears. Do you have any. Could I have your code please Thanks!!
My gate is open my code is 6Q2HR
I have apples, pears, coconuts. Needing all other fruits! Thanks
hello! i have cherries, oranges and coconuts! would you like to trade?
That would be great! My gate is open now 77GQ3, otherwise we could coordinate another time?
I’m needing Cherries, Apples, Pears, and Pansies
I’ve got Oranges, Peaches, Coconuts, mums(in all colors, roses(in several colors), Windflowers(in almost all colors), lilies(in almost all colors), cosmos(in almost all colors), hyacinths(in almost all colors), tulips(in almost all colors)
Hey! I’ve got apples, as well as pears, let me know if you’re down to trade!
I need apples, I am going to leave my gace open
Hey I have apples and I need peaches, wanna trade? P.S I’ve never tried this out and I want to see how it works…
I need apples.i have peaches my code is JDVNL
I need peaches I have apples pears coconuts
Hi come and visit! 9NK4P
Gates open now. I’ve oranges, apples and coconuts; need pears, cherries and pears. Code:6YXP3
I have pears and cherries if you’re up
Need everything but oranges and pears
I have pears, peaches, coconuts, I would like something different if u have any
everyone come to my island I’v presents that you can chose from if you bring some pairs the code is ODJSM.
I have pears how many do you need more than happy to trade for apples or peaches!
I could give you 10 peaches if you want.
I need pairs and oranges if anyone has some I can trade for peaches , apples or cherries.
I have pears and oranges and willing to trade for apples and peaches!
I have lots of apples I am willing to get rid of if anybody wants some
I need pears, apples and bamboo shoots!
I’m using my boyfriends account as he has online!
Please reply with dodo code if you have these that I could have! Thanks!
I have bamboo. Do you have a fruit you’d trade?
I have apples, peaches and cherries if you want to trade
I hav everything like apples pears cherries peaches and lots more come to my island the code is B2VXH
Hi everyone come to my island pls I have lots but I want oranges pls come to my island if u have oranges the code is B2VXH
Can I come to anybody’s island
Can I come to your island
If anyone can help me pay my house down I need to make it big lol I placed so much stuff in the main room and lol and it’s cost me 300k + bells but I need 178k now but I need upgrade it more lol tyvm if I can come over to island also I’m new to this lol
Hey, I can come over and give you some bells?
What’s your friend code & add me
Mines SW-0519-5552-3023
Hi! I can play and please may I take the offer my friend code is SW-7355-1456-0222
My friend code is4800 7318 9313
whats your dodo code
My code is 17SYM
My friend code is 4047 0699 3696
Dodo code 315CS
I’m looking for apples. Will trade 10000 bells for 10 apples and 99000 bells for as many apples as I can carry.
You’re more then welcome to come to my island to pick apples. Lmk if you want my code.
Hey if I can have 1 Apple I can get 5000 bells
Hi everyone! Totally new to ACNH and I am an adult woman ( not a saddo I swear 🙂 ) Any other grown ups out there playing this? Thank the lord for this during lockdown ! Anyway, looking to start getting some friends for some island hopping. Let me know if you want to help me out. Cheers! x
I’m a adult, I just started. Looking for friends to play with
Well i’m needing friends on my ACNH
I have peaches, oranges and coconut trees. I need everything else. I too have just started and need any help gaining more fruit…
My dodo code is LM2K4…
Thanking you…
Hi Mel,
I have apples, pears, coconuts. Willing to trade for peaches and oranges! Or if you prefer bells or nook mile tickets, I can do that as well.
Sorry, I meant to address this to Suzals! I also have cherries to trade! Thanks!
Hi Amy,
I’m in the same boat. Have been feeling quite lonely in lockdown and would like to make some friends. Would you like to hang out? If so send me your dodo code 🙂
Hi there Amy. I’m a non-saddo adult as well. ?Started playing last year but have just realized having friends online could help speed up completing at least the fruits on my island. In any case my island has apples, oranges, bamboo, coconuts, and 5-star island flowers ?.
Hi Amy…I’m an adult (43 yo female).. playing this too 🙂 I just started and am trying to figure it all out! I could use a friend!
I’m adult too. Willing to share friend code to trade for cherries or as ts oranges. We have apples peaches pumpkins. My kids got me into acnh.
Code H321G
Does anyone have bamboo shoots and cherry
I have cherrys
I have some! FQVG9
Hey can I please have 1 Cherry I can trade if needed
Hey I need help getting a ladder can anyone help
Code : HR12Q
I have both
Dodo code is 30DVJ
hey my dodo code is KQXBW
Mine is NN0B2 – come visit!
R you still online?
I have some fruit (pears, cherries, coconuts and pumpkins) along with bamboo shoots.
What fruit do you have as I’m happy to exchange?
I have bamboo , pears ,cherry’s and coconut
Does anyone have bamboo shoots please
what is your turnip price in your island?
Turnips is 109 bells
turnip is 91 bells
Have a dodo code?
My dodo code is LM43N
does anyone have bamboo shoots
Yo Jason what kinds of fruits do you have? I have cherries pears and obviously coconuts
i have apples cherries peaches pears oranges coconuts
Does anyone have bamboo shoots
Does anyone have bamboo shoots
Dodo code is fn44v
Hi. I have apples, coconuts, oranges, bamboo. I’m looking for pears, cherries, peaches and others I have not mentioned above. Thanks.
Hi i have everything you do not have just give me your flight code and I will give you everything you need
My dodo code is HCKPD
does anyone have Bamboo
I got some
I have bamboo and I need any kind of fruit except apples/oranges/coconut. My code is 1SKJR and it’s open now.
Hey Keisha! I have cherries and pears!
i do
Anyone can I cost your town please
My dodo code is NMCT7
Ad me as a friend I’d love to help and get help my friend code is SW 4047 0699 3696
Vist your town please let me lol
I have bamboo
I do
My dodo code is C5G52
Is it still open
Hey is your island still open
Is anyone on right now?
Does anyone have an open island who has cherries, apples, or oranges? I have pear, coconut and Bamboo to trade.
Yes I do!
Oranges and apples!
I need apples. In return, I will give oranges, peaches, pears, cherries and coconuts.
I would love to trade but I’m in a middle of a test. 🙁
I have apples
I have all three of them
I will add you please to see what is next
my island is open
I have cherries and bamboo also i need 3 cardboard boxes
my dodo code is LWGSS i need 3 cardboard boxes
does anyone have cherries and bamboo
yes I do. Code is 0y8s1
My dodo code is 4Y4D8 plzzz come
Could I visit someone’s island to sell turnips please!!
Do you have a code so we can visit? What fruit do you have?
I do…I’ve also sent you a friend request
I have cherries!
need friends
friend code is SW-2120-9871-2048
I need cherries and bamboo
I only have pears coconuts oranges apples
I have cherries and bamboo coconuts and apples. I need pears and oranges and peaches.
Hi! I have pears, peaches e oranges!
I need apples and cherries! ☺️
i have peaches
I have tons of bamboo and 3 cherry trees. I need apples and pears 🙂
Well i need pears to and i have cherries so yeah ima add you has a friend
i have all of the fruits & bamboo, just be respectful.
I added you as a friend. I have cherries. Need pears.
Hi . Hope you don’t mind I have sent a friend request /
I have just added you, jay.
My island is open. Dodo code 5673L. I have oranges and apples. Looking for peaches, pears and cherries.
I have peaches. Looking for apples. Can visit your island anytime within the next 4 hours. Can bring 10 peaches in exchange for 10 apples.
I have apples, coconuts, bamboo and cherries. Need peaches, pears and/or oranges.
Is it ok for me to visit my shop is under construction and need to sell, is there anything you need?
I’m super new and I don’t have much to offer but if you visit I have free things to the left on the beach of you entering my island. I really need iron nuggets to build my store. I’m only 9 shy of having enough.
Please don’t shake/steal trees or steal/trample flowers. I’m still creating and building my island. (: please be kind
My code is :198P2
any one got good turnip price
island open now.
Can I visit?
Can I visit you island please?
Shops open?
Can i code?
Can I visit please?
I am new to animal crossing new horizons and would like to make some friends . My island is called paradise and my native fruit is oranges. I would like to trade for pairs and cherries and if possible a hedge fence. My island is open. My code is MCKBS.
May I please visit your island? I bring gifts! ❤️
Can I visit your island please?
Island open.
Anyone open? I have all the fruits
you open
Does anyone have a dodo code?
is your code still available?
hi does anyone want my fruit
hey is your code still available?
ill open it in a min
it will be available at 10:00 pm (4:00 pm)
it will be available at 10:00 pm (4:00 pm)
what’s your code?
here our the hours:
its open!
Hi ,my dodo is 2103
um you open
do you still have fruit?
What fruit is there I have peaches pears and apples, and what do you want in retention. 🙂
Can I have some pears plzzz
Have u got pears that’s all I need
What fruit u got
whats your code
Hi please, I need fruit
i actually have all the fruits do you want some
Can i come please? Im missing 3 fruits – apples, oranges and pears
Dose anyone leave gifts for people on the islands
I am new to animal crossing and I don’t know anyone with online play and need friends can someone help please
Heres my dodo code if you want me to show you how to play: 0518
ok gimme a min
can you came to mine
Hey I’m new to animal crossing , looking for some friends to help one another
Add me sw-1681-3753-5803
I have all the fruit do you want some
Hi I have oranges apples pears and coconuts, will happily trade for some peaches please!
Hi I have peaches! Need pears!
I have pears!! do you have any unwanted diy or furniture?
Would love to trade!
I have pears!!
Can someone please let me visit there island
Hey I have peaches, I’ll trade
Hi! Just joined animal crossing my friend code is SW-55602796-2410
I have pears and coconuts, can i have a peach please? ?
Hi I’m new to the game and looking for iron nuggets do you have any at your island?
I have 11 pieces of iron nuggets do you want some?
island door open right now.
island door open right now.
I’m just starting out on animal crossing, if you wanna add me here’s all my info:
my friend code is SW-0591-7279-3605
Do you have a southern or northern hemisphere island?
Hey Can I Come To Your Island Because I Need Some Iron Ore If You Have Any?
My friend code is SW-0721-2844-4610, please add me! I am very willing to share stuff
my code is D46CH !!!! please come to my island!
Visit me!!! my dodo code is 714X6
Mines MTVMX new to this
Hey do you have any peaches? Have all other fruit but no peaches sadly!
Can I add you as my friend? I juts got animal crossing
Can i still come to your island?
Hello!,i have peaches for bells or any other fruit my dodo code is:jsyff.
Hello, my dodo code is C581K if people want to visit please. I have Cherries and I am willing to work out swaps as I get into the game.
Hey can I join ? Thanks ?
I need cherrys can swap for any other fruit or bells thanks
Hey I have cherry’s would love to give you some for some peaches in return?
Hey! I’m new to the Nintendo switch and animal crossing. I need friends SW-7855-8944-0874. I have apples too btw
Done 🙂
I’m new to animal crossing and I have peaches
What’s your code?
if you want to join me here is my code: 0518
Hi what’s your dodo code as this isn’t right and I’ll come visit? Thank you
I sent a request 🙂
Idk if anyone wants to play at this time but I’m open my dodo code is: JJ9NN
friend code is still the same btw.
Can you be online?
My friend code:5022-4144-6371 my dodo code: BHMQ9
I’ll be open till 1 P.M
Is this still open? 🙂
Hi I’m new in Animal crossing! Please add me SW-3962-1912-1119. My gate is open. Anyone is welcome to visit my island. My dodo code is 6SRMX. Anyone has fruits other than cherry and peaches?
hello, can i visit? i have pears and oranges
Would love to visit, I have all fruits apart from peaches
Currently I’m playing minecraft and anyone that owns minecraft and I know this is a website for animal crossing but I get tired of games then play them later so I’m asking if anyone wants to play minecraft and my friend code is still the same and this requires Nintendo switch online.
I’m currently playing minecraft and I want you to play with me my friend code is: 5022-4144-6731
I want people to play with and if you are on ur second day needing help or want to play with me I have a new dodo code its HFWQT and my friend code 5022-4144-6731 plus if u need anything just ask. My goal right now is to be at a 5 star rating and this will be open till 2 p.m thank u
Hi! I have been playing AC for a couple of months but have absolutely no friends – I am seriously lacking different fruits and other stuff – any chance you’re island is open? I’d love to come look and same to you if you need an island to visit. Thank you!!!!!
Looking to add friends on AC. Current Dodo code KTV17, gates are open! Friend code SW-2486-2451-5518.
My friend code is 072128444610. Feel free to add me 🙂
Sorry I changed it on mistake my dodo is now: C325G
Come help me make it to a 5 star rating and if you need anything tell me and this dodo code will be open till 1 p.m so friend me and play whenever please and thank you -Joshua that wants friends
Hey it’s me again play with me by this dodo code its M5V17 and I have the free 7 day trail for Nintendo switch online and I want play with someone before it goes out please and thank you plus give me island decoration tips by replying please and thank you. My friend code is 5022-4414-6731
My dodo code is FWYJG please play with me im lonely also my friend code is 5022-4414-6731
Are you open now? I’m looking to visit islands and make new friends 😀
Me too ?
If you leave your gate open I will be there later
Hey guys! I’m new here, are you playing right now? My dodo code is 5YXB8 ?
Sorry for my bad english, I speak french ?
I’d love to play with you!
Hey I have apples and peaches! take as many as you would for furniture and dod code is FQTXB come at any time open in till december 15 2020
my dodo code is 3VV5S, i have apples, peaches and coconuts and I’ll trade for cherries, oranges, or pears
When can I visit your island.
Send me your dodo code.
Looking for some fruit
My code is H3R8B
We have pears, apples, pumpkins, oranges. Bring peaches. Code is G7052.
Hey there! I have both cherries and pears! Am I able to trade you for some apples and peaches please?? Thank you so much
I have apples and peaches, and I want cherries pleaseeee
I have cherries! 92TL3
This code is not working
My dodo code is M9342
Does anyone have apples, oranges, and/or peaches. I have cherries, pears, and bamboo shoots that I could trade in return.
I have oranges, peaches apples and coconuts
I need pairs cherry’s and bamboo
I have apples and Peaches ??? and coconuts and pumpkins.
ok but what is th code
you c a n join my dodo code is BC5LT
I have apples and oranges I can trade. I need pears.
I have apples cherries orange and bamboo. I really would like pears and peaches
My Dodo Code is 6DWMM.
Please bring Scorpius Fragments-otherwise don’t bother coming in.
Enjoy your visit!
Hey my island code is K81NS if anybody wants to come, I have all fruits except oranges if you can bring some
I have oranges. Are your gates open I can bring some?
Bdlmk is my code can’t seem to travel 🙁
When can I visit your island.
Looking for some fruit.
Need you dodo codr
Im letting anyone join me. my gate is open. my code is MRR91
My friend code is SW-5466-7453-5994
Please sumboddy
come to my island with orange we can trade for pears peaches cherries or coconut the dodo code is J81S
I can come with oranges are you on now? What’s yours code
Hey, I think your code is missing a number/ letter. I can visit now and trade oranges for your cherries. What’s your dodo code?
I have oranges will trade for pears
Come visit me code 63ns2
I have Oranges , Peaches and coconuts willing to trade for pears, Apple and cherries
Hey Joe, I can trade you cherries and pears for oranges and peaches. Could you place send me a could. 🙂
*Sorry I meant to say code.
Hey Joe, I have some cherries and pears, would love to trade them for peaches and oranges. Could you send a dodo code. 🙂
I am new to the game switch and just learning how to use it for the friends codes but I don’t know how to visit yet
Hai! I’m rai! 21 F, Kinda new to animal crossing new horizons I only have one friend so I’m in search of new ppl to play with also to find new fruits as I only have pears right now if you’re open to a new virtual pal or wanna share some fruit my friend code is SW-3485-6261-6326
Hey i was wondering if i could visit ur lsland!!
My code is 4217
Is anyone online? Looking for pears and peaches and dont have any friends.
I have pears if you’re still looking, I’m looking for peaches and apples
Need cherries I have plenty oranges
I need orange and coconut to plant…. Can you come to my island
hey i need pears and was wondering if u could give me your code because i really need more fruits am broke.
actually i need all da fruits except cherries, peaches, and coconuts
Does anyone have any peach trees I can come get?
Hi I have pares my code is 4217 you can take some
I have peaches and apples. Looking for oranges and pears. Friend code: SW-4767-1506-5106
Hey does any one have peach’s and apples it’s the only fruits i don’t have
Hi my code is 4217 I have pares you can take some I all so have apple’s too
bro i got you i sent you a friend request but my friend code is SW – 0142 – 5012 – 9066
Hi my is Erika nice to see you
you c a n join my dodo code is BC5LT
I have peaches as my native fruit
Hi, can i visit your island? Need to find peach, cherry and pear tree.
Sure come on over I love visitors MYK63 is my code
I’m new to animal crossing and don’t know anyone else playing. My islands native fruit is oranges and I bamboo, cherries and coconuts. I’m looking for peaches, pears and apples. Please help
What’s your dodo code? I need some peaches I can give you whatever you need
8WFR5 is my dodo code rn and I got peaches so yea
I have peaches and pears let’s trade what’s your dodo
I have every fruit except pears so anyone who has pears please stop by. See me for the fruit, I have it at my house. I’m in a firefighter uniform. My dodo code is 22B1T
New Dodo code is 1P557
Hi , I am putting in the codes below but keeps saying can’t find anyone.. anyone able to help
Can I com visit someone’s island I have pears peaches and coconuts
I am ! ?
Hi my code is 4217 and I have pares
My code is 4217 and I have peaches pares apples pumpkins and coconuts so come and visit.
Hi I have pares and peaches and apples pumpkins and coconuts
I’ve got both pears and peaches if you need them!
i got peaches and i don’t have any friends either my friend code is SW- 0142 – 5012 – 9066
Who have oranges i need the dodo code is MCGHS
I don’t have any friends either. Feel free to come to my island. My dodo code is L1NLY
Plz come to my island dodo code:724P3 plz come with fruit
Hey I’m looking for pears I have other fruit if you wanna trade? And I also added you.
I’d love to be your friend. I have all the fruits except pears. I will send you a friend request when I get home from work. 🙂
I only have apples so ca you bring some fruit to my island? My friend code is: SW-5537-0175-1127
Hi im looking for island friends too! Add me
How do i add friends??
Please add CWX1P
Hii I’m new and I don’t really know how to comment on here but I’m also just started ACNH and would like new friends (: my dodo code is JXN4C. Anything helps (:
Do you have peaches?
I do 🙂
Hey! I search for peaches and pears.
My dodo code is 9SSYY
Hey, I have all the fruits except peaches, can I come to your island?
Come at Sky I have Apple (and maybe soon coconut). I’m new so I have no friends or rare resources.
Can i visit someones Able Sisters? I really wanna get new clothes!!
relatively established playing acnh. i have all the fruit except apples! feel free to come by and take whatever fruit you want. happy to help share extra furniture and recipes too:)
my friend code is: SW-4959-1121-9504
my gate is currently open: 7Q328
Hello could I Visit you? I want to get fruits I only have oranges ?
Heya, mine is 4819 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Hi I’m new my online dodo code is 4STSW
Are you still playing I would like to visit
hi so i tried and it said there were no islands i could visit idk why
Need pears and apples!! I have everything else!! Please come join my incomplete paradise!!
Looking for any fruits other than cherries and coconuts! SW-7505-1087-8413
I have apples and pears I’ll trade
Hi! What can I trade you for apples?
Hi, l’m quite new at this so l am just finding out how things are done & shared. please come visit my Sunny Island here is my Dodo Code 6TS4Y!
Hey add me! SW-1988-4014-2215
Add me I’m new. SW-2400-1439-4621
Any islands open with dodo codes?
I’m available at FDGJK
Yes 6TS4Y Come Visit.
do you guys have local play on because if you do my code is 1234
On my island I have coconuts, apples, oranges, and bamboo. I need peaches, cherries, and pears. Dodo code is 9WWNT
You online now? I have pears.
I have cherries and peaches if you want to trade
I got cherries and pears I can offer for about 1k Bells if thats ok
I have pears and cherries can i trade for apples?
Come visit my island I have cherries LBKJ1
Hi I’m new in Animal crossing! Please add me SW-3962-1912-1119. My gate is open. Anyone is welcome to visit my island. My dodo code is 6SRMX. Anyone has fruits other than cherry and peaches?
Hi! I’m still pretty new on ACNH and the Able’s sister’s shop opened on my island not long ago. I need bells, Nook mile tickets, wood, softwood, hardwood, iron nuggets, clay and stone and I have just started to develop my island so I took down all the trees and stones. If anyone seeing this has any of these items lying around that they don’t need I would be incredibly grateful if you could donate them to me. My dodo code is LT5DN. Thank you so much :3
Hi I’m coming p,ease get off nookphone!
Add me: SW-6589-0828-6379
Hey my name is vanessa winks can i visit someone island right now please?
56bt3 free diy cards shop open
I have pears, peaches and coconuts, any dodo codes open?
Hi! I’m looking for peaches and pears. Will be glad to trade some cherries, apples, or oranges for them!
I ha e peaches
I have apples and cherries I could trade you?!
Are you still interested?
Still interested?
Hi, I have oranges, coconut, peaches. I need pears?
I have peaches would you trade for oranges?
56bt3 free diy cards
Hello, please give me dodo code. I can share apples, cherries, coconuts, oranges, and pears. I just need peaches!
Hi I have peaches if you want to trade?
Sure, what is your dodo code
DNKW9 is my dodo code today if anyone wants to trade 😉
I am very, very new to Animal Crossing!! I am in search of cherries and oranges!
I have apples and peaches I can trade!
I actually don’t know how to go about trading so any kind guidance would be appreciated!!!
I have oranges and cherries! I’m looking for peaches for trade!
I have peaches
I want cherry and orange pls
I am looking for any fruit other than cherries or apples. I have them to trade. My gates are open and my DoDo code is LRXKT. Thank you!! =)
I can give you coconut.
Hi! I have some fruit that I can trade, if you are still interested? Just send me a dodo code and I’ll be right over to trade fruit.
What is your native fruit?
What is you’re dodo code so I can come to your place
If you have discord you can join servers made for trading like nookazon.
Can I visit?
Come to my island! My dodo code is FDB3G one rule is we have to talk and become friends in the game
Please visit my island. Im new. Pear is my native fruit. Frq2n
Hi. I really want to be friends with u so open ur hate or update code or something
I can give you oranges
Do you still need them?
need apples …CN6CS
Hi! I have cherries and oranges that I can trade for some of your peaches!
Any islands open with dodo codes?
My Dodo Code is BRV47, welcome to my Island.
Hello! My DoDo Code is HD1F4 and I hope I can make some friends
Hello, I am also quite new and if you have an available dodo code I would be happy to come over and friend you!
hey my name is vanessa and my dodo code is 6X5GM please visit me and give me you dodo code my friend code is
Vanessa I added you as a friend but don’t really know how to go to each others islands or anything ?
Dodo code: 3SB2G
I want lover boyfriend to my island.My dodo code is 1XXTP
I would love some apples cherries..
2xv6x DIY SWAP! plus all the fruit plus Bamboo and coconuts
My gates are open my dodo code is 9BJPF my island is not that good but I wanna have fun with some other people
My gates are open my dodo code is 9BJPF my island is not that good but I wanna have fun with some other people
Please come
Voici mon code ami: SW-5406-0781-8998
Je recherche des fleurs, objets
My gates are open…. I got fireworks. 8CXOM
I have oranges, apples and coconuts.
gates are currently open to anyone. Dodo code is LD017
I have pears, peaches and cherries.
Do you have some fruit I could have
I need peaches and cherries!!
My code is 3FWTV, I’m total noob, plz come , such a noob, sad.
913×5 I am brand new too!
treasure hunt 0GBWJ…..BE KIND
I can help you
My dodo code is MRCS3
i need cherry’s apples bamboo
Dodo code is KLJNV
Looking for recipes to cutting board ironwood dresser have all fruits
I have cherries, peaches, and bamboo.
I need pears, apples and oranges
FC: Sw-3059-6660-2712
Dodo: 3F3LK
Code is now JGC7J
I have pears, apples, and oranges.
I need cherries, peaches and bamboo. What is the updated code?
I need cherry.I have orange,apple,pears
I need apples
I can bring these all
need friends
friend code is SW-2120-9871-2048
I need apples, cherries and bamboo
I only have peaches pears coconuts
my dodo code is G13SB
What’s your dodo code right now jason
He might not reply
Fc 7325-0565-6801
And dodo code is 42q55
Your in luck cuz i have cherries and coconuts but i need pears, oranges, and apples
here is my friend code
Dodo code is 10WRP
Dodo code is 71GTD
Dodo code 3JVBW
What’s the code now Jason, I can bring apples and cherries.
Dodo code is G24DG
Can you give me your dodo code
I am going to come now if that is alright
I can give apples and bamboo if you can give a current dodo code
I’ve got cherries and bamboo. I need pears.
I have those fruits.
My dodo code is 2B6RW for my islands named Jadyland and I am marika1095 in acnh but I Find lover in this game for role play
Can I visit your island I have cherries?
Jason, what’s your code right now? I’ve got apples, cherries, oranges, and bamboo shoots in my pocket to trade you for some peaches.
Looking for dodo codes I have peaches and pears and cherries I want oranges and apples.
My Dodo Code is 8NTM5
Friends code is SW-4101-5390-3743
my dodo airlines code is DQL67 please visit i just want to play no turnip trades or anything
unless we both agree
Can I visit you?
Hey does anyone have like café like items that I could possibly have trade or sell I don’t have much bells or stuff to trade but I do have star fragments lol ?? idk but it would be greatly appreciated! Lol please help me out thanks a bunch ?❤️
Hey can you please come visit me My dodo code is : 92322
Sorry I didn’t see this my friend code is SW-0923-4601-6516 plz add me!
What’s your dodo code yo yo
Come visit I have cherrys lol
It did not work?
I need cherries! Can we trade?
Oops my code is N4368
I’ll come soon
hey im having a ANIMAL CROSSING yard sale if anyone is intrested please reply to me. How my yard sale works is you tell me what you want and i will give it to you after you pay. i have stalls set up so people cant steal. if you find this confusing, dont worry because once you see my setup in game, it seems wayyy less confusing. i also have free things, nothing major, just scraps of wood and walls and floors, stuff like that
I’ll come!
I will come..what s code?
ill go, need some furniture ?
what is your dodo code
what is the code
can you come to my yard saleeee
I would love to come to your yard sale, if it’s still going. What’s the code?
Gate is open come! Dodo code is 6GTJV
My gates are open my code is HX1RP
hey would you like to come to my yard sale?
Code 8T40Q
Are u still on??
Is this still available day 2 playing wanna visit if u wanna visit me my Code isNG34
Hey! You can come to my island the dodo code is FTGVT
Anyone looking for visitors? Just want to fish and catch bugs
Yeah sure why not just don’t do anything stupid and we’re good
Josie, if you’re looking for fish and bugs, you can come to my island, but would need you to bring some fruit with you. I’m stuck with apples, pears and coconuts. If you have other fruit to bring, let me know and you can catch all the bugs/fish you want.
Hi Rick, are you still after cherries? I’d like to visit your island to look for fish, bugs and hopefully one each of the fruits you have? Ta
Hi Sarah
U can visit my island
The code is 1F80H
I have Porta in boxes 😀
Good till July 22nd
Anyone welcome. Dodo code DF9CK
Looking for visitors 🙂
yeah ok
my dodo code is:
yeah I´m open for anyone
dodo code: 7C8PR
Looking for just one pear and apple to start my own little groove. Can trade cherries, coconuts, oranges, or peach!! Let me know will be on for another hour or two. code is 3Q11X
Me here’s ur dodo code D12AS
Entry fee is 30k
who can be so rude, and desperate for money that you force people to pay? sorry, but that’s just mean. and you don’t even give information about your island? :/ nope. at least bring it down to 10k.
Link, have the 30K, but I’m looking for different fruit, not apples, pears or coconuts. Do you have any other kind? If so, does the code you put in the chat still good?
Hi people I want to make friends in animal crossing
I’m new to Animal Crossing and would also like to make new friends and come visit your island!
What’s your Dodo code?
Please don’t pick my flowers
0STPH my dodo code
Please come to my island please please please i have cherries peaches and pears and my native is peaches
please bring oranges apples
i really want an online friend ?
i will give you supplies i have loads of iron nuggets!
northern hemisphere please reply if you are southern!
What’s your Dodo code? I’m new here and would like to make friends
i like have on animal crossing can you open gate come and phone talk to you . you got this i will open my gate give my dodo code hr599 soon you get this come over be open
hey maybe i can go tomorrow, if you don’t mind since it’s after the 15th.
I’ll come visit, I would love ore frens
Lost of Oranges!! New to Animal Crossing Come visit! HP36G
Lost of Oranges!! New to Animal Crossing Come visit! HP36G
Lots of peaches to share! Brand new to Animal Crossing and looking to make friends! Please come by! Just, please, no picking flowers or being rude/malicious. Thank you!
Code: M7DPK
Hi! I would love to go to anyone’s island as long as it has pears!!! I have any other fruit and would love to share. Just reply and tell me code please!! ?
Hello that code did not work and all it said was oh drumsticks how do i get it too work
Gates are open. Anyone want a golden watering can, sling shot, axe ? 2 gold and flimsy of water can or what other tool u want. 2MPD9
please help, I am in need of preaches or oranges.
I have a ton of stuff and trees and fruit to trade, please bring me the peaches and oranges, I only need 2 of each.
Please come to my island please please please i have cherries peaches and pears and my native is peaches
please bring oranges apples
i really want an online friend 🙂
i will give you supplies i have loads of iron nuggets!
northern hemisphere please reply if you are southern!
I will be your online friend
I’m southern & have the two fruits you’re looking for! Whats your dodo code?
hey, can i play with you tomorrow? you can tell me your friend code. (if you want to)
Lost of Oranges!! New to Animal Crossing Come visit! HP36G
Gates are open. F003F
Dodo code : 0NGP0
Dodo code 4NBPV
We want to join in but no dodo code
Gates are open dodo code is bxg72. Bring apples and oranges. We need them
I wanna join people >~<
[Code] 6V39P
[Note] I have a loan payment of over 200k to pay off and I only have 57k in my pockets rn so if I could have Bell donations so I can pay off my loan payment that’d be awesome 🙂
Can’t get in
Which fruits do you have??
My gates are open. Please don’t pic my flowers. 559N9
Can’t get in
I am coming to us island
Hi please visit me on DQ22B
Code: M3XJ0
Surprise mystery sale! 3,000 bells a bag! Come one, come all!
Code: KJ0FJ
Note: I need 15 pieces of wood, softwood, hardwood and 20 pieces of iron nuggets and in return i’ll allow you to take as much fruit as you want (I have cherries) and 3 apples. Thanks 🙂 My island is called Rose Isle and I might throw in some bells too!
If you wait, i have it!!
Now I have all the wood/hardwood/softwood I need, pls can someone give me the 20 iron nuggets 🙂 I have just started Animal Crossing and I need it to unlock Nook’s Cranny.
I have the iron nuggets but your island isn’t open
I have the iron if you still have the apples
Looking to visit someone’s island! I can bring goods if I have what you need. First time doing this, very new to the game! Looking for new fruits and trying to figure out turnips. Thanks, hope to visit someone’s island soon!
My code is 1TQG5
My gates are open. HSK7B
New code JTNTE
Join my island
Dodo code:
Fruit: All
For the first 2 people free present
Pls be respectful
Forget dodo code ?
i’m new to this game add me my code is 62SF6
Gates are open plenty fruit, fish and diving. KQRDD
Looking for someone who’s island is in the Southern hemisphere. Reply to my post and tell me your Dodo Code. I’ll bring you some apples and a present =D.
Mine is n4y70
The gate is open the code is 9wffvm
The gate is open the code is 5psnf
Any one want cyrano he is in boxes and I will sell him for 10k or if you don’t have enough 5k.
91CR7 🙂
My gates are open 2323
I have lots of Oranges!! New to Animal Crossing Come visit! HP36G
My island gates are open! The Dodo Code is FK3WD.
Please be respectful!
I have 5 free gifts and I have peaches and apples.
Still open ?
Yes it is still open
The gates are open code is nk7y0
Gang gang
My gates are open all fruit and flowers and sharks oh and diving 8Q7NM
Hi I was just at you island asking for flowers my name was Kay69
My gates are open.
All fruit, a lot of cherries
Fee: 30k
My gates are open… diving time. J291T
Still open?
My gates are open. BVD9G
The gate is open. The code is 6DFKD. And there’s a 10K entry fee to get into my island. and also please don’t mess up my flowers on my island or plz don’t steal stuff. Thxs!
Need to visit someone who wants to trade/sell : peaches, apples, windflowers…I have $, fruit and tons of wood
My code is 3RW8F
All fruits
Just looking to grind with people. Or to chill .org hang up to u tho
Hey I’m really bored and I wouldn’t mind if someone visited my island. The dodo code is KJ9J7. I’m also selling a bunch of items so make sure to come prepared ?
Come now! Code is: LHH4V
I only have apple and peaches and coconuts but in need of the other fruits
Hey! You can come to my island the dodo code is CDKX2
Hi! You can come to my island the dodo code is K5P1M
My dodo code is
Hey I’m really bored and I wouldn’t mind if someone visited my island. The dodo code is KJ9J7. I’m also selling a bunch of items so make sure to come prepared 😉
Looking for visitors or island to visit. Need apples, pears, cherries. Have oranges, coconuts and peaches to share. All kind of flowers. Dodo code K08BJ
I have Apples and Cherries if you still need some? Would like to trade for Oranges and Peaches. Send me your Dodo Code.
Hi I have apples and cherrys and pears if your still up for trading for oranges send me your dodo code please
My island is open. The code is 8WH31 but to get to my island there’s a 10K entry fee. And if you come to my island please don’t step on flowers or steal stuff. Thxs!
Hi is your gate still open
I have a free bamboo shoot available the code is L4BC6
are shops open?
My code is 0FBN0
The code is 8WH31. But to get to my island there’s a 10K fee to get into my island so if you go to my island please bring 10K bells to be able to get into my island. And no stepping on flowers or stealing stuff. Thxs!
Here’s my dodo code all fruit and shark. 946GH
Cn i go to your island?
Island open Dodocode 2PNV7 all fruits except cherries and apples. Looking for those as entry gifts if anyone has some to share. I think all my oranges were recently harvested. I have sharks and a five star rating so please be kind.
I have all fruit if you would like some bringing and 5 bamboo shoots!!
Dodo code is :6dnyw
It’s a great island
do you have cherry blossoms
Hi everyone! I will come to anyone’s island as long as it has pears. We need pears in our island. I will gladly bring any fruits you need. I also have bamboo shoots. Just reply to my comment and see when you are available.
Hi Elliot! I don’t have pears but i was wondering if u could spare any fruits cuz i only have peach and when my mum gave me the fruits i had no friggen idea what was going on so i ate the oranges. I only have peaches
I have Apples and Cherries if you still need some? Would like to trade for Oranges and Peaches. Send me your Dodo Code.
I have peaches! My friend code is 2462 7983 7397 and my dodo code is 9R2TQ
My code Osborn’s 3RW8F. I have all fruits and got somebody extra stuff
i am looking for islands to visit my Dodo code right now is: MG8M6
If you’ll cool and respectful then ill add your friend code.
Dont be shy
I would love to join your island
My dodo 2R63V
Please visit my island! really want some online friends
Dodo code is 7KQLK
I’ll come 🙂
I rly wanna play with people code is: FQS8G
Is your code the same?
My gates are open my dodo code is 9GYFJ pls come to my island thanks!
My dodo code is M5HPF
Text. Dodo code
Is anyone’s island open? Need some fruit and maybe some flowers.
The Dodo Code is DDTM4
My code 63rrh gates are open 🙂
Text. Dodo code
I want to go to someone’s island today. I am free!!!!
Anyone with peaches, pears, apples? I just need one fruit to get started.
I have peaches, pears, oranges and coconuts. What is your native fruit?
Add me add a friend, dodo code cdyw8
When r u open.?
My code is B0KC6. I need friends! And I need to travel to other islands please! I need rocks.
Hi! You can come to my island the dodo code is 7FNRX
Hi, I don’t smash my rocks often so you can happily come to my island. My dodo code is 2FSF9
I would like to make friends to play animal crossing
Non of my friends are gamers
I just restart my island
I don’t have much
I can add you as my friend!
ill play
I would like to play animal crossing together! just friend me code is: sw-6212-0860 3727
i just started and need friends!
Hi. My code is 5XLTC
Who wants some Twice clothes, I have Twice black hoodie en Twice black dress. I’m still doing some other K-pop clothes, design and other stuffs also. If you want some design that I could make, tell me, I’m gladly to help.
come and visit me! it’s my 3rd day on the island life 🙂
dodo code: 87NPD
Im trading and need friends and today’s and todays my-birthday code isNH71L
I tried but it will not let me.
My gates will be open now. The code is: 1LR2Y
im trying to visit u and cant seem to get to ur island is something wrong?
I need cherries. I have peaches, oranges, pears and bamboo if needed. Can pay bells too.
If you need Cherries I can help. We could do a trade, I only need oranges?
I have oranges. Are you still needing oranges? I can trade for cherries
I have cherries! I’ll trade you cherries for oranges!
I have oranges and can exchange for cherries
You need pears, wanna trade?
I need pears. I have cherries, oranges and peaches. You need any?
I need oranges apples and pears. I can grade peaches cherries and coconuts. My code is 7211-1588-3420
I have oranges and pears! Can I please trade for peaches?
I have oranges if I can get apples and pears!
I need fruit, I only have pears
Hi I have cherries I only need orange and peaches I it’s okay
My gate is open code:2T0RM
8KYSC come visit
My gate is open (I NEED A FRIEND) 7P3Y5
Islands still open?
Gate open code: 2T0RM
I am looking for pears cherries and oranges, if anyone has some please drop them off Using the dodo code 6YBPW.
I can trade bells, peaches,bamboo or apples for them.
Only oranges and cherries now but I also accept fountains. 🙂
Hi! You can come to my island the dodo code is 6FX64
I have apples, oranges & pears to trade! Can I visit your island?? just needing cherries and peaches
Year sure
My dodo code is 1M1VF
I can give you peaches in exchange for pears
Eu tenho pêra, maçã, coco, cereja e bambu. Gostaria de pêssego em troca.
I can bring over peaches oranges and apples in exchange for pears or cherries
I have pears!
My dodo code is 2QNMW
It’s not working
I think you need to re do it
Gates are open again, dodo code is HK07H
My dodo code is 1M1VF you can come drop them off if you would like
Sinon, j’ouvre mon île à ceux qui aimeraient échanger des pommes ou poires voici mon code dodo : DFG91
Need apples and cherries and peaches help yourself to my junkyard.8qk20
Still working? I have apples, Cherry, pear, coconuts, snowflakes, peaches…
To TEE go on the dodo and ask to visit friends and he will give you the app.
I have all fruits except apples!!! I am happy to leave some if you have apples :). Let me know!
i have pears i can drop off if you want
Hey liv, I have cherries and pears. If you want, go to my island and I can give them. In exchange I want some bells and apple please.
My dodo code is CP5MR
Gates are open. Dodo Code: B8847
Redd is here if anyone is looking for them.
Only entry fee is fruit. I need peaches oranges and pears if anyone got any? 3xfruit on arrival would great
I have coconuts, apples, cherries and bamboo as well as red visiting obvs.
Anyone rude and I’ll close gates
Anyone open right now? Code?
Yes mine are open
7466 2500 6713
Gates are open
Still open?
Hey y’all I my open rn code is 4T2G3 for Gia on line I’m tryna trading
I have cherries and anything else would be great!
Hi. Turnip price: 533!
Dodo code: 6W7VL
My gates r open the dodo code is 9X5WC
I have cherries, do you have peaches?
I have opened my gates and I have a free wand for the first person it is online play the dodo code is 83GF5
Does anyone have apples or cherries
I have peaches and need cherries! Can I visit?
i can give u 3 peaches if u want
yep dodo code?
I have apples and pears.
Would love cherries. Do you have a code?
I have cherries if you’d like. Dodo code is 56W15. Come help yourself
I have peaches if you give me cherries
Hello everyone. I am looking for either apples or cherries and I can give you bells for each. My dodo code is : 52F3P. Cheers!!
I have both my code is 09C73 do you by chance have any oranges or peaches? If so please bring some if you come! I hope yo see you around ?-Amy
I have peaches xx
May I visit you?
I have oranges if i can take some cherries. Would most likely need a new code please
I have oranges. Code: C26BQ
Hello I’m currently looking for fruit other than oranges and apples. Is anyone willing to trade? I would very much appreciate it
Hey! I tried to join your island but the dodo code don’t work. I’m new to the game but I was going to bring some apples:)
Hello I have cherries! I will visit your island x
Does anyone have cherries or peaches? If yes for what?
I have apples I’ll come over
Hello ! Just exploring around my island !!! Anyone wanna visit ? Lots of apple trees ! N6X1X
Hey you can come to my island the dodo code is BRVB3
I have both cherries and peaches and I really am looking to sell my turnips ! Someone please help
Add me SW-0550-2661-2922
The gate’s now open. The code is J6SRG. This is optional but could you please bring bells? Thxs!
Dodo code is JY1FL
New dodo code FJGOG
88QMN- high turnip price and no entry fee! Lots of free diy recipes!
I’m looking for any fruit but apple, peaches and oranges. Do u have any ? I’m willing to pay.
I have pears and cherries if you still need them. Do you have oranges or peaches? If so please bring some if you come. My code is F11C9. I hope to see you around ?-Amy
Hello I am looking for peaches, cherries, and pears. If anyone is willing to help me out I would really appreciate it!
I got pears I can trade for peaches
Hey you can come to my island the dodo code is CCGDC
Can I come I want to have a bathroom in my house any furniture or diy recipes for that? I have apples and peaches. An I will give you 10,000 bells
Just opened the gate. The code’s 4WDQF
Can i come?
I’m looking for friends to play this game. Tomorow I like to open the gate for a friend. Please send me a message if you like to be friends. Nice evening. I live in the Netherlands and our time is now 18.15.
Greetings and hope to find and see somebody.
Hé ben je er
510 turnips price, no entry fee but donations will be much appreciated. Visits are allowed only to shopping area, if you want to see the rest of the island just add me as a friend. Look Oscar on recently played. Dodo code is N7J4N
Add 8033-4718-6606
Just opened the gate. The code is 7WTH6
I’ve been there it’s amazing
Are your gates still open?
Hiya is anyone free for me to visit? Just to have a look around. Thanks!
New to online come visit
Gates just opened ☺️
Hey! You can come to my island the dodo-code is L4P3P
I am new to the game and looking to have visitors for trade or looking to visit an island. Drop me your code if your gates are open!
Here is my code: 9FK5T
I just opened the gate if you wanna come over. The code is DX2RP
So my cliff in my island is full of weeds and wood and stuff so could someone plz help me get rid of all of the weeds on my cliff on my I island? If you help me then you can take whatever wood you want and you can take whatever fruit you want. Thanks! And the code is HMMC9
I will come clear your island
Is your gate still open I can’t get in
My Friend code is: SW-6032-6391-9049
Just opened the gate. The code is 3QB4D ?
Can I still come visit ?
Love your island! Thanks! 5DCCT
Hi visit my island the dodo-code is KGQ1G
Dodo code 55M9B. Don’t have many friends come visit me.
can someone give me tools and iron ingots? i need 29 more
What’s your dodo code? Maybe I can help if you can tell me your dodo code
Please come to my island! The code is 4G5VG
Is your island still open..? And if not, can you open it again? I’ve been searching for dodo codes all day ? thank you in advance . ?
Need some friends to play an trade. Fairly new to the game SW-7454-6714-5601
I will come but I need a new code
hey does anyone want to be friends? i’m kinda new to this game and have no one ?i have apples pears and coconuts ?SW-4624-8335-2027
Hi I will open my gate for you
I added u
I just sent you a Nintendo friend request ?
Open gate plz
Guys I start play yesterday 🙁
Please I dont have many things but, visit meee. ^^
I want to have friends.
Dodo: 4SXDK
Can i go to somebodys island i have apples that i can trade for something other than cherries also i would appreciate a cat tower for cherries
If u don’t have enough stuff for entry fee that is fine!? U can still visit my island but u won’t get gifts. Please visit!!! ?
Dodo code: 01PQR
Fruits: All
Entry fee can be any thing in the list below:
Nook miles ticket
Black, gold or blue flowers
Rare fashion items
10K + bells
Please drop entry fee near me. I have a 5star rating, max villagers, fully upgraded shops and you are welcome to fish, catch bugs or harvest rocks anytime u like. All shops will be open. Please do not pick flowers or chop down trees. I hope you come to my island soon! (Island called paradise) I will be giving gifts to those who want them!
Open again sometime soon¿
Hey can you guys maybe send me your dodo codes I wanna visit some new islands and be friends?????
my code is 5C3L0!! I’m just starting out though
What’s your I can visit it now and we could trade
Here is mine!
hi do you have cherry orange or peach tree
Hey! You can come to my island the dodo-code is F1V0V
Thanks, Jade! We really needed some new fruit.
Hi, I’m new to animal crossing and would love to make new friends to play with so feel free to add me. I’m from the UK 🙂
Dodo code – FN27K
im on via local play if anyone wants to join DODO CODE:7777
All of the fruits available, market open, exploring welcomed
I have bamboo, oranges, cherries, and peaches. Looking for apples and pears.
My code is 9KK4L of anyone wants to visit ?????
can i join… i need fruits and friends just started ??
same lol?
Hey, I’ve just got online and wanted to come and visit someone.
Can I grab a Dodo code? Need some non-native fruit :)!?
Add me on switch my friend code is 4268 4981 4696
Imma join pls
you can join my island via local play dodo code 7777
I am not sure how all of this works but when I input the code it tells me no island is available?
That’s what happens to me
you still playing? ??
Visit my island. Dodo Code: 4J8L7
U still playing
can i come? i need fruits pleaseee
I’m selling mystery bags and Apple trees!
Apple Trees are 5K bells and mystery are 1K bells.
Don’t trample my flowers or steal!
Tom Nook and Isabelle needs you complete the quest!!!!! my dodo code is J4673
hi do you have cherries, peaches or orange tree?
Tom Nook and Isabelle needs you complete the quest!!!!! my dodo code is J4673
Code is 7MHV8 please come I have pears
I can come, I have oranges
Does anyone have red cosmos flowers? I need three today. Willing to trade or pay
Can i go?
My dodo Code
Lets join??
Is your island still open? 🙂
Anyone willing to let me fish on their island?
Come to my island!!! FFBFK
Cna I come?
yes my dodo code is J4673
Can I come to your island? I need inspo ?
Can I go to your island please !
Hey my code is 4PBB7 enjoy my island !!!! ????Be kind!!!
I would love to go to your island please !
Do you have peaches? I can pay or trade for them.
you’re welcome to come by!! I’m quite new here but I’d love to make some friends. My dodo code is HTLV9 🙂
My friend code is SW-1060-0207-8155. I am new but have apples, oranges and coconuts to offer. Just don’t take them all 🙂
My friend code is SW-1060-0207-8155. I am new but have apples, oranges and coconuts to offer. Just don’t take them all 🙂
Happy to have you, need cherries and apples! M4ygx
Can I please fish on someone’s island.
Me add aw 5765-1999-0574 then search for friend
Tom Nook and Isabelle needs you complete the quest!!!!! my dodo code is J4673
Now open
Spoiled Turnips only
DO YOU WANT ANTS? BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET ANTS! Come trade anything for spoiled turnips (only – island is fenced).
Hopefully my connection is ok.
Bring a watering can! Please water my flowers with signs. They are to the west of the island near my house (gold flowers on door, up an incline).
Leave free stuff to trade near the airport. Save some for others.
[Code] BXH7T
[Fruits] I have all fruits. Please only take what you don’t have yet- leave some for others.
[Note] Interested in trading (reasonable offers) for these:
I want:
Green mum
Blue Rose
Purple Pansy
Purple Windflower
Also a Gemini fragment?
I have a blue windflower, purple roses, purple mums but that’s all. I just need apples, up for a visit? I will water.
Can I come now?
I’m willing to trade pears for anything
I have pears
I can use some pears and I can give you bells.
Anybody connected? I need apples!! Willing to trade or pay.
I have apples!! Dodo code?
Are you playing? Do you need anything?
Hey can I also use your dodo code for apples?! I have pears, peaches and coconuts!
I can trade you for cherries or peaches if you have any?
I have peachs and pears if you want come
IGN: Merlin | Island: Brooklyn
FC: 7218-7915-0206
Native Fruit: cherry, Pear, Peach, Apples | Hemisphere: North
Hey hey, plz anyone have peaches, pears, apples? TwT
I have a little bit of apples 🙂
my dodo code is 7VWCK btw u can come here and trade and do whatever 🙂
I have apples!!
Can I give you bells for apples
I have 3 apples so I can give them to u so u can plant them into more Apple trees.
I have a bunch of apples that you can have for free
Anybody here if so give dodo code
Got oranges and or pears? Will trade/ pay. I have apples cherries peach coconut and bamboo if you need any.
Hello, I have pears 🙂 I would like to have some peaches.
Is the turnip seller still on anyone’s island? I forgot and missed mine, trying to buy some turnips 🙁 please let me know if you can help!
Anybody connected? I need new friends and never went on somebody else’s island.
i am whats ur do do code?
hi my code is JJ907 btw plz come
What’s your dodo code
Hi Lil,
Are you playing? Got apples? My Dodo code is 1FP9W.
My friend code is SW-1060-0207-8155. I am new but have apples, oranges and coconuts to offer. Just don’t take them all 🙂
u can come whenever you want: LYL0G
Can I visit someone’s island I have oranges, apples and cherries !
hey, does anyone have high selling price for turnips I can sell at their island? Please let me know, will thro in a big chunk of bells for your help too
043R7 is my code!!
Actually, since nobody has an island open rn I’ll open my island. The code is 5C5C7
Tried your code. Doesn’t work. My code is J690C
my dodo code is MDHT8
Is there any open islands
I want to trade pears and oranges for other fruits, perhaps make friends.
I have fruits
IGN: Merlin | Island: Brooklyn
FC: 7218-7915-0206
Native Fruit: cherry, Pear, Peach, Apples | Hemisphere: North
What’s your dodo code? I’m on now and want new fruit
Anyone’s island open to get all fruit? i have peaches and oranges.
hey my dodo code rn is 8GLT5. If anyone joins feel free to send a friend request- SW-0534-0410-4053.
new code: F1KSG
my do do code is 097LN btw
I am sending you friend request
IGN: Merlin | Island: Brooklyn
FC: 7218-7915-0206
Native Fruit: cherry, Pear, Peach, Apples | Hemisphere: North
My island code is JM8Q0 please come if you can thanks
Got apples? Dodo code is 1FP9W.
Any islands open rn?
Is your gate open rn?
Code M9L48 please trade/buy and leave things for others. Fruit is free tips for bridges welcome x
Hey! I’m online for a while! I’m looking for all kinds of fruits as I only have pears and coconuts! Leave your dodocode too! Code is JKFQY
Dodo code 53HV1 come by and I’ll visit u
My dodo code is 2PDLR
Dodo Code: H23CJ
All my fruit trees are full today, help yourselves to those and anything on the ground (lots of mushrooms today): oranges, peaches, pears, and cherries. Do you need anything specific? I am happy to have a few guests. Maybe leave me something as a donation, like some unique furniture if you visit. Dodo code: H23CJ
thanks, see you. jess
Hey it’s 3:00 In North America and I might be open for the next couple hours. I have peaches but I have cherries and pears from other islands that we can trade. My dodo code is C57YH or you could give me your dodo code.
Something came up so I’m getting off Right now but in about an hour I will update my dodo code.
I might come and visit you Noor if you’re on in a bit if that’s alright? I can bring oranges and coconuts?
Can I visit someone’s island to sell my turnips? My prices are so low
I won’t be getting on today ,or at least soon. But I will be on tomorrow around the time I posted the last comment. If u want my friend code is SW053404104053 to know when I’m on.
Join me. My dodo code is 9S8S8
My dodo code is 53HV1comr by then I’ll visit you
My dodo code is 9S8S8
My dode code is 6cy77. Come visit if u want. I have cherries, peaches, and pears.
My codes is mn2rx
Are you still on I want to come
Cone and play with me I have pears oranges peaches and coconuts
Can I come now?
my dodo code is HGKX9 the gate is open
my dodo code is HGKX9 i has oranges and i will have a gift;-; i will also have all the trees
Sorry! I had a typo MNGMG.
Yeah idk about it cause nobody else isnt really visiting this forum
Been playing ACNH for a couple of months. I am northern hemisphere, UK. Looking to get some different fruits I currently have oranges, peaches and coconuts. I have roses and cosmos. I have the upgraded Nooks Cranny also and Able sisters store if anyone wants to shop. My friend code is SW-4827-7529-6286. Add me looking to make friends and share resources. ?
It asks for a dodo number I can’t add sw codes in anywhere
You add the SW code on your switch console as a friend, on your home screen if you go to your icon avatar in the top left then scroll to friends there will be a field to add a friend using a SW code then you add it there. I will be on tomorrow evening from 6pm UK time if you want to play together I can post my dodo code then?
I have oranges and pears. Cherries are still growing
My dodo code is 0YFRW
My local play code is: 6903
My online dodo code is MW9B4
Come visit my island please
Are you still playing?
I’m new to this game, if I use your code and come to your island is there something you want in exchange? I’m still learning how this all works.
Hi I tried to come it didn’t work though I haven’t been to someone’s island besides my friend. I promise I won’t take anything. I was just wondering are you on tho?
I need cherries and peaches if u have or anything I might not have, cam give u oranges pear and apples what’s ur codes
need peaches can anyone help?
hey i live in north america and its 11:40 rn. My dodo code is L3YNX. I have gifts to be given (totally NOT a bribe lol, im serious) and i might be open for a while. feel free to join, all is welcome 😀
My code changed to G81TY.
Hey guys! Just wanted to say that I have a bunch of weeds in my mountain area of my island and if you help out and get all of the weeds out of my island you can take ANY fruit from my island or any WOOD or anything so please help out! My friend code is 54RGD. Please come!
1NF97 I would like turnips or anything you have to offer
Hi I have a five star island and I am doing a trading session. I have 20 of every tree in my orchard and it is all you can pick. Please come and explore. My code is 6VMCY
I need help gathering fruits and flowers anyone able to open there island I havent had any other than the basic flowers and fruits thank u
Hi, I’m a new player and I don’t have the ladder yet. I was wondering if anyone could give me some nice items to start out with. my dodo code is H5JLX
Imma open gate now
1NF97 I would like turnips or anything you have to offer. enjoy the island
I have only pears today, and I need any other fruit, if anyone wants to open their island to me, that would be much appreciated
I have all fruits if you’d like to visit, there’s no fee but a donation would be appreciated!!
My code is 5NH0H
can you open your island again?
Hi. I just purchased animal crossing and would like to visit other islands. Can you or anyone here send a dodo code for me to visit. Thank you
Or if you would like to visit my island code is 1RKP1
Dodo code is L165H
Please visit me 8DCV7
Hey, still open for a visitor?
Hey I’m pretty new to the game but my Dodo code is 6VD71 please don’t tamper with my island but you can pick fruit and flowers, shop, fish or whatever 🙂 be respectful plz
My friend code is SW-6794-3326-7013
Hi I added you as a friend. We cant seem to visit the island
Hey my dodo code is HSL5G anyone is free to join
Hey something happened to my server. My new code is 888YN.
Are you open now?
I’m open now, my code is 63NBK.
Hey skippy, just tell me when your on. I get on usually in the morning or lateish at night. I’ll check this website and comment a dodo code
I am new and need fruits, anyone open?
Hi, i’m new too and want to visit another island
Can we share a code?
Hi Alice, I need apples. I will trade or pay. Would you open your gates?
U will give apples if you give me a wand notify me if u can
Sry I will give apples
I have apples
Hey my friend code is SW053404104053
I will accept all friend requests
Hi, i added you. You wanna play right now
Hey German I saw that u sent me a friend request. Tell me when your open to play. I’m on around 8-10 am to maybe 5 or late a night
Thank you will add
SW 205631868229 will accept friend invites. Thank you.
Anyone help looking to catalog items
I need help gathering fruits and flowers anyone able to open there island I havent had any other than the basic flowers and fruits thank u
I’m fairly new to Animal Crossing, so still leaning how it works, but I need apples, would anyone be happy for me to visit?
Hey, you still want to play? If so how many apples do ya need?
SW 205631868229
Dodo code JJRC0
Hello! Im new ! Please come to my island Paradiso my pin dodo is NFQQ4
My island is open for all , please become my friends!
Hello, If you want, I can water your flowers :3
Wanna visit my island? I need cherries, pears, & oranges now. The code is: FG4Q2
hey come join my island gate only open for hour or so. my code is 2ScQ3
Mi dodo code: DT1MW
Ok I’m coming soon
Does anyone want to trade 40 apples with another fruit or let me sell my fruit on their island 🙂
Hi, i have apples. I’d be happy to visit.
[Code] 4C0T9
[Fruits] pears
[Note] I’m southern hemisphere so shops open and can buy turnips at 103 i think. Bring a cash gift of $8k and please drop next to stall and you can fish and catch insects til your hearts content. Only letting 3 in at a time so game doesn’t crash.
Code 3mf30
Come visit me
Can I come
Can I come
have all the fruits in need of donations to my bridge
Dodo Code: JJRP5
Could you help me get 30 iron possibly???
Kinda new to ACNH, I just need friends. sooo visit me
I need friends and island to visit, please my Dodo Code is LNT2K
I’m new to DoDo codes but I have peaches, pears, cherries and coconuts… looking for apples and pears?
Any help how to use the code/get one would be appreciated! I’m in northern hemisphere, stores open, turnips are 95
DoDo code is: F5SV2
Please bring apples and oranges!
My DoDo code is 88P8N please bring fruit if you come! I have apples and coconuts. Turnips are 101today.
Can I visit, I need apples, but I have cherries and will have other fruits once they are grown?
Hey! Do you still need oranges??
My Dodo Code is 54B49. Working on collecting all the fruits would appreciate a fruit donation if you drop by. If not a small Bell donation appreciated. Feel free to fish and hunt bugs as much as you want.
I have apples will bring iam new to send me your code
Hi, any chance of sending a friend code? I will have apples and oranges when they’re grown.
can you send me your friend code?
I can help. Send me ur dodo code!
Need cherries southern place please let me visit need dodo code
4n6xy is me. Come visit! I have pears and oranges
I will donate to your bridge, what’s your dodo code??
Island Code D6F7H
NJ8BV is my code. I’m new. Help?
my Dodo code is B5PQR
the nore the merrier
Ok I’m going
Me too
Hey, I’m new and looking for islands to visit. Anyone want to share some codes. Algood if not ?
Hi, I’m playing now do you wanna trade codes
My DoDo code is 88P8N please bring fruit if you come! I have apples and coconuts. Turnips are 101today.
[Code] 4C0T9
[Fruits] pears
[Note] I’m southern hemisphere so shops open and can buy turnips at 103 i think. Bring a cash gift of $8k and please drop next to stall and you can fish and catch insects til your hearts content. Only letting 3 in at a time so game doesn’t crash.
87X06, im 6 years old
you can sell fruit on my island. today’s code is B5 PQY
my dodo code is 6K33V this active now it’s 10:19 pm eastern time 05/22 come visit i want to makes friends to do trade offs and explore other islands .
Are you still on?
I need flowers pls help lily’s,carnations,cosmos or hyacinths plssss I also would like bushes with flowers or new like 5 days pls help I’ll give bells
Are you still open? If not,I am my code is 1J10K
Hello i’m to want to have a friend on here to trade and going to visit different islands
my Dodo code is B5PQR
I would like a friend too.
I would like to visit you ?!
My dodo code is 1D83Q. gates open
Does anyone want to open up their island to trade for fruit? I only have Pears today.
I have apples and oranges
I have apple do you want to trade
My dodo code is M5R04
I have a few oranges and a few flowers
Yes I have cherries and oranges I will take Bells or whatever items & DIYs you have to offer
I’m open! I have most fruit , a tour, a human board game, and I’m planning a b-day party,so anyone can help with that! Code is 1J10K
Tell me when you are next online
Hey! My new code will be open for 30 mins or so! Bring me a gift from your island!! Would love some fruits! I only have pears and oranges (unfortunately stripped my trees of fruit today!) Code is DS9BM
Come to my island now!
It glitched so now it’s closed!! If you came! Thanks for stopping by
Mine is 8JKDO
Mine is 1111 come now
Hello everybody my gate is open my code is 7SFB7 more welcome hope have friends to work do trades and visit other islands .
Come visit me. My code is 4V6N5 ?
Hey! My new code will be open for 30 mins or so! Bring me a gift from your island!! Would love some fruits! I only have pears and oranges (unfortunately stripped my trees of fruit today!) Code is DS9BM
Just want friends to visit and vise Versa
My code is 08n3t
Northern hemisphere (UK hours, I’m usually on early morning and late evening). I have all fruits you are welcome to pick, and some gifts at the entrance. Would love more hybrid/rare flowers. SW-4552-1900-7326
sent friend request, looking for apples, can bring some flowers, let me know what you need. No time travel here, trying to do this right?
I got apples and also don’t time travel. Just looking for trades and friends 5838-7186-4004
my gate is open, have left some fruit and dup items next to my airport ?
Hi what flowers do you have? I’m looking for lily’s,carnations,cosmos and hyacinths.Also I’m looking for paths,new items or bushes with flowers.Have any?if so pls reply with your dodo code
2K28K my gates are open now!! Woop!
Dodo code:. DWYC7
Looking for flowers and friends!! Please be kind and let’s have some fun!!
anyone with a southern hem island that would let me fish? i can donate oranges, bells, water flowers. thanks!
come visit me I have apples and roses and pears and coconuts and you can fish if you please bring oranges and water flowers please
code: N8JCQ
That goes for anyone who has different fruit or flowers
Hey I’m in Southern Hemisphere, my friend code is SW-0075-8693-5223
Anyone who wants to join my island my code is8J5N0 I have peaches and coconuts I also have nice island decor (not perfect)
Hey I’m new at this. Really want friends to visit. What are your codes? My code is 6RBLF
Hey I started a few days ago and also want friends add me SW-5838-7186-4004
Fairly new to ACNH please add me looking for friends.
SW-7655-2340-2523 thanks
Hey ive added you ?
I started about a month ago and I just saw the credits roll. I am also looking for friends. My code is SW-2671-7505-5416
Just for fun :). Also Celeste is here!! If you want to bring fruit that would be awesome. Also anything else would be appreciated!! Open to trade as well. Some free items available too.
Started the game yesterday and I need some friends!!
My friend code is SW-3923-5837-7584
My dodo code is 8HDX7
SW 7577 2369 8971 I want to visit
I would like some friends sw- 8397 6057 3797
Hey and I also started the game yesterday. I also need some friends. Here’s my friend and dodo code:
I made a mistake in the comment. It’s not also but I started the game yesterday and am in need of friends.
Hey could you please open the gates it’s Skyler (the guy that friend requested you) because I really need to visit another island also do you have a new dodo code
hello i started this game not long ago i’m still learning this whole thing to , my gate is open
Code: 6WFVC
is this still active?
Do u have pears,apples or peaches. I will trade anything. just need a code to visit
Go to my iskand!please bring at least 1 iron ore. Its 3M5L13
Dodo code: 0225C
come for fun , please bring one nook miles ticket!
i have all fruits just ask before you take
Can I come visit?
Is the gate Still open?
Does anyone have any fruit I can buy. I’m in the market to visit an island. Will bring a nook miles ticket and items to trade.
dodo code: 6LG6V
please bring nook mile ticket, i have all fruits just please bring nook mile ticket
Anyone’s gate open?
dodo code: 5D8WW
Please bring nook mike tickets, i have all fruits just be respectful
Are you still on?
BCPG8 Dodo code
Are you still open?
code is FTH4B
My dodo code is K66PR. please dont grief i just want friends
Dodo code : 6WFVC
Come visit
Do u have pears,apples or peaches. I will trade anything. just need a code to visit
I need apples,pears,peaches will trade anything.
My code is 04R89
My code has changed its now LXM1B
Is it still that code?
Can i join ur island
dodo code: B9SG8
come to my island just to hang, will be open for a while
Code: C18QJ
entry fee of one nook miles ticket, please drop somewhere. :))
There’s an area near entrance to take an item and replace it with something of similar value
Feel free to shop, fish, take fruit (I have all) etc
Turnip prices are 78, kicks is also here
Someone came and took everything gates are now closed
I got you a nooks miles ticket, some furniture and some apples what fruit is for sale at your nooks cranny?
I need a cherry, pear, or peach.
I got you a nooks mile ticket, some furniture, and have a few apples. Do have cherries pears, or peaches for sale in nooks cranny?
Please donate me some clothing or outdoor furniture, I have no bells, thank you
Dodo code: J8HK9
Please donate any clothes and outdoor furniture I literally have no bells or nothing it’ll be really helpful thank you if you do
Anyone have apples and pears?? I can bring peaches, oranges, cherries and coconuts
I have apples and pears, I need peaches. Rather come to your island
entry fee of one nook miles ticket, please drop somewhere. :))
There’s an area near entrance to take an item and replace it with something of similar value
Feel free to shop, fish, take fruit (I have all) etc
Turnip prices are 73
it’s not open
Do you have cosmos or mums?
I need friends! Add me pls: SW-4950-5318-3119
I’m looking for pears and cherries. I can leave bells or I have a nook miles ticket if your gates are open?
are you still open? im willing to visit
I am open, we have oranges, pears and coconuts.
Feel free to bring other fruits
Code 1QTCH
Are you still open?
We are open code 78FSW
Btw we need anything but coconuts, pears and oranges.
Sorry new code 5XM17
Hi my dodo code is 85524
Umm…Karl, I heard that you needed anything but the fruits posted and I got peaches and cherries on me right now and I’ll try to visit your island as soon as possible
Are you open?
Looking for Oranges and Apples.
Is anyone able to help?
78FSW we have oranges
Wrong code, new one 5XM17
Hey! Opening island for the first time. I am leaving some fruits near airport to pick. Pls if someone leave me some orange or cherries 🙂 and pls be kind 🙂
Sure! What’s ur code?
I need cherries I’ll give oranges
I can bring apples on your island if you want !
looking for cherries, apples & peaches please help
I have peaches G1FS7
Need cherries, oranges and apples. Anyone got a code for me?
If you wanna come over i can give you all of those for free
Are you playing right now
Newbie here 🙂
Gates are open. Apples are native here.
Shazam! Open Sesame Seeds! K8NVM
I open the door J7Q23
my code is JFS6S! new player and would just like some friends 🙂 leaving gate open till late
Hey, is it still opened?
Are you still open? I will visit
Are u local or via online
Are u local or via online
4RRYG that my code please one to my island it is on online via
No it’s not I tried to come your island but orville said that there was no islands that I could visit with that code
cl5wm pls come
I need peaches, oranges or apples. I have pears and cherries. Feel free to pick them. I also have many flowers. You may pick them, just don’t destroy them. If you can leave me some fruit (besides pears, coconuts, bamboo and cherries) I will be thankfull. Thanks!
I opened the gates: 0G6XS
I just opened the gate to my island, the code is FT3MQ.
Can I come I need fruit I only have cherries
aranciata we have coco peaches and oranges please come
im coming
Didn’t work }:
Hi,I’m looking for an apple and a peach I can offer oranges, pears and cherrries
are you still open?
Could you re open it?
Dodocode: 22SDW
Hi, I am looking for bamboo and pears. Would also like to fish in the Southern Hemisphere. Can bring oranges and cherries.
I have pears and bamboo, my island is situated on the southern hemisphere.
Come by and I’ll give them to you1
Can I come?
I want friend codes and dodo codes to visit
I have peaches, oranges & coconuts need everything else please help Im new 🙂
my Dodo Code is 5TD78
I’ve been kinda bored on my island lately, and I would love to visit someone else. Would anyone mind me traveling over? I could trade something if you’d like (I have peaches if that helps), but I’m really just here for making a pal and having fun.
Hey there! I would love for you to visit my island. I have pears, bamboo and I am situated on the southern hemisphere. The code is B7PYQ
any islands open for shopping or have diys they don’t want or bamboo?
I m in need of apples and cherries. I have oranges, peaches, coconuts.
I have cherries! What’s your dodo code?
I have cherries if you still need them
Hi! I have oranges, pears and coconuts. I’m kinda new and would love to see other people’s islands!
I would really like cherries and peaches, can someone send they’re dodos code if they have some and would like to be friends?
I have cherries!
Anybody come to my island my dodo code is cg52x dont dig up flowers or trees not even sprouts
I have cherries.What’s your dodo code?
I have both apples and cherries
I will bring apples and cherries if i can have your dodo code to get fruits from your island?
What is your code? I have apples and cherries.
I have apples! Can I visit your island?
I have cherries
I need apples and oranges, anyone help?
I need oranges, code and is your gate open?
Can I come to someone’s island? I would like different fruits. 2nd day of playing so still learning. Thanks
My code is 3qhym
Join my island and bring me iron 🙂
Dodo Code : J6L12
What’s the dodo code to your island? I have all the fruits so I can bring you fruit if you can tell me your code.
97033! Please come by! Brand new to this!
Will you be playing tomorrow ? I’m looking for apples oranges and pears ! I have peaches cherries and coconuts ! Can we trade? Do you need any materials ??
BJXLJ Open gates please come new to game
What’s your dodo code?
Hi, we are in the hemisphere with only 2 seasons. I will bring fruits and bells to anyone who will host us.
LLS15 is my code, I’m new 🙂
Dodo code: 0MPLL
have fun, ask before you take fruits
Can I join your island
Sure I can only do local play tho so maybe
I am looking to explore new lands
Code is C0ME
I’m new also. My code is 7k2bs
Have fossils I wanting to sell. Dodo code- 63Q5Q Parasail torso- 3,500 bells Tricera skull- 5,400 bells. Dimetrodon skull-5,400 bells Anomalocaris- 2,000 bells Have 2 Megacero tail-3,400 bells each Plesio body-4,600 bells
Pls open your gates i will plant oranges for your island
Code is
I’m looking for peaches and oranges. I have everything else. Dodo code 5Y08H
New code CFBTL. Looking for peaches and oranges
Hey I’ve got loads of peaches I can bring some if you want?
Hey can I travel to your island I have some blue flowers we could trade for bells ?
I have oranges! Can I come to your island?
I’ve got orange trees to bring you if I can visit
Do u still need peaches and oranges. Id like to visit i have both fruit in my bags
I’ve just open the gate. All welcome 382FN
Hey! I’m Jo of Adera! I have cherries, peaches, bamboo and coconuts. My Dodo code is CTGDL. Feel free to take fruit but please be respectful to me, other players and my island! I hope you join my island!
Dodo Code 8CVXQ
I need apples! Anyone’s welcome!
Hiya my dodo code only for today Is 9KQ5P if u want to join u can boil
dodo code: 7FT64
have fun and ask before you take fruits
dodo code; 7FT64
Have fun and please ask before you take fruits, i have all fruits
dodo code: 7FT64
[Code] 88541
[Fruits] Cherries and apples ready now. Will have all soon 🙂
[Note] I’m new to this so my island isn’t as good as some I’ve seen! Please feel free to come and look around. Take as much fruit as you like but please don’t pick the flowers! Leave a note on my board if you like x
Hey wondering if i code come visit and have a couple cherries please please? I have apples , coconuts, oranges, a single peach lol, or pears. Can bring to trade ?.
Hi, I would trade bells for a blue rose. I can come to your island or you can come to mine 7W47J
My Island Fox Cove is open all fruits available:
I’m looking to buy a blue rose. I can come to your island or you can come to mine. 9365Y
This is my new dodo code 7W47J
I need friends and i’m looking for apples pears and oranges!! i have peaches cherries and coconuts. cose is 1X3K5
Afternoon all!! Third day on the island fruit is gone, but I do have wood hard/soft to give away for free, only ask to take what you need, and if you can donate some tree branches and stone. Enjoy and thank you for coming. Dojo code:B4VCH
Add me 🙂 SW- 1113 2314 1837
I’m Paisley. Dont now how to play with friends inline. Dodo code is C54RC if you want to play.
Any Southern Hemisphere islands open right now?
Does anybody have apples or oranges and yellow Hyacinths. If your wondering I can trade you cherries, peaches, and pears and possibly a flower that you might not have yet.
U have oranges and apples, but only 2 apples. I could come visit you?
can i have one of those apples
i have oranges and yellow hyacinths can i have cherries and peaches here is my dodo code MJBCJ
I have cherry
I have cherrIes and apples can I visit someone
can i visit ?
Hi, I have all the fruit and flower a lot of hybrid ones too. Give me your code and I’ll invite you as a friend.
Do u still need peaches and oranges. Id like to visit i have both fruit in my bags and i can bring any flowers u need. I need cherries
I need friends, please add me!
Dodo code : 14GSK
New to the game, but would love new friends!!
I have a lot of cherries I can trade ya if you’d like ❤️
Also a couple DIYs I don’t need.
My current dodo code is 4D5PL
Our code is 3YQ35
Hi everyone, Im looking for friends! Could you pls send me you dodo code?
My code right now is 4D5PL ?
You can add me my island is peaches and name Ams
Hi if you want to come my code is 53RKJ but please don’t take my peaches thanks
Just want to make friends: SW-6924-6627-3782
My code is 5DRSL. Come visit!
Hey guys, I’m looking for friends! 🙂
Here’s the code: LGWPL
Anyone have golden diy ?
Hi everyone!! Looking to makw friends!
Heres my friend code ! SW-7079-5260-7132
I’m looking to trade fruit.
I am newer but have 3 fruits now. I’m still learning would be cool to have some friends to ask things and offer what I have
Friend code SW-6942-1095-6414
Looking for friends SW-5025-7809-9108
guys come to mi island it’s free and you can pick up every food or literally anything you like my dodo code is KFGBX and i have bamboo so yeah
Hello Famitima, I would like visit you, please give me your SW number, My number is 821071531739
5 star island with all fruits, bamboo, and a section with Free Flowers!
Behave youself, become best friends, then get access to catalog drop gatherings and play in my music room.
I have a section that I would love help watering, take home a slightly used Gold watering can for your efforts.
MV8G5 dodo code
gonna add you now, you still on? 🙂
Looking to make friends!:)
Code: SW-0713-4731-8418
Hiii, i just bought the membership, so I don’t have too many friends, you can come to my island, my dodo code is LX49C
does anyone have bamboo?
I have bamboo! SW-6637-3305-8502
I do! Also looking for friends to play with!
Hey guys, new to the game, looking for new friends.
Rainbow’s: 6NGSS
Hoping to go to Southern Hemisphere to get different bugs and fish. Must make Blathers happy. Can bring oranges cherries pears coconuts etc. am very polite. Anyone available Tuesday May 13? Thanks for your time 🙂
Thank you. Is there a good time ?
I have Peaches and Cherries. Are you playing?
Looking to make friends!:)
Code: SW-0713-4731-8418
Looking to make friends 🙂 code SW-6328-2160-0436
Hello Tonk.Still online?I added you to my friend list
Will give nook mike tickets to anyone who:
Has scorpions and will let me come catch them
Is in Southern Hemisphere and will let me come fish
Reply with dodo code and JD
Is there Any islands open rn? ?
You can come over to mine the code is 3G6W9
I am 3594-0228-3123
Brand new, don’t have much but add me 3292 2560 2148
What is your dodo code I will come visit
Visit me !
Dodo code: FYHFV
All fruits, just ask before you take
Have fun
Still open I’d like to visit need apples and oranges
You still open. Would love some oranges and apples?
I’m brand new to all this!
Would love some friends to play with and learn from.
Code is 4381-9676-8113
I’m online now and will be tonight,
still open? I need apples, pears and oranges 🙂
Any ones island open? Would love to visit some new places!
Hi! I would like to have some more friends and visit other islands for inspiration!! ?
I just sent a friend Request
is anyone open to trade i need pears, apples & oranges, have peaches & cherrys . regards marc
my code is o1jch
sorry guys i lost internet connection
code: LWPXL
Dodo code: DSKM1
have fun and ask for fruits
open for 30 mins to an hour
Dodo code: H9W7K
I have cherries and oranges… I need peaches and pears. My friend code is SW-4806-2043-1329
I have pears and need oranges!
Iv got apples and cherries if that’s any help. What’s your dodo code and il bring some if you want?
My Dodo code is MG7T4 come visit I’ve just started playing this
i have peaches and cherrys what do you have?
I will give nook mikes ticket to anyone who either has scorpions and will let me come catch one or is Southern Hemisphere and will let me come fishing. Reply with JD
Don’t stomp flowers or talk to villagers please!
all shops and K.K. SLider is here!
I have all fruits except the oranges (would be greatly appreciated if you wanna donate)
My name in game Is Katie
Please be respectful by closing all phones and menus when someone is arriving! Thanks
We can hang out and trade if you want
Sorry i forgot the code Is 8GLX6
Hello I have oranges
my dodo code :637YY (here’s also friend code :SW-8277-2623-9115)
i want friends
Looking for pears and oranges! I have coconuts, apples, peaches and cherries! Come to my island to fish or catch bugs but please don’t pick flowers or mess anything up 🙂 dodo code is 2TCMC, gates are open! SW-5770-9870-7602
hi im open now i really need friends so join me plz my code is cmwox
Add me: SW-6440-4186-7329
Be respectfull and let’s have soms fun!!!
Looking for another Taurus fragment If anyone has one so I can build the Taurus bathtub, will trade stones & iron nuggets as I have farmed them both, also please don’t trample my flowers: Dodo code: M7WK1
Looking to visit Southern Hemisphere to fish. I can bring oranges. Please send dodo code.
I have pears cherries and coconuts, can I trade for peaches or oranges? My code is fmpyr
Dodo code: BHMHX
come play!
Hi!! I see you are in the Southern Hemisphere, are you on still?
My code is BF9P2
Looking to visit Southern Hemisphere to shop and fish. Please send dodo code. I have oranges
Add me: SW 8347 7322 5514
you online now?
I will join you
I want some flower plz
I just started but this is my dodo code: G5V17
Come to island entry fee is 2 nookmile tickets and please don’t take my flowers please and I will have a treasure hunt and the prize is a DIY card but still need the 2 nookmile tickets to enter my dodo code is JT3KW
Come to my island!
Dodo code: KFKBJ
al fruits just ask
be respectful
Friend code: 3108-9820-3614
I have animal crossing and Mario kart delux 8 and fortnite lol
add me!!
Added Ashlee username is “ausaja
Hey I’m new to the game. Is anyone willing to let me come visit their island?
Have fun, ask for fruits. Let’s become friendsss
Can I visit?
I have peaches and pears looking for other fruit
dodo code: M9BHJ
please be respectful! gates are open , ask for fruits!
Hi can I come come?
dodo code: HXPRL
come for fun and hang out, please don’t take fruits, someone came earlier and took half my fruits
dodocode: 8333P
Add me!! Hang out and we can trade
I am still missing peaches and apples that I would be happy to trade an extra nook ticket or two for. Would that be acceptable?
DODO code: M9BHJ
be respectful and have fun! please ask before you take fruits
Add me to play together SW-0031-9039-8338
Added you username ausaja
Dodo code 7K583
Gate closed
Added Tatana 6145 0681 2914
New to this – please come and visit my island. Code is FH01D and please donate anything that you can I would really appreciate it!
I have some different fruits and a few bell vouchers if you would like them ☺️
H9204 please come and bring anything
Hi all, new to ACNH, and to help me step up my game a bit Im opening my island to anyone who wants to leave a donation of bells or iron or tools, in exchange feel free to fish, bugs, take fruit or wood from trees etc. I only ask no digging please. Thank you!
code is HCHBS
Come to my island bring anything you can!
Come to my island. Please bring cherries, apples, or oranges. I can give bamboo, pears, and peaches. Please don’t mess up anything. CD7XL
Gates closed
Come pay me a visit, please bring gifts with you leave them where I stand. DONT PICK the flowers.
Gates are closed
Come pay me a visit. I have pears , oranges, coconuts and cherries.
Dodo code FTY7V
Forst time trying to travel via online the code worked but when departing it says . Unable to connect to other consoles . Please try again later. What an I doing wrong? I’m so tired of looking at apple’s and pears I just want some oranges and cherries. HELP
Hello !
New to this! Need friends 🙂
Add me ? SW-7590-8883-2894
I’m in need of pears and apples. I have oranges, peaches cherries and coconuts
Please don’t pillage or take flowers. Roses and wildflowers are selling at the store.
Code HRJQB gates are open.
I have pears and apples ☺️, the only fruit I don’t have is oranges so we could exchange if you need to
My gates are open please don’t tear up my flowers. Fruit of all king and stores are open 53MC4
Come pick fruit and visit my stores and fish, but please don’t rip on my flowers you will be reported. 5HR2V
Still open?
I have cherries, peaches, pears, apples, coconuts
Come to my island I will pay 1’000 for nookmile tickets and don’t take my flowers please dodo code is L6SKL
Come to my island entry fee is 2 NMT And please don’t take my flowers thanks dodo code is KKWFK
My dodo code: BRYSF
Come to my island entry fee is 2 NMT and please don’t take my flowers and if you have turnips the turnip price is 139 thanks and my dodo code is 77GPW
Code is 633VN come visit my island and trade! Please don’t pick the flowers!
I’m coming over!
Please come to my island. I have apples. Please donate anything you can.
Dodo code is 65D4P
My dodo code: 8K1DS
Hi I have all fruit and am willing to trade for bells,DIY recipes and nmt.
Btw anyone got a good turnip price.
Please respond with your dodo code and what you want
I am looking to add some friends on animal crossing.
I have oranges, pears, cherries and coconuts. I am looking for apples and peaches. I live in the northern hemisphere. I would love to become friends who live in the Southern Hemisphere. I will be respectful of flowers and trees, and I ask that you do the same.
Code: 2816-4715-3011
I have apples and peaches!!
Mag ik een keer op jouw eiland komen ik heb appels en kokosnoten
Help! My turnips go out of date tomorrow and I can’t seem to get em for a profit! Anyone got a decent turnip price and can help a girl out? x
I can help
Hi Stefanie, I live in the Southern Hemisphere. 🙂
I am a new player in animal crossing. I just want to have to some friends in animal crossing game 🙂
Also new to this.
Add me 🙂 SW-7590-8883-2894
Hey! I’m looking for friends as well really hoping to find some from the Southern Hemisphere too!! But add me anyways! SW-7424-4415-9705
Anyone got decent turnip prices?
Flick is here so bring your bugs or catch them here! Also – Upright Piano for sale in my Nook Shop. My turnip prices are only 71 bells, so don’t look for good prices here. Code is 56G7Q.
Anyone island selling turnips for a higher price
Dodo code: 7W7S1
Can I come over and fish?
Can someone give me some nookmile tickets please and please don’t take my flowers thank you and my dodo code is GRMYX
can i vist i have tickets :0
Can I visit? I promise I wont take your flowers
Can add my friend code and I can try and help when and where I can. My island it’s self is a working progress but yes, here it is 🙂
2351-5258-2427 feel free to follow me on Twitter to post a fair bit on there about AC – @tshmitchll
I’ve sent a friend request ?
I added you too! I want to explore other islands and see what your Nook’s Cranny’s have!! It’s always so different!!
Hi, could you post your friend ID so I can add you?, I’m pretty new on the game and I’m looking for friends to play with.
I’m pretty new too if you would like to add me ?
Hey i need some more animal crossing friends, im fairly new lol, so in gonna add you
Looking for someone who has high turnip prices… I’ve got redd on my island if you wanna come over and buy art!
Post dodo code and I’ll buy art.
Open all day: LG5PC
Anyone can come to my island I have cherries by dodo code is OV95P
Need cherries please
New to the game. Dodo code is GL4QV.
Hello, just staryed playing a week ago SW 7175-7074-3524. I have peaches, oranges, and coconuts. Please leave the flowers be. Thanks.
I have cherry trees I’ve sent you a friends request ?
Do you still have oranges? Ive got plenty of flowers, i csn give you hybrids as well! Sending friend request. ?
My Dodo Code is 1RPB4
Everyone welcome, please behave.
My daughter’s code is BQCKG
Open all day: LG5PC
I typed this in but it says it’s not possible. Does the code run out? My code is FBGBX all welcome I have cherry’s
High Turnip price gold clothes! 9GTGK
Dodo code KW74Q
It’s not working?
If your island is still open I can bring one to you rn
Are you still open?
Can someone please give me some nookmile tickets please
Friend code sw-1461-0579-7313
Is there anyone living in Southern Hemisphere?
My dodo code is 3CYRN
My friend code is SW-8351-7089-5028
My Code is NGTDK
Need apples. Will exchange cherries, peaches, or coconuts for some. Dodo code: GVWSX
We got apple come here with cherry for applesl
Hey, I’m new to animal crossing and looking for some friends. Would love to
add me as a friend
I have pears on my island
Please don’t pick flowers
Look forward to playing with you 🙂
Hello i’m new on Animal Crossing, i want some new friends, my friend is SW-3526-6597-4495 and my Dodo Code is LM8FR i need to built a bridge to go on the rest of my island !
Actually code is 9flb6
Hey, any dodo codes?
My friend code is SW-8351-7089-5028
Hey added you! Can I come visit your island?
hi everone i have a 3 star island and id love for you to come visit i have all fruits except for cherries so i would love that im simply bored and just want someone to play with!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy to trade diys and furniture and fruit
here is my dodo code:::::: GT17F
Hey I’m new and could use any gifts and visitors
Dodo code is 41C35
MJYW6. We got all fruit but no cherries so if u can bring some that would be great help yourself to flowers and fish and have a look around
I have cherries to trade for peaches
New to the game. Code is CCRWS
can i come please could u come by the gates
Hey, any dodo codes?
N2MD2 we got all fruits but no cherries help yourself to flowers and fish look around
Is your gates open now
Code is 0Q22H. All welcome as long as you behave
Code is CNN2J
welcome but be nice please.
I’m new to the game so any items to help would be appreciated
Dodo code- 5184
Friend code- 0723 8256 0128
I added you 🙂
Lol nvm my dodo code is B496W
I need bamboo shoots and peaches and apples! Does anyone have any? I can trade if i have anything you want. My nook miles tickets only take me to islands with the same native fruit and the same native flowers EVERYTIME so i’m having a very hard time getting shoots.
I have bamboo shoots and peaches
Sophia what’s your friend code?
Hi, I have lots of peaches and bamboo tree , want to swap dodo codes?
Hi all, i need bamboo shoots badly. My nook miles tickets only take me to islands with the same native fruit and the same native flowers everytime! Never a special island or anything… so frustrating. Let me know if anyone can help. My native fruit is cherries and if you need anything to trade, let me know what it is, i will see if i have it.
Hey! I have a couple peaches that I could give you to get you started and also I’ve got some bags of cosmos flowers 3 bags with five flowers in and there’s 3 different colours I could trade for something? I dont mind coming to you’re island? If you don’t want to share the dodo code on here you could always add me on the switch and let me know on there☺️
What’s your friend code ??
Come visit me I want more friends!
I want more fruit like cherries and oranges
My dodo code is DK6VD
Help me on that game 🙂
Gates open dodo code BN108
Won’t let me come 🙁
What’s your friend code and I don’t think your gate is open
Anyone’s shop selling the crown?
You guys welcome to visit my island C14Q9
Hey! I have a couple peaches that I could give you to get you started and also I’ve got some bags of cosmos flowers 3 bags with five flowers in and there’s 3 different colours I could trade for something? I dont mind coming to you’re island? If you don’t want to share the dodo code on here you could always add me on the switch and let me know on there☺️
Hi I need peaches! I have apples pear and oranges for trade. Come visit 8751H
I have Peaches!!
I’ll give you peaches
Hi Martin! Still online?
I have peaches and oranges. Need apples and cherries. Can I come to your island?
dude post yo dodo code i have wayyyy to many cherries
hey! i’ll bring peaches to your island
I have peaches I’ll trade
Do you have an updated code? I have peaches
Salut j’ai des peches et j’ai besoins de pommes et de poires !
Salut j’ai des peches et j’ai besoins de pommes et de poires ! Si intéressé
Hey I have peaches, apples and coconuts, are you still open?
did you get your peaches ?
Принесу три персика, возьму три груши. =)
New on animal crossing and looking for friends ! Switch code is: 6696-7016-4213 Add me:)
Dodo code LPKN2
Is your island still open?
KR3FM is my dodo code! Come visit
Please can someone give me some nookmile tickets plz and please don’t take my flowers please
I am in need of iron nuggets! I have flowers and apples!
Dodo code: F5SQP
Hi! Please visit my island! I need peaches oranges and apples. I have pears cherries and coconuts. Thanks!!
Hi, turnip prices are 90 bells!
Dodo code: D1F9B
Donations welcome ☺️☺️
Dodo code is – HLKSF
Also please could you donate for me to be able to build a staircase near the cliff across the wooden bridge, you don’t have to thanks if you do
Hey! I’m super new and looking for friends for animal crossing! SW: 8357-1256-8116
Come visit my island! Dodo code: 2SDPJ
Hey, I’m new to! I want some friends as well so if you just come to my island so I could get to know you would be fabulous! The dodo code is 8V6WG
Are ur gates still open? (:
does anyone have their gates open??? share your dodo codes with me
My dodo code MLGR0
Do you have peaches?
Gates e open! Dodo code is 95PVX
I need peaches and pears I have all other fruit if you can help
I got lots of pears I can get you the fruit and a full grown tree , what are you willing to pay :)?
Hoping to play and fish with other players I have pears cherries and bamboo. If you have other fruit would cool. Can give bells or the resources abovr
code is fnnx1
I have Peaches!!
I just need peaches! I’m willing to just take one, right now I have twelve cherries I can give as well as 20 star pieces. In a couple days I’ll have every fruit available to trade, aside from peaches.
I also have coconuts right now!
Hello I’m willing to trade in 4 peaches or 5 pairs only choose one fruit. In exchange for your bamboo can I come over to your island I would love to play to and I’m looking for only bamboo.
Native fruit – oranges
Need pears – have cherries
My Dodo code is K19F5. I can exchange Nook Miles Tickets for Iron nuggets and Wood. Also fruit is acceptable.
I have pears!
Add me on switch that way we can be friends on animal crossing! Code – SW: 4781 4420 9813
I need every fruit except apples and pears, I’ll give you apples for other fruits
Code is MQLK4
[Fruits] i have some cherries,coconuts,pears,peaches and apples
[Note]I need some bamboo; I can trade iron nuggets clay stones. You are free to fish or catch bugs and also go to the stores as well. Rules: please don’t run over my flowers, dont take without asking. You can also take some of my villagers just please not Dizzy (the elephant) or Wendy (ram/sheep) Nan ( Goat). Comment before coming I’m looking for people to play with. My freind is SW-1335-644-1531 so just tell me what you want to exchange and how much. I’m happy to trade whatever especially bamboo.
Hi need apple and peach have pear and Cherry to trade with! Dodo J7DTB
I have apples but need other fruits. Sorry no peaches 🙁
Anyone with gates open?
Hi…I have peaches – happy to trade
I have apples and peaches!
I have apples, I can bring them over
I need some pears and oranges about 6 each. I have cherries and peaches. Also if you have books please bring them I have a lot to trade for some books.
Please add me as a friend on animal crossing
Can I play animal crossing with you?
Does anyone want to trade their apples for any other fruit? Only need the apples 😉
I have apples
What do you need in return? And what is your Dodo code?
I do!
Do you need anything in return? What is your Dodo code?
What is your Dodo code? And what do you need in return?
I will!
I need anything other than apples and peaches!
Great! I’ll bring the others for you, 10 of each. Can I get 10 apples in return? What is your Dodo code?
Hi All
Dodo code is B11SF
come and visit!
My dodo code G3QYJ
My dodo code is BHGPH
I need to be a friend before I can chat… I think
Please share a Pin, tnx
My island is open, i have apples and some peaches since i’m quite new to animal crossing. Feel free to come, dodo code is 8TVJS (:
Anyone with open gates?
Gates open dodo code 4563R
Dodo code NLVTR
Hi! Can someone craft me a ladder? I have bells to pay 🙂
Dodo code : 70YSS
Please ask before taking something 🙂
Im looking for the Soutern hesmisphere, for fish and bugs.
I have Oranges, cherries, pears, peaches, apples and bamboo. I Can trade them.
Code- 7BMDX
Please add me as a friend on animal crossing
My friend code 8347-7322-5514
New code NM4W9
Looking to visit Southern Hemisphere. Please send dodo code
Someone with open nook shop??
Do u have cherry
I live in the Southern Hemisphere
Sorry new code!
Code] 1M1QB
[Fruits] Cherries and apples ready now. Will have all soon 🙂
[Note] I’m new to this so my island isn’t as good as some I’ve seen! Please feel free to come and look around. Take as much fruit as you like but please don’t pick the flowers! Leave a note on my board if you like x
Sorry got kicked. New Dodo code is 250R9. Turnips are 321 bells. Looking for 10k bells or 1 NMT to enter! I am wearing a purple dress. Thank you!
Dodo code is 65F4R. Turnips are 321 bells. Looking for 10k bells or 1 NMT to enter! I am wearing a purple dress. Thank you!
Turnip Price 305, Flick The Bug Hunter On My Island. Island Travel Limited… Donations Welcomed. (Dodo Code: 34422)
I have Apples, Pears, Cherries, Coconuts
Anyone have the others?
Can anyone sell me a tarantula???
Please ?
My code is 9VH9H
Leif is on my island. It is also raining more than welcome to take fruit and shop. Donations are appreciated in the form NMT and bells! Dodo code CHL2C open for about an hour.
hi there can i visit now
still open?
Can you open it back up? I would like to visit!
Looking for pears. I have all other fruits
Dodo Code – 1TFWD
Note – Please try not to trample on my flowers!
Hey, I’m looking for apples and oranges ideally 2 of each fruit I can trade other fruit peaches pears cherries and coconuts can anyone help me out?
Hey I need cherries and pears I have apples peaches, oranges and bamboo.
Gotta update code L8R1Y
i have pears and cherries i can trade you with bamboo
I have cherries and pears. I will give them you for free. 🙂 what’s your new dodo code?
Im playing online and visited many islands but none of the owners are showing on my friends list in the game why? can someone please explain i have them friends on nintendo but not on the game.
After you have added them as a friend they need to add you. Once they add you, you need to mark them as a best friend on the Nintendo. Then the next time you both play you will see them on the nook phone and you can send a friend request. Then once they accept that they will show on your phone.
Are you still having visitors? I can bring cherries and pears! (and coconuts and red and yellow pansies if you would like these)
I have cherries and apples if you want to trade. Would love peaches or oranges. Will try your code now if you’re open
I need peaches….i have over 20 cherries. We can do a trade if u want
I will!
Hi, I have apples & oranges $ coconuts. I can trade you if you want, I need peaches & cherries.
Hi I have apples I’ll give you some for some peaches just comment your dodo code 🙂
I got apples on my island
can we trade? I’ll give ye apples if ye give me peaches deal?
dodo code: K8L6B
New island come visit!
I have all the fruits so just give me your dodo code and I will stop by!
I have oranges
I have apples! I need peaches or pears. If you give me your Dodo code we can trade.
I would like some cherries, just so you know i have pears peaches oranges bamboo and coconut! (;
I’m looking to visit someone who can share some peaches. I have all other fruit and can also trade bamboo sprouts if needed
My code is 28w2f, I have peaches on my island,I’m looking to trade for other fruit..
I have peache dodo code: G3BS0
Are your gates still open i want peaches, I have pears cheeries oranges.
Hey I need cherries and pears I have apples peaches, oranges and bamboo.
I need peaches I can trade you cherry,
I have peaches. 83MJ8
I wouldn’t mind. My dodo code is 2KBCN
I have peaches, cherries and pears. Bring anything else.
I just want some cherries XD i have peaches pears oranges bamboo and coconut if you want anything!
I would like some cherries, just so you know i have pears peaches oranges bamboo and coconut! (;
Gates are open code is B1Y1G
Gates are open
Dodo code1P5MH
Please bring bamboo
Shoos open?
I have bamboo
What’re your turnip prices? I have bamboo
Your island isn’t open ;(
Send the code again it doesn’t work will give you bamboo
BNKB1 if anyone wants to visit my island
I have all but cherries. Please bring me cherries and try not to trample my flowers. My nook shop has Lilly hyacinth and pansies. Dodo code K859V will be on for an hr or so
Please bring peaches and pears if you have them I have apples oranges and cherries
new to animal crossing. Opening my gate wanting to make some friends!!! Come visit.
8WNGP is my Dodo code!
I need cherries! i have peaches and pears along with oranges so we can maybe trade?
Oop. Buddy Opp
If anyone wants to come to my island dodo code is
It didn’t work???
Hi please visit my island. I need apples oranges and peaches. I have pears cherries and coconuts.
Code: JH5XW
Dodo code is 174CP
Pretty new island, feel free to visit 😉
Dodo code : 7H0VH please come With me!
Dodo code: 5PVNT I like it if you come
Would love to visit! Trying to collect fruits other than apples and pears!!!
Come everyone and join my ! Dodo code :GJV6P
Looking for Dodo codes so I can look at your island for ideas on how to rearrange mine!! I’m not looking for anything but ideas on where to place all the houses and things 🙂
Come to my island! Dodo code: 14HPC
My dodo code is 1SQLD
My gates are open BQB3H
Would love to come to your island and come to mine iris rock
I have apples, cherries, pears & bamboo
Dodo code is 0VCBG
my dodo code is H27G1
3.9 stars island
Hii im going right now
On my way, bringing oranges
Happy trade any fruit for for apples.
I have apples to trade do you have cherries and pears?
My dodo code 50PDL.
Come to play with me
My gates are open and the code is GNGGP
Anyone have peaches, cherries, pears?
I have apples, oranges and bamboo shoots.
Dodo code: B7G4K
My dodo code 0C9HP
Claudia if ur watching this please come to my island i need to ask something.
No code required I opened gates try to come
I have peaches and pears if you what them
New to Acnh, i’ve got some pears to trade if anyone has anything but apples 🙂 Dodo code is OY8RV.. probably gonna be open for about an hour or so but maybe longer 🙂
Sorry, had to close for a family urgency.
Im new to the game and love it but i havent got any friends so anyone that wants to be my friend and enjoys the game as much as me please add my dodo code 93N7V
Thank you
Come pay me a visit
Dodo code FPL38
Gates are open
Sorry my battery just died
Need 20 iron trading for peaches or bells
looking for 20 iron but any amount is enough…will trade for fruit/ bells. code:869S2
Friend code SW-1314-8848-8788
My dodo
Code is C158L I really wanna talk and play with some people so feel free to visit
Pretty new been playing couple days Dodo code MRV1W
Never had visitors or been to someone’s island before.
Hey I’m trying but can you stop talking or being on your nook phone it’s messing it up
Sorry had to close but send me friend code so we can visit each other if anyone wants.
Hey I’d love to come to your island 🙂
Can someone send me a code ASAP I want to play
heyy visit me on my island…. my dodo code would be : 4F52N
my native fruits are cherrys :))) (north) my island is called PinkyBeach
Very very new to ACNH. Online now – code is Iywk1
New to the game!!! Would appreciate a dodo code to come visit!
Promise not to trash your place! Just need some help getting started and would love to understand what I can do in ACNH.
Thanks in advance!
My island will be open for a hour to join this is my dodo code FW1FP
Nvm I closed the gate use redit all of you if you want visitors
Is there any islands open rn?
Any island open?
My code is M1X4F
Hi, can I come visit? I’m new to the game
Are you still on ?
Mine is CQ93Y
My code is 7TSR2
mine is….visit me if u want…. my dodo code would be : 4F52N
my native fruits are cherrys :))) (north) my island is called PinkyBeach
Code… 43M1Y
Hi guys if someone wants to come in my island my dodo code is 1C9FR
I tried to visit
Dodo code is… 7HXGF
okay im coming
Helloooooo, anyyy open islands to visit ?
Dodo code is… J7K8N
Can I come
whats your dodo code i can come
any island I can visit? Looking for fruit other than apples
I wanna visit people’s islands. Any codes ?
I’ve just posted my dodo code
are your gates still open?
Code is 7HXGF
Anyone open?
Can I visit someone’s island?
Guys it won’t let me come to others island could u guys come to my island instead. Please, dodo code is 8HYRY
Hello are your gates open now? if anyones gates are open please tell me.
If there is anybody named Claudia in animal crossing remember me Janani (daisy) I opened my gates for friends please come join me!
what is your dodo code?
Please can I come to your island
dodo code 5MW77
Take fruits limit self please for others. Apples are in my pocket so ask. Bring gifts or extra diy. Write or draw on board at plaza.
Sorry BT3B2
Looking to visit someone’s island please send code
Dodo code BW6BQ – i need fruit! Very new to the game.
My dodo code is 5BHCJ
I have peaches, coconuts and apples!
Feel free to come and fish and catch bugs!
Anyone welcome, gates are open now
UPDATE my code is now G2MOT
Please visit me! I need neighbors!
Okay coming
This is my dodo code join as you wish LSS4J
Wait for me! I would like to go. ㅠㅠ
Still on?
are your gates still open to visit?
Any open gates right now?
Any open islands rn?
Mine my dodo code 787GW
nyone got a rocket and gold armor to give me? Trying to make robot hero
Need friend to play animalcrossing online my code
Need friends on nintendo switch animal crossing my code sw-8492-6967-2491
Hey new to animal crossing need help? only just started all I really have is pears coconuts and oranges help please ?
I can give u peaches or apples or cherries for oranges.
Today my first time online with animal crossing i have no friends in my list and i try to go make friends and go to a island who can help me with my first online playing
My dodo code is FWHWS
Btw CJ is on my island
I tried to visit but code didn’t work. I will try another time. Hope you are having fun x
am in need of books and a short log couch diy Or just two short log couches. I can trade these (automatic washer, cute wardrobe, tea table, blue corner, studio spotlight, changing room, cosmos wreath, painting set, rice cooker) Please don’t come to visit I have fences up and don’t bring anything else but books or the diy or furniture I can trade the ironwood dresser diy too
What kind of fruit do you have I can bring you some of mine?
Don’t come if you don’t have books or short log couch or long log couch I have fences up only for trading
I can trade ironwood dresser diy for log couch diy
Or the furniture for the following same applies for the books (blue corner, cute wardrobe, cute tea table, spotlight, changing room, cosmos wreath, painting set, washer, rice cooker)
I have a ricecooker and I believe a white changing room. Would love you ironwood diy. Let me know
Let’s be friends
Never had visitors before, new to the game,
so please be nice!
Dodo code is L9GD2
[Code] 9G6CW
[Fruits] I have so many pears pls no pears you can pick as many as you want take them I’m so annoyed with pears. looking for other fruit (I have peaches and coconuts but I’m cool with more though the others are better)
[Note] pls only take fruit or the roses and shells. feel free to fish or catch bugs! my island isn’t much I’m just tryna get the fruits rn so help!
I put a couple cherries and apples by your door. Hope no one takes them. Thanks for code. I needed pears and was able to buy them at your store. The trees were picked clean.
Are your gates still open?
I’m opening my gates for the first time ever! Please don’t take or run on my flowers! I have the upgraded Nooks Cranny and Able Sisters. Northern hemisphere. Dodo code is 6LN7M ?
come here to play 6D9LV!!!!!!!
3.6 stars island
Sorry, communication Error! New dodo code DKD8V
Any islands open rn? ?
my dodo code is 6D9LV
3.6 stars island
thx here is our code 6D9LV
Ive started a couple of days ago and would love to have some friensd to play and help with! Im in early stages but love the game so far! Tips and help are more than appreciated, ive opened the gate
The code is: 38DS7
Dodo code : N228N
Leif is here and sells mums and cosmos seeds.
My shop sells tulips, liliy’s and hyacints.
Mable’s has the royal crown for sale today (bring 1,2 million, very expensive)
i have all sorts of fruit if you need it, also bamboo shoots and some DIY’s.
Turnip prices are low (88 bells) unfortunately.
You’re welcome to grab what you need from my market stalls, if you already have it please leave it for others.
I don’t ask for anything, although we might trade DIY’s or items for cataloging?
And please be careful with my flowers! Don’t run over them and don’t pick them!
Thanks in advance 🙂
Sorry gate is closed. If you want to come over please leave a message
I would like to visit
My newcode is : JP896
Hey, I might come over.
I want to come
Are your gates still open?
My gates are open. MRB58
Any open gates? I have oranges, pears, and coconuts
Any open gates ? Need some fruits (peach,pear, cherrie). I can offer oranges and apples 🙂
I have pears and cherries!
Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6504-7876-9781
Any open gates? I need fruits. I only have cherries and coconuts.
Hey Krizza I will open my gates soon wait
Dodo code is FPKQX
Any island open to visit?
Elisa my gates will be open I will tell my dodo code above.
Can I join please
I need cherries and have all other fruits, willing to trade leave me a code thank you!
My gates are open. 0RSGT
My gates are open. L74FP
link ummm its BY33Q
Friend code is SW-5624-6547-1210 need some new friends on switch currently I play animal crossing fortnite breath of the wild and stardew valley
I’ve added you!
Add me
Dodo code : 2GDSF
I’m just recently starting playing here, looking forward for new visitor coming 🙂
[Code] 80GG0
[Fruits] Cherries, apples, oranges and coconuts
[Note] Northern hemisphere, tips appreciated, willing to be friends for future trades!
Sorry my code is: h6vlp
my dodo code is LYJ10
3.5 stars island
and play lucky spin!
Dodo Code : LYJ10
Any islands open?
gate open B733Q
3.5 stars island
BY33Q pls
Anyone have high turnip prices?
Come visit my 4 star Island, still in working progress.
I have all the fruits.
Looking for cherry blossom diy apart from: blossom pile, bonsai, picnic set, lantern, wallpapers, floorings and umbrella. In need of oriental furnature and tropical plants.
Will pay sensible price.
Please be respectful. Please place item by town square thanks
any islands open right now?
I will open in 5 mins wait
My code is 8DY7T
Can I come I need pears
My gate is open now. The DODO code is 33J3Q
Add me and come play
friend code: 8185-7613-5317
I sent a request
Anyone have good turnip prices. Or can just let me come to their island. Here’s my friend code 153523885600
Any islands open rn?
any open island rn?
Yup open DODO CODE: D0GL3
link ummm its BY33Q
Mine code is above.
Sorry not that great with English.
Just wanna see new sights not my island gimme y’all’s dodo codes
looking for south hemisphere islands for fishing I also have all fruits if u want to trade and other resources
I will put u as my friend. But when can we meet in animal crossing new horizons. Tell ur country name and time to meet in AC:NH cause me live in singapore.
Feel free to come visit my 4 star Island. Apologies I still have a lot to do to it. Please be respectful when coming over, please try not to run over the flowers. If anyone has tires and stones that would be wonderful. Dodo code is: 3ym79
Can I come tomorrow. But tell me the which country u live in cause I live in singapore. Please tell me the time tomorrow (Tuesday).
Can I come tomorrow (Tuesday). Tell me your country so I can visit at the right time cause I live in singapore. I can bring stones shirts and fruits. U have apples cherries or bamboo?
Dodo code is 52V729
Pls visit ☺️
Hi! How long are your gates open? Do you need any resources? I need apples, cherries and bamboo. I have everything else. Please allow me I’m desperate! And lonely ?. Also I am not active on mi island from 7.30am to 1.30pm cause homeschool.
Just tell me urgently real country name so I can predict when to come mi live singapore.
I have cherries, pears, peaches, cherries and coconuts 0446-1023-4244
I only have pears, oranges, and coconuts so bringing cherry’s, peaches, or apples will be very appreciated also take as many fruits as you like my dodo code is 7SVK3