There are thirty Assassin Contracts scattered across eleven maps in Assassin’s Creed 4: Back Flag. Two of them, Havana and Kingston, have six assassin contracts each, while 9 maps have two each.
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Reward for completing each of them is either 1000R or 1500R, depending on if you got the stealth kill bonus. If there is a stealth kill bonus, this means that from the moment you have accepted the assassin contract to the moment when you have killed your target, no alarm should be activated. Things like killing your target by using the berserk dart, that makes other hostile target kill him, or jumping from top of rooftops towards the target, shooting it in the head with guns, etc. greatly helps in completing the stealth kill bonus.
For completing 15 assassin contracts you are rewarded with Stealth Outfit. This outfit is specifically designed to improve the chances that its wearer will remain undetected. Completing all of them you get the pistol swords (Speed 5; Combo 4; Damage 3), a pair of rare and authentic swords, famous for their explosive finishes.Click here for table of all Assassin Contracts ▼
Map where you can take assassin contracts
Name of assassin contract
Assasinate target location*
Kill Reward
Out of combat reward
Total Reward
Havana (x6)
1. Beach Bonfire
2. No More Taxes
3. A Shipment of Powder
4. A Botched Escape
5. The Spanish Commander
6. Unlicensed Dealer
Nassau (x2)
1. The Pirate Captain
1 000
1 500
2. The Outlaws
Salt Key Bank (x2)
1. Shady Business
2. The Informant
Dry Tortuga
Andreas Island (x2)
1. The Treasure Hunter
Abaco Island
2. A Slaver’s Business
Crooked Island (x2)
1. The Poachers
Mariguana Island
2. The Deserter
Salt Lagoon
Kingston (x6)
1. The Plantation Master
2. The Guard Post
3. The Slave Traders
4. The Judge
5. The Weapons Smugglers
6. The British Captain
New Bone (x2)
1. Castaway
Cayman Sound
2. The Dreaded Pirate
Corozal (x2)
1. The Unworthy Brother
1 000
2. The Outlaw’s Cave
Ambergris Key
1 000
1 500
Ile a Vache (x2)
1. The Expedition
Cumberland Bay
1 000
1 500
2. The Slave Master
1 000
1 000
Grand Cayman (x2)
1. The Twin Dilemma
1 000
1 000
2. The Smuggler’s Squat
Anotto Bay
1 000
1 500
Arroyos (x2)
1. Tomb Raiders
Pinos Isle
1 000
1 500
2. A Last Drink For The Road
1 000
1 000
Total: 30
30 000
10 000
40 000
Havana Assassin Contracts (240,607)
Havana Assassin Contract LocationsHavana has six assassin contracts. Completing them all rewards you with 8500R. They are all located in Havana, and there is no need for traveling to other places. There are 3 pigeon houses you can grab assassin contracts from.
1. Beach Bonfire
Beach Bonfire Target LocationNote: Approach area from the south. You can kill the target by surprising him from a nearby bush for extra kill bonus prize.
2. No More Taxes
No More Taxes Target LocationNote: Clear the roof of guards without triggering the alarm. Jump from roof onto the highlighted assassination target for extra 500R.
3. A Shipment of Powder
A Shipment of Powder Target LocationNote: Templar you need to kill patrols around the dock. Approach the dock from water, and wait for him to be close to its end. Guards patrolling the area can easily spot you before you climb on to the dock so stay alert.
4. A Botched Escape
A Botched Escape Target LocationNote: This guy runs as you approach him. As he is rather fast, be sure to equip pistols as a source of stunning. Use them as you find suitable, and finish him fast.
5. The Spanish Commander
The Spanish Commander Target LocationNote: This templar captain is in central yard of a small house compound. Climb on top of a house compound. Kill two guards there. Reach roof top edge closest to the captain. Jump from it on the templar for a clean kill.
6. Unlicensed Dealer
Unlicensed Dealer Target LocationNote: Antonio Rueda, another templar, another similar location as it was with the previous Havana assassination templar targets. This time distance between guards on rooftop is larger. They can easily notice any threat. Take time and kill them without alerting others. Find the closest rooftop from where you can jump on Antonio Rueda.
Nassau Assassin Contracts (633,784)
Nassau Assassins Contract LocationsBig map and only two contracts. Both of them have silent kill bonus. You can collect them from the same pigeon house. Completing them both with bonus kills rewards 3 000R in total. They also do not require traveling to other parts of the map.
1. The Pirate Captain
The Pirate Captain Target LocationNote: This templar privateer is in northwestern Nassau. Approach the area from North. Hide in bushes and whistle when he is close for stealth kill. You can also try jumping over trees that lean over his path to try and do an overhead kill.
2. The Outlaws
The Outlaws Target LocationNote: The Outlaw target is east from the crocodile habitat swamp. Climb onto the house with the viewpoint via the eastern wall. Kill or spare any guards on your way. From the viewpoint house’s western rooftop jump on your assassination target.
Salt Key Bank (495,634)
Salt Key Bank Assassins Contract LocationThere are two assassin contracts on this island. They are both without bonus kill reward, making it 2 000R in total. One of them requires traveling to, and conquering, fort Dry Tortuga.
1. Shady Business
Note: Target you are going after for is on a boat. As you approach him from east, he is going to sail away between land to the south and small island north of it. Soon enough he will find himself in a company of other ships. In order to prevent this you should cut his path. Do not rush towards him directly from east. Sail further north. From his northeastern side start the chase. He will sail between a small island and large land to the south. Use travel speed to sail north from of the small island. As soon as you sail past it, turn hard left, positioning yourself for a crash with his ship. You should have plenty of time to play cat-mouse game since, at this point, you should be in the lead.
2. The Informant
The Informant Target LocationNote: In order to kill your target you should destroy Dry Tortuga fortress’s defense, if you haven’t done so before. Do not bother with enemies inside it and head directly for your target. He can be found on a platform with, what appears to be, the war room.
Andreas Island (579,720)
Andreas Island Assassins Contract LocationsAndreas island has two assassin contracts. One of them does not have stealth kill bonus, making it 2 500R the most the most you can get as reward. The one with stealth kill bonus requires traveling to Abaco Island.
1. The Treasure Hunter
The Treasure Hunter Target LocationNote: This templar financier is hiding inside of a tent on Abaco Island. If you followed the main storyline and discovered Abaco Island’s viewpoint, use fast travel to find yourself on top of the Abaco Island’s viewpoint. The tent he is in is just south of viewpoint’s position. Wait for him to go out and take him down with one sweep jump attack.
2. A Slaver’s Business
A Slavers Business Target LocationNote: Target you should kill is just east of the pigeon house from which you collect this assassination contract. He comes via a ship. If you approach him from water, the ship sails a bit away. This allows you to jump on the dock (where the sheep has been docked previously) from the water. Although there is no stealth bonus kill, that doesn’t stop you to be perfect, right?
Crooked Island (807,541)
This is another island with two assassin contracts. They both give 2 500R in total, as one of them comes with kill bonus reward. They both require traveling to different parts of the map.
1. The Poachers
The Poachers Target LocationNote: Marauder you are supposed to kill is on Mariguana Island. If you have discovered its viewpoint earlier, use it now. You can spot him from the viewpoint location and as a bonus you can even use berserk darts from there. Hit him with berserk darts and wait for others to do the job you were paid for.
2. The Deserter
The Deserter Target LocationNote: Spanish soldier you should kill hides in Salt Lagoon. He is a rather fast fellow. Equip pistols to stop him from running away, and make it easier yourself. He is in a small passageway between two large stone piles in the middle of island.
Kingston (623,172)
Kingston Assassin Contract LocationsThis is the second map with 6 assassin contracts. You can grab them from three pigeon houses placed near the center of the map. They are all doable on the same map. Completing them all with stealth kill bonus (where available) yields a maximum of 8500R in rewards, same as in Havana.
1. The Plantation Master
The Plantation Master Target LocationNote: Your target, this time, is a cruel plantation master. Approach his area in Northern Kingston from north or east. If you have the berserk dart, use it on him. Many guards around him will do your job. If you are in favor of another approach, there is a rooftop you can jump on without being noticed north of him. From it, jump on him when he is your highlighted target.
2. The Guard Post
The Guard Post Target LocationNote: Leader of a military outpost in the northwest Kingston is your next target. He stands on top of a large rock platform. Instead of following the path that starts west of the platform, climb on it from the north side and avoid any patrols this way. As you climb onto the higher rock platform hide in the bush behind two guards. From there you can hit this templar with berserk dart. This is a perfect position for other assassination methods as well.
3. The Slave Traders
The Slave Traders Target LocationNote: This psychotic slave trader is surrounded by a large number of guards. You can use berserk dart near him, while paying attention not to alert other guards with your actions. Or you can simply jump on him, as you have guard-free rooftops in the area around him.
4. The Judge
The Judge Target LocationNote: A corrupt judge that lives in Port Royal, Southern Kingston, is your target. Use sleep dart from a bush east of him to save time. Make your move, while he is sleeping.
5. The Weapons Smugglers
The Weapons Smugglers Target LocationNote: Time for making the world a better place by removing some weapon smugglers. Your target is in central Kingston, east of the church. Its area is well covered with guards. You can approach him from the West by walking along residents of Kingston and using them for a stealthy approach. Take down the guard watching over the road first, using stealth among the crowd. Hide in the bushes, from where you can use the berserk dart or just get close to your target. Either way works as a charm.
6. The British Captain
The British Captain Target LocationNote: You should take down the British officer now. He is near the docks, in northern Kingston bay. Although he has only a couple of guards around, they protect him rather well. Use bushes around him as spots for firing berserk dart, or as means for doing a whistle stealth kill.
New Bone (442,118)
New Bone Assassins Contract LocationsTwo assassin contracts here. Both of them require you to travel to different parts of the map for hunting down your targets. Luckily they both give 1 500R.
1. Castaway
Castaway Target LocationNote: This fugitive is on Cayman Sound. Use its viewpoint to travel there faster, or approach the island from east. Target is in the eastern part of Cayman Sound. He walks along the beach, in large open space, while other enemies are scattered around in the forest next to him.
2. The Dreaded Pirate
The Dreaded Pirate Target LocationNote: Arrogant captain is your target. He can be found in Misteriosa. If you use Misteriosa’s only viewpoint to travel faster, captain should spawn right underneath you. He starts walking westwards immediately so you should climb down fast. Reach white rooftops as fast as you can. From there you can jump on him or use the berserk dart.
Corozal (42,268)
Corozal Assassins Contract LocationMap with two assassin contracts. One of them has no stealth kill bonus, so you get 2 500R total for completing both contracts. Both of them require traveling to different places from the one you took the assignment from. The one you can get stealth kill bonus for is particularly hard to dispose of in a way that will grant you that precious 500R extra reward. It is hard because it requires you to swim through an underwater tunnel, thus leaving you without weapons.
1. The Unworthy Brother
The Unworthy Brother Target LocationNote: This treacherous pirate captain wishes to capture fort Chinchorro for himself. He can be found in southern part of fort Chinchorro. Rush towards him if you are in process of taking the fortress. If the fortress is already taken you can take out 1 of the two “sniper” guards above him, and then just jump on him, or use berserk dart for kicks, since this assassin contract comes without stealth bonus.
2. The Outlaw’s Cave
The Outlaws Cave Target LocationNote: Templar aristocrat is pillaging Ambergris Key cave. As you should swim through cave’s underwater tunnel, you are left without weapons. Like that is not enough, there are two guards in front of the entrance to the cave room where the templar is located. At this point you should have one throwing knife. While one of this two guards patrols inside and outside of the room, that is higher in the cave, the other one is left alone at its edge. Throw the knife at him to take him down silently. Jump on top of the platform where he was. Wait for the patrolling guard. Kill him without triggering the alarm. There is a musket on the same platform you can use to help you with guards, or even use it to shoot the templar aristocrat. He is standing turned with his back toward the room’s entrance.
Ile a Vache (843,140)
Ile a Vache Assassin Contract LocationsTwo assassin contracts here. One of them has the stealth kill bonus, making the reward 2 500R total. They both require traveling to other parts of the map.
1. The Expedition
The Expedition Target LocationNote: Leader of a brutal gang of Templar privateers has taken refuge in Cumberland Bay. You should have discovered this Bay before and using its viewpoint takes you one guard away from your target. If you try to use berserk dart on the assassination target from this position, the closest guard to you becomes alerted and you fail to accomplish the 500R mission bonus. Take him down with a sleep dart to prevent this. As this gurad goes down your road toward your assaniation target is clear and you can use any approach you like to take him down.
2. The Slave Master
The Slave Master Target LocationNote: The Slave Master you are looking for is in Northern Tortuga. Tortuga comes as an island with an area that is marked red. Guards are alerted as they see you. Your target is alone in Northern Tortuga you just need to make your way there, without alerting soldiers.
Grand Cayman (397,324)
Grand Cayman Assassins Contract LocationsAnother map with two assassin contracts. Each come with a stealth kill bonus making your total potential reard 2500R. One of them requires traveling to Anotto Bay. This makes you character stripped of weapons, making this contract additionally challenging.
1. The Twin Dilemma
The Twin Dilemma Target LocationNote: This is the only assassin contract that wants you to take down two targets at the same time. They are in front of the Grand Cayman tavern. Use berserk darts on them. Sometimes they lose their berserk state and run toward the ship that is docked in eastern Grand Cayman. Prevent this by standing on their path. Take them down if they try to flee.
2. The Smuggler’s Squat
The Smugglers Squat Target LocationNote: Smuggler chief hides in a cave of Anotto Bay. As you swim through underwater tunnels you lose all your weapons. Smuggler Chief stands on a wooden platform in eastern Anotto Bay cove. There are many guards around him, making it hard to take him down from behind while climbing onto that same wooden platform.
Arroyos (192,563)
Arroyos Assassin Contract LocationsYou can earn up to 2500R from two assassin contracts on this map. One of them, with stealth kill bonus, requires traveling to Pinos Isle.
1. Tomb Raiders
Tomb Raiders Target LocationNote: Your target is part of a group of British graverobbers that is active on Pinos Isle. Luckily for you, you have discovered Pinos Isle viewpoint, right? From there you can easily spot him bellow you. Take him out with berserk dart or any other approach you find the most appealing.
2. A Last Drink For The Road
A Last Drink For The Road Target LocationNote: This templar associate likes to run towards the ship anchored in southeastern Arroyos. Prevent him from reaching it, or simply kill him while he is on the ship.
I have two ongoing contracts, one for salt key and one for Andreas island, and neither of them are showing my targets location. Is there any way to fix this or am I just SOL? Bc these are the only two I need to get the pistolsword
I’m on PS4 and I have 28 of them finished but there are no more assassins contracts on the map, i’m near the beginning of the game so do I have to get to a certain point in the story before the other to show up
hey guys i need help i did the andreas mission {2nd one} but while doing it the target sailed away and i was was not able to stop him and after that he hasint shown up again
Sometimes if you have completed assassination contract from the same pigeon house, rather fast, assassination map symbol is not going to show up again soon enough. I had that problem once, but after couple of missions, or ingame days, it has showed up. If you play game on XBOX it might be the part of a bigger problem, that Ubisoft is trying to fix, according to their forums.
@BCM Oh, you can not even accept the contract, because there is no icon in Salt Key Bank? Can you at least try to go toward the assassin target location at map, it is at (423,655). It is a ship actually. Maybe he is still there waiting for you lol. Would be really shame to be stuck with 29 completed assassin contracts.
I went to the coordinates and there is nothing there. I also tried looking around that spot but I got nothing. I’m so frustrated because i really want the swords 🙁
Apparently you are not alone. While trying to find out solution for your problem I come across Ubisoft forum, there is the thread with more then 50 pages where people describe their assassination contract bugs. As I can figure out it is fixed for PS3 and PS4, but they are working on XBOX and PC versions. If you want more info about it here is the link.
Has there been a solution yet for ps3? The second assassination contract is missing in COROZAL (42,268) and a Naval Contract is missing from the fort near New Bone. It is very frustrating
how come my assassin contract i accepted showing no target… there a way i could reset my contract..its really pissing me off cuz i just need 1 contract to get the swordpistol….i hope u message back…
Assassins contracts fail if you do not complete them in a short period after you have taken them. What is the name of the contract that doesn’t show you assassin target?
I’ve got an assassin contract that I accepted a long time ago and now I’m trying to do it and there is no assassin target.
It’s Salt Key Bank’s contract “Shady Business”. Is there a way to cancel the contract so that I can accept it again and finish if finally?
They tend to fail if you do not finish them in a timely manner. You should return to Salt Key Bank assassin contract stand, and accept it again. You might receive ” The Informant” contract this time. After you complete ” The Informant” you can come back and accept the “Shady Business”.
I’ve been to Salt Key Bank lots of times but I’ve never gotten the assassin contract symbol on my map. I accepted the mission when I was learning how to use the ships so I didn’t focus on the contract and I forgot about it until now. It really bothers me to see a contract I didn’t finish because I really want the reward for finishing all the assassin contracts.
I’ve completed ALL 30 Assassins Contracts and got an Abstergo challenge achievement, but I don’t have the Pistol Swords unlocked. I’m on PS4
Just fast travel to nearest viewpoints, hope it’ll help
I have two ongoing contracts, one for salt key and one for Andreas island, and neither of them are showing my targets location. Is there any way to fix this or am I just SOL? Bc these are the only two I need to get the pistolsword
*Scuse me, what’s an r?
I’m on PS4 and I have 28 of them finished but there are no more assassins contracts on the map, i’m near the beginning of the game so do I have to get to a certain point in the story before the other to show up
+the game said that he will return but i have finished the main storyline and he has not shown up
i did this contract when i started the game
hey guys i need help i did the andreas mission {2nd one} but while doing it the target sailed away and i was was not able to stop him and after that he hasint shown up again
I had a question about one the 2nd mission in Grand Cayman I can’t find the assassination symbol to even start it
Sometimes if you have completed assassination contract from the same pigeon house, rather fast, assassination map symbol is not going to show up again soon enough. I had that problem once, but after couple of missions, or ingame days, it has showed up. If you play game on XBOX it might be the part of a bigger problem, that Ubisoft is trying to fix, according to their forums.
@BCM Oh, you can not even accept the contract, because there is no icon in Salt Key Bank? Can you at least try to go toward the assassin target location at map, it is at (423,655). It is a ship actually. Maybe he is still there waiting for you lol. Would be really shame to be stuck with 29 completed assassin contracts.
I went to the coordinates and there is nothing there. I also tried looking around that spot but I got nothing. I’m so frustrated because i really want the swords 🙁
Apparently you are not alone. While trying to find out solution for your problem I come across Ubisoft forum, there is the thread with more then 50 pages where people describe their assassination contract bugs. As I can figure out it is fixed for PS3 and PS4, but they are working on XBOX and PC versions. If you want more info about it here is the link.
Has there been a solution yet for ps3? The second assassination contract is missing in COROZAL (42,268) and a Naval Contract is missing from the fort near New Bone. It is very frustrating
Same problem can’t fix it
how come my assassin contract i accepted showing no target… there a way i could reset my contract..its really pissing me off cuz i just need 1 contract to get the swordpistol….i hope u message back…
Assassins contracts fail if you do not complete them in a short period after you have taken them. What is the name of the contract that doesn’t show you assassin target?
I’ve got an assassin contract that I accepted a long time ago and now I’m trying to do it and there is no assassin target.
It’s Salt Key Bank’s contract “Shady Business”. Is there a way to cancel the contract so that I can accept it again and finish if finally?
They tend to fail if you do not finish them in a timely manner. You should return to Salt Key Bank assassin contract stand, and accept it again. You might receive ” The Informant” contract this time. After you complete ” The Informant” you can come back and accept the “Shady Business”.
I’ve been to Salt Key Bank lots of times but I’ve never gotten the assassin contract symbol on my map. I accepted the mission when I was learning how to use the ships so I didn’t focus on the contract and I forgot about it until now. It really bothers me to see a contract I didn’t finish because I really want the reward for finishing all the assassin contracts.
do the warehouse and get it out of the way i think. then just die and reset it