How to Move House & Other Buildings in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons lets you move your house and other buildings if you’re not happy with their locations. However, to change the location of buildings and your house in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to reach a point in the game where that becomes possible. And even then, there’s a process to moving buildings in ACNH, and it costs a lot of Bells. We’ll give you all the info you’ll need in our How to Move House & Other Buildings in Animal Crossing New Horizons guide.

Animal Crossing New Horizons House & Buildings – How to Change Location?
To move your house and other buildings in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you first have to play the game until the Resident Services upgrades from a tent to a proper building. It is gonna take substantial time, grinding and Bells to get there. Once you do manage to reach this point, go and talk to Nook. Select “About my home” and that will let you move your home. Mind that it costs 30,000 Bells, so make sure you have enough loose change to cover the costs (check out our How to Get Bells Fast guide for help).
When it comes to moving other buildings in the game, talk to Nook and select the “Let’s talk infrastructure” option, then “layout changes.” From there, you can move around the buildings, and we’ll explain how that works in a second. Before that, we have to mention two important things. One, moving a building that isn’t your house costs 50,000 Bells, which is pretty brutal. Second, there are buildings that you can’t move no matter what; namely, the airport, the plaza, and Residence Services.
When you select the building that you want to move, you’ll get a kit from Nook that allows you to change its location. Mechanically, it works the same as when you placed buildings in the first place. Find a place that has enough clear space to house that building. Choose the location, and the building will be there the following day. If you don’t wanna wait that long, you can use the Animal Crossing New Horizons time travel trick to skip forward.
How can a house from a second account be moved? The other account holder has their own switch now but the game won’t let me move it.