How to Get Wheat in ACNH
Among other new inclusions and changes in the latest update to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cooking has also been added to ACNH. Of course, in order to be able to cook, you will need cooking ingredients. Just like in real life, one of the most popular and widespread cooking materials in the entire world – is none other than wheat. In order to get this in your game, you will need to do several things first. Our How to Get Wheat in ACNH guide will explain everything you need to do here, including where to acquire wheat, and how to use it.

How to Get Wheat in Animal Crossing New Horizons
To be able to get wheat in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you will need to first purchase it in the form of Wheat Starts. This is done through Leif. So, to begin with, you will have to find this traveling vendor. When you have done so, go up to him and initiate conversation. Select the “I’m here to shop!” dialogue option. This will open up a shopping menu where you will be able to browse through all of his seeds and starts. What you are looking here is, of course, the Wheat Start. It’s easily recognizable thanks to its Wheat icon. The Wheat Start costs a mere 280 Bells. You can either purchase just one, or five of them all at once (for 1,400 Bells).
After that, you now need to plant it. Find a nice plot of land where you want to plant the Wheat Start. Dig a whole and then drop the seed into it, the same way you would have done with regular flowers or trees. Now all that’s left is to water this once a day for seven days. After that, you will get the option to harvest it and then turn it into flour.
What do I use the wheat field card for in ACNH?