Ghost Recon: Wildlands sets a record for Ubisoft
The “biggest beta phase” in company history ended for Ubisoft on February 27, and the publisher confirmed that more than 6.8 million people participated in the closed and open beta. This has come to be Ubisoft’s modus operandi for testing out online coop games, since The Division beta had 6.4 million players.

What’s in it for the participants? The Unidad Conspiracy bonus, a three-mission exclusive, will be available only to those who participated in the beta, some time after the launch of Wildlands. Granted, of course, that you use the same account as for the beta.
Ubisoft claims that people will have freedom to do whatever they want to finish their missions and that the world will react to their choices. This sounds great, however, online multiplayer games are notoriously difficult to pull off and Ubisoft must be careful not to give too many promises that will be fulfilled only later, or launch with a lot of problems still unsolved, as was the case with The Division. We will make sure to report any errors and workarounds, so be sure to follow our Ghost Recon: Wildlands guides page which will fill up as the launch date approaches.
As has become customary for this publisher, a $10 book is also in the works, published by their book division. It is written by Tom Clancy novel author Richard Dansky and tells the story of how the Ghosts, U.S. Special Forces from the title, met each other prior to the game. Supposedly, a movie is also in the works (and The Division one as well), but if Assassin’s Creed movie was anything to go by, it will be a long wait.
Wildlands release date is March 7, 2017 and it will be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.