How to Get Cooking Ingredients ACNH
The latest update to ACNH saw many things added to the game. In addition to systems such as collecting Gyroid Fragments, permanent ladders, and bulding a shopping plaza on Harv’s Island, just to name a few, cooking has also made it into Animal Crossing New Horizons. Of course, in order to be able to cook, you will first need to get some cooking ingredients first. Luckily, this 2.0 update has added plenty of these as well. To help you get to cooking as soon as you can, our How to Get Cooking Ingredients ACNH guide will tell you all about where to get the freshest and tastiest ingredients for cooking in the game.

How to Get Cooking Ingredients in Animal Crossing New Horizons
First things first. To be able to do this, you will need to update the game to its latest version. If you are having problems doing this, we have a great guide on how to start the 2.0 update and get access to all the new content. If you have done this, then the next step is to buy a cooking book from the Nook Shop. The book in question is called “Be a Chef! DIY Recipes +” and it costs 2,000 Nook Miles. This will unlock several recipes, such as flour and sugar. It will also unlock the crafting recipe for the Stonework kitchen DIY. You will need a kitchen to cook, and you can either build one for yourself or use an already existing one. You can also get additional recipes by visiting the Nook’s Cranny and purchasing the “Basic Cooking Recipes” book for 4,980 Bells.
As for the cooking ingredients themselves, you can get them in several ways. To be able to get crops and vegetables, wheat, and tomatoes and carrots, you will need to purchase their seeds and starters from Leif and then plant and water them for several days. Besides these ingredients, any other food type can be cooked as well. Things like fish, fruit, and mushrooms can all be used in several recipes.