Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons Dodo Codes are temporary codes that you use to invite friends to play online co-op multiplayer with them. This requires you to go through several steps, and also unlocks some new options on your Nook Phone. If you want to play co-op multiplayer online, you have to figure out how to use the dodo codes and invite friends. We’re gonna break the process down in our Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons guide, including how to add people to your Best Friends list.

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to Invite Friends & Share Dodo Codes?
To invite friends and share Dodo Codes in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to go to the airport. Walk right into Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville (the guy behind the counter). Select the option “I want visitors.” Then, select Online Play (you can do local if you want, but Dodo Codes play not part there). Now, choose “Invite via Dodo Code,” then “The more the merrier.” This will make your lobby public, but won’t allow just anyone in, don’t worry. Confirm your choice, and you’ll get the temporary Dodo Code. Share it where and with whom you want.
Tips & Tricks you should know while playing Animal Crossing New Horizons
The people you shared the code with have to go to their Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville, then tell him that they want to visit an online town, then give the code. You’re free to do what you want in the meantime. When they do arrive, they won’t be able to cut down trees and such until you add them to your Best Friends list. To do so, open the Best Friends List on your Nook Phone. It will show you a list of friends you can add to the list, so add your visitor (you can add a bunch of people at the same time).
Once your Best Friends invitation is accepted by another player, they gain the same privileges as you on your island. You can also message them using the in-game keyboard. However, be careful when adding players to this list, as they can destroy and stole things on your island. For more info on playing the new Animal Crossing with friends, check out our Animal Crossing New Horizons Co-op – Local, Online Multiplayer guide.
Hi i’m looking for somewhere to sell my pears.
Please leave your dodo down below, i could bring cherries 🙂
I’ve got some pears 🙂
I’m next my dodo code is LM0P5
I am just on 2nd day. please help me! come visit my Jeju Island! Dodo Code: 11W8R
Dodo Code 1Y6B2.
Would be awesome if you could bring some bamboo.
Have all types of fruit. 🙂
Lost connection guys. Updated PIN: 2BGSG
Hey if any islands are open and need materials I can help! I have peaches, apples, oranges, cherries, pears, coconuts and peaches, can bring 3 different types of pansies! And bamboo 🙂 if you can trade stuff would be great! Reply with dodo or friend codes!!
I have apples to share anyone can invite me? Let’s become friends! 🙂 need DODO code
Hey guys, does anyone have a dodo code I can use? I’ll leave presents. I’m after anything except pears and cherries.
Thanks ?
Anyone on? New player trying to expand. Thanks.
My code is 819vp
Gates open code is 7HDVK I NEED A PEACH
Online for a bit longer. My island isn’t the greatest but I’m open for whoever wants to visit. Northern Hemisphere, CST time zone.
Dodo code: 5P02F
Bqxw9 add me I need more awesome people on my friend list
6gp27 gate open now.
Anyone have their gates open? I want to explore
Anyone who has anything other than pears and oranges? That’s all I have 🙂
Anyone with cherry can share a dodo code ? I have some peaches!
I have cherries!
I have cherry
I have cherry fruit
I have pears and Cosmos flowers. I need cherry can I have you dodo code?
I can I really want a peach my gate is open code is 7HDVK
Hey guys! I’m looking for someone in the southern hemisphere! I want to fish, anyone ?
please post dodo code
gate closed
Hi i dont know if anyone is online but I got pansies, winflowers, and tulips so please join me FFJX6
Je suis au nord je cherche des gens au sud pour pêcher
I want to make friends and visit new islands! Also I need iron nuggets!
Anyone on?? I NEED clay 🙁 Dodo code?
Okay well dodo code is 9ftsb , still lookin for lillies and cosmos, id offer fruit but im p sure the last visitors took almost all of it, still raining
You nh or sh?
Anyone online? If you are please send me your dodo codes?
Still on?
I need oeaches an apples
Dodo code: 1KXM0
Open for 15 min
Friend code
It wont let me come 🙁 theres always interference
Anyone online? Looking for Cherries and Oranges. Have Peaches to share.
I am on! whats your dodo code?
Dodo Code – 2575Q
Have peaches, windflower to share
Looking for cherries, oranges and any other flowers
It says “we are getting interference”…
Anyone on SH?
Anyone online? if you are please give me your dodo code?
do you have appels or peaches?
My dodo code is 3BH14. Native fruit pears
Here’s my dodo code M31Y1
I have Cosmos of different colors and tulips. Dodo code 3BH14
cool 🙂 what do you need? I can come in 30 minutes
Are you hosting now, should I come to your town instead
Could u please bring some roses? C:
Island pears northern hemisphere dodo code crnrc.
My code is K78JH if anyone wants to come to my island. I need iron nuggets if anyone has any ‘
Ill have it back up in a second there was another communication error I dont know what’s causing it
I can bring some flowers. Let me know when your gate is open and if your dodo code got updated. Thanks!
do u pls have some roses, lilies and cosmos? ?
My Dodo: M56DH
😮 thank you, new code is dk330
D7JXB, I have cherries and peaches! Still need pears and oranges 🙂
Please let me visit u
Anyone online willing to share their dodo code?
Dodo code 3RN2X, please bring lillies and cosmos flowers as theyre the only ones I’m still missing, and also its raining rn on my island, other than that have fun!
Add SW 6692-1628-8593
My dodo code: 1VL6F
Dodo code: 973N7
Your island is AMAZING wow thank you for sharing
Any southern hems open?
I’m online!! Send me your codes
Anyone wanna visit?
Anyone wanna visit? Also, if you have oranges or bamboo that would be nice.
If you want visit 3D8MR
Hello Villager!
U all can visit me. I need roses, if u have, it would be pretty nice! C:
My Dodo: J3JRP
Ps. Ich spreche auch deutsch
On my way to your island!!
Is anyone on? Looking for anything other than pears?
New Dodo: 9QWCC
Anyone in Southern Hemisphere? Give me dodo code and you have a choice of any fruit, iron or bamboo
Anyone online? if you are please tell me your dodo code
Please visit me 3Q69B
I want to visit some islands
Looking for Apple, Oranges, and Cherries
Also flowers
I have roses and tulips
Dodo code G1PXY
Hey, still on? I got everything and need roses c:
I want to visit someone, send me your dodo code please
Anyone with oranges or bamboo?
Anyone with oranges or bamboo?
FLC0Q stop by! Bring the fruit of your island!
My dodo code is: H9QDL
Long Islan
Treasure Island!!
Changed my mind
Add me, friend code; SW-2655-6718-1495 I will have my island open
Anyone online? I am on Animal crossing a lot i would enjoy it if you tell me your dodo code!
hi my name is helen and here is my dodo code come enjoy me 7GL4R
Hey new to Animal Crossing. Anyone want to be friends? Or can I visit your island?
Heya everyone! Please join 🙂
I think you’re doing local play, I can’t join
Hiiii y’all can visit me I have apples, oranges, coconuts and bamboo I just started playing 253TV
Code is 5TL60
I have peaches and coconuts and bamboo
GL69R come visit?
My gate is open J69QB
FRX69 gate open
Native fruit is cherries DQWN9
Hi, this is my code for this afternoon 461QV, come and say hi!
Gates are open now: F83K2
Gates sind jetzt offen.
Visit me 🙂
i have apples and coconuts
i have apples, peaches and oranges
i need pears and cherries pls
i also have bamboo
and my friend code is
Hey, my code is 5SC53 gate open
Sorry, wrong code. 0J9SN
Anyone online? My friend code is SW-3534-0348-6800 I am on Animal crossing a lot so if you want to play just give me your dodo code please.
IS anyone online? My friend code is SW-3534-0348-6800 And i am on Animal crossing a lot so if anyone wants to play give me there Dodo code please.
SW – 7314-6933-2024
Hello all! New to Animal Crossing and just wanted to get some friends. I have oranges and some coconuts. Stop by!
Anyone have good turnips prices?
Someone online now? Wanna visit an island!
Code: 3N6GL
Fruit: Peaches
Come chill or take some peaches!
Come join I have oranges and some coconuts and apples
Code: 8T8T3
I got cherrys coconut and bambou need all other fruits ..
Iam german
Is there somebody online wo I can join I bring oranges apples and peaches
Friend code: SW-2952-0000-7344
Pls,Add me! We can meet in our island!!
New player, gates open C1M8F
Code: D1GLH
Habe alle Früchte und genug Eisen falls jemand braucht
*alle Früchte und genug eisen
I m arriving!!
Gates open. 516j2
still there?
Im new, and want to visit other islands! Someone online that can share a dodo code?:)
Noch online?
Dodo code : 3KQSS
Anyone willing to help me with iron nuggets
I need peaches code is 6Y3Y3
Hi! I’m new to this game and looking for iron ore, can anyone help?! Don’t have any friends with the game but I’m willing to trade for apples, fish or anything that I have! 🙂
Btw my dodo is 2VTTX right now. :3
Island is Open, anyone can come!!
Your dodo? C:
Anyone want to visit ?
Hey I would love some new friends please my friend code is: SW-5790-7686-3205. Thanks ?
Fuxville is open for visitors! We have all fruits. Dodo Code is JNJLW.
Still really need some oranges and bamboo. can anyone who is willing to share their dodo code and has one to give? :/
My code is D1PTX
I’m pretty new in the game. Need friends: SW-7501-4912-6904. I have Cherries and Peaches
Anyone on I can visit? I have apple/pear/coconut, just need one of the others.
I have cherries and peaches.
Would love apples and pears.
I have pears. What is your dodo code? Mine is KY726
I have bamboo shoot to trade if someone lets me visit!
Still open?
I’m on my way
Open now please bring fruit and anything else
Looking to visit someone’s island!
I have peaches on my island. I really need bamboo! Come along to hang out. Please don’t ruin my flowers. Dodo code: 92B4M
Come visit me and add me as a friend so I can visit you in return. Dodo code LC26L
I’m trying to visit but there’s interference. Plz turn your phone off.
My code is 3825
Anyone want a visitor?
I have cherries
looking to visit people
Anyone have apples to pick?
I need some pears oranges and peaches can anyone bring me any haha my dodo code is BY66S
Gates open 🙂
Looking to visit – please send dodo cose
New at ACNH!
Just want to make some friends! SW-5394-1824-4119
I do t know where to enter this code?
You need to go to you profile page at the home menu, and then add friends via friend code
My dodo code is 4JC70
My code is KWP4Q
Anyone want visitors? Please send code
My dodo code is 4JC70
Im just now starting on this game so if anyone can help me establish some things it will be greatly appreciated. my doors will be open for a while
I’m new to this and just looking to visit another island. I have Apples and can bring some. Just need your code. Thanks!!
Hey come to my island for some fishing LNH8H 🙂
Still Available?
Is anyone online?
NEW playerhere… come visit KL4QC
Noob here again… its actually GKFDL
Hi all, gates open code 1GR23
need peaches!!!!!!!
After peaches and pears please, have cherries, apples, coconuts, oranges and bamboo please come 98×83
Okay sorry I had to suddenly close down the gates but I’m back, and I would really appreciate it if somebody would give me some couple thousand bells. My dodo code is this: H5GDV and thanks in advance if you come! (I might have to close the gate at any moment though)
On my way 😀
New to this. Can someone visit my island! I don’t have any fruit apart from cherries. Code is
G5RQQ…I have each fruit except bamboo.
Now closed
CODE 2837P
Anyone have their gates open right now? I’ve been to so many nook miles ticket islands, but can’t find any other fruit. I’m looking to sell my cherry’s & get other fruit to plant (I have cherrys & coconuts)
I can drop you a stack of cherrys to plant/sell ?
Still on? I could give u any fruit (:
I’m back on 🙂 I should be for a couple of hours now
Hey sorry, I‘m now online.
If u re again on, Tell me xD
Anyone want visitors?
I’ll come see you!
Sure: G5RQQ
I need peaches, please
I have!
Great! I have Pears, Coconuts and Cherry trees, need any?
Hey, i have some peaches Too and i Need Pears and cherry c:
Ok, dodo code is 7BRG5
I have peaches, coconuts, and apples! Who wants to trade? Comment with your dodo code!
Just trying this out. Not sure what to do.
Gates open – KS828
what is happening
Will u send me the code again pls
Anyone’s shop or clothing store really progressed? I needa get some furniture and accessories I have fruits to trade
Hi, I’d really like to visit someone’s island, any body online right now?
Hey! I’m sort of new at this game, I’m up to the part where I’ve got the museum building and I have a house though I’m still working on the 98,000 Bells. Anyway, I would really appreciate it if somebody would come and join me, my dodo code is 2L3D1 and thank you in advance if you join! I’ve got peaches and a cedar tree growing if that’s anything. Remember, please do not destroy or take anything and thanks if you join!
hey Jax, if you still want i could give you pears and coconut
Hey! Anyone in the Southern Hemisphere??? Looking to fish! I can trade fruits I just don’t have bananas!
I’m trying to visiting you right now, i have cherries and i need anything else =)
I really need cherry, plz come visit to my island.
Code: 6R796
Hey! Was looking to visit somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere?! I have apple pears and cherries to trade!
Peaches ky2xw
You still open??
Hi im looking for a place to sell my pears. So any island where pears aren’t native will do! Please post ur dodo code down below and u will get 10% share 🙂
Also im looking for banana’s, thats the only fruit i’m missing
My island has oranges, you can sell your pears here! My code: 26Y6L
Great! Will be there in a min
I cant go there it says?
I had one connection issue, new code is 5RTW4
My code is DH543
Have got all fruits except bananas. Hope to see you soon: N428T
Hi you can visit my island.
Every fruit, take what you need but dont be greedy
lets be Friends!
Pop along 656mf x
I need bananas fruit my code 591486651786
[Code] 161S6
[Fruits] Native is pears. But no fruit at all this time.
[Note] Hot item is Old Fashioned Washtub
My lad would like some visitors
Code hs8jx
Hi i have opened my gates if anyone wants to join my dodo code is HHYDK. Dodo codes appreciated
Hi I’m Diego got stuff to give away also come to my island please and this is my dodo code OSMM3
I have: cherries, Coconuts,Oranges, Bamboo
Searching for: Peaches, Apples
Give me a dodo code and Ill come visit
ok I cant visit anyone, if you have Peaches Apples or pears come visit me 🙂
Gates are open now: 9N604
MY58B. come here!!!!!!!!!!
Seafoam – North Hem
Dodo: 94L50
Fruit has been taken, but come chill.
Have bamboo, pear, coconut in storage
Donations are appreciated.
I have pear, orange and coconut
I need apple cherry and peach
My new code GGWS1
Have coconut, orange, peaches, NEED bamboo shoots, cherries.
I have peaches and coconuts and I need apples 😉
Visit my Island, I got it to look nice 😀
I want to visit but I can’t
My dodo code is GBHG7
Anyone from south hemisphere ? Pls let me in
Someone online? I want to visit some islands
i think you have me as a friend, so you cam invite me
Do you have a dodo code?
somebody online? want to visit some islands:)
Heeyy yess me
Which fruits do you have? Im searching for peaches
I have some peaches, can I visit u?
i have oranges cherries ans coconuts
Do you have a new dodo code the old one does not work 🙁
i have all fruits:)
Could u give me some fruits ?
I need pears
I’m open now, 8LNPX
Does someone have Violets? Of yes pls contact me, I have every fruit you want
Come visit! LNTWM
Doors open on my island! Dodo code: 1HYJQ !
Hello Villager!
My Dodo: 64H1J
Ps.: spreche auch deutsch (:
Nord oder Süd ? 🙂
Dodo Code: GFJ3Q
R u online
Anyone got Oranges?
Gates open! “C811L”
Still open ? Are u south or north
Trying to come getting interference
Yay! You arrived!
I am trying to come too.
It crashes before could give you fruit
My friend code is 6946-2300-9510
My dodo code is K4RBF
1LMXL is my code
I couldn’t get on your island
Any one have any iron or fruit?
I have fruit
Do you have peaches. Will trade pears or pay
Yes I do
Dodo code?
Jox Niffin is open!
Dodo code is L2WYW
Come and hang out at my bachelor pad and make friends ?
Anyone open?
Gate open BS4VT
I’m new to acnh! Would love to have some friends 🙂 come visit! code is 4VXY5
Anyone know how to catch the tarantula? They keep attacking me
go slow and when their front legs go up don’t move. then repeat,
you have to sneak up on them very slowly. If they look at you you have to stop moving
Gate open – 582T8
hey i’d like to visit your island 🙂 but it wont let me join
There is interference
Sorry I had to suddenly close the server. My brother is wanting to play. Have a great night everyone!
Anyone have an island I can visit?
Anyone open for visitors. Will bring fruit.
Sorry about the server crash! New code is N23PS!
Still not working
I’m sorry! I’m having a lot of people join at the same time. Just keep trying. 🙂
Hello! My dodo code is 54JX4. Come over if you want to hang out and make new friends! 🙂
It keeps telling me there’s interference ?
Sorry about that! Im reopening my gate now.
You’re on your phone so I can’t come
BV00G – come visit me
can someone please explain me how to visit someone by sharing the sw code ? I’m just wondering why some ppl rather prefer sw code than dodo code. Since you cannot add someone to the bf app if you haven’t played with him before.
Can someone explain me?
so then anyone random can’t come in without permission. you can open your gates to friends only so you can only have people you’re trading with
But I don’t get notifications if the gate is open or not. And I have no way to chat with someone I just added by friend code.
I have cherries, apples, peaches, coconuts and bamboo. Looking for other fruits.
Kdvx8 is open for business!
My island is open 🙂
Feel free to join & leave a message on the board 🙂
need bananas my code 591486651786, I’m Klaus Italian
Anyone want to trade fruits? I have Cherries and Apples, could use Orange, Peach, or Pears
Gate closed my island has been picked clean
Looking for people to trade fruits with! I only have cherries. I’d love to visit other islands!
FC : SW-8251-5330-5153
I need cherries. Can trade for apples?
Anyone’s gates open? Looking for fruit other than pears?
I can open my gate.
Need pears, will give iron
My island is open code 92C7P
I have cherries and coconuts. Need every other fruit!
DODO-Code: H92KW
I’m new and would enjoy some friends?
At Southern Hemispheres open?
Need Bananas, pay 1.000.000 bells for 2 Bananas
Dodo-Code: L4YFV
I’m pretty sure they’re not in the game…
Has anyone confirmed and shown they have them?
Super confused if they’re available
no bananas were only available in new leaf
they were part of the exotic fruit selection
strangely though it is apparently confirmed there are still durians
I’ve seen them on a couple of sites as part of new horizons fruits but it seems unlikely
Anyone open for visitors?
Please bring Oranges!
I’m coming with oranges!
I have Coconuts, Peaches, Oranges, Coconuts, and Bamboo :))))
Please bring any fruit that I don’t have listed above!!!
Dodo code: 3HMWP
Dodo Code: 10R7H
Looking for new friends.
Share your Dodo Code
Need Bananas, pay 500.000 bells for 2 Bananas
Dodo-Code: L4YFV
I pay nie 1.000.000 bells für 2 bananas
Please bring Oranges!
Still open
Hi, I have pears and coconut, I need all the other types of fruit.
Code: LD8P8
6GKXK. I need miles so come so I get the visitors thing lol
Come get some apples & oranges! I’d like to get other fruits!
Anyone have roses or a store seling roses?
My shop is selling red and white tulip seeds. I can bring them to you. 😀
Sorry, I misread it. ‘^^
I need apples!
Here to meet new friends anywhere around the globe!
Stay home and play on!
Sorry, but your code won´t work. 🙁 Can you please make a new one?
New Code : NDQFS
Are you still open? I’ve got some apples for you.
Please bring apples
I have everything else 🙂
Opening my gates for a little while. (Northern)
All fruits and bamboo available, I only ask you donate towards my bridge in return.
Please shake one tree and leave enough for other players.
Oh and if your shop has plants, buy one as a trade or I’ll buy
(Furniture not saplings or flowers)
Code: 1TGTN
Found a way around Southern Hemisphere problem just change date on your system then when done change time back
Found a way around Southern Hemisphere problem just change date on your system
I really need apples and peaches
I have oranges cherries bamboo and coconut and a lot of iron nuggets!
My code is D2B7L
Gate is now closed
Open again:)
Opening my gates for a little while. (Northern)
All fruits and bamboo available, I only ask you donate towards my bridge in return.
Please shake one tree and leave enough for other players.
Oh and if your shop has plants, buy one as a trade or I’ll buy
(Furniture not saplings or flowers)
Code: 1TGTN
Southern Hemisphere – just lost connection, have cherries, new island, looking for island nuggets. Will invite u if u add
Ill add you, I have nuggets.
I just sent you a request
I requested you 🙂 May I visit?
Just opened gates my code – MSTDC only started out so quite basic! Please bring iron nuggets
Southern Hemisphere island, I have cherrries
Would you like to be friends? I’m in northern
I can’t visit you because your island is full 🙁
What is ur friend code
Can I get ur friend number ?
Hi, just opened my gates. I have pears on second level and oranges. Currently moving oranges to second level. You may help yourself to fruit. My code is FC6HX. I have spare ladders if you need them to get to fruit.
I want to visit a southwest island
, I can bring apples and oranges
This code isn’t working
Anyone got any iron nuggets
I have, I was on my way but it said communication error.
What’s ur dodo code I’ll come to u
Hi, come have a look at my lads island. He has a little swop shop just outside the airport. Cheers
Code is mhxw5
Dodo code J94BR
Hi! Are you in Southern Hemisphere?
Is anybody on that I can come visit? I’m new to this! 🙂
anyone in the Southern Hemisphere open? Ive got all fruits but apples.
I’m also looking for Southern Hemisphere island that’s open I have all fruit just let me know what you need and I’ll bring it
I have all fruits. The apples are planted but I’m just looking for fish and bugs
I opened a Swap Shop at my island. T&T shop is open and there’re plenty of peaches around! Please, respect the flowers 🙂
Sorry, I’m closing. someone took almost everything and left nothing 🙁
That’s why I also closed my gate 🙁
Also, all my flowers were ran over
I was there and saw that. So sorry! It stinks for us who want to play fairly. Thank you anyway! 🙂
I have pears, coconuts and oranges. Looking for everything else really 🙂
Happy to trade what I have.
New Dodo-Code is:
I have peaches and cherries I am able to bring in exchange for pears and oranges.
Dodo code: JP4GS
* Northern h
* several types of fruits (just pick them from the ground outside the airport)
please be careful with my flowers 🙂 No picking please, or running over them 🙂
Its closed
Well oof
Heya I have Southern Hemisphere looking for northern hemisphere
Hey I have a northern hemisphere. Ill go ahead and add you
Any south hemisphere here? Pls reply to this comment with friend code. Pleaaaaaaaaase.
i am in southern hem. add me 6565-3217-9018
Looking for donations for a stone staircase 100k left.
Dodo code : 4KFPL
Need oranges and pears if anyone have some
Mine is GRFJK
Any southern hemisphere islands open for visitors. Would like to fish and catch bugs. Will bring fruits.
my friend code is 591486651786 I’m Italian
i have cherries, coconut, bamboo and apples, need bananas and oranges.
visitors and traders are welcome 🙂
Are you still on? I have oranges for you 🙂
Any southern hemisphere islands open for visitors. Would like to fish and catch bugs. Will bring fruits.
Hi am new here but come visit my island code is B7RK1
Need Bananas, pay 500.000 bells dir 3 Bananas
Add me SW-2678-0876-2389
Than you can join me with the dodo-Code NHNBB
Need cherries or Oranges. Have all the others for trading :). My Dodo-Code: 372VG
If you reopen i will bring you both in exchange of others
Need Bananas, pay 500.000 bells dir 3 Bananas
Was an error.
Happy to trade fruit, I have oranges
Alright last go around, I restarted it so if it crashes again ill be done for the night, 9C9NG, (plz plant some flowers while u there if u come back)
There was an error, new code is 82Y33
Dodo code M202R, anyone can come and do whatever, please bring some flowers and plant them wherever, and ill either be idle or just around fishing or somethin
I’m online now, 69kwf.
Will be open for most of the day
Need Bananas, pay 500.000 bells for 2 Bananas
Dodo-Code: L4YFV
Hi! I’m open for visitors! Dodo code 444C6
Anyone open right now for visitors?
I’m open for visitors
My island open for friends
My gate is open if anyone needs oranges. Im looking for cherries apples and pears if anyone has any
Opening my gates for the day… I have pears, coconuts, and cherries. 0BTVV
Hello I need cherries apples and pears. I have oranges. if any one wants to trade my code is C566L
my friend code is 591486651786 I’m Italian
Hi! Are you open for visitors?
I sent you a friend request 🙂
My dodo code is KG41N. I have Pears
Anyone open for visitors now?
M8QP3 have oranges and peaches please bring fruit
Anyone open for visitors? Will bring fruits.
I am, how do I get my dodo code
Anyone southern hemisphere. Would love to be able to fish for a bit. Will being fruits.
My gates open I’m from south
Hi! Can I come visit?
Anyone here ?
I’ve some apple and fish bait to share/trade for orange and/or Bamboo sprout.
Does anyone have there gate opens I can visit please
Mine is open to friends
I have 0 friends please join me make sum friends to my dodo code is 8PXN8
Gates are open. I have peaches only, other fruits in process. Please bring other fruit types!
please respond asap with dodo codes! i have peaches, cherries, coconuts and oranges to trade/sell, as well as many types of flowers! preferably searching for more developed islands (u can visit mine after!)
Add me SW 2597 2431 2322
My code is 7VXCB
Native fruit: pear
Anyone fast go to the dodo airlines and tell us your dodo airlines code. I have been eating forever just to see at least one island pls.
Whating l. Typo
You open?
my island is open! my dodo code is: 0PCLJ. I have oranges but nursery peach and coconut trees!
Add me…I have coconuts, peaches, and apples…will trade for the others! My friend code is SW-1758-9244-4402
Add me! My friend code is SW-1758-9244-4402
my friend code is 591486651786
Request sent
Is your island open
I have 0 friends please join me make sum friends to my dodo code is 8PXN8
Any Southern Hemisphere island open
Anyone have any spare iron?
the gate is closed
Luke open gate for me
My Dodo Code is 41Q09 for people who friend me
Anyone have cherries or turnips?
Friend Code: SW-4585-3893-7006
Let’s play!
Come Visit! It’s 5:10 EST
Why are people asking for bananas, are there bananas in this one?
Online now dodo L7B5M
Anyone can find my Friend Code so we can be friends and play New Horizons together! My friend code is SW-4253-5664-2518!
My gates are open to anyone who friends me!
I just sent you a request 🙂
Any southern hemisphere islands open for visitors. Would like to fish and catch bugs. Will bring fruits.
Any gates open?
Dodo code : JHV35 apple residence fruit. Please bananas, mango, lemon, durian, lychee. PLEASE)
Hey Villager!
I Need some fruits c:
Ps.: spreche auch deutsch
Mein Dodo: 669S3
Noch offen? 🙂
Anyone got able shop?
Dodo – 8BC5Y, have cherries and cocos :3
Dodo code LMHLL
Hi can I come visit
Hello anyone my dodo code is F5C10 I’m sorta new to this game and would love if someone were to come and play/help me on my island! Thanks if you join!
Sorry again (max) new code is 6c7qk hpoe
Here’s some advice: When one or two people join your island, close the gate immediately to prevent more people coming in, or else your game will crash
Sorry game crashed my new code is 2xtyk
Sure thing I would be down to hang out
Can i visit someone?
Still fairly new starting off, got cherries and coconuts on the go, bring some goodies :3
North hem
dodo code : 8BC5Y
597lj Jut wanna hang I can also help if u need it
Still open?
My dodo code is 2GXQP, come and visit! And if you can bring some iron nuggets I’ll be more than happy!
Bring me please some nuggets, I’m in need to build store… my vodě is KGMGD we can exchange
If anybody wants to be friends and dupe items my dodo code is 6H30J
I’ll join
Is it still on? I can’t find anything.
My dodo code is 5CHLV I have pears and request other fruit I will hopefully be on till 3:30 eastern time
Anyone be my friend? Who open the gate for me? Give me pin dodo please.
i need some apples, i have pears, peaches, cherrys and oranges. DODO CODE : 1XFD6
Looking for towns with able shops in them.
Also I have pears, peaches, and oranges.
My new code is CGOVV if anyone wants to be friends
Sure I’ll be friends UwU
Is ur dodo code still open ?
Mijn code is gwhf8
My code is 2hj82 and I need cheery and bamboo. I have peaches
Hi there, Can I visit someone? I’m looking for oranges, cherries and apples. ?
CWGBL. Gates open
Please bring any iron nuggets you have spare
I have pears and coconuts
I have some spare nuggets I can give you
Any southern hemisphere open for visitors?
Tes senda me your. Dudo code
Sorry keep going its some of my visitors in the changing room that will not come out.. -.-
Ah okay no worries then UwU
This game’s online playing needs improvement a lot.. connection crashed. New Code GP6V2
Git cherries, oranges, pears, perches and coco buts. My dodo code: K2GST
Code: 8QNLX. Seoul is my islands name. Got cherries, peaches, oranges, apples, pears, coconuts in exchange for DIY recipes or furniture. Northern Hemisphere. Nooks Shop and Tailor. The insect guy (don’t know the english name as I play in german) is visiting rn. Also be aware of spoilers as my island is decorated much and was ahead of time.
What items do you need?
Just bring some you can spare:)
Won’t let me join says you have to put your phone away
Know when you’ll next won’t be full?
Hey just wanna hang got charries,apples,peaches, an coconuts. Just looking to hang around my code is 45d20
2STM5 door is open (:
I’ll be on my way to your island UwU
Nice (:
Hmm strange it says your Nookphone is on airplane mode.
It won’t let us leave till you get done with what your doing
It won’t let us leave till you stop what your doing
I still can’t get in
Error// new 7GHM4
Dodo code is D2VN4 just incase
First 3 and close sorry // 5K2GL
Who need pears
First 3 if anybody needs peaches give me a shout
Hi 🙂
New to animal crossing
I need iron nuggets 23 to be exact in order to open my shop, how do I get more??
My friend code is SW-8140-5093-9247 – add me!
Send me codes so I can visit your islands
Thanks in advance:)
Just google how to farm iron its really easy ❤️
If you need anything such as cherries or peaches then my dodo code is FKKS9
Heya I have peaches and cherries if needed Dodo code is FKKS9
Any open southern hemisphere. Looking to fish. Will bring fruit and bamboo.
would love fruit,flowers and iron
Come and visit 🙂
i have apples and coconuts
Need quartz to build new store
Dodo code GXLVV
Need friend new to this! ❤️
Hi! Is there anyone with peaches or cherries that I can visit? I’ll bring some fruit to trade 🙂
I have some peaches if you can open 🙂
I’m open! Code is 884T9
I’m on my way !
Sorry, I had to close my gates. Thanks for coming though!
I have peaches 🙂 SW is 1570 2546 9320
Hi! Would you like to come visit me? My code is 884T9
On my way ! 🙂
Sorry, I had to close my gates. Could I visit you instead please? 🙂
I sent you a request! 🙂
Dodo Code: 7CDKR
I’m on my way!
New Code is MBQP4
I messed up a little bit, sorry ?
No worries, I’m trying to head over now! There’s just a bit of interference. Do you think you could close your chat/phone for just a minute? 🙂
Oh, never mind! I’m on my way ?
G8YBJ got apples, pears, coconuts and cherries
Come to my island! Northern hemisphere
Any southern hemisphere open?
ill try stay put now… dodo code: 27T0J
Can I come too? Have peaches and coconuts:)
Can I come too? You always got interferences:c
Okay, I’m back! My gates have just opened! (:
I need pears, bananas & bamboo trees. But mainly pears (:
I have apples, cherries, oranges, peaches, coconuts.
I don’t want any greedy pickers or mess on my island, you will be blocked if so. (:
All is welcome (:
Label the fashion designer is here today & K.K Slider will be here in the next day or two so add me!
dodo code: LY61C
Still open? I could bring peaches and coconuts 🙂
Ella, I cant find u on my friends list anymore, I sent u another Nintendo friend request
Gate is open. 307PP
Say me when you’re open. I have your peaches 🙂
Desperately looking for a southern hemisphere island :/ theyre always full immediately when announced T_T Please add me when you have one:
6538 8959 6467
My island name is Seoul and I have all fruits. Can bring you some to your southern island 😉
Do you have bananas
Stilling looking.for open southern hemisphere. Thanks
You can visit me if you like but don’t make a mess 🙂 I have Cherrys and Bamboo
Hi i Need peaches, pls bring them and i give you iron
i have coconuts and apples
You‘re welcome to visit me 🙂
Bring some other fruits
I’m comingg
Hi, my code is 9QG3G. Got cherries on trees and apples and pears for trade. Looking for oranges, peaches and roses of any colour. Feel free to visit 🙂
New code is NHN3B
im in the southern hemisphere. my gate is open. dodo code 9TH5S
closing the gates
Code not working in southern hemisphere. Will trade.fruit for fishing time. Thanks
Someone add me on their friends list my dodo code is KP746
Got your request
Come over 🙂
Sorry I was afk. New code is 6KWXW
Hello guys !!
Looking for pears and bananas !!
I have cherries on my island.
My Dodo Code is 2B2VR.
I have pears.
open my gate, please dont make mess (flowers and trees)
Are you still open? Will.bring fruit.
I can’t connect with you. I have lots of fruits
Sorry my connection was lost
New Code is 3DHK5
Must have lost connection again lol.
What’s you dodo code
You dodo code isn’t working
How can you add people on your friends list who come to your island
Looking to southern hemisphere. Anyone open? Will being fruit and bamboo.
My code is 3BG5W come hang out with me!
Looking for anyone in southern hemisphere that has gates open and would let me come fish. Ill bring fruit in return. Thanks
Does someone have bananas to share? I have pears, coconuts, many fish and some iron.
Anyone still online? I want to visit an island southern h. With some fruits maybe
Anyone open in southern hemisphere
Looking for good turnip prices!! 😀 my prices are terrible, 75 bells per turnip…
If anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated! I have apples oranges and coconuts
My turnip prices are 314 bells today.
If you want to visit just let me know and I will post a Dodo code
Is there someone with southern h. to visit
My code is 09W61
Anyone can join :)!
Because I can’t join
I have apples, cherries, oranges, coconuts. Pears, peaches and bamboo are growing now. Feel free to visit me: HKBR7
Can you tell me your SW?
My code is 85F6Y. Join if you want
im waiting to join 🙂 i have oranges
Thank you everyone who joined me last night! 🙂
Today I am in need of pears! (someone kindly dropped me some pears last night however an error occurred), I have apples, cherries, oranges, peaches & also bamboo.
FC 4159-0127-0714 add me up! I’ll be opening my gates shortly, will let know of dodocode if anyone is interested in joining!
Ella c:
What is your Dodo Code ? 🙂
I would like to join
I’m just gonna quickly do my dailies and help Gulliver 🙂
Which fruit do you have?
I’ll open gates in about 5/10 min!
I only have
Coconut, Apples, cherries and oranges And I have bamboo
Oh and coconuts! 🙂
Hi do you still need pears?
I just sent you an fc request
If interestet post your dodo code 🙂
Hey, i would like to Visit u. I got pears. And More ?
I need bamboo trees to plant.. not the wood from them..
Online all day. Lol
I can’t visit your island with that code
Are u still online?
Again an error, sorry.
New code 80YMG
Still online?
Sorry got error
New code: 1F669
I have apples and coconuts and a few peaches, you can help yourself. They are on the floor near the airport.
Still online?
yes 🙂
Sorry Game crashed, new code is MQDL6
Correct: 77WF1
Does someone have southern h. to open?
My code is BGQRH, i have pears and coconut, please bring different fruits ?
We are also looking for a full length mirror if anyone has one that they could bring over it would be much appreciated! ?
Welcoming those who can trade bananas only.
I have all other fruits and bamboo, Shake 1 tree and
move on so others can enjoy please.
If someone has bananas, reply and I’ll open the gates
and comment with the dodocode.
Sorry technical errors Not sure what happened. New code is 2Q668
I have apples and coconuts, outside the airport. Also a ladder if anyone needs it.
I would appreciate some other fruit in return 🙂
Dodo code: 1S51K
Our Island will be open for a awhile! We have all the fruit just waiting for our peaches to grow. Please visit the bulletin board in the plaza before you take anything! 😀 Our dodo code is 929MQ!
Bring anything you want to trade we are open to anything! Enjoy your time!
Okie gates back open and probably will be for a few hours dodo code is 4J3S9, I dont need anymore fruit unless youre tryna give some away but if anyone wants to bring flowers thatd be great and yall can just vibe on my island while i try to decorate
Im closing my gate for a few minutes but i can open it back up in a bit if anybody wants to catch bugs or fish or just wander or anything
Dodo code 1Y3MP, please bring pears or oranges, ill leave apples, peaches, and coconuts by the airport
I have oranges are you still on?
Thank you for the peaches I hope you liked the pears, cherries and oranges!
Yes i loved them! I was actually running low on fruit trying to trade so thank you!
My code is L547K ! Also bring iron please!!!
let’s try this one more time… f6km4
closing now
7LH49! Everyone come visit my island?
thanks for hosting me! to those who want to visit me, i have pears, coconuts, peaches, cherries, and apples. if you could spare some oranges, i would be so so appreciative. visit soon at 8KBMQ
Native fruit is pears! Looking for: cherries, oranges, and especially PEACHES!! Also, looking to make some friends! 🙂 Please come to my island! DODO CODE: 52XCT
Trading apples for other fruit.
I’m making one fc is 6505-2610-7812
Oranges & what not
Anyone online? Looking for iron and fruit.
new new code: 9y648
ok i’m giving up
It is 1:58pm in Australia my gates are open I have cherries and oranges come by and exchange codes! Code is !!! 2C2M5
Whos open for meee to join??????
hows open for me to join?
now open !!! i have oranges and coconuts, seeking all other fruits!! dodo: 3fvqm
having wifi issues— will post again when back up
new code MMBDR
Gates are open 241CB it is raining so you can get some good fishing in
How do you add friends
Going to close the gate in about 20 mins
Anyone in Southern Hemisphere open really wanna fish
If you want to open I will
Is anyone online now and want some peaches/pears?
Anyone have an island I can visit right now?
Anyone in the Southern Hemisphere? Looking to do some fishing ?
I have apples, cherries, bamboo and coconuts to trade. I’m looking for all other fruits. Please join!
dodo code: 16DKK
I want to visit someone’s island. Can someone give me their dodo code?
Anyone online?
I have cherries and I’m on the Northern Hemisphere.
My friend code is SW-7785-6697-2481
Code ~ 0D932
Gates are now open! Please feel free to come over to my island. I need iron so if you wanna bring iron to trade it would be more then appreciated! Thank you! See you soon
Gates Open M1T6C
Can someone open a gate with south h. ?
Would be nice, can give all fruits you want
So sorry for connection error! New code is 9P99L. Feel free to rejoin!
Code: L448C
I have cherries and peaches code is 60w17
I need cherry orange and pear.. Anyone can help me? I have te other futis and bamboo
does anybody with a gate open have pears, oranges, or cherries? i have some apples, coconuts, and peaches
I have cherries!
New at this game. Where do you get your dodo code?
Have all fruit but cherry need cherry.
Code 0B1GK
i have cherry ill go !
Hello! My dodo code is G8LV3. I’ve got a few apples to trade or just feel free to come hang out and make some friends. The more the merrier! 🙂
i have a dodo code so if anybody wants to enjoy me her is my dodo code 0V8TM
how do i get a dodo code so i can play with other people and add them as my friend
I need Peaches cherry and pear
Code 9LM96
Dodo code 161kb
I need Cherry Peaches and pears
Code BV9TV
New code, MMWQM
sorry about the error!
I have oringes apples coconuts and cherries.
It’s ok I figured it out
Only have apples (I’m a starter – wondering for a fruit trade 😉 I also have an apple scarce though)
i have cherries, coconuts, applies, peaches and oranges on my person and on my island.
townhall, able sisters, cranny, campsite too, 6 neighbours too!
my museum is pretty filled in the fossils area, if youde like a tour lmk(:
come join in on the fun , lots of materials to spare and cherry blossom petals are everywhere(: (theres a fishing event on today too!)
oh and my town tune is Game of Thrones.. lol
code for the day: 47M86
On my way
I added you! ? I was just at your island!
Do I need a metal detector to find Guillivers communicator parts?
If you look closely around the beaches, there will be little holes spewing out water! They’re where to find the coomunicator parts when Gulliver is awake! (and the odd clam)
Yeh! Thanks I figured it out
No, as you walk through the sand in the beach, there will be little wholes that will appear and shine from the ground. They will fade and come back. Sometimes it’s a clam but most likely it’ll be the parts 🙂
I need a ladder
Come visit me
Dodo code 8DX6B
HEY just want to find people to to trade with my code is GNV6F
Dodo code : 6HVWR
I have apples and coconuts, just grab them, I left them on the ground outside the airport.
I need all other fruits so feel free to bring them for me 😉
Hey I’ll bring apples peaches
Ooops I mean 3TR83
Southern hemisphere please
Code: H6LNP
i habe peaches, oranges and coconuts ob my island
pls visit and bring some fruits
B2WXD I’m looking for Iron and Clay, I have Oranges and a few Apples. I can also pay in bells.
i have apples. Coconuts are growing.
Come and visit me:)
bring some fruits
i have pears, pls bring me your other fruits 🙂
I have pears and I’m looking for peaches or cherries if u have let me know
I have some peaches and need pears,, might I suggest a swap
Sure thing what’s ur dodo code
Looking to fish southern hemisphere. Anyone open that i could visit? Thanks
Wanting to fish in southern hemisphere. Anuone openthey i could visit? Thanks
Gate open right now.Pls bring fruit to trade dodo code: M1PPS
I have cherries, apples, and coconuts
my dodo code is: LPK2N
im looking for peaches and pears.
i have a stack of 8 coconuts, 3 apples, 3 oranges, and 3 cherries up for trade.
my gate will be open for a few hours.
closing gate, will open again later
Come over if you’d like, bring your fruits with you and we can exchange and hang out! My dodo code is L2HG5
Lost WiFi for a second. New dodo code is KSRWT
Any southern hemisphere open. Looking to fish
My dodo code is 99DJ1 come and visit my island guys
LXT5R now open
Can someone message me what time zone they are in? When they post I’m trying to connect to you all but cant
My gates are open for friends for a couple of hours! I have coconuts, some bamboo, pears and atm cherries are growing, will be done by tomorrow. Please post something on my message board when u visit! I will mostly be at the main plaza if u want to trade. Please bring other fruits!
Add me: SW-8071-9903-2617
Hey May! Are you wanting to play?
I’m joining! I friended you mayling!
Hi! Can someone bring me bananas please! I have pears or bells to pay with. My dodo code is LX50F
Add me?
I have apples, peaches, and coconuts (oranges tomorrow) to trade. In need of pears, cherries, bamboo, and bananas please! I will be just outside my house. 🙂
Missing cherries and bananas now. New code is 96HMF
Actually still need bamboo shoots as well
Looking for new friends to visit….
I have oranges and coconuts grown looking for any other fruits. Dodo code is DBX61. Gate will be open for 30 minute. It is currently 4:24 pm est.
i displayed oranges, i need some peach, pear, and banana, take an orange pile and leave one i lack plz,
my dodo code is: 99JWT
Since it takes so long my code is LMY0L it is 3:57pm est I will have my gate open for 1 hour
I have peaches
4592F I have oranges
any open gates? would like new fruit
my code is 84svk. I have peaches. Please exchange fruits.
Thank you
update code: MCTP9
Looking for peaches.
I have peaches, looking for cherry and orange
I have peaches wanna trade
My gates are open, code is G7J2J
I have pears oranges and coconuts
Need apples and bananas please.
Code 6V7Q3
Looking for bananas,
Willing to trade fruit or pay 🙂
Dodo: 8QPCM
Looking to visit southern hemisphere to go fishing. Let me know what you need and i will bring it if i have some.
Anyone from the Southern Hemisphere?? Need to do some fishing ?
Need bamboo
Hi, i need pears , cherries and peach, i have apples , oranges and coconut, and bamboo
Dodo : 3FH61
Looking for bananas will trade.
There are no bananas this time
I try to connect on other island for the first time.
My code is: FX060
I need Bananas
Got Pears, Oranges, Apples, Coconut and Bamboo
My code is 8VD27. Oranges, pears, and coconuts. Please visit.
Hello Villager (:
I need bananas and some fruits, I have some oranges
Ps. Ich spreche auch deutsch
My Dodo: L3Q5X
I have got all fruits except peaches. Feel free to visit me: 0KD7Q
Hope to see you soon!
New Code: N97KS
Lost internet connection
I have peaches to trade for bananas but I can’t get in.
it seems they didn’t add bananas back into the game based on what i have read recently.
Habe alle früchte brauche Bambus
Dodo code: FYH5H
Würde Bananen gegen Bambus tauschen
Dein Code ist leider nicht mehr aktiv
Please add me as a switch friend. I will open my gate to friends for an hour starting at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Est. I have apples, pears, oranges, bamboo, coconut. Please leave your other fruits in front of my house in exchange! Thank you 😉 sw-5726-2454-3505 .
Yay! On my way!!!
Need cherries. Will swap other fruits. Only got a limited amount of certain fruits due to planting and such forth.
Dodo code 1X9YN
First come first served
Island gated off so no trolls please. Add me if you are in the southern hemesphere
I have got all fruits except peaches. Feel free to visit me: 0KD7Q
Hope to see you soon (with peaches maybe xD)
I have peaches just need bananas.
I have every fruit available in the game, but of some I have only 3 pieces. Just looking for some company!
is your code still active ?
Are you still open??
Mine is B3VKD and I’m online now 🙂
Mine’s HPFQB if anyone wants to stop by.
On My way
I Need peaches pls
Please bring your fruit 🙂 Mine is apple
This code isn’t available at all…
The game collapsed, too many people
New code is L5RLD
I have oranges and pears. Looking for bananas, peaches, apples, and cherries.
Opening gate now from 1:15PM EST to 2:15PM EST I have appels, oranges, pears and coconut. Please leave other fruits and grab what you need! Dodo code: 83DK7
It says ur on ur phone or busy with some sort of mission..
I am not. Probably people that are coming in.
Please bring your fruits if you come…so far received 0!
Your gate is closed. May I please come and buy some mums? I’ll bring fruit! 🙂
May I please come? I will bring pears, peaches and cheeriest I need to buy some mums. Please!
Sorry game crashed. Gates are now closed.
Please please reopen. I really need some mums. 🙁 I’ll bring you fruit! Please!
Please add me as a switch friend. I will open my gate to friends for an hour starting at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Est. I have apples, pears, oranges, bamboo, coconut. Please leave your other fruits in front of my house in exchange! Thank you ? sw-5726-2454-3505 .
I just sent you a friend request 🙂
My gates are open for friends for a couple of hours! I have coconuts, some bamboo, pears and atm cherries are growing, will be done by tomorrow. Please post something on my message board when u visit! I will mostly be at the main plaza if u want to trade. Please bring other fruits!
Add me: SW-8071-9903-2617
Switch friend code : SW-4441-6459-3315
would like to fish in the southern hemesphere.
Add me if you island is in the southern hemesphere. Can get all fruit…. will have to wait a while for cherries as they are still growing. I wont destroy your town or pick fruit unless i have permission. Can trade metal and wood also share shop items.
I have cherries, peaches, oranges, bamboo, and coconuts 🙂
my dodo code is NFS5F
Is there anybody in the souther hemesphere that is willing to let me fish. Can give some fruit if needed. I wont troll you island
I would also love
dodo code : 80THD
my dodo code is 80THD
Hey looking for some apples, oranges, and bananas. I got cherries and peach
Hey everybody !!
Does someone have bananas please ??
My Dodo code is C9Y9Q Please bring IRON. I will pay 1000 bells per piece. Thanks!
I also have plenty of peaches
Do you have cherries?
No one else come. Too crowded
Close gate
Hi everyone! This is my first animal crossing game and i would love to add some friends! Please put your friendcode down below ?
My code is SW-8071-9903-2617
When we visit eachother, please feel free to post something on my message board! I have lots of pears, coconuts, bamboo (great for bells) and i have some cherries growing (done by tomorrow).
Need Your help with fruits, Apple, Peaches and Cherry pls
Hello. I have an ok town with oringes,apples,and charries. My dodo code is LSOT2 and if not try LS0T2.
Anybody have cherries. They are the last fruit i need. Will pay 30,000 bells for 3. Can trade other fruit. If i dont have the fruit you want i can get it in a few mins. My dodo code is 8L60G. Island name Scotland
I actually got three
Hans. Do you have cherries?
No sorry
Looking to visit southern hemisphere to fish and also in search of cherries and peaches
My Dodo Code is FJ3HX I need IRON. I will pay 1000 bells per piece
Anyone have bananas?
I have all fruits except that!
Anyone have oranges? I can trade peaches!
I do. Code DCBDC
Thank you! Left peaches in front of your house
Hey! I’m in need of peaches and cherries! Trade or sell? Maybe ?
I can bring you peaches! What’s your dodo code?
Here’s my friend code @Anni
It’s SW-1625-5695-4401
I have apples and coconuts feel free to visit
Code : 7M35J
All welcome. 912SP
3JJ7P is open.
Come, 8X4LD
It says your nookphone is still on?
Dodo Code: 3NY75