Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons Dodo Codes are temporary codes that you use to invite friends to play online co-op multiplayer with them. This requires you to go through several steps, and also unlocks some new options on your Nook Phone. If you want to play co-op multiplayer online, you have to figure out how to use the dodo codes and invite friends. We’re gonna break the process down in our Share Dodo Codes & Invite Friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons guide, including how to add people to your Best Friends list.

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to Invite Friends & Share Dodo Codes?
To invite friends and share Dodo Codes in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to go to the airport. Walk right into Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville (the guy behind the counter). Select the option “I want visitors.” Then, select Online Play (you can do local if you want, but Dodo Codes play not part there). Now, choose “Invite via Dodo Code,” then “The more the merrier.” This will make your lobby public, but won’t allow just anyone in, don’t worry. Confirm your choice, and you’ll get the temporary Dodo Code. Share it where and with whom you want.
Tips & Tricks you should know while playing Animal Crossing New Horizons
The people you shared the code with have to go to their Dodo Airlines and talk with Orville, then tell him that they want to visit an online town, then give the code. You’re free to do what you want in the meantime. When they do arrive, they won’t be able to cut down trees and such until you add them to your Best Friends list. To do so, open the Best Friends List on your Nook Phone. It will show you a list of friends you can add to the list, so add your visitor (you can add a bunch of people at the same time).
Once your Best Friends invitation is accepted by another player, they gain the same privileges as you on your island. You can also message them using the in-game keyboard. However, be careful when adding players to this list, as they can destroy and stole things on your island. For more info on playing the new Animal Crossing with friends, check out our Animal Crossing New Horizons Co-op – Local, Online Multiplayer guide.
Hi everyone! This is my first animal crossing game and i would love to add some friends! Please put your friendcode down below 🙂
When we visit eachother, please feel free to post something on my message board! I have lots of pears, coconuts, bamboo (great for bells) and i have some cherries growing (done by tomorrow).
What’s you friend code? I’d be happy to add you 🙂
My friend code is
SW-8071-9903-2617 🙂
Hey May! I added you ? Hope we can play soon
Yes i would love that! I will be on in about 3 hours 🙂
Add me please, I need friends ☺️
Friend code: SW-2910-7693-0900
i need friends too preferably with cherries, pears or apples ?
FC: SW-4753-2793-2894
Southern hemisphere, pears and coconuts, cherries. Please bring fruits thanks and add me to friend list cheers.
Code H550C
I’m interested! I have pears and coconuts, mind I visit?
Well add for the moment if that’s fine with you?
Feel free to visit me Daya my code is
My friend code is 135122849918
Sent! 🙂 Can I visit?
Hey! I didn’t get to add you 🙁 Can you let me know your fc?
1351 2284 9918
Sorry the connection cut out before
Come, 8X4LD !
Kommt und habt Spaß FVHVW
Interested! My friend code is SW-5726-2454-3505.
Let me know when you’re open please! Request sent 🙂
Or let me know when you add me please!
Done! 🙂
May I visit? 😉
Hey everyone! So mostly I’m looking for friends to have on New horizons, since I don’t have any. I have pears if anyone needs supplies too! 🙂
Interested! My friend code is SW-5726-2454-3505.
Sent! My account should be named Yayaa ?
I just sent you a request.
Here’s my friend code 1314 8848 8788
FC: SW-2910-7693-0900
Hi hi, I’m looking for someone who can give me a ladder. I have fruits I can give in return 😉
My code is 9B8KF
I can help if you’d like 🙂
I am looking for friends to visit or welcome me on their island. I have apples, oranges, coconut. My code is SW-5726-2464-3505. Playing now 🙂
Mind if I visit you? 🙂
need pears, peach and Bananas. Have oranges ..
Dodo Code: BNLJP
Freu mich über jeden
It says you’re on your nook phone all the time.. southern hemisphere open for visitors. Would love to come fish. Tell me what you need and i will see if i have it.
Hey I am from Brasil.
Can i come over and fish?
Need bananas,
Freue mich auf jeden der kommt ^^
Alone please come for help me
Ich brauche Kirschen, Bananen, Pfirsiche. Ich habe ganz viele Birnen.
Hello! My dodo code is CXDTP. My native fruit is pears but I also have a ton of apples. My island is very well developed and I have lots of fruit to farm! I only ask please bring a fruit from your island if you have a different kind from mine (I will stand by the message board most of the time if you want to bring me a fruit). Also note my R button is broken so I cannot chat. Once a good amount of people join I will leave my nook phone open a minute at a time so the joining screens don’t get too out of hand. Thanks and enjoy the island!
There was a communication error, new dodo code is MFQJS. Now only need peaches if you happen to have any!
Have all the fruit now, thanks guys! Still welcome to join for awhile, have plenty of fruit to farm
Apples are home fruit. Please bring your fruit! 🙂
Is your gate still open? Am missing a few fruits and would love to come farm a few if you don’t mind! I have peaches and coconuts I can trade
Got Pears Cherries Coconut. Rest is growing still. Need Bananas. Code is 4NN66
Spoiler Alert on my island 😛
My dodo code : 6W4SC
Come !
Ich brauche Äpfel FVHVW
Braucht wer Äpfel und Birnen??? Wen ja schreibt euren Code
Ich komm zu dir ok?
Ich brauch Birnen
Hi, come in my island. Together, we can glow up.
My dodo code is :L74YF
Visit me, bring bananas please 🙂 1DYW8
I Need Bananas
Southern hemisphere. Pears and coconuts mainly please bring fruits thanks!
Dodo code is 3LLR3
I’ve got Bamboo and cherries! Also peaches in storage.
Bring any other fruits
Code: GT0VK
Updated code: LLFJY
Someone got Bananas, Apples or Pears? Send Code
I have oranges
looking for an island that has tina 🙂
709L8 bitte bringt Früchte mit
Ist open!
Visit me, i have peach, coconut and orange
Please bring apple, pear or banana ☺️
Hat jemand Bananen ??
My dodo code is 5QFDD and my gates are open!
Please bring fruit! I have pears and coconuts (:
Mein code ist 709L8
Bitte bringt Früchte mit
looking for friends 🙂
Im from Germany
My dodo code is: 3FHY1
I have cherries, coconuts and bamboo to trade
Anyone is welcome!
My code: 30GYQ
I have peaches, oranges and coconuts 🙂
Would very appreciate other fruits
My dodo code is JJ59T, come !
I have pears and coconuts
I would like to visit you 🙂 ich have peaches and really want peas
Dodo code is 1J42M i have pears, apples, peaches and coconuts. I need cherries and oranges please.
Sorry, the code is 9QM66
Come visit my island
My dodo code is 2D0TR
Hi ! My dodo code is D1G9Y
Come on my island !!!! ?
I’m showing off a few designs I just finished.
I’ll be on for maybe half an hour, and the designs are on the floor near airport. 🙂
Come on over to my island for trades ! Everyone is welcome ! 061YQ
Connection Fehler ;(
Neuer Dodo: MNNRP
Its still Open (:
Do someone have banana? Gate Still Open.
Ich würde fix vorbei kommen 🙂
Hello villager!
i‘m searching for some fruits. I can give oranges.
And i would like to finde nice friends!
Ps. Ich spreche auch deutsch
My Dodo: CXTFN
Still on?
I need people to come to my island with fruits and vegetables, I have cherries, coconuts, peaches, bamboo, pears, oranges and apples already. Can bring iron to trade too. My code is 061YQ
Got oranges, code is GNTLH
Need friends 🙂
Open for visitors
Dodo code B6SMS
Oh and peach
9Q9HS I have pears and coco
Anyone awake?
Anyone in the northern hemisphere??
Add me.. new to game need some help!
Sw: 1587-4882-0889
Come be bored with me!
I’ll be open for an hour or so
(^ Pretty sure it’s the number zero otherwise my bad xD try capital O)
Friend Code: SW-6856-4835-5387
Dodo Code: 1K5Q8
Looking for Southern Hemisphere that’s open
FTYW7 In need of some friends to play with
Brand new here! Looking for some friends to visit! Dodo code: 5378P
Have cherries. Would like anything else
Also looking for a mirror or vanity, thank you come to my island for trades with fruit too. The code is 9NYCW
Aye you still on there got a couple deals
Looking for people to come to my island and bring iron for trade, I have cherries and coconuts the code is 9NYCW
Code: 83Y0T PLS PLS bring roses, cosmos, and lilies. I have most flowers and all fruits.
Anyone have oranges? I have peaches to trade!
Hi I have oranges and need peaches ^-^ Send your code pls
Looking for anyone to trade oranges, apples, or bamboo, currently I have cherries on my island. Will be on until 11pm EPT. Code is 9NYCW, will also trade gold for 3 irons. Hope to see people soon!
BHSJR mines open
Looking for southern hemisphere island to visit for fishing.
I too am looking for a Southern Hemisphere that’s open
I need apples and oranges if anyone can help
I have pears and coconuts but can get in. Too many people beat me to the punch. Lol
Gates open to those who will treat my island well. I have oranges, apples, and crafting goods. Let’s trade or just go fishing 🙂
your code is does not work anymore.. u still on?
You still on?
Anyone open for visitors from the southern hemisphere. Would love to be to come and do a little fishing of poasible. Thanks
I’ll open my gates, let’s do some trading 🙂 I have lots of wood, apples, and oranges!
What do you need so I can see if i have it
Iron nuggets and anything that isn’t an apple lol
Come visit me I have fruit!
Don’t leave without writing me a message on my board 🙂
I would love to come bearing fruit as well 🙂
Hi! im trying to go to your island but it says that u are occupied
Ok back home come visit
Dodo code FVKKV
I have cherries, apples, coconuts, and bamboo! I need oranges, peaches, and pears!
Dodo code is 1LQ1V
Ok I know we’re supposed to be social distancing, but I don’t think that applies to the virtual world
Hey everyone!! Greetings from Germany!
Visit my Little Island! I have Apples for you 🙂
Dodo Code: CD3M8
I have pears
I’m waiting for visitors in the airport
Do you by any chance have pears?
Lots of pears
oo no it’s unable to connect
Try again. Maybe it’s because I was accepting a friend request
you’re welcome only island
my dodo code is KT4KY
Coming to visit
Still online?
Friend code is SW 1314 8848 8788
FK7W0 please visit my island
I wanna come to someones island!!! whos online??
In need of pears! I have cherries and oranges 🙂
Hi There
My DoDO code is BLF9B 🙂
Here’s my friend code SW-1314-8848-8788
Please come visit my island. FK7W0
Sorry everyone, my connection went. Reopening my island for a little while. Please don’t wreck the island as it’s important to have respect for each other!
My island has cherries, and a few peaches and coconuts. So feel welcome to take a few and I’m open to other fruits coming too.
My dodo code is 5WY43
Yay! On my way now!
Of course
Hey guys my island has apples and coconuts! feel free to drop by and trade!
Thank you for the peaches. You asked for our friend code, I wasn’t sure if I came out of the game if that would interrupt my visit and not save the peaches I got. Anyway here’s my friend code 3512 7582 0718.
We lost connection. Sorry 🙁
Neuer Dodo: CGTT5
CBR51. Thank you!!!!
I have oranges! Come and visit. Please don’t wreck things and drop off some fruit! Dodo code: GDSXR
My dodo code is NCW1X
I have cherries, a few peaches and coconuts too.
Open to you all, just don’t mess with anything please. I trust you guys
I can bring you some pears! 🙂
May I trade for cherries please?
I’m desperate for some peaches! I have pears and coconuts to give in exchange! My dodo code is BSB5B
Oops, accidentally closed my gate. New dodo code is G1W1T. I’ll leave it open until tomorrow 🙂
Thanks! I left some cherries and pears!
I have pears, please bring me other fruits 🙂 – BK2XR
Any oranges or pears?? I have peaches I’ll trade for!
YESSS!!! I’ve been looking for peaches since day one! I have pears and coconuts! Dodo code G1W1T ?
Im needing apples and pears!! Someone send me a code for those please
I have pears! What’s your dodo code? 🙂
I have pears! BSB5B my gate is open 🙂
Oops, try G1W1T instead!
My dodo code is 9JWW8
The more the merrier
Are you in the Southern Hemisphere
Nuts! Guessed you closed up
I Need some fruits, i could give some oranges or coconuts
U re all welcome! (:
Dodo: LW809
On my way! I have pears and peaches 🙂
i look for ladder and peaches if you have it come 🙂 everyone is welcome !
my dodo code is H03KP
Anyone in Southern Hemisphere open?
Am alsol ooking for southern hemisphere to do some fishing
Just let me know if you need anything and if i have it i will bring it
I also need a Southern Hemisphere code. Please and thank you !
DODO-Code: 4F58R
Open for around 30-60 Minutes. I can drop peaches and would be glad to get something like cherries or other fruits
Trying but there’s interference
I have all kinds of fruits and a lovely campfire with pizza! (:
Dodo code is: B13HW
I’m trying your code but it won’t let me in 🙁
It won’t let me in 🙁
new and Looking for friends! come hang all day 🙂 also if you have fruit and want to drop it off, that would be great because we only have cherries ?
Add me
Friend code: 2799-7235-5102
Looking for someone in southern hemisphere to visit.
come on my island : 8X10K
Dodo Code from a friend
Its open!
Hi i don’t need any fruits except maybe bananas but could you please please please bring a pole
My code is 5SO6V
I have pole and ladder for you
Is your island open? My code is L3JQS I’d appreciate all fruit!
anyone got any codes? i have all fruit except for bananas
Hi, my friend code is SW-1889-8229-6673, and current Dodo code (I have my gates open right now) is 5HHLH, I have pears, apples, and coconuts right now, I have orange and cherry trees as well but they don’t have any fruit right now. Please bring me some peaches, and I’d also love some lilies, roses, and other flowers if you have them!
6S35N please bring ladder or any fruit! I have peaches and coconuts. Thanks 🙂
JR1X5 – pears for days
SW 3454 3149 1418
Hi I will help as much as I can. I have oranges. Not much completed. But I am on everyday and open all day. My game crashed earlier. So I am reposting and will every time it does.
Town – Flomiciana
F.c.- sw 1363-7059-1520
I need help and will help when I can
Looking for an island to visit via dodo code, I can offer cherries and I know how to craft lots of stuff ??
Add my friend code… SW114053548538
I have cherries, coconuts & pears 🙂
Hey, my Code is 90NVD. Everyone is welcome.
Back on!
What your code?
JC1B1, I’ll leave it on for a couple of hours ✌️
What’s your friend code?
hi, my dodo code is JSCDG love for you to come. and please add me to the switch as well my code is SW 2393-7963-7403
There are now open!
I will open my gates soon for everyone in my friends list !
You can also add me
SW-5396-8412-2612 alias gervzz
I offer apples and pears. I need iron nuggs. Thanks
I have pears on my island, please bring fruits! I have iron nuggets as well. Code is 20J1W.
New code is 4H40W
Mine is 7SVCJ
New code BX960
I’m on all day today!
my dodo code is : CB3H7
Anyone able to make me a ladder?
Island name: JosicAndy ?
Native fruit: ?
Need: Other fruits except ? & ?, a ladder would be good! ?
Add me as friend: SW-6422-5035-1923
Someone post their codes below I see that the times are off so currently it is 3/23/2020 12:12PM EST thanks I would like to join someone
HHMXR. I only have pear so far. Peach tree is growing
im trying to visit!
Im trying to join but I’m getting interference
Hi, if you want to come visit me, you’re welcome to come 🙂 I’ve got oranges on my island
This is my code: L20M4
My code is 21C8J
Visit code LQSC8
Come! 24KJS
stop chatting or nookphone consulting because i can’t join !
I’m still new to this version of the game, but I have oranges?? lol
Come visit me 1TBHF
Hey die you have Cherries and Apples? I need those can I Visite you?
I have cherries apples and coconuts 24KJS
My Code is 8D9QX. Everyone is welcome 🙂
Hey guys, I have peaches and coconuts, and one or two apple tree, please bring any other fruits my island is crap but I’d appreciate some help. Thank you
Code is 4NQ0y
Trying to visit you, please put your nook phone on plane mode
Hi if anyone has an axe or some iron, can you please bring or sell me some, please 🙂 my dodo code is 6V1DM
On my way
New code for visitors LQSC8
Visit me, 9MS7P
On way!
come visit M6VR4 for peaches, bring other fruits! 🙂
My dodo code: FXBW5
Please bring new fruits! I have cherries and coconuts
Trying now vendel
Gates open dodo code is KBW4C
333FR 🙂
I have Peaches
On way!
Hey add me as Friend 🙂
Bubu from Baki Baki
I’m sending a request. Here’s my code just in case.
SW 3423 2561 5528
Hey there peeps!
I got some peaches, pears and coconuts, also a bit bamboo!
Still need apples, bananas and cherry’s!
And some chill friends to chat and game with!
Dodo code: M5TPL
Im closed now 🙂
Hi! I have peaches 🙂
Have pears
Add me as a friend I need some And open to all My codes SW-7241-8946-3505 my dodo code is SC30N
Visit me, D0CWC
These never work for me. Either it says “oh drumsticks blah blah blah” or someone hasn’t put their phone on airplane mode. I wanna visit. I have oranges and coconut
Nintendo Server Crash again…
I need Bananas.
Have Cherries, Coconuts, Pears, Peaches and Oranges. Apples and Bambus are still growing
Dodo-Code: J0RKT
Pls only Ppl with good Internet Connection.
I need Bananas.
Have Cherries, Coconuts, Pears, Peaches and Oranges. Apples and Bambus are still growing
Dodo-Code: BP74W
I need peaches and bamboo
Dod code is 9p44w
I have pears
I have peachs
L0wwd need apples
I have oranges.
I need cherries and pears.
My gate is open: 1KJKG
Thanks ?
I have apples. I need any other fruit and iron nuggs. Thanks!
I have cherry : L46YD
I need oranges, pears and apple ! thx =)
My name is Tara, Friend Code: SW-2201-1752-9144
My Dodo code: 1Y0QW ? I have apples, northern hemisphere, I really need Iron Nuggs? and friends☺️?
I added you
New 00kx8
What do you have? 🙂
Anyone up for me to visit their island? I need new fruits, I only have pears and coconuts
I can Go to your Island and bring oranges, pear and coconut
I have apples!! What is your code??
I have oranges.
I need cherries and pears.
My gate is open: 1KJKG
Thanks ?
My code is 3H035 🙂
My code is 85S19. I have peaches!
23 KTY
My code is GXSL8
I need some iron nuggets. I’ll pay 2,000 for each nugget.
I’ll keep it open only until I get all I need.
Who’s online and wants visitors??
Looking for some friends to play animal crossing with x). Code: 0C59Y
Anyone with an open store?
Have Peaches, Pears, Oranges and Apples. Need Cherries and Bamboo.
Come to my island I have cherries need apple
Gotta get off, will post new code soon.
Anyone still online? I need a place with cherries 🙂
I’m open! 789C0
LDW05 Have pears
K5QYF Come visit
Who is open
Me! Dodo is 1236
New code DH48F I need apple have cherries
Hello. Would like some people to play the game with. My SW friend code is 2606-9783-0891. I have cherries and peaches!
Visit my island!
Dodo Code: 77WM1
bring iron nuggets please
Visit my island!
Dodo Code: F453R
Bring cherries!
Dodo code:8J8MP
I have peaches!
Do you still have them?
54CMT come hang out in Florida!!!
New dodo code 1M62K ?
Mine is OJVFR
3S7L1, BRING something good to trade
Don’t have many people that play animal crossing. My friend code is SW-5892-5241-0135.
I have peaches, oranges, coconuts, and bamboo. (bamboo is still in the growing stage.)
I would love some cherry, pears and apples.
Just looking for friends to hang out with. I’ve got cherries on my island. Dodo code: 7F2P8
Thank you for the cherries 🙂
Anyone have pears? I have cherries
Okay my code changed to GBGY9 like I said bring some goodies to trade!
In need of iron and banana please
Thanks !
Hello! Dodo code is 3VHFK
I’m selling apples, a bunch of furniture, some clothing, hard and soft wood, tools, and fish bait. Will also auction off stuff if needed. Bells only please! If you don’t feel like buying anything, just feel free to come by and hang out! Would love to make some friends! 🙂
Server crashed reopening , dodo code is
Any dodos codes from people online now?
My island is open! Code is 3JCGG
Looking to add friends since I don’t have many people who plays animals crossing
SW – 5419-0711-1611
Come visit me! And bring goodies to trade if ya got some!
Dodo code : 82YKL
Hi, I would like to visit someone’s island via dodo code.
Tried a few but they haven’t worked.
Please can I use someone’s dodo code that will work.
Thanks in advance:)
I have Peaches and Coconuts
Please bring fruit!!
I can give you pears and a cherry sapling in exchange for some peaches! You can come visit me my dodo code is BSB5B
Do not work
Its ok
Looking to add friends since I don’t have many people who plays animals crossing SW-5732-6059-5898
Added you, Dana
Awesome thanks!
Looking to add friends since I don’t have many people who plays animals crossing
SW – 5419-0711-1611
Me too
Dodo pin is D6B79. I’m selling furniture, a pair of boots and apples! Bells only please! Come swing by if you’re interested. Or you can just come to hang out! 🙂
Is your gate still open? I just started playing today and have lots of bells. Lol.
I just tried and nop
I have apples and coconuts come visit ❤️
Again. Someone tries to connect with a bad internet connection…
Need Banana and Bamboo Shoots.
Have Cherry, Oranges Coconuts, Pears and Peaches
New Code: 5JF3F
Pls only ppl with a good enoug internet connection
Says you are on your nook phone 😉
Ppl here are xD should be open now
Dodo code 46L8N
Hey everyone!
I‘m from Germany!
Come to visit my Little Island!! 🙂
Dodo Code: HVKF5
Hello from germany
Need Banana and BamboO
Have peaches, pears and orange
Code: 53H8P
Lost Internet Conncetion…
Need Banana and Bamboo Shoots.
Have Cherry, Oranges Coconuts, Pears and Peaches
New Code: 771G3
My gates are open right now! Dodo code FHY7P
Need Banana and Bamboo Shoots.
Have Cherry, Oranges Coconuts, Pears and Peaches
Code: 25487
Reply with your dodo codes, bored and need new fruit?☺️
CDFY0 france
Hi, I’m new to animal crossing! Would love some new friends! We have peaches and need iron for the nook shop! Add me as a friend on sw 5953 5604 2017. Will be playing after 7 tonight! X
@Selina I have been looking for peaches everywhere! Do you mind if I add you? I have a couple iron nuggets I can spare
I’ve got pears~ Bring at least 1 of any other fruit please.
hey if anyone has apples send me your dodo code! ill bring cherries
Come to my island please
Code is 12R4H
Will be open from 4:29-5:29 EST
im coming ! 🙂
Dodo code mb3s3 open now
Just wanna hang out and buy some clothes from Mabel? (:
Code is: 50LCD
its not working
Northern Hemisphere…
Looking for southern hemisphere friends…
and pears 🙂
get i have cherries and my friend can bring pears!!! keep ur gate open !!!
My code is J0544
Gate is open
im coming !
gia is me btw
lets hang out? ill come back to your island
hey who is open that has oranges, or apples ? i have cherries
Me hows your code
Does anyone have pears? I have oranges and apples.
I have pears and cocos! Please take your dodo code. I dont know how to find this
close your gate. too many people are coming and we cant leave
6 people came and took fruit, only one left any. Sad
game play.
I have pears my friend code is SW-7241-8946-3505 my dodo code is KBW4C
Okay last call! I will open the gates to my friends
Add me ! ?
Suchen jemanden zum besuchen
Habe Orangen Bambus und Kokosnüsse
Ich kann dich auch besuchen, hätte Birnen Orangen und Pfirsiche im Schlepptau
Come visit me, got apple’s ? N1K7H
hey im trying to join but its saying theirs interference
PIN Dodo: KS894. I have oranges 🙂
i have cherry and coconut, need other
Gate is open: 8QFGC
Someone craft a vaulting pole for me!!❤️
Come join me 4PPWR
Come visit me!
I need iron nuggets will trade plz come visit! 9WKCS
I need cherries and pears, dido code is HJNX4, I have peaches.
My dodo code is 58TKQ
Actually it is N2J5W (we have cherries)
Is that correct does not seem to be working 🙁
Try 2X84R instead !!
You need to get off your AC phone or stop talking to someone?
Thank you, the gate closed before I could leave fruit.
Kommt vorbei 😉
Hey guys come visit! Just bring a fruit that’s not an apple lol B8HTP
Hey does any1 have cherries or basically any other fruit other than oranges, mainly looking for cherries of course will give oranges in return 🙂 ? Also just looking for people to play with ?
I do have cherries
I am looking for cherries, I have peaches.
Leaving server up for a couple hours, i will pay 1000 for every 5 fruit other than apples or 2000 for every 10 fruit other than apples. Also looking for buddies!
Gate open for a bit lots of apples oranges pears and coconuts to grab please leave behind peaches cherries and anything that could be useful in return please
Code 92gkk
Buying Iron Ingots 750 Each.
Have pears need other fruit
Gates are open to all
To my friends , I will open the gates !
If you’re not my friends , you can add me
I have pears for trade and I want cherries and peaches please 🙂 my dodo code is 42JP7 join nowww
Gates sind offen
Gates are open
Welcome everyone:)
Buying Iron 7JWWB
Buying iron 500 each
my dodo code : DMWH5
Need new friends and fruits (no peaches) 😀
Just add me on the switch ! It’s simple than having a lot of different people here ! I’m from Canada btw 🙂
Everyone’s welcome to come over to my island.
I speak Swedish and English, and I’ll happily be friends with yall
The local time here is 5.45 PM and local fruit is Cherry
The dodo code is: JNVXP
Welcome 🙂
I have Iron Nuggets, will trade for wood.
Please send me your code. ♥️
Can you add me as a friend? My codes SW-7241-8946-3505 my dodo code is SC30N temporarily
Come! I want to make new friends !
Gates are open for a few hours! Come join! Dodo code: 49B71
I’m joining!! ??
New code: 57Y8M
Gate open for a bit lots of apples oranges pears and coconuts to grab please leave behind peaches cherries and anything that could be useful in return please
Code 92gkk
I have oranges ?
Need other fruits 🙂
Dodo Code: DQFFL
I can’t join
Kommt vorbei und bringt Obst mit
Ich habe Äpfel
Bis dann 🙂
Voici mon code: FY60J
J’ai absolument besoin de pierres (stone) merci !
Our Dodo-Code is 6QW02
My code is K4YG8 come visit
Code 787XY Angeln und Abenteuer
Dodo code is 52S6F
My code is MKW7D. I like some fruits that aren’t cherry or orange. Some furniture is also nice. See ya (:
Need new friends
Kommt alle brauche Freunde hahah : insta:janaprinzi
Und natürlich Dodo Code: 6FQ60
Habe Kirschen
Hi! I need a shovel, of anyone can bring or sell me one I would be very grateful! My dodo code is 79LHK
Hey Bree,
you were on my Island. I wanted to give you a shovel. But you left. Still have it, if you need it.
Code: D2YXS
How sweet of you! I’m headed over now.thank you
Mein Code:CPP31
Benötige Eisenerz, habe viele Sachen zum tauschen da 😉
Ich kann dir leider keins geben brauch selber noch was 😀 hab aber Pfirsiche darf ich trotzdem kommen?
Hi! If anyone has an axe or some iron nuggets they can bring or sell me I would be very grateful! head over, my dodo code is 6V1DM
Hey, falls jemand Lust hat, auf meine Insel zu kommen schickt mir eine Freundschaftsanfragen.
Code: SW-3756-6698-3772 🙂
Dodo Code : DC1CN
Ich habe Kirschen 🙂
Ich würd kommen 🙂
Hab nen neuen Code
Magst mir den geben?
Ich hab genau eine Kirsche bekommen ??? die Geier und konnte meine Pfirsiche nicht abwerfen
Open for 1 hour 8L69L
Need banana have oranges
dodocode : CBKB2
Dodo code:283w8
North hemisphere
Peaches and apples
i need some peaches
Hi, I have cherries!!
Please bring a slingshot
Mein Dodo-Code ist OXSMW
Würde mich über Birnen oder Kirschen freuen. Habe selber Pfirsich anzubieten.^^ Aber jeder ist willkommen.
kurz stop, sind zu viele.
Oh nein jetzt ist die verbindung abgebrochen…
Ok wenn jemand noch ne Pfirsich will, Insel ist nochmals geöffnet. ^^ 6T0CW aber bitte nicht zu viele, das ich noch Zeit zum schreiben habe. 😀
thanks for visiting / Danke für den Besuch
My dodo code is B3RRB. invite me or come over to the island. Lol I need more friends.
Can anyone help me by giving me a shovel? Please
Hey hier ist mein Dodo Code: 83CPJ
Bei mir gibt es Birnen. Würde mich freuen wenn ihr Pfirsich oder Äpfel mitbringen würdet. 🙂
Where do we see our dodo code?
Need Bamboo and Banana, Have Cherries, Coconuts and Pears
Dodo Code: D2YXS
My gates are open: J9HQN
I have apples, please bring other fruits 🙂
Thank you
I’ll bring some pears!!
Code 5JCK6
My doors are open yet for the next 3 hours 🙂 code 4VQLM
Dodo code: HC2R9
J’ai des poires si vous voulez 🙂
Code: 7NCQ8
Brauche noch Pfirsiche:)
9LX51 open now!
Dodo code: 6MT5L i have a shop and peaches missing apples and bamboo i’ll be online for a while after posting this come join
Code: 1F94W
Brauche noch Pfirsiche:)
Braucht jemand Birnen??
Oder will den Code austauschen?
Dodo code LNY04
All fruits all welcome
Hab mein Tor offen:)
Dodo Code: MQHK2
Könnt gerne kommen alle sind willkommen:)
Hi, bist du noch online? Würde dich gerne besuchen kommen – habe Äpfel falls du die brauchst? 🙂
Dodo code: G7P9T gate is now open!
Deswegen war ich auf deiner Insel ?
Come visit my island!
Fruit trade. I have pears. If any ones to come to my island?
Hey, suche nach Inseln die ich besuchen darf! Jemand lust? 🙂
Dodo code: M0DT2
Please visit me
Have Peach, Oranges and Coconuts. Need Cherrys and pears. On my Island are also tarantulas. Need also Best Friends please
Dodo Code 39VYH
I have pears and some cherry saplings if you want to trade for peaches! I can come to you or you can come to me my dodo code is BSB5B
Mein dodocode: C91G9
Insel ist noch offen, wäre nett wenn ihr Pfirsiche mitbringen würdet
Wäre nett wenn ihr Pfirsiche mitbringt 🙂
Lets be friends! My code is FF3FF! Thank You!
New code: 82Q5H
I’m new to the game. My gates are open.
My code is. 0F8R4
I‘m on, please visit my Island 🙂
Dodo code : DXR3P
Gares are open now
I have apples
I have pears if you need them.
Got oranges an peaches. Need cherries and pears. Whom could I visit? Pls comment code
My code is 97075 gates are open
HQCD5, habe Äpfel… Bitte bringt anderes Obst mit 🙂
I Have cherrys, Cocos, Oranges, peaches and Apples.
Please bring another one if you visit my Island (dir example pears)
Dodo code: HVHCY
German/Swissgerman ^^ HC1LG
Code is 34N3Y come and join
Yes. Please send dodo code
Visit my Island. Got cherrys. Need Oranges or apples
Code is GDRS7 🙂
M92D6 I have oranges, cherries and coconuts!
Who’s open for me to come?
Help – I think I’m doing something wrong?? Have visited several other islands via dodo code, and the items I pick up or buy while there are never in my inventory when I get back home. I also don’t see the “best friends” app in my nook phone, even though I have talked to Orville & opened my gate via my own dodo code….
I have peaches, and coconuts I can trade. I need cherries, apples, pears, and oranges. can anyone reply with dodo code and Il bring fruit : )
Need other fruits, please give other than oranges
Dodocode is L64KV
thx for help
HY11N oranges
Anyone open right now?
If anyone has a ladder I would highly appreciate it!
My island is open!
Dodo Code: 4BMRP
N6R2N (:
D4FH1 – bring fruit other then pears/coconuts! I’m online now
Anyone have cherries
R u still open?
I have Cherries
I have cherries! GV493
I got some 🙂
Buying Iron Ingots (5) for 500 each
still need it?
Who is open for me to come?
Bring Fruit. I have Apples
Have pears, 4K37K
I have peaches and would love any fruit but peaches and coconuts <3 Lsxho
Come visit me!!
Dodocode: 4QVGG
My dodo code is 7NF6K
My new dodo code is 4BCJK
My gate is open please join
I’m fairly new to the game. Looking for friends and fruit. Currently have apples, oranges, bamboo and coconut. Looking to trade! Please share dodo codes!
Come visit me! 1565V
Come visit me! 1565V
Friendly server come join 9D410
New dodo code: FXMTL
Please come if you have any fruit other than Oranges, Peaches, Coconuts, and Pears. ?
Reply with code if you need apples 🙂 I have 10
Voici mon code amis. Je joue seulement à Animal Crossing:
Here is my friend code. Playing only Animal Crossing:
Code: SW 8066-8162-8716
i just have peaches now
If anyone has anything but coconuts, peaches, pears, or oranges, you shud visit ?. Dodo code: HCGN6
Dodo code: FXTML come if you have any fruit besides Oranges, peaches, pears, and coconuts. ?
Hey can you send a new code for me please
Will be open for awhile. I have apples.
I have apples and peaches need oranges and cherries, dodo code is BX1VJ
just cherries now
sorry just oranges i meant
I have pears 🙂
I’m looking for some new friends. I have peaches
Can I come?
I have oranges !
Whats your code Lauryn???
New dodo code is 9KP62
On my way 🙂
Its not working.
Ca ne marche pas
Tu dois essayer pleins de code, un moment donner il y en a un qui va marcher.
Voici mon code amis. Je joue seulement à Animal Crossing: SW 8066-8162-8716
7865L receiving visitors!!!!
My Code is GQCP0
I have Apples, please bring me some fruit
Love you xx
I have peach and pears 🙂
80D3H , please bring fruit I have Peaches ☺️
Bitte bringt Früchte mit, ich habe Pfirsiche! Und wer ganz lieb ist, bringt mir heute was zum Geburtstag mit 🙂
Dodo code: 6M629
Hey, come visit me. Please bring fruits like apples, pears or cherrys. ??
7LH49! Come to my island! 🙂
Come rob me !!! I have no idea how to play this game!
Dodo code: NB6H4
Please come visit / be my friend. I am northern with peaches
Lindsay are you still on? I have cherries
Visit me!! 1HKPG
My DoDo-Code is H7D40
I have cherrys and peaches
Come to my island c4fx2
New code M4YW1
Hello! My Dodo code is G1D6P and I plan on being open for a while. You don’t have to bring anything! I just wanna hang out and make new friends! 🙂
Dodo code HT303
my other one shut down.. NEED CHERRIES AND APPLES, I’LL DO ANYTHING!!!! I WILL PAY! I have oranges. Code is : DPS3S
Coming with cherries! Would like to trade for oranges please 🙂
+rep for kendra
My code is 0TRDF
Lookin for any fruit besides oranges and pears!
Iron is appreciated, too ;>
My island is called Macaron Island
My Code: BCWCF Visit me!
Says you are in a chat or on your nook phone…
I want to visit i have peaches
Come to my Island in the southern emisphere , code is m1shc
My code is 07RQ9 🙂 please bring cherries or apples <3
My dodo code is 8JWYL
Can I come ?
Code: F9RB6
Please come and bring fruits.
Früchte sind willkommen.:)
Does not look like you are in the game.
Come to mine dodo code: N7NTN
It says it is not valid?
Dodo code: B1KN3
Messed it up. Try this. H6MV8
Does anyone know how to add friends you meet on other islands??
come to my island! I’ll be open all day/night : 86CC4 is the code. I have oranges and I can give you gifts of you want. if you have cherries or apples PLEASE bring and I will pay substantially
Hey can you send a new code for me please ?
BTGYB!!! Get on and do yah THANG
Visit me plz. Still learning code is 7HQMH
dodo code DS1KR
I have pears and coconut, i hope somebody could bring oranges and peaches, maybe some bamboo?
Hm7md everyone come to my island
KFRNX is my dodo code
Please visit 🙂 my Code is: C4WTX
6GNLD bring iron please and fruit
Buying Iron 500 Bells per, I will be in my house if you want to trade.
Hi all!
My island is open right now! I have appels at the moment. If someone can bring a ladder thay would be great
5K52Y is my code for this evening if anyone would like to come and visit! All welcome ?
Getting interference
OVJ70 – looking good meet some friends. I have cherries and a couple coconuts.. I am always down for a visit while the game is open..
My code is K9S0W
My dodo code is 29FCP please join! I’m lonely ;-;
Island says it’s getting interference.
got orange, need anything ! open for some time JWTG3
Hat jemand Kirschen oder Äpfel?
I’m open for visitors! I have oranges. GBW1V
Hi, guys! I‘m from Germany! My dodo code is: KTSJL
I have Apples 🙂
Im from the US and speak a little German. I’m trying to join but it says there is interference (you’re in a chat) ;o
J arrive 🙂
We have cherries. Willing to trade for any other fruit beside oranges! FVL6M
L85Y6 have cherries and pears.
Open to visitors right now ?
I have pears!
Some orange ?
I Need a shovel
its open
I am searching a dodo code to visit a new island and take some fruits.
I have pears on my island. Need other fruits.
Come and visit me .. doors will be open for 30 mins 🙂
Code : DJT5P
I have oranges, very new just finished the game intro would love to have some visitors! 0N4MH
Code : L7T3K
I opened My door xD..
If you want you can write on my blackboard..X)
(I have peaches)
Dodo Code: D3C6R
I have apples and coconuts left. I’m willing to also sell some of my dropped decor and clothes for iron. Let’s make this a full trading hub for everyone to get what they need. I’ll be online as long as I dont crash. B6KGD
Hi Tom Hannah here
9DG8M hit me up xo
Hey try again KNHDN
All welcome x
Mein Freundescode:
SW- 3050-8578-7128
Anyone have oranges? I can trade peaches!
Irgendwer früchte außer Pfirsiche oder Kokosnüsse? Würde die tauschen
I have oranges.. Need cherries apples and peaches.. Can someone leave me some.. I have open the gates for half hour. CTVRD
Join me
771TK Come join ! Will be playing all day I have cherries coconuts peaches and apples so far
969HY, I have apples coconuts.
I don’t need peaches.
I need Iron, and any other fruit besides the ones listed above. I’m willing to pay or trade.
I just need Apples now
Code still active
I have pears on my island. Please exchange for other fruit.
My code is: J916C
Hello still online ?
Everyone is desperate for iron nuggets but you can move the day back and forth. Just close out the game completely, change your clock to a new day and then get back into the game.
My DODO code is 5VK0C !! Need Friends 🙂
Sharing some cherry for pears
apple or orange 🙂
Dodo: 7S889
To whoever is visiting my island i would love to chat but i keep getting interrupted because people keep visiting!! I want to be friends though! lol
i quit by accident!! I wanna come back
D8YQY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m willing to trade pears coconuts and apples and iron for cherries. Please join at GTDXK. I’ll accept any other people and trades as well.
My code 8DKD1
hello I‘m willing to trade some cherry
For pear, orange, apple …
Let’s connect please. Can you friend me that’s the last I need
Hi there, still online ?
Can I visit?
My dodo code is HLXRJ 🙂
My gates are open now 🙂 my dodocode GFG82
I’m willing to trade apples and coconuts and pears for any other fruits and iron for any other unique objects. Along with some dropped packages. Let’s connect and be friends. 1x67w
I have apples, I need iron
german CH8R8
Hallo ich suche Freunde SW 5189 6958 7379
May i visit now? 🙂
Anyone have an island I can come visit?
Can I come too
Mine is JHV0H
I wanna trade fruits. Plz show me codes
Anyone on? Want to visit island
Dodo code 4nv2d, I have oranges bring whatever else
My Code is: 8KHR1 🙂
Mein dodocode: OMNOJ
Won’t let me go says “ someone put their nook phone into airplane mode “ 🙁
My dodo code is ML3HG come answer visit
Bring fruits and things
My Friendcode: SW-2522-4905-8409
for AC Horizons.
Cannot get to you, do you have your nook phone closed? I get the error that there has been interference..
Hi from Germany!
I swap peaches for other fruits and I urgently need Iron, because ive broked accidently all my stones haha
Please helpppp
Dodo Code: 98H9C
I can help and I am trying to come but there is an interference can you please put away your nook phone are stop talking
Sorry! Server broked
Heres the New code: 2QM6J
Thank you
hey bin auch aus deutschland. antworte mal mit einem frischen dodo code plz
Looking to trade apples for anything else.
Hi 🙂 sende mir deinen freundschaftscode oder mein Code lautet FYDRT
Come and enjoy my island: 3M74P
Can I come please
My Dodo Code is 944SX, my gates are open for everybody 🙂
Hi from Germany!
I swap peaches for other fruits and I urgently need Iron, because ive broked accidently all my stones haha
Please helpppp
Dodo Code: 98H9C
I’m going to try to find your island
My dodo code : 0QYNC
Gates are open now
Your gates are closed can you please open them
Mon dodo code : K757V
Hi neighbors. I was looking for islands to visit and islanders to play with. Can anyone help?
I would love to
I opened my island right now. My dodo-code is: GPJRN
Maybe you can visit me?
Can I come too?
My time zone is CT come see me my code is B6BPT
I want visitors. I have peaches iron sling shot recipe exc bring fruit please
My code 3T06C
My code is BGQFH
I can German
Dodo Code FMW7G
Code is: KG2HX
Hey, es ist mir irgendwie nicht möglich zu dir zu kommen. Bist du noch da? 🙂
So, my Dodo-Code is J9R42
Need cherries got bamboo and peaches
L0PC6. Looking for peaches, we have pears, apples, cherries 🙂
I can offer enough Peaches, some (Apples/Coconuts), Pears and one Bamboo sprout, means i am looking for Oranges and Cherries 🙂
Code is D4HS5, online until 19:00 (03/21)
12FC7 ?
come & visit me
spreche auch deutsch
On my way!
need some pears and pears tree , have oranges and apples
dodo code: F7RMM
Mein Tor ist ab jetzt geöffnet ihr könnt gerne alle kommen:)
Dodo Code: LHM7Y
New Dodo-Code: 41Y5W
Come visit me:) Everyone is welcome!
Hey I tried to join you. It says you’re working on your nook phone or crafting
Dodo code MVD1Y
If you trended me on the swich are your gates open
come visit me ?
My dodo code is FW1D5
I look forward to seeing you
Dodo-Code: CV2FL
Come visit!!
Dodo code: K8L52
Need three iron nuggets
I have apples and 4 peaches to give away. Need oranges. Code C4JMW
My code is: 8YKQ7
I need iron nuggets (around 10-15)! I can trade oranges, wood or would also pay for it. Visit me. 🙂
I‘m from Germany. I have Oranges on my Island. Pls bring me some fruits. My Island is Open for everyone
DODO Code: „GC4RJ“
Insel offen für jeden 🙂
0YM41 Need Iron Nuggets
german 3PDT9
My dodo code is 1L835
I have cherries looking for other fruits and iron nuggets
Can i have some iron nuggets?
Does someone has any stone ?
I’ve got some stone, but can i get three iron ingots in return?
Hi come join my island and chat.
I will only let 3 ppl in Then I will close my gates.
also this code is only for ppl who want to stay longer, chat and hang out.
Also, feel free to add me as a friend so here my code: D2DLN
and I need some fruit some bring so alone I will trade
I got bamboo, palm tree, pear, and peach
Feel free to visit! KG603 😀
new Dodo-Code lol : K0G9R (I still got some pears xD)
Trading session!
My code is 71MH1, would love to makes some some friends! ? If you’ve got some iron that would be great!
Jemand aus DE hier?
Bin online und würde gerne reisen!
Habe Kirschen 🙂
Hey bist Du Heute auch Online. Möchte Reisen und brauche Eisen-Erz. ^^
Hey ich würd gern kommen
Someone let me come visit their island ???
Got oranges apples and coconuts!! Looking for fruit swap ! 😀 Dodo code is 58NLX
Hey, can you add me on switch? My friend code is SW-5823-8249-1696. I have peaches and cherries we can trade
Ok got your friend request, open up your island ill bring other fruit to drop for you
My snap is dmq-artemis if u wanna add that loool sucks you can’t message on switch
Do you still have those apples? I have cherries.
Hey hey you can visit my island if you want lol I got some pears over here~~ (can also speak german)
My code: 2JBTL
My code : LW0B0
I have Orange and coconut
I have Cherries,
Anyone want to trade either oranges or apples / 2 iron? 🙁
D291L i got Peaches !! Someone can make me an ladder?? 🙂 stay open a while
My dodocode: F8MMY
I have apple 🙂 come visit my island 😀
19QNX bring fruits 🙂
New code
Do you play now?
I have cherries !!!
Come on
I’m joining now
Anyone with 4 iron ores? I have oranges, peaches and coconuts!
My code is 1MC7D
Yes! I have some iron!
Dodo code: 4S1SJ
I have pears and coconuts, looking for all other fruits.
Open for the next 2 hours, anything in front of airport is up for grabs.
U still online Crystal? I can’t get in 🙁
My dodo code is 21K5P
I have cherries – u re welcome to bring other kinds of fruit – my code: BK5Y2
Hi, i’m new to the animal crossing world, i’ve got oranges on my island. Please bring your own frits and maybe some iron nuggets if you can 🙂
My code is B982M
Hey?? I’ve got peaches. Are you still online?
My code is 16FDQ come and visit me!
My dodo code is LMF61! Add me as a friend on switch Friend Code,
SW 7218-6426-1217
New to new horizons I would love to visit someone’s island who’s ahead of me for new fruits and in need of iron to open nook shop
New to Animal Crossing!! Almost always playing lol, Add me as a friend! SW-5664-1855-7007
Feel free to visit my island, and bring some fruit 🙂
I have cherries, Dodo code: 2778R
LISA please add me as a friend 🙂 xx
Gates are open!
Feel free to visit. Got Oranges, Cherries, Pears, Coconut! Need Peaches, Apples, Bamboo so I’d be greatful if you bring them 🙂
Forgot the code xD
It crashed sry 🙁 new code 6WJ5L
Can you add me as a friend? My codes SW-7241-8946-3505 my dodo code is SC30N
Does anyone have oranges??? I got a few peaches left. Code: 69DQ3
Come visit my island today! Dodo code is CKS1R! I have cherries, coconuts, and bamboo. Oranges are still growing. Come exchange fruits!
I have peaches! But I dont know how to give you my qt code. I’m still figuring everything out lol
Lost WiFi what’s the new code to rejoin
why are all the times off
Dodo-code = 3GY8K
please bring fruits?
Hi! I have pears on my island, as well as apple trees growing. My code is 5W624.
Are you still on? 🙂
I have pears and growing oranges. BRING FRUITS. I will be playing all day today. My code is: 4FH2P ??
Island: Kythira
Anyone have cherries??? Willing to trade all other fruits
I have cherries! I will trade
Have cherries what’s dodo code
Need fruits… dont need coco or orange. And need iron
Add me SW 1242 5979 5206
Dodo code is 9c9fj
We still have some pears left. Fruit exchange near airport CCYQF 🙂
Hi my gate is open and my dodo code is 5NX28
I have cherries, peaches, oranges, bamboo, and coconuts 🙂
Are you on?
Hi im just new here and i wanna know how to make friends and visit your islands too. Thank you!
My code is N80YL come visit!
My Code is 1SK2K and I’m online
Quando ci sei? Vorrei fare uno scambio di frutta
Dodo code is 4CGCB open now
Gate still open?
1D7TS if anyone wants to!
Hey just opened up island. My code is 2hj82. I got peaches right now and coconuts. However, I have nursery apple pear and orange trees. So I could really use bamboo and cherries
Looking for people to visit 4DM85
Hello my gate is open if anyone wants to join 0FCDF
Are you on?
Can I visit your island. I have peaches and apples!
Code: JG96G
I need cherries and apples
open em gates!
can we please come???
Hi. Is your gate open on animal crossing?
R u still on! I wanna join!
My gate is open
My dodo # 8BDFL
R they still on? I wanna join!
Would you like to be friends??
My dodo code today is DLPHB.
My code is 32QKQ
No what you dodo code so I can add you
My code is 82FGN
Someone want to be friends x
Who has there gate open ?!! I want to make friends
Hi I’m looking to meet people and go to different islands
Whats your Dodo code? 🙂
Hi same with me my dodo code is DPMW7 I’ll be on for the next hours so join plz
My code is HLGMQ
Kr6gw is my code for right now
I will!
Hey you can join mine is 5245D
What’s your dodo code
Add me my friend code is 136973966690
would love to meet you 🙂
hi everyone my dodo code is C3F45 and my island is in the northern hemisphere. I just started so I don’t have much but I would love to make friends! My friend code is sw794221906327 🙂
how do i get a dodo code so i can play with other people and add them as my friend
Anyone online for me to visit? Preferably northern hemisphere but as long as apples or oranges are present I am happy to trade peaches, cherries, coconuts or bamboo.
Are you still online
Gates open over here please visit
My code is 3HWGP
Dodo code F1MSJ
New to it and would love some friends! ❤️
Hi! Are you still open?
New & would love some friends! 95H2L
Hi, are you still online?
Hi! My dodo code 6VRP6. Please join!!
Hi can I join someone’s island
My code is 2SHQP
My Code is 8M3XV ^-^
Need cherries, every other fruit is available on my island :3
Are you still on I would like to join!
I have cherries, I need apples and pears my dodo code is 0HHC7
when are you usually online? I have cherries
I have cherries. I’d like to visit.
My Dodo Code is 3298, I got some pears waiting for you 🙂 Message me and let me know if you want to visit my paradise. ❤
I need pear and apples I have everything else does anyone want to trade?
are you online? I have Apples
anyone online right now? I just want to visit someone 🙂 I can bring apples.
I have both
Ik kan naar je toe komen met peren, wat is je dodo code??
Hi guys. I’m new here and would love some islands to visit. I currently only have cherries, oranges and coconuts.
Send dodo codes! I wanna be friends and explore islands pleassseee
Is anyone online now ?
I’m on! LB4WR ?
I’m on. Post your dodo
Anyone Online? I’m trying to get a dodo code so I can visit please ?
I’d your gate open I want to come see it
Where can I find my dodo code ??
I’m new here guys and looking for friends my code is 9YJ60
My gate is open! I have pears, cherries, and bamboo. Looking for peaches and oranges only. CJVRQ
I have peaches, I’m new on the game, my code is C1XRP
Hi are u still open? If not u can come LWHL6
I have peaches! I am on my way!
Something happened people came and suddenly Nintendo got stuck
I have peaches and am new my code is 1cjy6
Is anyone on that I can visit their island I’m looking for some stones!
I have peaches, oranges, apples, cherries, bamboo, and coconuts. Looking for Pears, roses, and lilies! My code is G433D
Oranges and peaches
JJTBM online now
Become my friend Susan3105 code LH5JX
Is anyone playing right now so I can join?
Dodo code DYHT6
Door open 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm.
Pacific time.
Need apples
Hi. My code is 1CGQF.
Still open?
Is anyone online? Can I join?
MARCH 27 – Pacific time 4:20
Anyone on? Want to visit others.
My dodo code is 3DYFD
here is my dodo code fnqf3
C3hyb gates open 508 pm eastern time march 27
I need friends too. My dodo code is CYK7W
I’ll trade you fruits if you can open gates I’m online rn
Are you still on I’ll join I have oranges cherry and coconuts
I’m playing for a few hours feels feel to join HQL2X
Yes your gate open I want to see it
Nice! Heading over soon 😀
Can you pen your gate after I want to see it
Bring Fruit. I have Apples
I am opening my gates
F.c.– sw1363-7059-1520
Town flomiciana
Dodo code. BQ2Y6
I have oranges at this time need more fruits and supplies. Will help when I can also. Leaving game on all day
Are you on? I have cherries, may i come to your island?
I have pears and coconuts. Feel free to stop by, online now: 10465
BV289 – Coconut, Orange, Apple here!
I have cherries peaches and coconuts
Dodo code is 2VJML
We are friends but I can’t fly to your island for some reason. I have coconuts, apples and pears.
hey shoertbus visit mine with your own fruit i have cherries my code is OBJX6
i have cherries apples and coconuts 🙂 id love to trade this for the other fruits, im near the airpot
my code 515PR
My friends code is Sw-7349-4629-5582
My code is MMV62 and I have Apples, Oranges, and Coconuts
Are you still on? I can bring you all the fruits. i just want to sell my fruit at your shop.
yeah my new code is 3F6BL
my dodo is: 32HQB open for the rest of the day.
Is anyone online
My code is JK1FY
Anyone online?
Are you online
Anyone on in the northern hemisphere that has apples and/oranges? I have peaches coconuts, cherries and bamboo
Still online ?
I have Oranges, can we swap fruit
I have peaches!!
I have apples and need pears
I have apples!
I do
Hey I just started so I can come. I have pears.
my dodo code is DFMN9
Am opening the doors I have cherries and am new just started yesterday my code is 97NKW
My gate is open. Come visit me 3XK56
This correct code, please welcom 5Y704
Town: Psyland
FC: SW-6930-9840-7799
looking for new friends 🙂
hi mag do u want to be friends on animal crossing here is my dodo codeFNQF3
I added u
Your gate open can you add me 5675-1999-0574
Hey ! Come on my island for Help. I havé pears et coconuts. My dodo code is 2GLDW
Still online? I have apples!
My dodo code is FOFYN
Anyone online? I want to visit others
L6VDL would live some visitors!
Hey is anyone on?
Come to my island
Hello are you still online!
Are you still on?
Dodo Code: NC2NK
Doors open 3pm- 6pm pacific time.
New to game!
I’m online now, and will leave my gate open for a few hours.
Come as you please, please leave fruit!
I have oranges
Are you still online?
Hey is anyone on?
My code is 1005
my code is 6khj2
I have peaches and currently growing coconuts and apples. Anyone can join though. Send me a friend invite :
SW- 4228 3821 5221
I have added you and i have oranges
Gate is open now.
I have cherries, pears and coconuts.
Welcom 8651M ?
Your gate open can you add me 5675-1999-0574
Have pears & coconuts
Hi! I would love to visit! Are your gates open?
Please add my code is 8HN3L
Dodo code HR7D3
536WX please coming
I can come, are you still online?
liesi share me your dodo code, i come on your island !
I have apples! H4KHF please bring fruit 🙂
I got apples ! Whose got peaches?!
I have Peaches!
May I come to your island I’ll bring apples and pears 😀
My dodo code is 5QFDD, I’m opening my gates! Please bring fruit, I have coconuts and pears (:
are you still open? I’m really needing pears
Still on? Have oranges 🙂
Who’s open still?
81N0D, hope to see you soon!
Hi currently open for visiting!
Got cherries, please bring fruit 🙂
Hi i have apple and peach, please come whenever u want.
Dodocode: GHHCW
Sorry Kiluna i have to disconnect…
hey someone visit with their own fruit i have cherries my code is OBJX6
Visit Me!! FQ1PJ
81N0D, hope to see you soon!
Visit Me!! FQ1PJ, I have the iron nuggets. It didn’t let me reconnect to yours for some reason
Visit me
Hey guys, code is: 3H1GB I have plenty of apples, just need some oranges and peaches (coconuts, bamboo and cherries will be ready by the following 1-2 days, so if you need some of those you may come by. Pears still need more time).
Feel free to come take some apples and leave either oranges, but even if you dont have those two specific fruits, please feel free to join anyways, Happy to give apples to those who need a few.
Playing ACNH every day
F.C 2941-7405-9215
Got Almost every fruit
Anyone still on in southern hem ?
I am. My dodo code is 1V07B.
thx and r u still open
3M8r1 will be on all day! Native cherries
how do i add you
Hey guys the gates are open the code is G4QK2
Is anyone online?
my code is: 0VBB6
i have oranges and bamboo and some other supplies if anyone needs it. pls bring fruit to trade, any is fine
I have cherries and coconuts. Doors open until late in the afternoon. Please bring fruit. G871W
I’ve got Pears, Cherries, Peaches, and Coconuts. Looking for Apples and Oranges. Code is: 7243M
You on i got oranges
My gates are open to anyone! My Dodo Code is 3HKG4!! Please come visit!!
Hello villager!
i‘m searching for some fruits. I can give oranges.
And i would like to finde nice friends!
Ps. Ich spreche auch deutsch
My Dodo: CXTFN
Bonjour je cherche à aller sur votre île.
Mon dodo code : GTKH3
G27F8 bitte Früchte mit bringen
I’m playing all day, I have lots of oranges and I am growing pears, Apples, bamboo and coconuts, you can come whenever and bring whatever, if you have peaches it would be greatly appreciated my dodo code is:
My gates are open, hopefully I see you then!
Hey Katie, thank you for your warm welcome. Here in Spain we are in quarantine and I don’t know anyone who has Animal Crossing. Hopefully we can see eachother again 🙂
Is anyone online ?
Someone online? I really wanna visit another island. Will bring apples
My dodo code: LX873
Just started new horizons FC 0024-5376-3044. Add me!
Hello, my gates are currently open. My code is 8C50L
Code is 8X50L, gates are open!
Is anybody online so i can join?
Come visit my island I have plenty of oranges cherry and coconuts! My code is 9CPW0 will be online all day!!!
DNP95 On right now. need more friends please come visit
Wanna take my code
Looking to trade apples for anything else.
Anyone online?
BGQRH, i have pears an coconut, please bring any different fruit 🙂
Heya I have a few peaches left dodo code is D2VN4
Heya I have a few peaches let me know if anybody wants some
I would love some! Ive been searching for them forever!
20D3L – Open
32DW1 I’m new idk if anyone wants to help me improve?
It will stay open; 3Q412
I have oranges, pears, apples, and coconuts growing, I need cherry’s but I can trade for nothing, my gates are open so come around whenever, my dodo code is:
Anyone wanna come duplicate w me? Or just vibe maybe?
anyone wanna duplicate and become fish w me or just vibe w me my dodo code is 73LN3 gates are open
heyo anyone wanna join my island you are more then welcome! If you can bring iron nuggets please. thank you for your time!
my island is open! my dodo code is: 0PCLJ. I have oranges but nursery peach and coconut trees! open for right now!<3
Hello I’m online! Join me I have coconuts and peaches! KQ3C1
Just opened the gate 🙂 I’m after iron nuggets if anyone can help me? It would be greatly appreciated.
Dodo code 486Y2 come visit!!
My code is 8RD8H I have apples so come if you want :/
I accidentally changed it so now it’s HH1K0
Anyone still trying go island hop, I got all fruits and coconuts! Let’s be friends! 05T4M
I’m fairly new to the game. Looking for friends and fruit. Currently have apples, oranges, bamboo and coconut. Looking to trade! Please share dodo codes!
Hey I am actually looking for some fruit have Peaches and Cherries and Coconuts trying to get the rest I also have Bamboo
Hello is anyone on right now so I can join their town?
Gates open!
I have everything besides Pears!
Open from 8:30-930pm. Today
Are you open yet?
If anyone wants to join my island, the code is
I have cherries! Looking to meet new people and exchange cool things 🙂
Hi! I have apples, come join my code is FKT7B
Hi are you online now
Anyone on right now?
I have peaches and apples. Gates open
Code : MRYYC
My dose is MNMJ5 come visit!! Gates are open
My DODO code is MNMJ5. My gates are open!! Come on over and bring iron ore If you can?
Hi my gate is open and dodo code is BDPY2
F4YCB is my code
Any dodos codes from people online now?
are you still on?
I’m open come on by I need some friends on here ? LP80F
I have pears, bring fruit (northern hemishpere)
I’m looking to visit an island if anyone’s on!
Add my dodo code is 4BNVR
My code is OTNXK
connection lost new code gtgt9
I need peach. I offer any other fruit.
I got peaches is your island still open?
I’m looking for new friends, plz come visit on my island. 🙂
Code: 1J4NW
Hello ya all quarantine people
I have All fruits and NEED BAMBOO!
So if someone there who wants to swap:
Heres my Dodo Code: MPJBH
*Closing the gate by 5,6 people*