How to Get Different Fruit on Your Island in Animal Crossing New Horizons
When you start a new game of Animal Crossing New Horizons, your island has only one kind of native fruit. It’s a random pick, and you can start new islands until you get your favorite fruit, but that won’t change the fact it’ll only be one kind. To get more, you’ll have to follow certain procedures. This guide is going to show you how to get different fruit on your island in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

First of all, make sure you use one of the fruits your mom sends you at the beginning to plant a tree. It’ll start off small, but it’ll grow in time. No matter which starting fruit you got, the one mom sends you will always be something that isn’t native to your island, so it’s a nice free booster.
How to get coconut for your island?
You can get a coconut tree relatively easily as well. All you need is enough Nook Miles for a mystery island tour and one of your own fruits stashed in your pocket. Buy the tour and when you get there, go to the beach. Walk around until you find a coconut palm. Each your fruit to gain strength, then use the shovel to dig up the tree. The whole tree will magically fit into your inventory, and you can plant it when you get back to your island. Just dig a hole on the beach, open the inventory, select the tree and then the “plant” option.
How to get other fruit for your island?
If you’ve followed the advice above, you already have three kinds of fruit on your island – the native one, the one mom sent you and a coconut. You’re missing three more. To get those, you’ll have to trade with other players. You can find out exactly how in our share dodo codes guide – there’s a bunch of codes down in the comments, so check those out if you’re short on people to visit and trade with.
Gate is open code is KJ4YD. I have apples oranges and coconuts, need all else!
ok Im closing the gate for tonight. gates will be open again tomorrow, June 8th from 1:00 pm to, 2:00 pm!!
HIII!! I have oranges if anybody needs them! I’ll trade for peaches and/or cherries! my dodo code is GMX71. gates are open now!! will have them open for at least half an hour.
I have apples and pears. New to games in general so like a dummy I sold the cherries my mom sent me. I need cherries, oranges and peaches. My dodo code is C7FTS
I have cherries and apples, anyone wanna trade for peaches and oranges?☺️
i don’t have peaches but i can trade you oranges for apples
I have peaches, apples, and coconuts. I’m in need of oranges, pears, and cherries.
hey, do u still need oranges pears and cherries? have all three and i need peaches and apples.
I have apples oranges and coconuts
Anyone still on this post that has apples, pears and/or oranges? I have Cherries and Peaches! Happy to trade!
I have pears and oranges!!
I have apples and coconut I can trade with anyone interested!
I have apples, peaches, oranges and coconut fruits I would be happy to trade for cherries / pears my friend code is SW- 0837-6677-4193
Are you still needing cherries and pears? I still need oranges. I’d be happy to trade you both for oranges.
I’d be more than happy to trade you oranges for cherries and peaches if that’s ok? dodo code: GMX71
I have pears if you would like to trade, in a day I will have peaches too!
I’m new to ACNH is anyone still around. I would like to trade Oranges, coconuts. I’m looking for the other fruit.
Thank you.
Anyone with cherries, apples or oranges with open gates? Let me know what I can bring over.
Hey! I have oranges and I’m growing cherries that I think will be fully grown by tomorrow. Happy to do a trade?
Hey everyone! I have cherries, peaches, and coconuts. Anyone willing to trade, I need apples and peaches. ?
I’m late too! I’m looking for cherries and apples, I have pears, coconuts, peaches, oranges, and pumpkins or I can trade bells if you’re still wanting to trade!
Hey everyone! I have cherries, peaches, oranges and coconuts. Anyone willing to trade, I need apples and pears. ?
My code is: J13M6 my gates are open!
I have apples and pears I can bring you
I have apples and pears! In need of cherries peaches and oranges if you’re still trading ?
I’m late to the party. I have cherries, oranges and coconuts, I need apples, pears and peaches. My dodo code is LMBH5, and my friend code is 0370-0918-8509. Feel free to add me.
Mine is 85PCS. I have cherries, peaches and oranges
I’m looking for peaches and cherries. My friend code is 2982-8637-8099. If any one is willing to share I have coconuts, apples, and pears.
I have cherries and orange, and needs peaches and pears. Let me know when your gates Are open and i Will bring cherries.
Hi Jessica and Trude! I have Peaches, pears, coconuts, & oranges, and am looking for cherries and apples if you are still interested? My friend code is 8546-2153-2616
Hi! I am in need of cherries, pears and oranges.. and I have apples, peaches and coconuts.. Would anyone be interested in helping me out?
Yes! Sarah- what is your DODO code and I’ll try to trade with you… I have pears and oranges
I’m interested in pears and peaches. I have cherries and oranges to trade. What is your dodo code? And when is the gate open?
I have oranges, pears and coconut. If anyone is interested my friend code is SW-7388-4043-4419.
A little late to this thread, but we have apples, cherries, coconuts…we need pears, peaches & oranges
Anyone interested in a trade?
I have pears and oranges!! We can trade
I’m looking for cherries! I have pears, peaches, apples, oranges and coconuts! Want to trade?
I have oranges, cherries and Apples. Needs pears and peaches. Wannabe trade? Can send A friend request.
I’m not sure if anyone is still on this article, but I have coconuts, cherries and oranges. I still need all the other.Message me if you want to trade.
I have apples, oranges, peaches and coconuts. Need cherries and pears. Can anyone help? Thanks 🙂
Heyy I have cherries and pears and need apples and peaches!!
I have every fruit except oranges. I would love to help someone if I can get some oranges
I have oranges. Have you gotten any oranges yet? I’d be willing to help you out with a trade for some pears.
I have peaches, apple and coconut. Need some pears, cherries, orange. Etc. let me know I can trade
Hi Melissa,
I have pears, cherries & oranges if you still need them. Let me know If you want to trade I just need some peaches.
Hey! Would you like to trade peaches and apples for cherries and oranges?
Hey I have coconuts, oranges, bamboo shoots, cherries. Iwould love to have peaches, apples, and/or pears
I just bought the game two days ago, I have coconuts, pears and peaches. I’m really trying to get all the fruits! If anyone wants to share their dodo code that’d be awesome, thanks 🙂
Hey all! I only need pears. If you can help please let me
Know! If you want to trade.. I have cherries, apples, oranges, and peaches! 🙂
I have pears. pls bring as many different fruits as you are willing (need peaches, cherries and oranges still) dodo code is BM3KY
Darn, I just saw this. I tried using your dodo code and it said there aren’t any islands with that code. Let me know if you do it again.
I have everything except oranges. Let’s Trade!
I need cherries & peaches and can bring you oranges.
I have cherries pears apples coconuts I am in search of oranges and peaches please.
I have peaches, my dodo code is 4S2QR. My gates are open.
I need apples.i have all the others. East visit and bring apples. My dodo code is 1W8PN.
I have cherries, peaches and coconuts ready and I’m growing pears
I’m trying really hard to get cherries and peaches. Any way you can let me come to your island for one of each or something?
I’m in need of peaches. Can you share your code when your gate is open. I have everything else if you need it
Hey everyone! I’m DESPERATE to find cherries and peaches. I have apples, oranges, pears, and coconuts. I also have a ton of DIY recipes! If anyone would like to help me out, I will give you anything you need that I have, including BELLS!
Hey everyone! 🙂 I have peaches, cherries and coconuts! I’m looking for apples, pears and oranges please!
Hey Jonni! I have EXACTLY what you’re looking for. Oranges, apples, pears and, of course, coconuts. You have the peaches and cherries that I’m oh so desperate for! I also have plenty of DIY codes and bells! Let’s get together please!
Hey Michelle! Yeah let’s meet up and swap! My friend code is SW-1030-4145-7548 🙂
I have apples we can trade if u like
Hey Mackenzie! I have peaches! I’ll trade you! I need pears, oranges and apples! 🙂
Hey everyone I’m looking for peaches please, I can trade u pears,coconuts,apples,oranges or cherries my friend code is: SW-5819-8544-3877
Hey I can’t find any native fruits I’ve traveled to so many mystery islands, anyone wanna share a dodo code , all I have are oranges bamboo and coconuts !!! I need pears or honestly any other fruit I’m sick of seeing oranges !!
M75NJ if you bring me your oranges You can have pears and apples from me
I need apples ha ve everything else.
I don’t have apples but I’m in search of different types of fruit trees for my island I will give you bells if I can come by and buy some fruits or fruit trees from you !! Let me know ! Thanks !! I’ve spent so many miles on mystery islands and keep getting islands within oranges and it’s so annoying !!!
I have apples we can trade if u like
If you give me your dodo code I will Bring apples of I can Have cherry’s oranges and peaches
Hey guys can someone help i have coconuts pears and peaches, i need apples cherries and oranges, thanks
I have cherries and apples
Looking for cherries and oranges. I’ve got the rest of the fruit. I’ll buy with bells.
I have everything but apples.
I can get you apples.
I have TONS OF ORANGES want some ? I need pears or any other trees with any other fruit I can plant on my island , will trade if you want some oranges !
I have Pears and apples if you want to trade
I have cherries, peaches, coconut and I’m growing pears, I need oranges and apples if you can spare any
How do you become friends on the game?
I am looking for some cherries and peaches?? I have apples, pears , oranges and coconuts !
Hi. I have cherrries, peaches, coconuts, pears and oranges would love apples if anyone can.
Hi need apples and pears. I can give you cherries and peaches. What’s your dodo code?
So i had to change something so i closed my gates mug the new dodo code is 4LOBG! I have peaches and i will trade or take any unwanted fruits plants and items
I just friended you to trade pears, apples, cherries, and/or coconuts for your peaches if you need them!
I have oranges, cherries and coconuts. Also bamboo shoots. Need pears, apples and peaches. Anyone wanna trade?
Hi! I really need new fruit i have peaches! My dodo code is GDPPF and my friend code is sw 2462 7983 7307
I am happy to trade ?
I need fruits! Tell me your dodo code or you can come to mine! My dodo code is GDPPF my gates are open!
I have cherries, peaches and oranges and in need of APPLES and PEARS if anyone wants to trade?
I can trade you apples, I need oranges and cherries 🙂
What’s your code ?
I have peaches and apples
Please tell me ur dodo code. I have peaches but nothing else! Need any type of fruits please
I have all fruits except apples. Looking for a trade. Please let me know if I can visit your island just to get some apples to plant.
I need cherries. Any chance someone is online? Happy to trade for them? I have all other fruits?
I have cherries and need other fruits
I have coconut, peach, and pumpkins
I have tons of cherries, if you’re still looking for them. I’m just looking for some apples to plant.
I don’t have apples but can i have some cherries? What’s your dodo code? Mine is GDPPF. My gates are open
I have apples . Happy to trade for cherries ?? If you have peaches could trade for something else you need ??
I have cherries and peaches send me your dodo code
I need cherries and pears. I can give the rest of you have those
Sorry, had to close my gates for a sec. New code is JDYJ8, gates open now!
I have cherries,oranges, would like to trade for pears and peaches. code is KW9NC
I have pears. My code is 3LMVQ. Could you send a new code so I can come to your island?
I need cherries and can bring pears and peaches. If you open gate I can come over. Please and thank you!
Hi, I have cherries,oranges and coconuts, looking for pears and peaches. Code 1313
Hi I have pears and oranges. I can give you them for cherries?
I have cherries & coconuts! Looking for friends to visit islands! Friend code is 6214-5200-6058
Hi Shy. I just added you, i have oranges peaches and pears, happy to trade x
Hi, I just sent you a switch friend request (ravenshea). I have pears, oranges, and coconuts!
12YW0. I have apples and peaches.
I have pears, oranges and coconuts! Im willing to trade for cherries, peaches and apples! If you want to trade lmk! My friend code: SW-3791-8292-8124
If anyone has peaches, cherries or apples please friend me! My friend code is 3791-8292-8124
I’m on right now and will be for the next hour if someone wants to come to my island and trade. I have peaches coconuts and apples. Dodo code is G05G2
Hi! I have oranges and pears to trade, let me know if you’re interested!
I have cherries apples and coconuts – lets trade!
Hi I have everything but apples to trade.
I have Apple coconuts pears and bamboo for trade.. anyone have something I don’t have they are willing to trade? My dodo code is MWDKK
Let me know when you want to come to my island! I have peaches coconuts and apples
I have pears and oranges to trade (also coconuts, but I think everybody has those). I’d love some apples and cherries! I’m new to Nintendo Online so I’m not sure what my dodo code is yet, but I’d be thrilled if anyone with apples or cherries is up for a trade and is open to an island visit.
I have peaches and coconuts. Anyone willing to trade?
Have oranges, coconuts and pears!
Have apples and peaches!
I have apples coconuts pears and bamboo – down to trade for your oranges… what’s your dodo code I’ll invite you!
I have peaches I can trade you! If you want to give me your dodo code
MA.. my daughter and I have peaches, cherries, oranges and (of course coconuts). We need apples and pears. If you want to trade.. send a note..
Got apples and down to trade!
I’d trade with you! I have apples and peaches. Let’s set a time to get on and I can give you my dodo code to come over
i have apples and oranges and coconuts, i just need peaches, cherries and pears, pls anyone respond so we can trade (‘:
I have oranges and coconuts can someone help me out with the rest please
In need of pears, oranges and cherries, I have apples and peaches
I have oranges coconuts I need cherries apples peaches and pears my gates are open to day my code is M6W45
Hey friends!
I have pears, coconuts, cherries and oranges and I need apples and peaches. Can anyone help a girl out?
I have peaches and apples and would gladly help in return for oranges, pears and cherries. My sw code is1576-4264-2902
Hi i just friended you! I’ll bring over the stuff if you open your gates 🙂
Hi i friended u! Want to trade?
Hi Dianne, I just sent you a switch friend request (ravenshea). I have pears, oranges, and coconuts!
Looking to travel tonight. I have coconuts, apples, and pears. Send me dodo codes, please.
I have Oranges
I have apples, oranges, coconuts, and bamboo shoots. Someone please help!
I can trade you peaches, pears and cherries for oranges!
I have pears and peaches and I need apples and cherries
I have peaches and coconut
Would greatly appreciate if someone could spare some oranges. Willing to trade for bells and or apples.
I have oranges and peaches. I need apples, pears, and cherries.
Cool, I can trade you apples, pears and cherries for oranges.
I have oranges!
I will trade anyone peaches and coconuts for oranges, apples, pears, and cherries
Looking for apples! Will trade a gold nugget for 3!
I’ll trade any fruit for ?. I need cherries ?.
I have tons of cherries I need peaches, so please and oranges!
hi! I have peaches, coconuts, and pears! i need oranges, cherries, and apples please! my code is 1FSRD and my gates will be open all day! come and we can trade!
I have oranges, cherries, and apples! I need peaches and pears. Let’s tradee please if you still need.
I have cherries pears oranges coconuts peaches. I need apples!
sure deja
give me a code and i will come to your island when you are available. i will bring peaches and pears so we can trade
Hi Gigi
I have oranges and cherries I can bring you if I could come see you for some pears and peaches
I need cherries and pears! If anyone is willing to trade I’ll give you my dodo code. I have peaches, apples, coconuts and also bamboo shoots to grow bamboo.
hi edilsaa!
i can trade you some pears for apples! I really need more fruits! give me your dodo code and a time to come and i will be there!
Hello! I’m in search of apples, oranges, and cherries. I have coconuts, pears, and peaches. Willing to trade or buy. My dodo code is LCS9H. My gates will be open!
Hey, my name is Lynzi and I’m in need of cherries, apples, and oranges. I have peaches, pears, and coconuts. Willing to trade or buy. My code is 4881-0034-7815. I can be online anytime.
Hi, I just sent you a switch friend request (ravenshea). I have pears, oranges, and coconuts!
In need of cherries, pears, and oranges. We have apples and peaches. Please visit if anyone is interested in trading! Dodo code is CT807
I will leave my gate open if anyone is able to bring me oranges or peaches. I can pay or trade apples, pears or cherries in return.
My dodo code is HQJVQ
Hi Louise,
I can bring you peaches if you could trade me for some pears? Whats your dodo code?
I can bring you peaches for some apples! if you give me your code and when your gates are open, I will be there!
The only fruit I don’t have are cherries. Any chance you’re playing and I could get cherries from you? I’ll trade for them?
Hey are you still looking for cherries? I’m on a cherry island and all I need are pears if you have any. Let me know and we can trade 🙂
I have oranges and cherries. need everything else. I would trade or pay you for the fruits.
I am really struggling to find oranges or peaches. We have cherries, apples, pears and coconuts. I have been on 50+ mystery tours and don’t think I will ever find peaches or oranges. I am happy to trade or pay for my missing fruit!
Thank you
hi andy
I can bring pears, peaches, and coconuts for oranges, cherries, and maybe some bells too! give me your dodo code and when your gates are open and we can trade!
i currently have oranges, pears, and coconuts to offer, i need anything else. if you want my dodo code or want to share yours that would be awesome, thanks 🙂
I’d love to know your code, I need oranges and pears!! I have peaches and cherries.
I have loads of pears! Let me know your island code if you wanna trade!
I have oranges n cherries. need everything else. want to trade. whats your code?
I can trade apples, cherries and pears for oranges or peaches?
I have apples and oranges to offer (coconuts too). I need everything else. Feel free to stop by to trade. I’ll keep the gate open today.
I have coconuts, pears, and apples. I need everything else! If anyone wants to come to my island and help me out my code today is N1WHM
I have peaches and coconuts, need everything else, let me know when your island is open
G0KL6. I have oranges coconuts and peaches
Are you online
i have been on many mystery tours and all I get are cheeries my island’s fruit is cheeries.
I have oranges, pears, apples, and coconuts. All I need are cherries and peaches please! We can trade!
Hi Breanna, I have cherries and peaches, all I need in pears.
Are anyones gates open today for pears, apples and oranges
Hey i anyone have apples? I have peaches pears cherries oranges and coconuts (all fruits but apples) dm me on ig @superbunny288
I have apples, oranges, pears, and coconuts. Just looking for cherries and peaches. Willing to trade any of the other fruits if anyone needs them.
I have cherries and I need pears and apples, could we trade? My dodo code is B007L
Help! I need cherries, pears and oranges. Please let me know if you can help!
I have pears, i will trade for oranges
Hi I have pears apples coconuts I really need peaches and cherries peaches most of all
I have coconuts and oranges, I need anything else, anyone willing to trade? my dodo code is J650Q the gates will be open all day! thank youuuu!
I have peaches , would anyone swap for cherries please?
Anyone have peaches they want to trade? I have all the other fruits. Just missing peaches.
I can trade peaches if you want, I’m missing oranges and cherries
I have peaches and I need cherries and pears
I have pears, peaches and coconuts…looking for cherries, Oranges or apples, please!
I can trade you cherries for pears!
I have apples and cherries and oranges and coconuts. I need pears and peaches. My dodo code is 9TBQ8
I have pears and peaches if you’d like to trade them for cherries and oranges?
I have pears and peaches, still need them?
Hey Can someone help me I need Pears and Oranges ? I have apples , coconuts , peaches and cherries
I have pears, looking for apples and cherries!
I have Oranges, Cherries, Apples, and Coconut. Can somebody help me? I need Peaches and Pears.
I have both wanna trade??
I have Cherries, Coconuts, Pears and apples need Oranges, and Peaches pls!!
I can trade you some peaches
I have some peaches
Coconuts, and cherries. I just need apples and oranges
i have oranges to trade
I have peaches, cherries, oranges, pears and coconut’s. I need apples. Are you still in need of fruit?
I have cherries and oranges and coconuts. Had bamboo but not sure what happened to it ! I really need, pears, apples, peaches, bamboo basically anything n that’s not oranges or cherries! Every mistery island has given me only my native fruit cherries ! ?Code is OFNV5. Gates are opened ?
Gates still open? I have bamboo, pears, and apples.
hey kat
i can trade you some pears and peaches for some cherries and oranges! give me a code and a time and i will be there!
Hi we have pears, oranges and coconuts and are ready to trade with anyone the dodo code is: L50LD just pop on over whenever!!
Our code changed to HJ5BM
I have peaches if you want me to drop some off!
Hi. I have some fruit at my island. Could you trade with me? Also by the way my Dodo code is K0F8B.
hi I need apples and pears can any one help my dodo code is OBSKR
Need any other fruits other than apples and cherries!! Ready to trade! Dodo code: 1CW8P
Hey do you have a new code? I can trade ya!
I really wanted to get a tree orchard going. All I have though are apples and cherries. I would love to trade with anyone who has other fruits Dodo code is 1CW8P.
I have pears, oranges, peaches and coconuts. I’m looking for cherries and apples if anyone has
Hi. I have fruit on my island. I was wondering if you could trade pears and coconuts for apples and cherries. Dodo code is K0F8B.
I have cherries apples and coconuts but I need oranges pears and peaches!! I’ll open my gates if anyone wants to trade
Yo, whats your code?
I have pears, oranges, peaches, and coconuts. I need cherries and apples! My dodo code is 3FLKK. My gates will be open for the next 30 minutes or so or until I get the fruits I need.
I got cherries and apples if you still need them
I have apples, oranges, peaches, coconut and bamboo. I really want pears and cherries! I have a recipe for cherry dress! Please help 🙂
Really need peaches willing to trade cherries, pears, oranges, or bamboo please help
I have peaches. I need oranges.
I have peaches! I need cherries and pears! 🙂
Oooh I have peaches I need everything accept for peaches and cherries, I sent you a friend request.
I have oranges and apples i can give you for some peaches!
You can get different fruits on mystery tours, my native fruit is apples, my mom sent cherries, and I got oranges from going on a mystery tour just now. It’s just rare I believe
Dodo code is 1J42M i have pears, apples, peaches and coconuts. I need cherries and oranges please.
Let me know when ur gates are open, I have oranges and cherries! I need peaches and pears!
Hey everyone I need you’re help if you have cherry’s , peaches or apples can you trade whit me pls !? My dodo code is G0X2F
I have apples, I’m happy to come over. Let me know when your gates are open!
I have cherries and apples do you have oranges peaches or pears
I have peaches ! Let me know when your gate is open
I have oranges if you wanna trade
Hey I know your comment has been posted awhile ago but I just got acnh and was wondering if I could get some fruit that isn’t pears or apples. I don’t have much to trade with but I could give you some bells if you like?
I have pears and cherries if u wanna trade! My friend code is SW-7868-5147-6391
I have cherries and peaches, I’ll trade with you do you have apples, pears or oranges?
Hi everyone! Happy thanksgiving! Looking for cherries and peaches. I have oranges, pears coconuts and wheat to trade oh and bells! Share your code if you have what I’m looking for and want to trade! Oh I’m also looking for the recipe for an ironwood dresser!
hey! i have pears could i trade them for cherries?
Hi! I have peaches, oranges, apples and cherries. I need pears. Want to trade?
Hey come over to my place i got cherries for days let me know when ur free and ill give u the doso code
I have coconuts, pears, cherries, and oranges but I’m waiting for them to grow. I need apples and peaches.
My friend code: SW-0138-5610-6137.
I’m new as far as going to peoples islands and things like that. If you could show me how I have like 30 cherries I could give you if you give some pears.
I need Pears & Apples . WILL OPEN MY GATES IN 5MIN.
I have peaches
I have all but peaches.
Hello, I really want peaches but I have not been able to find them anywhere, could we please trade?
I have peaches and pears need cherries and oranges.
Is urs still open I can bring u what u need
I’ve got oranges and cherries, can I come over???
I have peaches, oranges and coconuts!
Willing to trade for some apples, pears, cherries!!
6Q5TX gates open
I’m new too. I have cherries and oranges and would like peaches and apples please.
I have apples, peaches and pumpkins. Need cherries pears etc. Like to visit and trade.
I have cherries and oranges and apples if you need I’m in need of pears and peaches
I have peaches and pears!!! I need oranges a lot!!!!!!! when can I come
Hey everyone my gates are open and I have peaches, cherries and coconuts. Please trade with me my dodo code is K6D2Y
I have pears if u wanna trade, my friend code is SW-7868-5147-6391
Hey I need pears, but have coconut, peaches and apples. Can I trade with you?
I have cherries I’m missing peaches pears and oranges. I’ll trade the cherries for the peaches !
I have peaches. When are your gates open?
I have every fruit except for peaches. My gates will be open all day today. My dodo code is 9QCF4 and online play.
i have peaches i need cherries and pears if you are up for it
I have Coconuts, Pears and Peaches. Still need Cherries, Apples and Oranges.
I have oranges, apples, and coconuts. Looking for peaches, cherries, and pears! Code is: 4N08B
Gates are open now!
Hi all, I have Peaches, Oranges, Coconuts, Pumpkins and Bamboo (no shoots right now though), looking for all the others and some friends to visit.
I need pears and cherries!! If anyone can help me pls!!
I have cherries! My code is 0578-7220-3618! I need everything else accept for cherries and peaches I will trade!
I have cherries let me know when your gates are open.
Bro let me get your island code I got u with the peaches ?
i have peaches, i’ll bring some peach trees to ur island what’s ur dodo code
I really need peaches I have pears, cherries, and oranges come someone please help
Can someone please help oops
I have peaches, pears and oranges. Send me your code I will come and bring them to you! I need cherries!
I have oranges and peaches will trade for cherries
I have peaches, can we trade?
I really wish I could help you but I dont have a membership :(. I have specifically cherries and oranges.
Hey! Do you like to trade any fruit for oranges. That’s really only fruit I don’t have!
I need cherries and pears can anyone trade dodo code is 1978
I need the pears and peaches, I have both cherries and oranges!
I have apples peaches pears coconuts and bamboo. Will you share? Where do I find the dodo code?
I have peaches
Can you open your gates please and what’s ur dodo code?
Hi! If you want i could trade you some pears. My island code is K0F8B. I would like to trade for some oranges.
I have oranges and cherries… need apples, pears, and peaches.
i have all the ones you need. can I trade you peaches for oranges?? if you have discord mines sadboii gang#1002
i have orange and pears and i still need peaches, cherries and apples!
I have Apples and Coconuts…will soon have bamboo shoots (they’re planted)…need everything else. Gate is open 66R9F
I have apples, peaches, bamboo, pumpkins. Need cherries, pears, oranges. Will trade. Set up time please
I have all fruits besides peaches add me 3107-3289-6605
Hi Tracianne, I have all fruits except apples. What’s your DoDo code? Would you open your gates?
Hey I have apples need pears and oranges! Willing to swap?! Let me know 🙂
How to open the gates and where can i find my code? Thanks…sorry im a newbie…
Hey i have peaches for apples?
I know this post is from last year, but are you still playing??
I am! I have apples and coconuts only
if you need them still i’ll trade for pears I’m so desperate for them
yo i have oranges, apples and coconuts. would be willing to trade oranges for another fruit
I have pears would love to trade
I can bring you some oranges we only have peaches oranges and coconuts. We would love some pears and apples!
What’s your dodo code I have apples and I need peaches badly I’ve been looking forever.
I have peaches, what’s your code?
If you still need oranges, I have them. I just need pears and cherries.
I have pears
I have cherries and oranges, happy to trade for apples and peaches. Let me know when your gates are open and we can make a trade?
I have Oranges and cherries but I need Pears apples and peaches my code is kkr6k
I need oranges and cherries. I have apples peaches pears coconuts and bamboo. If you still need let me know and I can bring trees. I am new at this so how do I use your code? Thanks
I have many oranges but one thing I’m missing is peaches
I have cherries and coconuts on my island and need peaches, apples, and oranges
Brandon.. saw your post (from last March).. I need pears and apples… if you send me some (via a post card from the airport).. I will send you some cherries & oranges.
Thanks, Don P
I have oranges if you’re interested
i have oranges please could you come to my island with peaches and pairs and you can take like 2 orange trees i think if not 1 ❤️
and cherries as well
Will trade you pears and peaches for cherries and oranges. I am new
Hi, are you online please? If so, could you open your gates and could I have the dodo code please? Ive got all fruit apart from pears
I have cherries and oranges. I’m looking for peaches! My dodo code is 5M713
I have peaches, coconuts, and apples. Need everything else. You still want to trade?
I have cherries, pears peaches, coconuts and bamboo
I have fruit ur messing. I just need peach trees not just the fruit. Let me know what u still need and how mant peach trees i can dig up. Thanks
i can give u oranges, lmk if u wanna trade
I need some peaches and pears……………..could you drop by my island?
I have cherries pears apples coconuts I am in search of oranges and peaches please.
New Horizons… I have oranges, if you’re still looking for cherries. How do I get them to you?
Hello Brandon want to trade? I have coconuts, oranges, pears, and cherries!
I have oranges and I need peaches
Hey, I know this is an old post.
But would you mind helping me out?
I need apples and peaches!!
I need oranges, apples, and cherries. May i
I need oranges, apples, and, cherries. May I visit your island?
I have Oranges and pears
I need peachs and pears would apercate it if you can help a gal out 🙂
Hey, i need some oranges, can you help me please, ill friend you on switch
Hey Blue, I have oranges and apples, send your friend code and we can trade!
I have all trees except apples and oranges
Hi! I know this was posted a while ago but I’ve been in need of Apple and cherries, I have peaches, oranges, pears, and coconuts! I am willing to trade 3 for 3! And I will be comfortable going to your island!
I have cherries! Let me know
I have tons of apples, really need pears!!!
Can I come to your island?
I can help you also do you have peaches??
I have oranges
I have cherries pears apples coconuts I am in search of oranges and peaches please.
Hi!! I know this has been quite a few months but I was wondering if you still need oranges?? I’m in need of pears, apples and peaches!! I also have cherries and coconuts!
I have apples, pears and coconuts. In need of cherries, peaches and oranges. Don’t have much to trade with but I could give some bells for the help. Please and thank you :).
I have Cherries & peaches, let me know if you wanna trade for some apples & pears!
I have cherries, apples, pears, coconuts and bamboo. I need peaches.
I’ll bring fruit over to your island for peaches
Do I have keep. Try to Native Fruit island
Urm do u mean the mystery boat tours or airport tours?? Btw I have pears and oranges