Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons Dodo Codes are temporary codes that you use to invite friends to play online co-op multiplayer with them. This requires you to go through several steps, and also unlocks some new options on your Nook Phone. If you want to play co-op multiplayer online, you have to figure out how to use the dodo codes and invite friends. We’re gonna break the process down in our Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons guide, including how to add people to your Best Friends list.

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to Invite Friends & Share Dodo Codes?
To invite friends and share Dodo Codes in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to go to the airport. Walk right into Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville (the guy behind the counter). Select the option “I want visitors.” Then, select Online Play (you can do local if you want, but Dodo Codes play not part there). Now, choose “Invite via Dodo Code,” then “The more the merrier.” This will make your lobby public, but won’t allow just anyone in, don’t worry. Confirm your choice, and you’ll get the temporary Dodo Code. Share it where and with whom you want.
Tips & Tricks you should know while playing Animal Crossing New Horizons
The people you shared the code with have to go to their Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville, then tell him that they want to visit an online town, then give the code. You’re free to do what you want in the meantime. When they do arrive, they won’t be able to cut down trees and such until you add them to your Best Friends list. To do so, open the Best Friends List on your Nook Phone. It will show you a list of friends you can add to the list, so add your visitor (you can add a bunch of people at the same time).
Once your Best Friends invitation is accepted by another player, they gain the same privileges as you on your island. You can also message them using the in-game keyboard. However, be careful when adding players to this list, as they can destroy and stole things on your island. For more info on playing the new Animal Crossing with friends, check out our Animal Crossing New Horizons Co-op – Local, Online Multiplayer guide.
I need pears
I have peaches to trade
Sure I got loads of pears but can I have apples or cherries for exchange but if you don’t have any it’s fine. I can come anytime other than 7.30 am to 1
.30 PM . ?
If your lonely I will send a dodo code if u guys want to come. The dodo code will be available from May 1st and more till May 31st??. I don’t know but if there is a change I will update u guys. If u want to be my friend more than welcome. I will be seeing how to make as my best friends. I need to trust u. Don’t break my trust. Please? ?. If you guys successfully have my trust u will have almost unlimited time to come to mi island!!! See u on Friday!!!!
> <
Daily dodo codes will be playing at 10am singapore timing from Friday 1 May onwards okay? Please remember SINGAPORE timing don’t forget that?. This is mostly cause mi bored at home and can’t go out because of coronavirus.?
My island dodo code 4Y4D8
Hey can I visit your island I would like to be your freind if it’s ok with you I’m looking for peaple to be freinds with to I can bring a couple of nook mile tickets I have all types of fruit. I would love to hang if you like.
hey my friend code is 313571265332 add me 🙂
Im looking for Friends, who will join me?
Can I have a code? If you want oranges I can grab some before I go to ur island…
Is there a chance I could join u today? If so please send dodo code
Fruit burst
Pls pls join
I have peaches and apples, my dodo code is 44PVH
I have apples pears and oranges to trade!?
AY PLZ I NEED HELP WITH MY LOAN ILL GIVE 2 rare masks there worth 100000
Hello wanna visit at peachisland? KVS1R
I have pears what’s your dodo code?
Same here
KBCPJ I have all fruit come
hey my dodo code is KQXBW plez join
Ive got u, i have loads of pears to trade. Would u like my dodo code?
I have pears I have oranges and apples I need peaches and cherries I will share my dodo code and keep it the same code from today all the way until May 30 and I live in the US so I’m normally on at 8 AM until 12 PM so comment down below and let me know if you want me to do this.
I have pears, oranges, and coconuts. looking to get cherries or apples please?
I will open my gate up in 30 min. I have tons of stuff by my house I want gone. Please don’t pick and take all my flowers. Or mess around with my things. Add me 6801 8638 6202
Im looking for out side décor so that would be nice if you would bring me something in return.
Be respectful.
can i join? share ur dodo code pls
code: 7727 8410 4703
Hey again! I talked to Isabelle at the city hall in animal crossing and she said to increase my stars on my island is to plant more fruit and saplings so please bring over lots of fruit and saplings plz. Thanks! And if you could also bring over bells so that I can donate to build a incline for my cliff on my island that’d be great too. The code is 49MW2.
I can go to yours I have peaches
Are u going to reopen
Hey guys! So I’m trying to clean up my island and trying to get it to 3 stars but I have a lot of weeds on the cliff of my island so if anyone wants anything to sell like for example selling weeds, wood, etc. then come to my island! The code is 0N7J1.
I was the one on your island I don’t understand how to add friends and what not.
Code: 4RYY1
Plenty of fish, some bugs, peaches, shells, and clams. Looking for iron nuggets.
I was on your island today. I made you a ladder. I have fruit for you if you’d like it.
I can give you pears, oranges, or coconuts if you make me a ladder
Just have wood. Give me 5 digit dodo code. I’ll make you a ladder. I don’t need any fruit in return. I’m happy to make it.
Hi Is this open? Code?
Eastern USA time zone
I’m after some peaches
2N70T got pears and cherry
Open gate
Hi! Do you have a friend code? I can trade peaches coconuts and oranges if you’d like
My dodo code is 7DPH
Please come to my island! The dodo code is 0GP3C.
Hi! Are there any open islands? Y’all are welcome to visit me K9ML6. Hope to see y’all soon!
New code KKRV6
Come visit my 4 star island but be respectful. Any type of furniture is needed can drop in the concrete area to the left. Dodo code LDWCW
I have no more fruit but you are welcome to fish and catch bugs
My dode code 2323
Dodo code JMYFJ
Code is:B3X51
Gates open Dodo code: KDD2C
Gate is open now
Can someone please give me iron nuggets please and don’t take my flowers thank u
Any islands open again rn?
My dodo code is: B3X51 please be respectful, as I’m still in the middle of making my town. If anyone has tires I’ll give some bells for a reasonable price
Hi, do you still need tires?
My friend code is 8417-6845-6394; I need iron nuggets ?
Is there any islands open rn? ?
Gates are open – CL2KH. Looking for peaches, pears and apple. Have cherries, oranges, coconuts and bamboo!
I have apples
I got apples
Hi! I’m new and want some friends to help me with the island! There are cherries and coconuts there. 🙂 My friend code is 8105-8041-9244
Come to my island
looking to trade fruits my code is SW-0200-4477-7916
Hi everyone, I just started yesterday but I would love some friends. My code is SW-3991-4637-8004 My island has peaches 😉
Wanna play?
Hey guys my island is open right now! Dodo code is 4566
Can I come hang out? Fairly new to game but want to explore!
Anyone open!
HJS2H plz bring fruit !
I am. the code is 0X826
Gates open now. Dodo code is 0T4YF Come-on by.
Please add me as a friend? my friend code is SW-0250-4517-9912
My friend code is SW-1143-0268-2530
I want to travel to friends island to get other fruits. Only have oranges, pears and coconuts right now.
I’ve sent you a friend request! I’ve also just started, have cherries and coconut! 🙂
Sent request, have peaches!
Says I can’t add you, says your not set to accept friend requests
Looking for friends SW-5732-8798-8289.
Can someone send me a dodo code if they have peaches?? I will bring 10 apples and 10 cherries thanks! :3
7X4J6 if you’re still looking for some!
7X4J6 if you’re still looking!
HEY! i have peaches ^^ my dodo code is BRPBX
how many do you want btw?
unless the offer is already been made ten okay!
New to animal crossing. Any one want to be friends ? My dojo code is KBSWS. . Island is pretty new
Is anyone’s island open rn?
Mine is, i need 5 iron nuggets
Mine is. 5PGDK
I’m new on Animal Crossing as well – please add me: SW-3135-2347-0913
I’m a new switch user and I just started animal crossing and looking for friends! My code is SW 1376-8488-6398 ?
What fruit do you have
Pretty new to the game and looking to add friends. My friend code is SW-0057-7596-4118
Anyone’s island open rn??
dodo code : HJS2H pls bring fruit !
I just want to play with someone because I’m bord.
Can someone pls give me a dodo code that would work.
Add me sw-2724-7685-9006
Anyone’s island open?
Mine is, dodo code k97w4
Please bring fruit if you can
Hi, is your island still open? I can bring peaches
mine is: 06CGP
mine is : 06CGP
I have oranges
Hi everyone! I’m a new player and love animal crossing. My island has pears. I don’t have much of anything but come to visit if your bored ? 0BTDR
Boredddd help ?
My island is open : HJS2H
I would like oranges, and pears. I have lots of apples to sell and my island has coconuts and bamboo (cherries and peaches, picked already).
Sebastian have got pears, looking for peaches but no must x
Hey I have pears if you want to trade 🙂
i have oranges and pears i do need some apples 🙂
Gates are open dodo code 0V9JN. I only ask that if you can drop bamboo and or furniture in the area to the left as you enter!
No more bamboo needed please just leave furniture to help with island decor
I was going to bring you flowers that you’re missing (or I didn’t see) but It won’t let me back on your island
My code is, HRTP2. Gates open
I am needing new fruits! 🙂 What furniture are you looking for?
Dodocode LLP20
hey guys my dodo code is MSLJT come visit me on rooty toot island
My dodo code is 55BJ7
I have pears, apples & coconuts. I’m looking for peaches, oranges & cherries. My Dodo code is 330KR. Does anyone have peaches oranges and cherries that I can visit.
Dodo code 0GNY1
Come visit me
Hi can i come and visit please?
I’ll visit you
I have peaches and apples! my dodo code is DKLYD and if you vist my island I’ll give you a present! idk what it is but my friend code is 0572-0479-3605! Im online right now on animal crossing !
Oh sorry everybody the code us now JN790 since its the next day!
Sorry everybody my game crashed sorry to the one who was joining my island! I’ll reply later!
I just added you as a friend!
hey can you open the gates again for me
Really need oranges and peaches! I have iron and would love to come visit. Message me on here if interested. ?
Hey my friend code is Sw-1854-9324-6993 🙂
Which is your DODO PIN?
Are you still in the game?
Are you still in the game?
Request sent! Do you have a dodo code? 🙂
Request sent Sarah! Dodo code?
I have all the fruits my friend code is 4503-5774-2025
Friend request sent! Do you have a dodo code?
i have some oranges!
Hey could I have your dodo code I need oranges ?
My island is just starting off so I’m nervous to have visitors haha
I have pears, cherries, coconuts, and a lot of flowers, searching for friends
My FC is SW 6984-4642-4108
My dodo Code is 7K8K4, please behave and dont destroy anything, worked really hard! Gate is always open
Anyone from the Southern Hemisphere with gates open? Wanting to fish
Looking to visit someone’s Town to fish and shop. Please send dodo code
Mine is 5T378
My code is J70XX
Someone be my friend and let me come to there island and you can come to mine my friend code is 4609-0267-9982
I have pears, oranges and coconuts
Are you on?
I have peaches and cherries! Trade? Can also bring iron nuggets if you need them!
Who plays in the uk? Need people to swap codes with please !!! 🙂
i play my friend code is SW-0258-0231-6920
I play Uk, code is SW- 3364 – 4706 – 3024
I’m in the UK :)!
Are you still online? I have apples
My friend code – we – 3364-4706-3024
Looking for friends for animal crossing
Gates are open
Dodo code 8G9GT
Didn’t work
friend code – SW-8299-6921-6979, pls visit love having friends on island!! ??
Code: 750S3
The Able sisters currently has the (regular) crown for those that want. I currently can’t afford it, but if you would let me catalog it, that would be nice. Please don’t step or take my flowers.
Are you still on?
Please give some iron nuggets please my dodo code is 7P9SD
Still on?
Hi! New to the game. 3 days in and in the US. Would love to visit someone’s island 🙂
Happy to open my gates as well if anyone wants to come visit.
Add me! Playing this game like mad! I have apples, peaches, cherries and coconuts, and bamboo SW-3420-2217-1828
I sent you a friend request
LGMB0 Long Beach, CA, USA
My gate is open I would like apples and oranges and flowers! Code is 1QW4T
Someone pick all my flowers or destroyed them please be aware of these people
Hi, do you still need oranges 🙂 I need iron nuggets and a little bit of cash to pay for my house. I lost all my save data on animal crossing due to my switch breaking 🙁 I have oranges in my town
Can someone please give me some cherry’s and oranges
Have peaches, grab what you can. I need any type of fruit if possible and iron ore! Just starting out. Heres the code, gates are open! F44LG
If anyone wants to visit my code is 10W2D
Are your gates still open??
Looking to trade and visit islands! I have pears, bamboo, and coconuts!!
Dodo Code – 15FRD
Or add me: SW-8482-3846-2306
Come visit my island: dodo code 9KWV8. I have cherries and pears. Entrance is donations (no fee)!
DoDo code 01dw9
Is it still open
Still open?
I really need cherries. Add me SW 1438 8883 1789
I’m kinda new but how do I add you as a friend??
Code : G3N23
Still on?
Really need oranges and peaches! I have iron and would love to come visit. Message me on here if interested. 🙂
My dodo code is BHF6J and my friend code is SW-0572-0479-3605 and yes I am online!
Hi I added you and to everyone my switch friend code is SW 625402733240 Hope everyone adds me so we cab visit eachothers islands and grow!!!
hi i added you, feel free to come visit my island just give me a heads up first
just please do take any of my flowers or furniture
i have pears, oranges, cherries and coconuts however they haven’t bloomed yet
All welcome DoDo code is 7Q41M
My Dodo Code is 0L5XQ
my code 8XPMG
Dodo code D8T99
Gates are open
I want to join 🙂
My code 0wmrh
Heyy. My dodo code is MQTMV
gates will be open forever :p
My gate is open now. J63F8
Hey Still open? 🙂
New to AC
DODOcode is 1KRH1
Is this still open?
Code is 6jngq
I need apples and oranges. I have pear and cherry, also would love flowers
is this gate still open
** ISO someone who can order either a white or grey stone lighthouse OR white or grey stone pool by redeeming nook miles!!!
I will pay you like 200,000 bells or whatever you want!
Ordered it was your switch code
What’s your open your gate and give me your dodo code I have stuff you can have
Which ones do you have?
What ones do you have?
I bought it want 500,000 plus 100,000 after
hey, I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment sooner ?
which ones do you have?
Grey stooge lighthouse
Got grey stone lighthouse
I’m kinda new but how do I add you as a friend??
I’m new to online, I’ve progressed a good bit on my island, I have able sisters shop and k.k. Slider is meant to be coming tomorrow
I would like to visit someone’s island, or even have someone visit, I only have my starting fruit, the fruit “mum” sent to me and coconuts, I really want to collect them all but I don’t have anyone to play with
Please let me know if you are interested
Gates open now. Dodo code is 0524
I am interested I don’t have anyone to play with either
We should visit each others islands
Will pay 10,000 for bamboo & 15,000 for nook miles tickets DODO code is 4RMXB
I have a bamboo garden, as long as you don’t cut them down fully feel free to come!
Coming now
Dodo Code: BKB2X
Be careful with the flowers
Roy do you have rose seeds?
I have rose seeds … looking for tulip or Cosmo:)
Code is K35V1
New to this. Gate is open. Code is 1XBGH
Anyone have a turnip man anywhere? I can’t find mine in my island
I can get you some turnips if you have rose seeds in your nooks cranny? Let me know
Sorry I wish I did. My shop is undergoing upgrade atm.
** ISO someone who can order either a white or grey stone lighthouse OR white or grey stone pool by redeeming nook miles!!!
I will pay you like 200,000 bells or whatever you want!!
I am looking for someone with seeds for roses, lilies, cosmos or mums in their shop. i have all the fruit to trade or miles/bells. Let me know!
I have cosmos seeds
I have apples, cherries, pears and coconuts.
Mums, wind flowers, tulips , cosmos
I need lilies , roses, oranges and bananas. I’ve tried so many codes but it always says I can’t go ! Anyone on right now ?
I’ve opened gates for a bit I have cherries would love some bananas code is LR5LQ
Heyy do you have any roses by any chance?
My dodo code is: 41R5P
Anyone want a visitor I’m bored
Code GSK9R new to this!
You can visit. New player D7D1B
code HGGRC
will be on for the next hour
new player just have peaches please SHARE
Looking for bananas my code 2sglw
I’ll give u cherries and oranges for peaches
I have cherries and oranges if you want to trade. Send me your code and I’ll come to your island
++ 2CVWN ++
++ 2CVWN ++
Still open?
My dodo code is 8GSRY. Come visit
In need of cherries and flowers that aren’t mums…
I can trade…Please and thank you
Hey I have coconuts, pears and oranges and quite a few flowers, I’m free if u want to visit:)
What is your code? I have peach and roses seed to trade for your pear and hycainth (if u have any)
Can I visit your island?
Hey do you have your gate open? Do you need anything? I pretty much have everythig except roses
I have rose seeds (red, yellow, white) and looking for Cosmo and lilies if possible 🙂
Anyone have a turnip man anywhere? I can’t find him on my island to buy some.
[Code] 01T34
[Fruits] oranges, pears and coconuts. Flowers in shop are crysants, hyacinths and tulips.
[Note] please don’t run through the flowers. All the fruits are on the left side on the cliffs of the island. The shops are straight forward from the airport.
I need cherries apples and bamboo 🙁
Hey dan I can get your cherries and apples
Gate still open?
Is your island still open, I m looking for pear and hyacinth , I can bring some peach and roses Seeds in return
I would like to make some friends and I would like most fruits except peaches because I already have them and I could give you peace offerings
And I would like some clay I have none and I need a lot for some villagers to move in
got many cherries and clay! add me as a friend sw-6528-1312-7902
Hi Melanie,in need of cherries and A new flower,may I visit
Melanie,I’m the big mama request you just added,may I visit for cherries?
Hi I have some clay and cherries do you want it if you want please friend me first and give me the dodo code my friend code is SW-3848-7305-0987
I need some cardboard please (tonight).
Does anyone have any for trade / exchange? I’ve got cherries and bamboo mainly… (still kinda new). Wouldn’t mind visiting for cataloging & ideas!
…or a cardboard bed please.
Hello! I’m looking to obtain a trees bounty arch. Does anyone in the Southern Hemipshere have this?
Hi I’m new I would like to make new friends! My dodo code is 95LQH. I also have pears if anyone would like some
Hey! I’m new to the game! I have apples 😛 would like to get some new fruits. Can I come to your island?
Hello I would like to make friends and I could give you some peace offerings
And I maybe have been playing more than you idk tho
My Dodo code is 7BDDY.
At my island I have apples and some flowers.Just to let you know the maximum amount of visitors at my island is 20 people. Hope you enjoy yourself! 🙂
9RCW9 trying to connect with other islands
Hello, I’m new to new horizons!
hello??? 3XTQX
enter 3XTQX pls
who is rich??? 3XTQX
that is not bells
Hi everyone, I have cherries to offer. Other fruits will grow in the coming days but I’d love to get some ORANGES.
Dodo Code: 4KBBC
Now open!
Hey! I have cherries. Feel free to stop and get some! Dodo code: 5G6NC
I’m new too
5 star island
All fruits
Northern Hemisphere
Current date – 4/18/2020 12:34 pm
Dodo code : FYQKK
Do we have to be friends for me to search?
I have all fruits.
Please bring anything in exchange, flowers, furniture, DIYs, bells, etc..
My Dodo Code is D1W49
airplane mode??
you put a airplane mode
Can’t get to your island? I have oranges, pears, blue hyacynth
closing the gate now
SW 1995 5804 7682
my dodo code is LBBSR can someone give me 1M bells???
my dodo code is DWPGF I have apples come to my island and play games!!!
Hi i am your friend now join my place
code: 41YGG
I have cherries, peaches and apples but only looking for oranges please!!
Nook and able open, also looking for mums, cosmos, lilies, roses!
Can I join? I will trade 10 oranges 4 10 cherries?
I have roses! Wanna trade I’ll bring 6 roses for 6 peaches?
I have peaches and I need roses if you still need someone to trade with!
I’m looking for someone to play with. Code is 6QX9K
Hey heres my add
Sw 0775 -2997 -1291
Looking for friends to visit and trade
I have some oranges !
I have oranges and would like pears or bananas please (or anything else cool) 🙂
I’m new to his game and I’m looking for friends 🙂 II have oranges and apples. My friend code: SW-3462-9698-2887 and dodo code: LVP5G
Yasss same here new to the game and looking for pals!
Me too
I’m new to this game my code is LD3T7. Need iron nuggets. Anyone come please
I’m also new code 6D0XC
My code is K78JH if anyone has any iron nuggets that would be helpful.
CODE : H1F54
Pears, coconuts and apples!
Anyone online rn? I have oranges, bamboo, and coconuts. I need basically everything else
Can you come to mine I need 10 stones code is CWV3Y
Is anyone able to make a cutting board?
Gates are open dodo code HFVRF. If you can please bring a cutting board or the DIY recipe for one
Try this again new code LT4D8
Sorry guys I don’t know why it keeps crashing
Does someone have the „Café-curtain wall“ please? I will give u what u want and need
come to island my dod code is 9H555
Mine but my Island is new LD3T7
Anyone gates are open?
Anyone have diy for rope fences and flowers like lilies and cosmos? Thanks 🙂
My dodo code is L4CK6 if anyone wants to make friends! I have peaches, oranges, coconuts, and bamboo.
My DoDo code today is 3G84Q .. im super New just started yesterday! Please come make friends!!
My code is 2Y1QB
I’m new, I have apples and coconuts
R u still on I can come visit
anyone accepting visitors right now? I have various flowers and fruits.
I’m looking for 4 cardboard boxes. I can pay 7000 bells for them. My dodo code is MSQC8. It is on the more the merrier and the gates are open. Thanks!
I’d like to visit. My dodo code is 0524 if anyone wants to visit
Hi. I’m looking for 4 cardboard boxes and I need them fast. Please if you have four cardboard boxes, come to my island. The gates are open and they are on the more the merrier. I can pay 15,000 bells. The dodo code is JTRGX
Hi. I’m looking for 4 cardboard boxes and I need them fast. Please if you have four cardboard boxes, come to my island. The gates are open and they are on the more the merrier. I can pay 15,000 bells. The dodo code is 8FDV9
I have cardboard boxes! If you still need them let me know and i’ll visit your island!
Hi. I’m looking for 4 cardboard boxes and I need them fast. Please if you have four cardboard boxes, come to my island. The gates are open and they are on the more the merrier. I can pay 15,000 bells. The dodo code is KY76P
Still on?
I’ve got one I can bring you? What kind of fruit do you have? Will trade box for apples, peaches, and/or cherries.
SW 1995 5804 7682
My daughter’s code is BVLSP. She just started recently too.
Code is BH92R
I have peaches, coconuts and apples, and am looking for oranges and pears please!
I am also looking for cosmos, lilies, roses, and mums 🙂
Are you still looking for pears and oranges?? I will trade you for peaches and apples!!! I can also bring roses
it won’t work, are your gates open?
I have oranges and pears! I need peaches, apples, and cherries. Trade?
I have what you want. Would you open your gate??
Newish and need friends to travel to and visit my island.
Friend code= sw-5430-5924-1712
I will give dodo code when people want to visit.
anyone have their island open? looking to fish in Northern Hemisphere and make friends!
Hi, I’m on the northern hemisphere. New to the game so want to explore.
My DoDo Code is 199G6
anyone accepting visitors right now? I have apples, peaches, coconuts and various hybrid flowers I ll bring to you. i need other fruits. thanks
I’m looking for 5 cardboard boxes. I can pay 20,000 bells for these. Dodo code is 2QS8X. The gates are open and it is on the more the merrier. Thanks!
I am coming to your island. Look for Graham15
Sorry the dodo code is MSQC8 now
trying to come but it keeps saying interference Are you playing
My dodo code is b9b2b
I do! Dodo Code: 05TWN
Anyone have peaches plz I have oranges ,pears,apples, and Lilly’s and blue flowers.
Can someone please share with me oranges, pears, lilies, cosmos, mums, or tulips? Plz and thank you!
Also I am currently looking for a DIY Cherry Blossom Branches. It’s the only one I’m missing from the Cherry Blossom Set. If I can make a DIY someone’s looking for I will be more than happy to do so.
I don’t mind traveling to someone else’s island or vice-versa, just don’t trash my island (cut trees / destroy rocks / take everything of a single resource plz)
My Friend Code is 5281-2726-9317
I have peaches! 😀
I have all the fruit!! I can give you whatever you need!
Are you playing?
i have peaches 🙂
what’s your dodo code?
Are you playing?
I’m new here and in the northern hemisphere. 1WSB5
Hi there! My friend code is 150677944598 ☺️☺️☺️
Trying to come but it keeps saying interference
I’d like to visit
Does someone have Flick (that bug Guy) over?
I have pears and coconuts
In my way
Gates are open, come visit
Dodo code DCY64
Hey! I’d like to trade for cool furniture/ recipes
SW- 3724-7796-4100
New to this! Wanted people to visit my island 71F9V
Dodo code: CNYXC
Are you still on ?
Hi here is my friend code if you want to be friends
Ps I am new too
My code is 0QPPT
Do yohaave a dodo code?
I just sent a friend request to both because i am new too
Hey I’m new also I can share my dodo code with you
Anybody there to accept visitors? We don’t still have ladders;
Hello everyone!
I am look for friends!
My dodo code is FVSJ3
Gates are open, if you want to visit the island!
Will give 50,000 bells for some red tulips!!!
My dodo code is Come visit 8GSRY
Hi guys my island is open for whoever wants to come by ! It’s new and under construction still. But whoever wants to visit is welcome . Just pls be nice c:
Want to get visitors!
Would love to visit other places as well!
Gates open now.
Code – CW294
New code- 3BXR6
Friend me when you come so I can visit your island as well.
Hi, you need to send your switch code from your setting
It says you have interference
Is your island still open? I need every fruit besides apples and oranges and I’m willing to trade
dodo- 3G68X
all fruits !
i need people to donate to my lloid for an incline 🙂 will trade stuff
Can I come
My code is L7VN7
I have oranges and am new to the game but would love it if someone wanted to visit and help or trade
Hey. I’d like to visit you. What’s the code?
I want visitors and help with building bridge dodo code is 5KDX3
Code is 53FRR, could really really use some iron, just starting out but cherries are my native fruit
I’ll help if you gates are still open
Is it still open
My gate is open here’s my code please H7JF5 add me when you come so we can be friends. Any Utah people on here btw?
Dodo code: CWT34
Come visit!
My Northern Hemisphere island (Lily Cove) is open this morning!
Dodo Code is 5N89J
Fruit: Cherries (native), pears, apples, coconuts, and peaches
Shop: Open
Flowers in Shop: Cosmos and Tulips
Flick is visiting, so feel free to sell him bugs!
I would ask that if you visit you consider making a donation to the construction project for the bridge. It’s not mandatory by any means, but it would be appreciated.
Is your island still open? Is Flick there??
Will leave a nice donation 🙂
Are you still available?
Hello I would love to come I have oranges and will donate 1000 to bridge
Gates are open, my stores are close… please be nice
Have everything you could think of.
My code is LWNK9
Please leave 1,000 bells as a contribution
I need oranges, peaches, and apples can someone let me get those please.
I have all those. I need cherries and pears. Want to trade?
I need
I have oranges, pears, and peaches
What’s your code
I want to visit some islands, please give me your codes 🙂
What’s your code?
I’ve cherries and apples i need orages pears and peaches what’s your dodo code?
I have cherries and apples i need oranges, pears and peaches what’s your dodo code?
I have cherries to leave and some bells would love some fruit and to check out your island. What is your Dodo code?
What your switch code
I do what your switch code
I have apples oranges and cherries for anyone that give pears or peaches ? Code is 5CT1L
I have pears and I need…. anything else 😀 If you can help I’ll be grateful ^^
Ok what your switch code
I have cherries and apples if you bring me peaches or pears ? Code is 5CT1L
Have peaches and pears
Have all fruit but pears. Will trade if you let me visit. What’s your did code?
Hello, I really need help gathering iron nuggets. If someone can give me their Dodo code so I can get some from their rocks.
I’m new to this game.
My dodo code is F8LLM!
do you have your gate open?
I have apples and bamboo shoots to trade for peaches and oranges.
I have bamboo if needed, looking for cherries and apples.
I need oranges pears and apples
I have peaches cherries coconuts
Code is BT4JF
Thank you
89D7D now give me toilet I will give you 1k bells
Millie can you visit my island here is my dodo code 89D7D
Yes you needed clay can you add me said my sw code yesterday
I need oranges pears and apples
I have peaches cherries coconuts
Code is BT4JF
Thank you
GR3RG send apples or cherry
give me a toilet 89D7D
Come visit my island I’m online right now. I have peach trees and coconut trees my dodo code is 297S6 gate is open to anyone 🙂
come join me now my code is 8mqn4
Gates are open to visitors
Dodo code M19GN
Still letting people in?
If you open it again I’d love to visit
my dodo code is 89D7D give me a toilet pls
Is your island still open?
Yes what your switch code
Hey I’m looking for friends so I can visit their islands and so people can come visit mine is it alright if I add u as a friend? Here’s my friend code in return SW-188095992687. Hope you accept my friend request!!
New player. Started day 5. I can use almost anything so leave whatever you can share. yhanks in advance.
Code: CC6XQ
hey my dodo code is b65p1 now give me 55k bells pls closed in 12:30 pm
ok closed in 1pm
michel hurry up my dodo code is b65p1
my dodo code is 72YWK can someone give 55k bells for me?
What your switch code
Add me plz my switch code is 5765-1999-0574 so we can be best friends
I desperately need friends to play with online. I have pears and coconuts, pls add me
My switch friend code is SW-8158-7039-2312, my character’s name is Diane, and my island is Gilligan’s
Thx byeee
I’m sending you a friend request so we can visit each others islands hope u accept!! ?
hey guys! i have apples and pears and whatever else you’d like!
here is my code: 0KDP3
hey is your gate open, thx.
not working
Still letting people on the island?
Are your gates still open? I’d love to visit
WOW! there are so many players!
Don’t have that much add me on board plz
I was going to bring pear coconut and a couple hybrid flowers but it wont let me in
Hi, my code is JWVBL
I’m new. Thank you <3
It wont let me fly there… I’m new to this ??
hey guys! i have apples and pears and whatever else you’d like!
here is my code: 0KDP3
Can I come on your island??
My code is lqnny gates are open
New to this, how do I visit you? Typed your code in but says “looks like there aren’t islands we can take you to” HELP!
Play now?
come visit my island Dodo Code 5S79N
Are you still on ?
who has a 20 gold nuggets? 894C7
and 4 clays
Island open. I have all The fruits to offer.
I would love to come but it won’t let me in 🙁
Make a dodo code you can visit my island and I’ll visit yours ?
hey guys! i have apples and pears and whatever else you’d like!
here is my code: 0KDP3
Can I play on your island? I just wanted to grab a couple fruits
Do you have cherries and peaches??
Got oranges. Bring me something other than oranges or coconuts.
JC47Y. Be open for the first couple of people about 45 minutes.
Anyone open to vist i just want to view your shops and if your northern hemisphere fish. I will bring coconuts, cherries and peaches.
does anyone have 6 ioron?
dodo code NMPFO
Might yes what your friend code
Hello! I’m new and looking for friends. I need a shovel, 30 wood each, and iron nuggets to build my first shop. hit me up if you can help me. And would also just wanna hang out too. let’s discuss music?
Dodocode: N96DW
note i will close if it gets too hectic with new visitors.
Hi guys, new hear. Please come visit, my Dodo Code is JRHJ8.
Souther Hemisphere Here!
In need of all types of flowers will give bells
Code is 0BQHV
Can someone please send me a dodo code
Need help cataloging furniture!
Dodo code: 3BKKL
New code: M0MNC
please bring something I can catalog!
It keeps saying your phone is on or youre talking im trying to get in
Island open. I have all The fruits to offer
hey guys! i have apples and pears and whatever else you’d like!
here is my code: 0KDP3
my code is D7JMR
Coming what your switch code or mine is 5765-1999-0574
You added me
I would love to visit! Just can’t get in?
coming can you add me as a best friend
I’m on my way
I sent you a friend request
Does anyone have the raining cityscape?! I would love to catalog if possible! I will pay in bells or if your looking for something specific.
Thank you!
Hi all,
We need some red roses and red lilies please and a couple of ladders. Thanks,
The gate is open now for about 1.5 hour: 7VD8F
Arian, when are you coming over?
…not working
G63W6 apples and cherry plz I have oranges peaches pears and coconuts
Sorry. Don’t know why I got cut off.
I still need star fragments, bananas and bamboo.
Hi i can give you them just for fruit: oranges and pears
Can someone help me out with getting some cosmos and mum flowers?
My gate is open. I could really use star pieces, bamboo and/or bamboo.
In Need Of 3 Star Fragments would give a throwback gothic mirror a fourtune cookie cart and 250 turnips need it for a quest
I’ve got some add me Sw-0597-9881-6299
I need furniture I can catalog
Island open ! 6C65K
DoDo code 2WNR5 I’m in Australia gates are open, I have apples & coconuts please bring fruit!
Come visit. I could use some bamboo and/or bananas
Come pay me a visit gates are open
Dodo code LTXXJ
Still open? I need to sell my turnips!!!
my gates are open as well! 99XHR !! Come play!
On my way lol
Is it still open
still Open but full
The code is 7913
In need of 4 sky eggs! I’ll exchange for apples or peaches? Dodo code is HXCL5
Looking for peaches … have cherries and lots of bunny eggs. L9S0T
Dodo code is : M0TVQ
Anyone’s town open , want to explore x
Im open My dodo code is 814DK up for trades and have oranges Coconuts and flowers ?
Coming can you add me as a friend my switch code 5765-1999-0574 and as a best friend plz too
My friend code is SW-0250-4517-9912 if anyone here wants to add me as a friend btw.
My code is 5GSMH. Need pears. Have all other fruits. Lots of flowers.
I have pears!? Do you want to visit me?
Gate closed
Can I visit someone who has any clay? I’ll trade for it
Have pears
Clement and Mike
The connection was lost but would like to visit you.
is not working
Hi guys
I only need oranges and pears, nothing else, i can pay you or give stars
My Id is
I have pears! We can trade
Looking for pears and cosmos. My code is 23HXK.
Just started feel free to visit N770T
Our code is : GFG50
Need help with sitting room and kitchen stuff, can catalog it if it’s easier
Ingaven a fridge For You. Are you still open?
This is our code for two hours HWSMY
Im on my way
Hi guys we got disconnected by the server;
We have apples; dodo code for another hour is SPXPB
we have apples; please bring us some of your favourite fruits;
My dodo code is 1JBJC. I’m gonna open my gates for an hour, so anyone come join now until 16:30 UK time! 🙂
Would like to visit.. looking for pears and cosmos
My dodo code is 23HXK would like pears and cosmos
I need to sell 290 nativ cherrys
I will buy them, what’s your code?
I have all fruits if you need them.
Dodo code is MH01C
there is interference
Gates are closed
I want to invite anyone to my town and would love to visit yours. My friend code is SW-6887-9467-3672. Please be aware that I will open my gate for 10 minutes upon accepting your friend request or when I see you come online if you are offline when I accept it.
not working
I need coconuts, and peaches and iron. Dodo code 1PHKC. Hurry won’t keep it open forever. Add my friend code if you want more than a one time trade.
Anyone wanna be friends or best friends can add me
My Friend Code: SW-6898-9463-7870
I need cherries, peaches, pears, roses. Im 46 years old and I have cancer and this game is really helping me stay occupied
Got some come get some and sent you one
Hello everyone. I am trying to become more active in the intendo community. My island has pairs as the native fruit and I am currently in the process of growing cherry trees. Anyone that wants to be good friends please add my friend code 6887 – 9467 – 3672. I would love to play games across many different platforms and generally discuss about which games are the best.
Sent one you want to come
Just trying to connect to new people and get some friends in the community. If you want to add me my friend code is SW-6887-9467-3672.
Done ?
Add me just started playing this game is dopeee
Coming off of resident evil 3
Anyone got any clay?!
My gate is open to anyone 🙂
Dodo code: HKH1P
Hi there I have 1 clay to spare and lots of cherries. I need pears, oranges and/or peaches. Could I visit you and drop my items for a swap?
I have clay
Are ur gates open
How do you add a friend
Looking for dodo code
Is anyone open right now??
anyone online. .. I wanna fly!!!!
Looking for pears or cherries have apples. Will also swap flowers! KK is currently at my island♡
I have a D Nat so only A nat can connect as a heads up!
Someones Nook still open? I need to sell my 39 Tarantulas pls..
Can I come to your island
MrsTHeRWy can I come to your island
Dodo: 8C2QW
I tried your dodo code.
I might have unfriended you accedently
Forgot my money
Anybody wanna hang out at my island my dodo code is 76BRR please no scammers
Anybody wanna hang out at my island Astroria my island isn’t the best but I am only there days in the game my dodo code is KFDRS and please no scammers or rude people
I have my shop open SW 3338 9231 0137
Yes cjck0
My shops open but my town is lame (just bought game yesterday)
My gates are open the code FCSC1
I jus want some ppl to play with
Also I need some iron nuggets if anyone wants to help with that?
I’m new to this game. Looking for apples! I have 3 pear trees I can trade.
My gates are open for a few hours, now! The code is: 9WGJ6. I’m looking for iron nuggets and and fruit besides pears.
Plz join me in need 6 iron nuggets to open books cranny and I am new to the game my dodo code is 65106
Dodo code MY10P
Try this again new code 5HHH9.
Only a few more will be let in than closing the gate so people can fish and what not
Trying to visit a town with pears.
Can anyone help me I am in desperate need of cherries
Pls type ur code and I will visit u if u have cherries
I have all the other fruits
I have lots of cherries ? and need pears, oranges and peaches? Could trade with you.
Are u still open
I have TONS of oranges and need to get rid of them but I need you to bring a lot of stone and maybe a large star fragment if you can please! Thx 🙂 Dodo Code: 0YVJC
My code: KBK3F
Please I need iron nuggets
Hello, is your island still open? I am in need of fruit, need apples and cherries
Anyone’s island open right now?
My gates are opened
Dodo code: 1TGNB
My code LVTRN
Yea mine
Mines open code: LVTRN
Town is open!
[Code] 5Y4FR
[Fruits] All – Peaches and Coconuts available, all others picked
[Note] Town may be a little messy
Hey are you still open?
Is there any islands open rn?
Dodo code is MCCPM
6CX2R. Looking for nookmiles tickets pls
mine is the code is 8V67X
I just need oranges, but if you would like some of the other fruit come on over. If you have oranges please bring some, or something else
My dodocode is: F8TYX
New code is JS97N
Im closing the gate
Come to my island! Please bring native fruit or flowers! Code: 5QM4B
Can anyone visit my island please 7C9MN
Kicks is here. Dodo code: 8MPCY. Please excuse the mess as I am in process of moving buildings.
Anyone wanna be friends
Code :ccmr3
I’m new to this, I just have cherries and coconuts but I just wanna meet some people, maybe make friends ?
I want
Can we be friends my code is 5765-1999-0574
I do!!
Celeste is here!!! 49KP0
Is there any islands open rn? ?
I’m online now dodo code 313CH
Mine is ! 5Qm4B
New to the game. Struggling to find iron nuggets.
Hi im looking to please visit an island and make friends. i have cherry apple peach and coconut. i really want pear and orange
I have all kinds of fruit !
Let’s trade SW-7334-4213-2726
Hey guys! I am trying out a „new thing“ on AC: The Backyard Change/Sale. Behind the townhall you will find a place with a few things to trade. Take what you want and leave sth else for it. Don‘t be rude or a thief! Also this is a chance for all to fill up your catalogue. Kicks is in my town too and I have got all fruits. Dodo code: 7R52C
New dodo: G1P3W
Hey could I visit?
Come to my island itll be open till half 8 so come plz
are u still open?!?
Still open?
I’m on my way
Come to mine 4SMY4
who has mabels? i can bring any fruit and bamboo
Is anyone’s island open rn?
JTJGT will be open til 6 pm
I have apples and coconuts
It’s weird, I put in your dodo code and I was about to go to your island but I can’t get to your island so that’s weird ?
try again. maybe its someone coming or leaveing at the same time
It died
Just opened the gate to my island. The code is 5NVBD.
Coming over
I need iron ingots :v and I have apples as fruits to- :p please come and help me out- my gates are always open ^^
Yo guys come to ma island cause no ones island is open rn ;c
so yeah code is: 773CB
plz come
Coming my switch code 5765-1999-0574 someone phone
On your Nintendo account there’s a Long code, you add friends through thereee! Mine is SW3249-8846-1590 on your account on the actual switch not Zac You can add friends
It’s so weird, I entered your dodo code but whenever I try going to your island I can’t. So weird ?
About to open it
Bring some of the fruit back you could only take some not all
Is it still opennn
Add me my switch code going to someone else first
What’s your code x
Got some iron
Does anyone have any islands open rn?
I have all the friuts and some bamboo
Can I come overrrrr
Open! Have oranges and peaches, need pears and rose seeds
Dodo code 6SF5F
Code. 2Y75J
Fruit: Cherries
Anyone welcome! If you want to bring some different fruit that would be nice but it’s not required!
Someone open your gates. Would be great if your were in another country and you store were open. I have lots of stuff to share.
i just opened the gates. my code is NHYBM. I need apples, peaches, and bamboo, if you can help with that. thanks!
I’m up and my code is 54FFB
My gates are open LBOVR
Come visit make new friends
Dodo Code 76655
Friend Code: SW-3348-6696-0497
Dodo Code: 4YLGF
Gates are open all is welcome!
Bring apples and bamboo
Dodo code is
Also bring gold, iron and water and sky eggs
Hi how are you and here is a via dodo code
What your switch code
I need nookmile tickets please dodo code 7LFK8
Hi All would love more fruit have plenty of coconut, cherries, and peaches my code is 6JCP2
Come all code is 9L9J8 need iron as well if u can
I can bring some iron, do you have any stone?:)
This is my dodo code : 5G3WF , You can take whatever you need but you have to drop off 10K at the entrance
I have Iron
Can I join?
Gate still open? I have iron
Looking to make new friends
Code is 76655
Gates will be open till 7:30 pm Pacific time
is this still open?
Hello Villager!
Does someone have some cherry blossom diy/manuals?
I will Open Gate soon
Dodo: 75RVR
please bring some cherry blossom diy
You have a very beautiful town
Need your husbands friend code so he can come
island open 84B0B
Is it still open
No it isn’t I’ve just tried
Hi ! look all fruit (peach dont need) Dodo-Code H307L.. Gate open. Wait new guests)))
Hey, I have pears, cherries, oranges and coconuts. If you need these can I swap for peaches or apples if you have them? Just tried to join and the code has expired. ?
hi! i have peaches!
I need oranges please
Please some one open your gates. Would be great if your were in another country and you store were open. I have lots of stuff to share.
Looking for some fruit: Cherry, orange, and peach.
I have pears, apples, coconuts.
iv got pears and coconuts please could people leave different fruits please
What your switch code
What your switch code your gate open
I have bamboo, pears, coconuts, cherries, apples and oranges. I’m looking for peaches, giant clams, stones and metal.
Does anyone know how to find sharks? How do I find a golden watering can?
Somebody please open your gate I want to chop in your shop and when u put your code on here tell me what I should bring you.
heck no you just want my turnips
Do you have apples
Gates are now closed
I have pears and cherries I really want new fruits! I’ve used sooooo many nook miles on tickets and I get nothing but more pears! Helppppp
You have peaches?
What’s the dodo code
Hi! I should be having oranges, coconuts, and apples growing in tomorrow. Dm me on insta if you want to come to my island and we can trade. Give me some pears and I’ll give you whatever fruit you need? Insta: @sebastian.j13
Gates are open for visitors
Dodo code C66XY
I’m looking for gold nuggets. I can pay with bells. The gates are open for everyone. Dodo code is L0BMN
What’s the code
My Friencode: 777177487972
Come and invite me!
Dodo code: DSB18
Looking for bamboo or bananas! I have all fruit! Gate open now and for a few hours!!
Can bring bamboo to exchange!
Is your island still open?
Yes what your switch code mine is 5765-1999-0574
Mon code ami : SW-2884-6865-3391
Dodo code H74KX
Cherry blossom and iron is welcome!!
Looking for a southern island I can fish on please. Can bring apples or peaches.
You can only have one of each kind of flower
I have coconuts and pears please bring me something different
Do not take the furniture that’s around
Just saw this sorry. Heading your way hoping the gate is open, bringing you apples, oranges, cherries and peaches. I’m a respectful player and would never touch anything other than the fish 🙂
Are you on southern island? I can bring all fruit 🙂 I just want to catch bugs and fish, and will not touch any of your things!
I’m looking for apples, I have cherries & roses and whatever else you might need.
I’m a southern island, and will be open for the next two hours if you want to come fish. Please bring peaches & bananas if you have them. Dodo code: GVQR8
My island is open till 14:30 (Spain)
I have apples. turnips = 176 berries.
only peach left
Has changed
NM0YF Come visit my gates are open to anyone
Heres my friend code!
Looking for donations for my incline that I am building and also looking to get visitors to my island to get the build tool 🙂
Pls feel free to visit my Island
Maybe you could bring stone and iron cause my island ran out of stone and iron ?
Hello ive got some Iron and Stones for you. Give me a minute and I will drop it!
Thx a lot
Now I need wood to build the shop 30 of each kind of wood. Maybe someone can help me?
Dodo code: 3DGDX
Hello Villager!
Can someone please give me an giant star splinter/riesensternsplitter?
I really need it! I will give u anything u want.
Could pls someone bring me a giant star splinter? I would give anything
Mein Dodo: 824R0
Island open ! 2N9JJ
On my way 🙂
Heya! Is it okay if I come over? The dodo says there’s some interference because someone’s on their nook phone
GATES OPEN! Code:2VR8J I have peaches,apples,coconut, bamboo and southern please bring other fruits cherry blossoms preferably! Please and thank you I also have iron and stone!
Dodo code FN3DS
I am new please add me as a friend, I have pears!
Can I add u
Visit my island everyone is welcome:)
Let’s trade and have good manners 9J4J8
If someone wants to visit my Island: L6VGL
I need:
– Cherry
– Peach
– Pear
I have:
– Apple
– Bamboo
– Orange
– Coconut
I’ve got all fruits except pears, open until 11am.
Code is 0GHST
I can bring you some pears if you trade apple and oranges?
Dodo code is
Anyone have spare cherry blossom petals?
I do! Are you from Southern Hemisphere ?
I have coconuts plenty of flowers and pears it’s Sunday so bring your turnips bells ?
My code is B89CT
My code is B89CT
please join
Gates are open come visit me
Dodo code 5PJGJ
Still open?
Anyone want visitors? Please send dodo code
Anyone got extra iron nuggets!? I got eggs to trade. I’ll come to your island. Comment code bellow ?
Looking to trade with other islands, as well as to get best value for stalk market! My island is usually open, so feel free to pop in: SW-6013-2150-6359 accepting all
76rbs come visit my island it has apples and coconuts
Sent request my open
Which hemisphere are you in? And just added you
Hey please bring 1 large star fragment please
Dodo M68TV
My code is : 4jm1b
Hi! My island is open and the code is 3PWJ3 but if you come to my island could you please bring iron nuggets? I need iron nuggets so badly so if possible when you come to my island could you bring iron nuggets with you? Thanks!
Still open?
Island open! KRPHB
Dodo code: 11FP6
My island is open FOR TRADING ONLY!
I am willing to trade anything for iron I need to build the nook shop
Please don’t come with no intention to trade for iron I have nothing interesting and have already picked up all extra things. Thanks guys 🙂
MG13H everyone come to my island trading fruits etc whatever you’d like! however you have to invite me to your island! 🙂 gates are open friends 🙂
Add me guys ! 7096 3483 1712
My island is open 3V1NK
New PIN Dodo : 4SNB1
Hello, is your island still open?
it doesn’t work
Island open 33WGP
Hey does anybody have their town open for me to come over
Does someone have the island open?
New to the game come visit please code is 27Y55
My dod code is 7SN7H
Anyone having shooting stars tonight? I desperately need some. Please post Dodo Code
Gates open till 8pm Eat
Code 72PJT
Fruits: Pears Coconuts
Need iron
Dodo code is: CWF4V
I have a bunch of stuff for trade right when you get off the plane! Take an item, leave an item! ?
4R222 – island open to all
Hey m opening up my island code is J7JP2
Please when coming here give me some bells to help pay my home loan
Is your island still open?
Is your island still open
Open your gates I’m tryna join
i have open
HNKP9 I have coconuts, peaches, and cherries would love someone to bring fruit we dont have.
What’s your dodo code
Hey Benny can you let me know when your gates are open text me on AC let me know when your on
hi new player here trying to make some friends and travel to other islands? is anyone on?
MG13H everyone come to my island trading fruits etc whatever you’d like! however you have to invite me to your island! 🙂 gates are open friends 🙂
also add me as a friend!
What the code or your switch code
i open it
Add me hard to do that my gate open 5765-1999-0574
I am Looking for a Gold armor or a rocket
What’s goal amor Need your switch code if I get for you
? Come to vivian then we can trade
Don’t know what that is
Gates are open dodo code HJD33
Or both xD
I have apples, peaches, oranges and coconuts! 🙂
My code is 98TWH.
Still open?
need peaches and apples, can give you pears.
Yes need your switch code
still open
I have apples, peaches, oranges and coconuts! 🙂
My code is 6LQPG.
Gates are now open I have coconut apples and some oranges dodo code 2BSP6
I come
Ok need your switch code
There was a communication error new code NDFYF
Close the window pls
Ok need your switch code
I Need a golden armor and a rocket for the robot.
Does anywhere trade it? I will be pay for it.
If you have rust parts, I wanna have it too.
I love this bot!
Hey I have rusted parts , I’m looking for a wand recipe?
1JSSW looking for peaches I have pears as main fruit and can trade oranges too 🙂
Any online?
Please, I need Bamboo
I can give any fruit
PS. I speak Gearman too
Hey, hast du ein Teleskop? 😀 evtl im Katalog oder so
I have apples if anyone wants to trade fruit dodo code 606kx6 I’ll be leaving the gate open most of today.
I have 2 bamboo shoots I harvested this moring. I’m looking for a few apples to plant.
I also have a lot of bamboo I’ve collected from hitting my bamboo trees.
Hi, do you have cherries?
do you have cherries?
Is anyone’s gates open
Is anyones gate open?
Does someone have a telescope? ill give something back (:
Anyone got a town I can visit now please
Hi, gates open shop selling peaches.
Dodo code M3H2T
I am looking for some apples. Have iron nuggets, oranges, peaches, coconuts, pears and bamboo shoots to trade.
HEY! I dont have apples im sorry! But i really beed some iron nuggets? Do u think u could help me? My friendcode is
Im sorry that i dont have apples but if i would i woud give em to u! Im visiting an island soon and if they have apples ill make sure to contact u!
Greetings Elena
Hello, I have apples and pears.
I have apples i also have some giant clams. i need peaches and oranges and rose if you have any here the dodo code 4b4vs the island is silverwolf.
I can give away a few apples. What is your dodo code?
Hello, I habe apples and pears if you are still interested. I also have flowers, that I would like to trade.
I have apples for some pears
I have apple trees I will trade for oranges and peaches.
I have apples. I need pears and peaches
Gates open 3ss49
MG13H everyone come to my island trading fruits etc whatever you’d like! however you have to invite me to your island! 🙂 gates are open friends 🙂
also add me as a friend!
Hey! Dodo code: HS5B8
Got oranges and eater eggs
Hello Villager!
My Dodo: GVLGW
U can visit me and can i visit someone to sell my oranges? 😀 pls..
Yes i want to visit you but your code doesnt work
Come visit me! I really need some oranges ?
My dodo code is LR2Q5
Код 467779828773 жду.
SW-7334-4213-2726 Trying to make new friends 🙂
Sent one my gate open
Does anyone have 21 iron nuggets pls I need it
Do you still need the iron nuggets?
i need them! ????
Heyhey! I need 15 iron nuggets! Anyone wanna help me? Its for a shop that i really wanna have tommorow! <3 if u have some bugs and fishes maybe i would appreciate that too <3 my friendcode is
Greetings Elena x
I need iron nuggets
I do
Yes need your switch code
Yes need your switch code
Hi I’m looking for apples I have peaches
My friend code is SW-3263-3393-4721
Sent a friend request. Looking for friends on Animal Crossing
I will give you 90,000 bells for peaches
Is anyone’s gates open
yeah, my code is HMXPD
Yep! Come visit me at FR5DD
does anyone have 21 iron nuggets to donate pls I need it.
Anyone open
Looking for some apples. Anyone care to trade?
I’ve got Oranges and Coconuts. Looking for more fruits! F6H6B
I need an acnh sugar daddy to pay my loans thanks SW-1758-9597-9862
Hey iw as wondering if anyone could gift me some stuff like fruit because im trying to sell them and then save up for a house :). Ty to anyone who gifts. My code is: 9T8HD
I have peaches, wanting to travel to someone island
Come to mine need your.switch code first
I need 1 iron and you can have some oranges, peaches, and coconuts. Just started as well but we can help each other
5R1KY Island open to all bounty for everyone
Willing to give anything for trade! Code is 1112
Hey im kinda new and was wondering if anyone would help me with some fruits or other things if u did thx. My code is 9T8HD
Bringing you fruit
Bringing you fruit
heyyy guys here’s my acnh code SW-6376-5220-9135 ??✨✨
I just opened the gate to my island and the code is HT0WG
I have apples if any one needs them. I am looking for pears, peaches, and cherries. My code is 6QMSR
I have cherries. I will be on tomorrow (Sunday) around 1 p.m
could i get cherries please
I have peaches
My friend code is sw-5722-0632-6324
Add me and help me with animal crossing. This crap is confusing.
New to game. Anyone can join my island.
Dodo. FXD43
My Dodo Code: cmpxj
Are you open?
Anyone us Open?
I’m open join me I’m new
Coming but someone phone not picked up
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
CS9RC (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
Hi guys my dodo cod
Hi guys I have lots of pears if anyone wants them! Please bring cherry’s in exchange if possible. Dodo code is 0BP73
Dodo code is 0BP73
CS9RC (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
Hey guys! You can add me if you want. My code is:
2817 9014 2028
[Fruits] I have coconuts and apples
[Note] just need some company. I‘m from austria.
Mine is sw-701956356018, about to open the gate rn
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
Are you still online?
i am now yeah!
Are you online?
I’m looking for peaches and apples if anyone has either of them I’d be happy to trade pears, oranges, cherries, or coconuts
Southern hemisphere open to all, would appreciate any wood 🙂 5R1KY
Hello 🙂
Please add me! I need to get my Animal Crossing town a bit more exciting haha. Also I’m hoping to visit your towns as well.
Need cherries, peaches, bananas, apples… basically anything. Thanks!!
Sent one
U have open the gates?
Es need your switch code
About to open it
851CW (I have peaches xxx)
I’ll give 90,000 bells for some peaches
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
CS9RC (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
I need pears plz, my dodo code is 46Q95 so plz join if you have pears ?
I am bringing pears
My gate open just need your switch code
Thanks! Here is my code.
7160-5023-3841 add me 🙂
My gate open need your switch friend code
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
CS9RC (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
I have apples and peaches free for anyone to take. I just ask that you bring me any of the other fruits. I also have an open shop with mums, windflowers, and hyacinths. I will be online for at least three hours today.
Dodo Code: KHQV1
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
CS9RC (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
Please I need cherries and pears.
Are you still open?
Is your island still open
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
Dodo-code LHH90
Bring me something nice 🙂
851CW (I have peaches xxx)
My code is 4M6LT plz join
Are you in now
My code is F5RN3 🙂
851CW (I have peaches xxx)
Hello pls bring peach’s and cherries to my island
Dodo code F4FBP
I have peaches so I’ll bring them over to your island
Hi are you still online
I have peaches
Code is NHBY5
851CW (I have peaches xxx)
If anyone wants to join an island then I’m gonna have my island open. The code is 4C0M2 ?
Are you online
Are u still on? I’d like to join
I’ll bring some peaches!
Want to come to mine née your switch code
Here’s my friend code, it’s: SW-0250-4517-9912
Here’s my friend code: SW-0250-4517-9912
On my way
Anyone know if theres anyway to stop the loading screen when people are arriving
I can come visit! First time visiting an island!
Hello I am sharing a island please bring peach’s and Cherry’s to the island as well for the fruit I need
Code: F4FBP
I will visit your town when can you open your gate?
Are you on line now
851CW (I have peaches xxx)
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
And is anyone’s island open rn? I really wanna go to someone’s island but I can’t cause no islands are open rn ?
I’m on now my dodo code is 7BMR3
Here’s my friend code if you want to add me, it’s: SW-0250-4517-9912 ?
Who can help me out? I need cosmos and roses. I have every type of fruit and bamboo. Also have a bunch of (hybrid) flowers. Code is OPX8Y
Is your town open 😉
I just got your island and u sent us all home. I have roses and cosmos and more and all fruit. I would like to look in your shops. Thanks. Denise
Hi! Can I visit your Island? You could in turn also visit mine!
Are your gates open now? I’ve got pansy, windflower.
My dodo code is K9YYB
I’m new, add me 5345 4687 0404
I have oranges
I missed you!
Hi, i have some sakura stuff and pears and oranges. If you would like to trade with some fruit and flowers.
Please leave your dodo code and i’ll come over.
Hi! I got coconut and cherries as well as many flowers.
My dodo code is HW1H2 – please bring other fruits and bamboo or any other trees if possible.
Just started today anyone can join if they want to.
Dodo. BLJ0M
BEX9C (i have peaches and will be online for an hour or so xxx please bring something nice! apples maybe???)
everyone welcome dodo-code: 5MMY5
66LKR come visit a newbie in chaos mode. BYOT (bring your own tools)
Anybody wanna be friends ????? I have oranges, apples, cherries & coconuts if anybody wants any SW-1640-2938-1408
add me ladies and gentlemen
I have pears
Dodo code
I have all the fruit And other thing …. tell what you want. I would like to look in your store… please leave dodo code
im looking for apples and pears.
I have apples
Mine is 1BVD0
My dodo code is 6H863
Dodo code 68H63
I need fruit please
Hi, i have some sakura stuff if you would like to trade with some fruit and flowers.
Please leave your dodo code and i’ll come over
I have pears and oranges, but need the other fruit. Are you online?
I need pear and peach can u give me some
My dodo code is 9BB6G
busco manzanas y peras. Tengo cocos, naranjas, duraznos y dinero.
Hola estás abierto?
busco manzanas y peras. Tengo cocos, naranjas, duraznos y dinero.
I need 2 orange windflowers and 1 white windflower. who can help me out
Also needs lots of wood if anyone wants to donate
Hey, I’m looking for friends. I am also need of pears and apples. So, I will leave my airport open. So, my fc is 4219-0595-6990. My dodo code is 6T61C. Please come visit my island. Thank you! 🙂
Hey! I added you ^^
i add u
I have both if you need them let me know 🙂
You online now? I wanna play!
Sent request mt gate open
Building houses for new residents of my island. If you would like to help. Only going to invite friends so contact me for that
Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish 🙂
Hey Lea, you added me as friends today! Thanks! What is your dodo code??
I have cherries, apples, pears, and coconut. Looking for peaches. Anyone want to trade?
I have peaches
Id like to make friends Im new to AC-NH
I got some
Have peaches. What flowers do you have
I would love to make new friends and trade 🙂 SW-7334-4213-2726
Add me: SW-4857-2973-4194
Anybody have roses? I need yellow roses to build something so Flora can move in. I have cherries, oranges, Pears, coconuts, bamoo, tulips, cosmos, hyacinths
Hey I have heaps of roses and I’m happy to help I’m new to this game. So wanna make some friends to play it with
My DoDo code is 8L859. Please visit! I have peaches and cherry trees.
it said it couldn’t take me
Would love to have some company–or jump to your island to help! My friend code is SW-6013-2150-6359–will accept all!
I have Oranges (native), Pears, Apples, Peaches, Coconuts! Looking for cherries.
I have cherries dodo code 82YKV. I new so I’m learning
My code is MJDMD.
Are you still online?
I sent you a friend request.
My Island have Cherries and Pears.
I have cherries!
I’ve got cherries! I’ll bring them with me if I can come!
I need pears, i have cherries. I added you 🙂
I have all the fruit . I would like to look in your store… please leave dodo code
Hey just wondering if your town is open? And if so what your dodo code ?
What your switch code
Getting on now, have to see where all my construction is then I will see if visits are needed
Plz come see it
See what?
My town when I open it
I will, just give me a few, currently holding ceremonies for my new buildings. Send me your dodo code
Don’t have one just give me your switch code
Madelyn, it is 4260 8600 5635
Tell me when you done we can be best friends too
You done
Sorry I got sidetracked with other things. Invite me over
Ok go to online search for a friend
Go online search for a friend
Can I add u and also join? C:
And i need red roses.. have some?
I have roses
Add me pls!! I need friends to make the game a little bit more funny?
Can we play together and show each other islands?
Will trade! Dodo codes run out but my current code is D6JNR
Hi! Is there any island I can visit? I have apples
Peach & Apple
Bring some fruits please:)
Now open
Come join me
It’s still open
You’re on your Nook phone or in conversation, can’t come yet
Nvm (:
Dodo code 7C6RY first time doing this, looking for Island friends!
Open now
I have peaches and bamboo
Need iron nuggets
It it still open
You want to see mine when I open it and be best friends
I have cherries. 4PMR4
Come visit – DS4B9
Hi looking to visit islands to fish and for fruit, is anyone’s gates open?
I need 19 iron nuggets. My code is 4FCVK.
I have loads of iron nuggets. I’m looking for cherries and apples
Come visit 8273
I will add all
My code 6G0BX
I am open
Is it still open
Code is LTCBQ. I have got every type of fruit and bamboo. I need cosmos, roses and/or mums (any color is fine). I’ve got a bunch of hybrid lillies, also tulips, hyacinths, windflowers and pansies.
Whats your sw add me 3035 7659 2896
still open??
Welcome to Termina !!! My dodo code is 2QY87
Hi, my dodo code is 2QY87, come here !!!!
Welcome to Termina
Come visit my island! dodo code; 2BFJ4
or add me : SW-4547-9446-5981
Hi, my dodo code is 2QY87, come here !!!!
Hello need friends my friend code is SW-2522-6131-7150
Ill add anyone
For those who need all kinds of fruit
Code : BGF11
Hey! I would like to visit you island and get some oranges if possible! 😉
Does someone even got some manuals from the cherry leaves? I didnt get any. How do i get them?
Thanks (:
anyone i can visit right now? drop your code!
My codes MB9T0 I don’t got anything to do tho
Hi add my friend code SW-2522-6131-7150
I will add anyone im new to online playing
Hi! I need some plants like cosmos, roses or mums. I have got all fruits and a bunch of flowers. Code is LTCBQ
My code is 3JJML for y’all who want to join
Looking to trade for iron to help build Nook’s Cranny
How many irons do you need? I have another island resident on my account that can travel to you now if you have a dodo code. I am offline from my account
I need 15 iron nuggets.
Dodo Code CYRMB
Please only come if you are willing to trade and be respectful of my island
Thanks for the help Patil
Hi do yo have pear and orange ?
Hi, I’m new to the game. My code is N91QP
Hey the dodo code is not working for some reason.
We have 15 irons to give away 🙂
Try 9PT0X
Again only visit if you are going to be respectful
Gates are open! D2JSG
Anyone have cherries? I have all fruits besides cherries
Dodo code 9BP1H if anyone wanna come thank you
Are you online now?
Yes I am
Do you still have the same dodo code?
Hi I have cherries. Can I come to your island and trade? I only have coconuts, oranges and cherries
my dodo code is ltjk8 im new to the game
Dodo code 7C6RY first time doing this, looking for Island friends!
505QY is my dodo code if y’all wanna come
Looking for Peaches and Cherrys, giving away a big thank you ?
My dodo code is 17k5f. I have cherries and am new to the game.
The game crashed. My new code is 8y7h6.
I put the fruit down u didn’t take it?
I tried u weren’t open
Come Visit Me:
Code: B7YJ8
Gates are open dodo code L7MVS
Anyone’s island open?
Won’t let me on?
@Joseph Bickerton Are you still there? Might come over for a visit if you are there. Do you want anything in particular for me to bring over? I have 3 pears, apples, & peaches right now. Anything else?
I have fruit to share or flowers tell me what you want and give me your dodo code
Looking to trade for iron to build Nook’s Cranny
What kind of fruit do you have?
I have pears (native), coconuts, peaches, and oranges
I have oranges and iron! Let’s be friends
is anyone inviting people to their islands right now
@Matthew my homefruite is an apple
everyone welcome, who has care with the flowers
benny2006 it didn’t work
I need 3 pieces of clay does anyone want to come to my island and trade?
Island open 6KFJR
Looking for some apples and willing to trade.
My apple tree just grew, whats your dodo code
I’ll be over shortly
That’s enough lol trying to close gate but can’t lol
Its not letting me in
Dude just straight stole our stuff
There interference I tried coming
who has open
Hey!! I was the girl who dropped the peach and iron for you for your apple. Cannot believe the theft I just witnessed on your island!! That guy was was an actual assh0le, took everything! :'(
Seriousy, I just grew my apple trees and only had 6 total apples. I replanted two and was gonna trade two but he stole them
Hey Tim, yeah it was your apple he stole!! </3
He stole all the iron we were trading with, my apples and your peach
Safe to say I will be visiting with friends for bit
I feel ya there. Christ, I thought the AC community weren’t about pillagery and the like!! Just rude. :/ At least you have your two that are already planted! Was the first time I’d attempted a proper trade like that as well
We should become switch friends so that we can visit each others islands privatly
I have cherries
Hi. My dodo code is CKNQ1
I am looking for pears have all other fruits to trade
I have apples
Getting on now, looking to do some trading
Can I visit someone’s island
Does anyone have any flowers?
My dodo code is CBFV3 come visit my island
I have just tried to visit your island but it’s not working. Can I have another dodo code please x
Would like iron I have many apples and some coconuts to give (I even have bugs and other things)
Hi, what is your Dodo code? I have oranges and peaches to give. Can spare 4 iron in exchange for some apples!? x
My dodo code is:
My gate open can we best friends
My gate open you have to add me as a switch friend frist then got to online search for a friend
Can’t dodo code is CBFV3
Anyone from Southern Hemisphere online and accepting visitors
Hi! Any gate open?
my gate is open for everyone 🙂
LPHSS just be careful with the flowers ?
FKL0R is my pin ?
Anyone’s gate open? Really need some iron nuggets. I’ll bring peaches
My gate open can we best friends
Yes my mine you have to add me as a a switch friend my code is 5765-1999-0574 then go to online search for a friend
yes my dodo code is N7NTN please come
looking for pieces of furniture, preferably for things for the kitchen. My gate is open but please be careful with the flowers 🙂
Hi here’s my dodo code 1FN46
Does anyone have the island open?
Ouvrez moi merci
Your gates open still?
Join mine my code 1FN46.
Still Open?
Beth Patterson? Your gates still open
You have to get off your nook phone so i can come
Island open L558C would like iron we have apples and coconuts available
someone online with upgradet nook store? 🙂
spreche auch deutsch! suche immer neue freunde!
What do you need?
some furniture, looking for kitchen stuff 😀
No kitchen stuff in the shop,I think, but you can visit me 8fp5r
I come 🙂
Come have a look,but don’t destroy flowers
Can I go to your island?
Are your gates still open
Ouvrez moi merci
Here is a new Dodo: 9G7L7
I still need one carton/cardboard! C:
Can you help me get some iron nuggets
You gone .-.
Is still Open (: and i can give u some
How do I get the friends of dodo just give me a code instead of app?
Sorry I mean how do I get the app?? He gave me a code to my Island
U have to select „visit friends from list “ instead „with Dodo Code“ When u want to fly to somewhere
Sorry my game is on German xD
Ok I got it !
How do I come back the code doesn’t work
Wait a Moment..
New Dodo: 2VXG6
Anyone has the island open ?
Come and visit!
Come hangout on my island! 🙂 code: D5KD9
My communication was interrupted I have a new code! Come join me! NN8XQ
Anyone i can visit now?
Hey u can visit me. Dodo: M99VG
I need 3 carton/cardboards.. maybe u have some
Hello Villager!
Can I visit someone to sell my oranges? I also can give some.
And do someone please have cartons? I really need 3 cartons!!! Please..
Thanks a lot!
My Dodo: 6V5J9
I really really need 3 cartons.. it would be pretty nice if someone can bring me some..
I can give something back. Look at ur foundary chest, there are mostly cartons.
Little glue: there was an Animal Crossing Update
From northern hemisphere, looking to fish in the south. I have apples pears coconuts amd cherries and flowers. Please hit me up with a dodo code
My dodo code is: 24FQD
I have Cherries and Coconuts right now!
Would love to get more fruit!
Feel free to visit!
Coming over with oranges!
Dodo code is 9M983. Come hang out or trade. Have peaches, oranges, bamboo and coconuts.
looking for roses! let me know if you are lookin for anything and we can trade!
If anyone wants to trade fruit let me know
i have oranges, what’s the turnip prices with u right now
I don’t have turnips for sale yet
I have all fruit
Would you like to help me out
Can I have 10 pears please??
Need pears and oranges
I would like to buy flower bags I have all fruit at the moment
I have a few flowers for sale from Timmy
I would also like to buy flowers from Nooks cranny. Would you mind sharing a dodo code? Ican bring bamboo, pears, peach, and cosmos and tulip bulbs. Let me know please
Also my switch code is SW 5048 4042 4340
Dodo code is GKK57
Patil, do you want to become friends so we can help each other more often?
Sure I will be at your island soon
Yes my gate open can you come sent you a switch friend request
Let’s trade
Anyone from
northern hemisphere has their gates open right now?
Looking for peaches, pears and oranges. I have cherries, apples,and coconuts to trade
every time I open my gates to stranger they just take everything and go. I have cherries peaches pears oranges coconut bamboo. Leave dodo code and I’ll bring some so I can look at your store for flowers. Thanks Denise
Are you still online?
If they STEAL from you turn them in. Hit the minus and it’s support to report them to Nintendo.
My gates are open. 7XY09
My gates are closed for ever rude people
I also need white Lily and Red Cosmo
I need red, yellow, and white rose seeds/plants. Let me know what you’d like in return. I have many flowers and all fruit types, oh and cold hard bells.
Looking to trade fruits
I currently have the following:
Pears (native)
Oranges (trees are currently planted)
Coconuts (trees are currently planted)
Lets meet up!
I’m looking for all roses, white Lily, and red cosmo seeds/plants. I have all fruit types.
I have coconuts, oranges and cherries. Stop in!
I have apples, coconut, and cherries. Would like some other fruit.
I can get bamboo and peach for you.
What is your dodo code?
Patil are you still online?
Also do you want to exchange switch codes?
Hey! I’ll come to your island! I need pears and oranges I could give cherries and peaches??
come visit me! bring fruits! 7PKS6
My dodo code is MCSVS
I need fruits and help 😉
Hey, looking to get cherries and peaches to plant, let me know whatever you want and a dodo code
I can visit yours and you can visit mine? 🙂 I have cherries
My dodo code is 22HK5
l have both, would love apples and pears
I have pears
My dodo code is 3348D.
I would appreciate if anyone can bring flowers with them. Anything except cosmos and tulips.
Sorry connection issues.
New code 4LKJD.
In need of flowers thanks!
I have pears and lots of different flowers. I’d love to trade with you!
How do allow visitors to come?
my code is KRJFP
I have cherries on my island, anyone else can join if they please DODO code: 4WD41
Sure what’s your dodo code
Looking to trade with people. Who can i visit
Me opening it now and we can be best friends
Just give me your dodo code and I’ll be over shortly
Hey what is your dodo code or switch code? 🙂
5765-1999-0574. Invite me and my gate open look for a friend
My code Is 56SYP
Gate Is opened!
You added me want to come t my town
I would like to visit a town if anyone is willing.
Friend code: SW-6884-8556-8290
Anyone can stop by MT50P
Stella – Im trying to come but it keeps saying theres interference. 🙁 Btw, do you need any bamboo shoots or cherrys?
My dodo is G6Q6L
I’m looking to trade
code is KRJFP
I’m new. My code is G75N9
I really need to go somewhere else to sell my fruit, & get a few of the fruits that I don’t have.
What I have:
Cherry’s (my island fruit)
What I need: Every other fruit.. lol.
I can drop you a stack of cherrys to sell/plant, & 2 bamboo shoots (If you need them to plant)
Right now it’s 2:59PM EST… I’ll be on & checking the forum periodically until around 4:00PM EST
Lemme know your dodo code & what you have 🙂 Thanks!
Hey, I’ve got apples and oranges, can bring you a tree for each, let me know your dodo code.
Oh, & I also already have coconuts 🙂 forgot about those
My gate open I want the fruit you got and we can be best friends need your switch code cause I invited all my switch friends
You don’t need one just go to online search for a friend and then that it and we can be best friends
Posted on her a few weeks back, finally got my island to a 4 star rating lol!
Anyway, I’m seriously looking for some roses, any colour is completely fine but red is preferable. I haven’t had any luck island hopping atall. My island is beautiful if I do say so myself.
Let me know if you have Roses, I can trade any type of fruit including bamboo. Or if you’re after something else like a fountain, or some zen fencing? Just let me know, reply to me only if you have Flowers though please, i’ll post again soon regarding opening my gates! 🙂 🙂
Stay safe,
i have roses can i have some apples or oranges
Hey, I’ve got roses, looking to get peaches and cherries, happy to share your dodo code?
i have roses can i have apples or oranges
Ok can you come to my town plz right now I will open it and let’s be best friend
Sorry for error
Code 7427Q
Still open?
7386P is the code i have apple a d oranges idk of there are any left if you do come please be cosidritet and dont run on my flowers or break or steal please olso northern hemisphere gates are open 🙂
Ok coming can we best friends can you send me one when. I get there
Ok do you want me to open my gate and we best friends
MR69Q all fruits to give
Who looking for turnip price now I get 165 per turnip
I looking for place to visit =) can go yr side?
Ok but (don’t touch or run in to the flowers)
Code : jfgxs
Noted. Still working?
i can’t get in because someone’s phone is open
Ok but don’t touch or run in to flowers
Code JFGXS my island 2star
Noted. Code still working? Got interference
Dodo code is 715TX dont destroy or steal anything be nice and considerate 🙂
Says too much interference
Where can i go?
Ok can I go to your town or come to mine and be best friends
Yes you can come
Any code still open now?
what’s your code
I wan to visit northern hemisphere
I wan to visit other town.. your code?
My store sells oranges
Please bring apples or cherries if you have them!
Are you still on?
Any code i can go?
MR59Q GOT ALL FRUITS, border open
Going to open it can you send me a best friend request
CPJ7K, got all fruits and 2 shops
Have got all fruits and 2 shops. See ya: 6NTXN
New Code: 7N14W
Still open 🙂
Mostly all fruits are taken
Anyone can add my friend code I try to play every day! 4382 2897 2891
I have oranges
Can I visit? I have cherries
Dodo code: NJWBB
Opening my gate so you can come
Come to my island! I’m looking for a new friend to trade with 😀
Add to play and visit shops
Do you have your gate open? 🙂
do you need me to bring anything with me?
Can I join you rn
Add new 3055-7659-2896
Added can you ocarina to my town
Yes ok
My gate is open DX5G1
New code 0RV5M
What is your friend code
Yo, wanna visit your island
I sent you a friends request. I have a southern hemisphere island. I just started so no much to see.
Whats your code
Don’t have one but you want me to open my gate or you open yours and can we best friends
what’s your code then ill send mine after
Hi guys
Is anyone online now and has flowers other than cosmos, tulips, and hyacinths on their island? I want to buy some seeds from Nooks cranny.
I have pears and coconuts and bamboo
My code is N324S gates open now
Online now? My gates are open
Add me ☺️ SW-0279-9900-3506
Invited when you be only to come see my town and be best friends
I do. Oranges, apples and a bunch of different flowers. Dodo code?
Dmnn2 need fruit I have cherries and coconuts
I was coming but it not open
I’m currently looking for fruit other than apples and oranges, or someone that lives in the Northern Hemisphere
My island is stocked to the brim with pears For any southern hemisphere players but I need iron Ingots and clay please? my dodo code is DFKMS
Is anyone online at the moment. Need some new friends on animal crossing.
Hey I’m online and I really want to visit an island that’s not my own
I’m a noob and just want to make friends 🙁 I have peaches xD dodo code: 3Q3PS
Anyone open for visitors tonight?
Yeah! Code is 436S7
code 22B98
My gate is open! Code is D0MHT
Hey all my dodo code is DWSCR. Please come visit. I’m new to this so I’m learning ?
Dodo code is 9M2JV
Please bring fruit other than oranges!
Any gates open?
Yes, mine!
Mine are.
Dodo Code: BJXNC
My dodo code is K5PL9
Looking for somebody with cherrys and/or orange. i can trade apple, peach and pears.
My gates are open! My code is D2P4W
someone pls bring a shovel i’m a noob
Need some Friend so we can trade goods 0NBBM
SW-6406-3049-0806 New player, need friends!
Dodo code: 9G0BV
Friendship code: SW-5851-7445-6601
it says you’re on your nookphone
code 22B98
Hey im new and i was wondering if anyone would be will to help me a little maybe with some fruts and other things. Thx. My code is: 9T8HD
First time opening my island 3ND17. Please share with me something good. thank you
Tried connecting but gate shut now… got apples, pears, cherries and coconuts
And peaches!
code changed : HMLSL
I have oranges to give you!! I would love apples and pears
code has changed : HMLSL
Yes can you send me a best friend request
How do you do that
Anyone on? I need friends on here my Dodo code BCYL1
I have apples and coconuts
Dodo code is 48H3Y gates are open
R switch name is hollyannn my gate open if you want to come right now
Dodo code is actually G302S
Gates Open for everyone, i Need Friends
I have oranges
Dodo Code BTCN3
add me
dodo code BCYL1
Add me my friend code is SW-3348-6696-0497
Dodo code: 9T0G2
Friend code: SW-5851-7445-6601
Updated: 6LJS3
Northern Hemisphere – Dodo Code 64DJ1. Theres pears and coconuts!
Northern Hemisphere – Dodo Code 14LYB. Theres pears and coconuts!
add me. I have apples and coconuts.
Dodo code BCYL1
My Dodo: G8TXG
Can’t connect nook phone issue
anyone gates open add me SW-3196-5183-8519
Won’t let me come to you
You’re on your nook phone or in conversation, can’t come yet
Now it’s ok (:
Your on your phone and I can’t come in
Ok can you send me a best friend request
Still Open c:
I am looking to visit other towns I need other fruits I only have apples and peaches.
Ok you can come opening my gate can we best friends
Hi… any gates open? Really really need peaches please! Can trade for oranges, apples, pears and cherries
I have lots of peaches and need oranges
Hey what’s your code to send friend request I have a lot of oranges
I am in northern hemisphere where are you located
Code: 3F3G9
Anybody gates open?
my native fruit is cherry and I need oranges ☺️
dodo code is H020N
I can bring you an orange tree. It won’t let me enter
Are you still open I can bring oranges ! Add me 7096-3483-1712
I added you, gate is open for friends now, cause the connection broke when people came via dodo code…
Please add me
Can I come visit someone’s island?
If anyone wants to visit please do! I have apples and cherries, if you can please bring other things. The code is 26MMQ.
Do you still need oranges? I have some. Looking for apples
Any Southern Hemisphere Gates open? Can bring all fruits. Need to do some fishing
9F4W0 gates are open!
9F2XX is open
Gates open – CFJDH
My gates open K39YG have cherries
Can’t fly book phone is open
I only downloaded Lst night so still figuring it out
Got apples code – MW4TJ
Sorry a connection error happened and I won’t be adding the code because I have no apples left.
Not working
Any gates open!?!?
Codes not working
9F4W0 is my code
9F4W0 is the dodo code for me
It’s not working
Codes not working!
06VHN come visit!!
Dodo code : 3WY9N
Please feel to come… I got orange, cherry, coconut, and bamboo.. Need Pear, Peach, Apple. Thanks.
I’ve apples but your Dodo Code didn’t work.
Can I come to your island you can add me SW-7096-3483-1712
Some issue… try this code: 9DFQV
Dodo code : 6X9DG… dunno wat is the issue just now also
Hey I got peaches !
Anyone with pears?
I have pears. Do you have peaches?
Everyone is welcome ! French player ! 🙂
Dodo Code : 6R038 (I have apple)
Yes coming can you send me a best friend request
Bug with my connection… sorry :/
My code 4B2DP
Ok can you send me one coming
Everyone is welcome, let’s be friends dodo code: 1234
New dodo code: N0R0D
Dodo code: 9M01C
Friend code: SW-5851-7446-6601
Cannot go =(
Let’s be friend need pear, peach and apple.. my side has coconut, orange and cherry. DODO code: 52J7M
Mine southern hemisphere btw
Yes we can you send me one
Dodo code : 3WY9N
I have all three. Are you still open?
Dodo code: 3WY9N
Any dodo code i can use? I need pear, apple and peach, will bring orange, cherry and coconut.
I’ve got apples ! 🙂 1S4S9
Any dodo code where i can go.. need pear, peach and apple.. i will bring coconut, orange and cherry
Just started want some visitors ! I have cherries
Dodo code is 80M7C
Hey let’s be friends, here my Dodo Code: 3RFPJ
New code: 2234 everyone is welcome
2234 cannot.. wat is the code again?
Yes coming can you send me a best friend request
If you want to visit : GYSF1
my dodo code is M416P
my dodo code is M416P
Hello, gates open for 1 hours!
I have oranges
Dodo Code: 38TD3
Hello ya all quarantine people
I have All fruits and NEED BAMBOO!
So if someone there who wants to swap:
Heres my Dodo Code: MPJBH
*Closing the gate by 5,6 people*
I have 5 bamboo and need peaches, oranges, and apples. I would be willing to trade!
I’m a south hemisphere 🙂
Anyone got a Dodo Code to share?
My Dodo Code is LBKG8
This does not of work try again I’m offering peace he’s im offering peaches
Hey guys come friend me please. Friend code is SW-7241-8946-3505 and dodo code is 9F4W0
My dodo code is: GB5GC
Welcome to OASIS!
everybody welcome
Code not working
Dodo code: 16PJN
Come explore 🙂
Code not working
Code not letting me leave
Dodo ode ian 9F4W0 come visit!
150 bells/turnip and i’ve got apples if you need!
Dodo Code : 1CWXH
KHW63 everyone’s welcome!! :)))
I have most fruits . Feel free to come get some ! Would love if you came with bamboo!
Only apples and cherries left lol
Still Open?
KHW63 :))) everyone’s welcome!!
Hi my dodo code is: JPFT9
I am in the north hem
I need peaches and pears
I am on an orange based island, i also got Apples/sherries and coco
Feel free to come by and take what you need. Still, remember to leave enough for other players to take ;D
Oops double post sorry
Still on? C:
Hi my dodo code is: JPFT9
I am in the north hem
I need peaches and pears
I am on an orange based island, i also got Apples/sherries and coco
Feel free to come by and take what you need. Still, remember to leave enough for other players to take ;D
My dodo code is 28LVH
Just starting playing this with my sis, pretty fun so come and let’s explore together!
Anyone open for new visitors?
dodo code is : LJ3Q5
Hey, I just brought the game a couple days ago and I’m looking for people to play with:) My island is not very developed so just come on over and have some fun!
P.S. This is my first time doing this gameplay, I’ve never visited an island nor had someone visit mine so this will be my first time trying this:)
DODO code: 66CBM
DN220. northern hemisphere. Lots of peaches.
Hey, can I visit anyone’s island for fun? I just brought the game a couple days ago and I’m looking for new friends:)
Dodo code NBRVG
it doesn’t work 🙁
Sorry has a ton of people coming In at the same time
Sure! 1W0T0
KHW63 :))
Yes you can c9ms you send me a best friend request
Looking for peaches! I have apples, cherries, pears, oranges, and coconuts!
I have Peaches
Dodo code
Looking for a Southern Hemisphere island to fish one. Also, if you need something just let me know.
Southern hem code NCX1G currently open.
You still open?
Anyone open to visitors? Please post code
SW-8190-0751-6627, still new to the game but looking to get some friends to play AC with! ?
Looking for an open Southern Hemisphere island. You can come to my northern one!
My code is LNS4Y i have random stuff on my island
You still open for visitors?
NEW need friends please add me SW-0453-9266-1907
New Code : 6PFFT
Dodo code KJ33M
Island is still in construction! Feel free to take fruits, please don’t run on flowers. If you have any clothes or decorations you don’t want I’ll take them!
visit me! dodo code is LWCJ5
Hi looking for new fruit and cool islands my island has coconut and peaches. Dodo code is H0T4L
New code jc39j
Ok going can you send me a best friend request
Says it’s fulll … will have to try later. I see we are friends now in Switch .. so it’s all good 🙂
Dodo Code: 4X9KD
Dodo is FT58V. Peaches, Oranges and Coconuts. Come say hi!
I have Peaches ?but nothing else, I’m new to the game and only need people who are willing to teach me at least one thing…. My typing skills suck and so please be patient……first time using dodo code L93x4
Says nook phone into airplane mode
Southern hemisphere looking for northern will trade code
Hi! I can share some fruit with you 🙂 I just need an updated dodo code for your island
Are you good at texting? Download the Nintendo switch app, follow the instructions to pair it with your game. Then talk by using your phone.
CMDLC come visit 🙂
Anyone wanna be friends and can I go to someone island
You can come to my Island.
Dodo code : CHHTV
What’s your friend code?
Gates open, I have oranges.
My dodo code is FXTKM
Dodo code BQP7D
Island is open! Dodo code GDGJR
Anyone from the Southern Hemisphere hace open gates? Need to do some ?
You can come to my island I have fish code CYP7M
Heading your way … or was trying to … still getting used to this island visiting
Could you let us know when your island isn’t full
Hi come visit JGC0D
Hello from east coast anyone let me visit
I have oranges! Looking for bamboo.
My gates are open! Code is 6L9K3
I need fruits (except coconuts)
I have oranges
Dodo Code: B7F80
Coming can you send me a best friend request
Hi I’m on ur island please can you send me a best friend request?
Where are you?
Ur codes not working
Hi come visit me gates open 2:12 PST JGC0D
Come visit my island! 4KHY7
New code – Gates open 6X99L
Hey ! You’re a day ahead of me wanna come to my island I can come to yours
Can I visit your island?
Will trade apples for any other fruit! ((except coconuts))
Dodo code: 34T0J
Yes and can you send me a best friend request so I can message you
Southern hemisphere looking for northern will trade code
I have pears!
feel free to visit and please bring some pears
It’s too full I can’t join
gonna close my gate will open back up later this week when i have more fruit and such
I have pears send me friend request
I am looking for bamboo, pears, roses, Pansy’s and cosmos (two of each color of each) I have cherries, apples, oranges, peaches and two coconuts I can give in exchange if any one is wanting to trade I am willing to go and visit or open my gate and post my dodo code
I have pears!
New to the game for couple days. I have no friends so looking for anyone to play with.
Yes please! Can I visit your town only got game yesterday so very new haha
Yessss if you have any fruits besides apples and oranges that be great. My code is LHVRC
Hi I have pears!
my dodo code is MCHS3
Lol I’ll go to you
I’m also new, want to join and become friends? Native fruit is peaches
Looking to visit an island that doesn’t have cherries please anyone got a dodo code?
I don’t have cherries .. pears here. Let’s coordinate a visit!
My code 5CL9G gate is open ~
North America eastern time
Does anyone have gates open in the south hemisphere that would let me fish there? I can bring fruit if you need it
I have all fruits and will bring with me whatever you need. Looking for Southern Hemisphere to fish!
New to the game and have no friends to play with and help out. Any Island I can visit please
message me on twitter: lipkitwall to play together
heyy come : 7JKBB
sry my new code is G5JSM
Did you make it for friends only?
About to come after
Any gates open right now?
Yes can you send me a friend request too
Any gates open?
Yes Go to online play search for a friend
282M7, is still open c:
Yes and can you send me a best friend request plz so I can message you
I need peaches. I have apples, oranges and cherries
I am gonna go now to bring you peaches can I go
Hello villager!
My Dodo is: 282M7
Ps. Spreche auch deutsch
I wanna come visit, but first I need you to stop chatting and close your NookPhone.
Come to my island! Code is. LM6JH
Friend code SW-7676-1742-3988
I have the able sisters unlocked, and all fruits. Please don’t run on flowers! 🙂
Sent friend request
Abbie – added you as a friend … let’s visit.
Southern Hemisphere islands open for anyone?
Gate is open !! Code FC14L
Any Southern Hemisphere islands open currently today?
Add me as a friend to visit my island SW-6466-6228-0505
Sent friend request
I sent a request lol
Any gates open?
come to my island!!! 7LYG1
Any worlds open rn?
I’m open to visitors. however, I am a bit busy so I will not be responding much. unfortunately, I’m waiting for my trees to grow fruit. there are some cherries. 7F5N4
I wanna come visit, but first u need to stop chatting and close your nookphone
i am south area gates open now code 5C6H6
friend code SW-3686-7166-5111 (im 24)
Come say hi 7s8f9
100,000 bells and any cherries, apples, pears, peaches, oranges, and coconuts to the first person who brings me a cardboard box!
GNXP8 03/30/2020 11:39am est time I have apples and oranges will be on for a few hours come hang out!!!!
Sorry everyone that joined too many people tried to join at once it crashed!
Hi there, my code is 91KKM.
Please visit me! 😀
i need a north island for fish and insects
8449 7396 2298
Gates open
Everybody is welcome
Hey is your island still open?
Hey is your island still open? i can bring you apples and cherries
anyone online? my friend code is SW-7293-6393-4323. Need iron nuggets!
Come visit my island! 66GHB
Yes I got some for you go to online play search for a friend or do what you need to get to me
Anyone in the Southern Hemisphere?
I can bring all kinds of fruits and iron nuggies 🙂
Can I visit anyone , would like to try to visit friend on this game 🙂
Hello Villager!
Is there someone who wants to open there gate?
I would like to visit someone (:
Okey guys, here is my Dodo: K0GGK
Ps. Ich spreche auch deutsch
Still open
March 30,2020 American eastern time 12:04am
code. 6Y2XH
Visit my island! BLF0K
Does anyone have iron nuggets? I can trade anything or give you bells!
Anyone open? Pls send gate code
Currently online
Dodo code: 3LVX6
Are you northern or southern hemisphere and are the gates still open?
Looking for sothern hemisphere.
Currently seeking visitors or places to visit. Will be on until around 9pm CST on 3/29
Dodo Code is 1F08W
Lets have some fun together
I do have a message on my community board so check that out
Updated Dodo Code is 6LQY1
Still open ? New code ?
I closed down but will be back online shortly
Come visit for a bit!
Hey guys, this is my first time inviting people over my island since I just got this game a couple days ago. My island isn’t all that developed, lol but I’m looking for people to play with.
Dodo code: 6570
Your dodo code should be 5 digits
Are you should you have it right?
Anyone online right now? Looking to visit
Anyone on that has cherries
I have cherries
Dodo code: 3LVX6
I do! I can bring some to your island if you want.
I have cherrys soon I’ll have all fruit
Hey, looking for people to give me some fruit. I have peaches, coconuts (recently planted) and some pears. Need the rest! Thanks 🙂 I’m opened for visitors. Code: 8HJKN
Updated Code:DQWSF
Dodo code : OLP3L
Gate is a open now.
Open til 7pm EST, sunday 3/29:
Closed my gates by accident. My new Dodo code is J5GW1
I have a message in the main plaza so go check that out
I am currently on and looking for visitors as well as visiting other islands. My gates are open and my Dodo code is: 85TXY
Come join me and lets have some fun
Hi, anyone online wanting visitors?
Sophie, I am currently online. are you as well?
My code is 85TXY and I am currently online
does anyone have a island with bamboo i can borrow?
Anyone on and want to trade?
Looking for bananas. It’s the only fruit I’m missing.
I dont think there is bananas on this game only oranges peaches cherries apples pears and coconut
Hey, come visit BSR3S
Becca– added you as a friend … let’s visit.
Anyone open to trade? Send code?
Come visit 3DQFH.
OK hold on
Anyone online? If you are please give me dodo code
It didn’t worm. Anyone else open in Southern Hemisphere? I have fruits and bamboo. I need new bugs and fish
Any Southern Hemisphere islands open today?
Need code for southern. Need to get iron and new fishes
Can trade pear for apple
cool want to send your dodo code?
anyone want orange, peach and/or pear tree for a cherry and/or apple?
I have cherries, oranges, coconuts and pears
I also have cosmos, windflower, pansy and tulips.
Does anyone want to trade?
I have cherries. Someone please post their dodo code
My dodo code is 8FSWY, come here!!!!!!
It doesn’t works…
Anyone in Southern Hemisphere open?
It didn’t work anyone else in Southern Hemisphere open? I have fruits and bamboo
I have coconuts, cherries, roses, and hyacinth
Need peaches, lilies, mums, cosmos, and wildflowers
DODO Code: 775B1
Do you happen to need tulips or pansies?
4QX5J -open
It might be a good idea to close your gates now you have a few people in else itll keep stopping for people
Hey there! Looking to trade, and make friends. I’ve got apples, oranges, coconut and bamboo (N hemisphere). Any interests? Share dodo codes!
I would like if u visit me! C: we could chill and trade some stuff
My dodo: G7YRX
Great! I’ll pay a visit
Couldn’t get through
Your island was gorgeous! @MrsTHeRWy
Thank you again!
You can visit me, dodo code is 7S25T ? I need apples, bananas and oranges please if you have them
I can bring them if you’re still in need
Looking for Cheerys and Peaches giving away Easter eggs or a big thank you ?
Still available?
I would love to visit!!
I have oranges, pears and cherries.
Add me please: 8124 0095 7723
New to this
Guys join my island! my dodo code is 98XJL
ty ! im flying to your land ! i got orange if you want
It’s full 🙁
looking for dodo code !
turns out duplicate messages are posted anyway
Whats your dodo code?
open all-day
all welcome
need pears
hillo ! what is your dodo code 🙂 i want to visit ! 😀
I’ve sent you a friend request and I can bring pears if you’d like a visitor ?
my gate is open and will be all day
pretty much
I really need pears please
though doesn’t matter all are welc
wont let me put friend code so
hit ctrl + F and type joyo
to did friend code
my gate is open and will be all day
pretty much
I really need pears please
though doesn’t matter all are welcome!
I need bananas pears and apples
My my game code is LK1FK
My friend code is SW- 0098-8424-9412
Gates open, new to this! Code: 6DFMB
0CK54 – everyone welcome
Port open. Dodo code: 3G1MB
Everyone’s welcome ? new to this
Anyone have an active code? I can bring cherries peaches or pears
Come to mine! Dodo code 84RY9
My Dodo Code is OV3Q6. Please join! The gate will be open for maybe an hour.
HSC4S i have a lot apples and coconut come and visit me
My code: 76P1W
Who wants to come to mine and trade any of the following (imperial chest, cute wardrobe, pleather skirt, denim skirt, DAL eye mask, directors chair) for kitchen appliances or iron wood diy recipes?
I’d prefer if you not roam around and just come to trade and leave. Thanks 🙂 6Q1P1
Also have bamboo shoots
Hey. Add me my friend code is 4491 4782 1129
Sent you a friend req …
I need bananas pears and apples
I need:
Does anyone has bamboo, please
I have
Hello there !!
I’m looking for a Southern Hemisphere to fish plz ??
And I’m also interested in flowers ??
My gates are open: 5MVTW will be open for a couple of hours, I have apples and cherries, please bring anything else 🙂
Any chance you want to open your gates to trade some fruit? I have pear, orange and peaches
Hey there,
jus starting but could expand a bit: 1WGYH – gates open for a while
Come visit me 🙂 I’ve got cherries, pears and coconuts. Would be aweseome if you could bring some bamboo shoots.
I have bamboo open the gates
got pear, peach, cherry, coconut and bamboo. need apple
Southern Hemisphere
Dodo code 2gpwr
Online just now, gates are open
Lots of fruit and coconuts around?
trying to join but it doesnt let me 🙁
Dodo code: CCNCT
Anyone want to come to my island? I need some oranges :/ would be awesome if someone could bring it. I got every other fruit
Spreche auch Deutsch 😉
Ur still online? Anyone can add me got some fruits and loads of flowers + bamboo. SW 0526-3731-1034
Yes, still online 😉
Still online?
Gates are closed now, got some issues with my internet connection
I’m still open add me as a friend!
Just got a switch and purchased animal crossing, want to me to make some friends and play together, my friend code is SW – 7024 – 0763 – 0916.