ABD Animal Crossing
The ABD is a returning item in Animal Crossing New Horizons. This Automatic Bell Dispenser (ABD) allows you to store money and pay off your loans to Tom Nook. The item has been a popular one since its introduction in Animal Crossing: City Folk on the Wii. However, it was only with this update that you could have your own private one. Read on as we discuss getting the ABD in Animal Crossing.

How to Get ABD Animal Crossing
To get your hands on a private ABD, then you need to pay off all your loans from Tom Nook. Until you have done this, you won’t see the ABD for sale. If you have, then it will be available in the Resident Services Kiosk.
The personal ABD will set you back around 9900 Nook Miles. This may sound a lot but compared to previous versions it is quite low. You will also find it useful and well worth the money.
When you buy the ABD, it will take one day for it to arrive in your mailbox, basically the next day. You then have the choice to place it anywhere on the island. The only places you cannot place it are the plaza and the airport. If you want them in these locations, then you will have to place them outside or close by. Make sure you put some careful consideration into where it will be most useful.
For the impatient players amongst us, you can use time travel to skip ahead one day. The ABD should be in your mailbox ready for placement. All you then have to do is correct the time and date. In either instance, the faster you do it, the less time you have to spend walking across the island to pay off your debts to Tom Nook.