ACNH Saharah Appearing Time
Animal Crossing New Horizons Saharah is a vendor NPC that sometimes appears on the island and sells Rugs, Mysterious Wallpaper and Mysterious Flooring. However, there’s a problem with finding Saharah in ACNH, because the camel is very, very difficult to find. Plus, the way Saharah sells things is a little weird. So, in our ACNH Saharah Appearing Time guide, we’re going to show you where and when to find Saharah in Animal Crossing New Horizons, how to trade with the camel, how much its stuff costs, and more.

Where & When to Find Saharah in Animal Crossing New Horizons?
To find Saharah in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you’re basically have to check your island every day. The camel is a travelling merchant, as you probably know if you’ve played Animal Crossing before. As such, Saharah has absolutely no pattern of appearing that we can see. As far as we can tell, she appears completely at random. It can be any day, any time, any place, any weather. You either have to be very lucky to run into this merchant, or you have to scour the island daily specifically looking for Saharah.
Once you do manage to find the elusive camel, you can purchase Rugs from it, as well as Mysterious Wallpaper and Mysterious Flooring. All of the items are random, and different every time Saharah visits your island. For every Rug you purchase, you get Tickets, and you can exchange five of them for the Mysterious Wallpaper or Flooring, if you don’t want to spend money on them. Here’s Saharah’s inventory, how much it costs, and how many Tickets you get for each purchase.
- Small Rug (+1 Ticket) – 1,000 Bells
- Medium Rug (+2 Tickets) – 1,500 Bells
- Large Rug (+3 Tickets) – 2,000 Bells
- Mysterious Flooring – 3,000 Bells or 5 Tickets
- Mysterious Wallpaper – 3,000 Bells or 5 Tickets
Note that Mysterious Flooring and Wallpaper aren’t special versions of these items; it just means what you get is random. That’s about all there is to Saharah the Camel in Animal Crossing New Horizons. If you need more help, check out some of our other guides we’ve written about the game. Among a whole bunch of other stuff, we’ve written about Harvey Island, Hybrid Flowers, and Golden Tools – Axe, Shovel, Rod, Net, Watering Can.