ACNH Glowing Moss
ACNH Glowing Moss is a new material that you can find in the game, added in Update 2.0. Naturally, people are very curious about the Glowing Moss in Animal Crossing New Horizons. They want to know where to find the new material and how to use it. After all, the moss doesn’t exactly just start growing on your home island out of nowhere. That’s why we’ve put together our ACNH Glowing Moss guide to help you out.

Where to Find Glowing Moss in Animal Crossing New Horizons
To find ACNH Glowing Moss, you have to visit different islands by sailing with Kapp’n on his Mystery Tours. For more info on him, check out our ACNH Kapp’n guide. Basically, you can pay him 1,000 Miles once a day, and he’ll take you to what I believe is a randomly-generated island. Once there, look for plants like the ones in the image above. They give off a faint glow at night and also emit little particles when you walk over them. Keep in mind that you can take them from the mystery island and plant them on yours. That way, you’ll always have a steady supply of Glowing Moss.
How to Use Glowing Moss in ACNH
You use the Animal Crossing New Horizons Glowing Moss as a crafting material in DIY recipes. Since it’s a new material, we don’t know exactly what it will be used for, but there does seem to be a Glowing Moss Dress for which you need fifteen plants. Please, feel free to share your favorite crafting recipes featuring the moss in the comments below.
So, that about covers all we now about the glowing moss right now. If you need help with anything else in the game, feel free to check out some of our other ACNH Update 2.0 guides. To name just a few, we’ve written articles like Custom Fencing in a Flash, How to Get New Villagers, and How to Get Storage Shed.
It’s just too bad you can’t grow it on your island… I mean… It is moss after all. Sure would be great.
I got rhe recipe for a glowing moss hanging pot
Glowing moss statue! 5 glowing moss and 8 stone
I was dropped on a light moss island. There was a DIY for a Light moss hood for 8 light moss