Partition Wall ACNH - How to Get Partition Walls Animal Crossing
Partition Walls in Animal Crossing New Horizons are decorative items that you can place in the houses you design in the new Happy Home Paradise DLC. Naturally, players saw them in the promotional materials (or while visiting others), and they want to know how to unlock partition walls for themselves. Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be showing you in our Partition Wall ACNH – How to Get Partition Walls Animal Crossing guide.

How to Get Partition Wall Animal Crossing New Horizons
To get ACNH partition walls in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you first have to purchase and install the Happy Home Paradise DLC. Go into the game and you’ll get a phone call from Tom Nook telling you to go to the airport. So, head over there, and you’ll meet Lottie. She’ll ask you to help with designing vacation homes at her chain of islands, so that’s exactly what you should do. After you complete a few projects for Lottie, she will promote you, and a bit later, Niko will tell you about some sort of surprise. In your next design, Niko will show up an tell you about partition walls.
That’s how you unlock and get partition walls in Animal Crossing New Horizons. To craft them, you’re gonna need 3 Clay and 3 Wood. in order to place them, you can go into the design menu by pressing down on the d-pad then press the right button to enter the list of items. Tab over to the “Other” category, and that’s where the ACNH partition wall should be. From there, you can move them around and rotate them and place them wherever you want.
Well, that’s only partially true. There are some limitations. Namely, you can only place them indoors, which makes sense; I mean, they are partition walls. While we’re on the subject, though, keep in mind that you can’t place any wall-mounted items on them.