Quake Champions Trailer Introduces New Character - Sorlag
Bethesda released a new trailer for Quake Champions. The video showcases Sorlag, a huntress from the Sorg, a race of warrior reptiles. The character is slow, but very resilient. Her special ability is Acid Spit, which deals damage and applies a poison effect on the target.

Sorlag was first introduced in Quake III Arena, and many old-school fans will be happy to see her return in Quake Champions. Although, it’s questionable just how new a character she is, considering she was also in the closed Beta, but oh well. Like in Quake III Arena, Sorlag is really resilient and can take a lot of punishment. This, however, comes at the cost of speed, so players that prefer agile characters will probably avoid her. Sorlag’s special ability is the Acid Spit, and the description reads:
Sorlag spits streams of acid blogs dealing damage and applying continuous poison effect on any opponent they hit. If the blob hits any surface, it will explode leaving and acid puddle. The puddle will poison any enemy that steps into it.
In Quake Champions lore, Sorlag comes from an alien race of bipedal lizards called the Sorg (very imaginative, I know). The Sorg hunt and devour warm-blooded creatures, and Sorlag was the most prolific flesh-trader. Her clan credited the bountiful hunts to the Haruspex, an oracle of sorts that could open portals to the terrifying Other Place (The Dreamlands, aka the arenas) with a bowl of warmblood guts.
In her hubris, Sorlag stole a forcefield from the warmblods, determined to expose the Haruspex for a fraud. When the ritual began, she leaped to knock the bowl from the oracle’s hand. However, her claws entered the portal, and she watched the bowl of entrails fall to the ground as she was pulled into the Other Place with a shriek. Now stuck in The Dreamlands, Sorlag still hones her skills in battle as she looks for a way out.
You can watch some snippets of Sorlag gameplay in the introduction trailer below.
Quake Champions is now in Closed Beta, and you can sign up for the Beta keys on the official website.