FFXV Better Drain Lance Quest

A Better Drain Lance quest is a side quest in Final Fantasy XV. The Drain Lance is a weapon that both Noctis and Ignis can use.
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Noctis can wield a whole arsenal of weapons, and Ignis mostly fights with daggers. Still, both of them can make good use of the Drain Lance, which drains the enemies’ elemental powers. You can upgrade the lance further through the quest. We will show you how to upgrade Drain Lance in this guide.

A Better Drain Lance II Quest in Final Fantasy XVNote: This guide is a work in progress.

FFXV Drain Lance Upgrade

In order to upgrade your weapons, you’ll have to go back to Hammerhead garage in Chapter II. Go find Cid Sophiar. He is the master mechanic, and you can always find him hanging out around the Hammerhead garage. After you talk to him, he’ll eventually tell you that he’s willing to upgrade your machinery weapons, since he’s got nothing better to do.

For the first upgrade, you’ll need to obtain a metal scrap. If you have one, hand the weapon and the scrap over to Cid and he’ll give you back a Drain Lance II and EXP. If not, check out our FFXV Metal Scraps Locations guide.

Drain Lance II Upgrade FFXV

For Cid to be able to upgrade your Drain Lance II, you’ll need to obtain Coeurl Whiskers. To get them, you need to kill coeurls and then pick up the whiskers when they drop. In case you already happen to have the item on you, hand it over to Cid and let him do his magic. If you don’t, check out our FFXV Coeurl Whiskers Locations guide.It might take Cid some time to upgrade your weapon, so you can kill some time by doing other quests or just cruising wherever you want. Once he’s finished tinkering, Cid will give you your improved lance, now with an even higher damage output.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.



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