Jolly Redd's Spawn Time in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Jolly Redd is a new NPC in Animal Crossing New Horizons. He’s a fox, and he visits your island in order to sell artwork. However, he’s a sly one – many of the paintings and statues he sells are fake. Thankfully, there’s a way to tell which ones are real and which aren’t before spending your hard earned turnip money. If you’re wondering on which days Redd appears on your island, this guide will show you Jolly Redd’s spawn time in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

What day does Jolly Redd appear on your island?
It’s random. Like a lot of other vendors, Jolly Redd will appear on your island on random days. He’ll park his treasure trawler in the same spot every time, and it’ll be marked on the mini map, so you won’t have trouble checking if he’s there immediately. If he isn’t, and you feel a burning desire to buy some artwork, you can time travel until you get him to show up.
How to manipulate Jolly Redd’s spawn time
Since he appears randomly, you’ll want to exploit his presence as much as you can. You could just wait for him to appear again, like the developers intended you to, but where’s the fun in that? If you want it all and you want it now, you’ll first have to wait for him to appear naturally. When he does, buy what you want, then turn off “synchronise clock via internet” and time travel to tomorrow. After the game loads up again, go back to the settings and turn on “synchronise clock via internet”. It’ll turn the clock back, and Redd will be there once again. This time, his inventory will be different, and you’ll be able to buy new stuff again. You can keep doing this until you run out of money or art to buy.
How do you time travel guys I’m on mobile plz tell me ?
Go to your Nintendo switch’s “System Settings”, then “System”, then “Date and Time”, turn off “Synchronise Clock via Internet”, and then press “Date and Time”, and change the day.
Thank you this guide was super helpful, I have all of them! So thank you! 🙂
I went back to April 23, booted the game and talked to blathers. When I went to save and exit the homescreen showed Redd wandering around one of my beaches. I decided to not close software but to reopen the game on same date and went to look for him. And he was there! Amazing, thank you OP!!
Does this method work for gulliver too ? Do his little mini quest and then travel back to reset him ?
Same thing happened to me have traveled months and he won’t spawn I never looked for him that day and went forward without thinking now I think he is not coming back…
I’ve got a question. Since I was time traveling to get someone kicked out last night, on the day Isabelle announced that there’s a suspicious person, I didn’t look for Redd. Now I changed back to the day when there’s supposed to be an announcement about Redd, Isabelle just talked about normal stuff and I can’t find Redd anywhere… Any idea what I can do?
Same happened to me… Any tip? 🙁 now hes not appearing even if i time travel for 10 days in a row :s
The same happened to me. What I did to make him spawn again was I return the time to 23rd april then save the game. Time skip again to 24th and load up. The trawler is there again. Try and see if it works for you
This didnt work for me. Still haven’t been able to buy a single piece from him. Any one have anybother suggestions?
same happened to me!!!! i cant find him anywhere!!!