Cooking ACNH - How to Cook & Get More Cooking Recipes
Cooking has made its way to Animal Crossing New Horizons! On top of all the new stuff added to ACNH in update 2.0, such as the new café, Gyroids, and the Donation Box, the ability to cook using special new ingredients such as flour and sugar is another new mechanics that players are sure to enjoy. If you have questions about this, our Cooking ACNH – How to Cook & Get More Cooking Recipes guide is here to clarify everything you will need to know about cooking and how to acquire even more recipes in the game.

How to Cook in Animal Crossing New Horizons
To be able to cook, you will first need to acquire cooking ingredients. These include wheat, and other crops and vegetables. Our guides here explain how to purchase their starts and seeds and then how to grow and harvest them. You will also have to purchase recipes. To do this, go to the Nook Stop.For the price of 2,000 Nook Miles, you can purchase the “Be A Chef! DIY Recipes+” item. This will allow you to cook basic recipes such as Carrot Potage, Pumpkin Bagel Sandwich, Pancakes, and Cherry Smoothie. Of course, cooking can only be done at a cooking station. Once you interact with a kitchen, you will be able to select which recipe you want to cook.
How to Get More Recipes in ACNH
Besides the “Be A Chef! DIY Recipes+” book, there are several other ways you can get access to more recipes in ACNH. The easiest of these is to go to Nook’s Cranny and buy “Basic Cooking Recipes” for 4,980 Bells. This unlocks even more recipes in the game. Apart from that, you can get further recipes balloons, bottles on the beach, and by fishing. Of course, these depend on luck, and you won’t always get a new recipe whenever you, for example, catch a fish.