Zelda Map of Shrine Locations
Map of all shrine locations in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is something that we realized was missing from our All 120 Shrine Locations guide. When we first wrote that article, it felt natural that we divide them up into regions as we were progressing through the game. After finding all 120, we were so overwhelmed by that fact that we completely forgot to include a map with all of them in one place.
This map is the product of the blood, sweat and tears of our very own esteemed Lokesh. He decided to make it so that you can easily cross-reference it with your in-game map and see if you’re missing any of them. As you can see, he also clearly numbered all the shrines, and we’ve listed all 120 of them below so that you can find them more easily. So, no more division by regions, this is the whole thing in all its glory.

- Keh Namut
- Owa Daim
- Ja Baij
- Oman Au
- Bosh Kala
- Wahgo Katta
- Hila Rao
- Shee Venath
- Ree Dahee
- Shee Vaneer
- Ha Dahamar
- Kam Urog
- Ta’loh Naeg
- Daka Tuss
- Toto Sah
- Lakna Rokee
- Myahm Agana
- Muwo Jeem
- Chaas Qeta
- Yah Rin
- Korgu Chideh
- Kah Yah
- Tawa Jin
- Shoda San
- Qukah Nata
- Shai Utoh
- Pumaaag Nitae
- Ka’o Makagh
- Shae Katha
- Ya Naga
- Ishto Soh
- Shoqa Tatone
- Rota Ooh
- Dah Kaso
- Jee Noh
- Dila Maag
- Key Noh
- Dako Tah
- Daqo Chisay
- Misae Suma
- Raqa Zunzo
- Hawa Koth
- Tho Kayu
- Kema Zoos
- Suma Sahma
- Korsh O’hu
- Kema Kosassa
- Keeha Yoog
- Kuh Takkar
- Sho Dantu
- Sasa Kai
- Joloo Nah
- Monya Toma
- Zalta Wa
- Sheem Dagoze
- Mogg Latan
- Mijah Rokee
- Shae Loya
- Toh Yahsa
- Maag No’rah
- Tena Ko sah
- Akh Va’quot
- Sha Warvo
- Rin Oyaa
- Sha Gehma
- Qaza Tokki
- Hia Miu
- Maka Rah
- Voo Lota
- Dunba Taag
- Gee Ha’rah
- Lamno Kooh
- Rok Uwog
- Goma Asaagh
- Shada Naw
- Bareeda Naag
- Rona Katcha
- Kah Okeo
- Mozo Sheno
- To Quomo
- Keo Ruug
- Maag Halan
- Daag Chokah
- Kuhn Sidajj
- Ketoh Wawai
- Mo’a Keet
- Sah Dahaj
- Tah Muhl
- Mirro Shaz
- Qua Raym
- Kayra Mah
- Daqa Koh
- Shae Mo’sah
- Shora Hah
- Gorae Torr
- Tu Ka’loh
- Zuna Kai
- Tutsuwa Nima
- Katosa Aug
- Ritaag Zumo
- Ze Kasho
- Dah Hesho
- Kah Mael
- Ke’nai Shakah
- Dow Na’eh
- Tahno O’ah
- Jitan Sa’mi
- Mezza Lo
- Rucco Maag
- Shai Yota
- Ne’ez Yohma
- Dagah Keek
- Soh Kofi
- Sheh Rata
- Kaam Ya’tak
- Katah Chuki
- Noya Neha
- Saas Ko’sah
- Namika Ozz
- Kaya Wan
For those that need a reminder, shrines in Breath of the Wild are mini-dungeons. There are 120 of them scattered all across the map. Completing them is absolutely crucial to your in-game progress. Beating them grants you spirit orbs, which you can then use to upgrade your health and stamina. Shrines are tricky little buggers, which is why we’ve included the link to our full Zelda Shrines guide above, where we detail where they are and their solutions.
However, finding some of them can be a puzzle in and of itself. That’s why we’ve created two more guides, with further in-depth instructions. In our Zelda BOTW Kass secret shrines guide, you’ll find out how to solve the obtuse puzzles given to you by the accordion-playing bird-man Kass. Not content with that, Breath of the Wild even has seemingly random NPCs give you weird riddles in the form of stories and rhymes. If you need help solving those, head over to our Zelda BOTW secret shrine locations guide.
Thank you so much you absolute legend