Custom Fencing in a Flash ACNH
Custom fencing in a flash is a new feature in the ACNH update. This gives you the option to add smart new surroundings to your home. These include fences made from lots of materials such as industrial blocks and tropical-looking bamboo. As well as that, you have the option to customize their colors. Read on as we discuss how to get custom fencing in a flash in Animal Crossing.

Animal Crossing has added a host of new characters and features in the recent update. One of the ways you can now customize your home is with brand new custom fencing. The new fence types are below:
- Park fencing
- Large Lattice fencing
- Corrugated Iron
- Block Fencing
- Log Wall
- Log Fencing
- Green Bamboo
- Bamboo Slats
- Frozen
How to Unlock Custom Fencing in Animal Crossing New Horizons
To get your custom fencing, start by checking that you have downloaded the update. Once complete, head over to the Town Hall and visit the Nook Stop. Redeem your Nook Miles.
You will need 2500 Nook Miles to unlock the option to customize fencing. You should be able to find the ‘Custom fencing in a flash’ option. Park fencing and large lattice fencing should be available to use right away.
Other types of fence can be gained in two ways. The first is to stop back daily at the Nook Stop. Two random fence types will be on sale each time. Other fences may arrive as seasonal offers or DIY recipes.
As well as the option to have different fences, you can also change the color of them. This provides even more options for customization. The premise works in exactly the same way that you would customize any other item. All you need is a customization kit. Head to a workbench, then select the option to customize something. Select your fence, and you will be able to change the color to the option you desire.