Gek Optional Conversations | No Man's Sky
Gek conversations are dialogue puzzles in No Man’s Sky. When speaking to Gek aliens, you’ll have several choices to pick from – some yielding rewards, others damaging your interstellar reputation.
If you don’t know a lot of words from the Gek language, it can be tough to figure out what choice is the best. This guide will show you answers to all Gek optional conversations in No Man’s Sky, and their outcomes.

It looks me straight in the eyes, and makes a proposition.
2. Description: The trader seems ill. Its skin is flaking, and its eyes lack a certain luster. It slowly gabbles at me, and as it does its voice croaks.
A strange dry, flat stench fills every corner of the facility. I inspect my exosuit for things I could offer it…
3. Description: The trader looks weak, but somehow cunning. It spins its datapad towards me, and I can see that it’s a multi-tool sales-creature. The prices of its technology blueprints are, however, eye-watering.
It eyes me with a wary interest, waiting to see if I’ll bite…
Answers:Pressure lifeform into accepting less (10 UNITS) – You’ll get a blueprint, but your Gek reputation will decrease. Pay requested amount (1000 UNITS)
4. Description: The trader has been expecting me. It points to itself, opens its arms wide and beams pleasantly. It then points to me, and mimes its concern for my safety.
It then pecks at my exosuit, indicating that it can make my journey more bearable.
5. Description: The small creature is busy adding up trade profits when I appear. Its eyes open wide in anticipation of our first contact, and it rubs its fingers together greedily.
It pecks emphatically at the monetary figures on its pad, then bounces up and down. I can’t help but notice that it smells amazing.
6. Description: The lifeform clucks and gabbles as it studies my equipment. It gently pecks at areas of my exosuit that show wear and tear, then runs its gloved fingers over my multi-tool to look for irregularities and imperfections.
Suddenly staring up at me, it squawks an offer and spins a tablet that shows the cost of its services.
7. Description: The lifeform sits in a foul-smelling funk of its own creation. The trading screen behind ot is empty, the equipment it carries is old and uncared for and its suit barley looks alright.
The demoralized trader looks up at me with hope in its eyes.
8. Description: The Lifeform’s Eyes widen in surprise when I go to talk to It. It leans back, and watches for sudden movements. It’s very clearly never seen anything quite like me before.
I mime that I can’t speak its language and, increasingly reassured, the beaked trader indicates that in exchange for certain elements its willing to help.
9. Description: The trader eyes the facility exit door sadly, as if it had been stuck in here for a while. It reaches down with its beak and dejectedly pecks at its suit’s power cells and life support system.
It looks run down. The lack of chearge means that it’s ill-equipped for the planetary conditions and predators that rage outside.
10. Description: The Trader emits a strong, flowery scent, which quickly enters my exosuit system. I feel overcome with nostalgia for a perfect place I have never visited. I want to sing.
Flushed with Joy, I try to signal my thanks to the trader for this olfactory gift, but it makes clear that it expects something in return.
11. Description: The lifeform is poring over complex starship schematics and holding its breath, but the holographic blueprints look corrupted. Damaged in-flight, perhaps. The forlorn trader, its face smudged by atmospheric dust that somehow breached its ship, looks up to me for help.
12. Description: The trader pulls open a noisy trade vault. A close inspection reveals that it’s full of writhing mollusks. They are pink and slug-like, with sharp bloodied teeth.
The lifeform suggests that inserting one in or around my face would have some benefits. What I can’t quite make out, however, is which orifice it means…
13. Description: The visibly upset lifeform shows me a holographic video of attack craft forcing a trade ship to crash land on this planet’s surface. Footage taken from orbit shows waiting pirates swarm the cargo hold in a haze of plasma rounds.
The trader then points to the elements I’ve mined, and looks concerned – accusatory even. It emits a packet of gas that smells troubled.
14. Description: Images of warrior battle freighters fill the shocked trader’s screen. They dwarf small trader ships as the pass by, like predatory fish innocuously swimming among their prey.
The panicked lifeform points at the trade, storage and resource vaults around our feet and shouts in fear.
15. Description: The trader’s screen blinks angrily with a demand for urgent action. It worriedly shows me a list of items, each with a monetary figure attached. A timer is ticking down.
The lifeform holds its breath, and looks up to me with bulging eyes. It pecks at the sleeve of my exosuit. There are only seconds remaining.
16. Description: The trader is studying a stash of interesting-looking technology and weaponry that’s been dragged through this facility and left inside a disposal vault. It looks at me conspiratorially, and indicates the dangerous-looking symbol that’s daubed on the vault hatch.
The equipment appears rusted and broken on-screen, but if we were to eject it all out onto the floor of the outpost we’d be able to better investigate. The trader looks at me, shrugs and holds its breath.
17. Description: The second the trader goes to greet me it becomes covered from head to foot with arcs of electricity. The blue sparks fade, and it grabs the lapels of my exosuit as if possessed. It screams at me in wild-eyed desperation.
I feel like there’s a 99.9% probability that the frantic motions it’s making towards the products I carry is an indication of what it wants…
18. Description: The air around the beaked lifeform smells foul. It seeps into my exosuit and makes me gag. Noticing my expression, the trader pecks at an element it carries. It breaks the unknown substance into pieces, then swallows each whole.
There is a deep gurgle, and the trader emits a gas packet that smells delightful. The creature wipes its empty hands, and beams at me with pleasure.
19. Description: The trader seems to have recently woken – its eyes are crusty, and its beak is flecked with dried drool. It is very clearly not hard at work…
The lifeform lazily indicates a nearby terminal, upon which a product formula is displayed and is waiting for full input. I am ushered towards it, before the trader closes its eyes briefly to try to get some more sleep.
20. Description: The trader bounces excitedly while it boots up a graph that spins gently in front of me. There are three colored lines-a plunging blue one, a soaring red one and another that’s a fairly flat and uneventful yellow.
The squat little lifeform babbles a little, points to itself and hops from foot to foot. It seems to want to trade items for elements.
21. Description: A mass-mailed corporate messages sit unread on the terminal. Its full of high numbers and seemingly impressive profit margins.the tone seams satisfied, and grated full.
At its foot the employee can choose between one of two mage: – galactic unit account, or a full hold of cargo.
We’re going to update this guide with more conversations as we delve further into the game.
Thanks to James, Justus, Eva Rolloff, Izulien, LynW, Mavrick88, Frostschaden, FunkyHoratio, William, Crav, Kain1356, Chris, Dee, Veny and others for the additional info.

Gek Quest Dialogue
1. Description: I have caught the trader red-handed. Products and elements are pouring out of the facility’s storage vaults, and into its own inventory. Above the gentle buzz of embezzlement that now surrounds us, I can hear the lifeform’s terrified gulps.It looks me straight in the eyes, and makes a proposition.
- Report crime (Gek Valued cusmoter or above) – You’ll get a blueprint and improve your Gek reputation.
- Demand a share
- Demand all stolen goods
2. Description: The trader seems ill. Its skin is flaking, and its eyes lack a certain luster. It slowly gabbles at me, and as it does its voice croaks.
A strange dry, flat stench fills every corner of the facility. I inspect my exosuit for things I could offer it…
- Give water from exosuit’s hydration system – You’ll increase your Gek standing and get a crafting schematic.
- Give food from exosuit’s nutrient system
3. Description: The trader looks weak, but somehow cunning. It spins its datapad towards me, and I can see that it’s a multi-tool sales-creature. The prices of its technology blueprints are, however, eye-watering.
It eyes me with a wary interest, waiting to see if I’ll bite…
4. Description: The trader has been expecting me. It points to itself, opens its arms wide and beams pleasantly. It then points to me, and mimes its concern for my safety.
It then pecks at my exosuit, indicating that it can make my journey more bearable.
- Request help with planetary conditions – This will get you some reputation and a new blueprint.
- Request help with the Sentinels – Gek reputation increase, and Multi-tool.
5. Description: The small creature is busy adding up trade profits when I appear. Its eyes open wide in anticipation of our first contact, and it rubs its fingers together greedily.
It pecks emphatically at the monetary figures on its pad, then bounces up and down. I can’t help but notice that it smells amazing.
- Pat the lifeform on the head – This will decrease your Gek reputation and the alien will refuse to speak to you again.
- Apologise for being unable to help
- Give units (10 UNITS) – This one will increase your Gek reputation and get you a blueprint.
6. Description: The lifeform clucks and gabbles as it studies my equipment. It gently pecks at areas of my exosuit that show wear and tear, then runs its gloved fingers over my multi-tool to look for irregularities and imperfections.
Suddenly staring up at me, it squawks an offer and spins a tablet that shows the cost of its services.
- Pay for exosuit inspection.
- Pay for multi-tool inspection (100 units) – You’ll receive a blueprint and Gek rep.
7. Description: The lifeform sits in a foul-smelling funk of its own creation. The trading screen behind ot is empty, the equipment it carries is old and uncared for and its suit barley looks alright.
The demoralized trader looks up at me with hope in its eyes.
- Refuse to help
- Shake hands
- Give units (10 units) – You’ll get increased standing with the Gek and a blueprint.
8. Description: The Lifeform’s Eyes widen in surprise when I go to talk to It. It leans back, and watches for sudden movements. It’s very clearly never seen anything quite like me before.
I mime that I can’t speak its language and, increasingly reassured, the beaked trader indicates that in exchange for certain elements its willing to help.
- Give isotope (10 carbon) – Learn 2 new Gek words
- Give oxide (10 Iron) – Learn 2 new Gek words
- Give silicate (10 heridium) – Learn 2 new Gek words
9. Description: The trader eyes the facility exit door sadly, as if it had been stuck in here for a while. It reaches down with its beak and dejectedly pecks at its suit’s power cells and life support system.
It looks run down. The lack of chearge means that it’s ill-equipped for the planetary conditions and predators that rage outside.
- Give Silicate element (10 Heridium) – You won’t get anything.
- Give Isotope element (10 Carbon) – You’ll be rewarded with a blueprint and increased Gek reputation.
10. Description: The Trader emits a strong, flowery scent, which quickly enters my exosuit system. I feel overcome with nostalgia for a perfect place I have never visited. I want to sing.
Flushed with Joy, I try to signal my thanks to the trader for this olfactory gift, but it makes clear that it expects something in return.
- Refuse – You’ll receive a new blueprint and a fart.
- Give rare oxide (200 Titanium) – Increased standing with the race.
- Give units (100 Units) – The lifeform will fart in your general direction.
11. Description: The lifeform is poring over complex starship schematics and holding its breath, but the holographic blueprints look corrupted. Damaged in-flight, perhaps. The forlorn trader, its face smudged by atmospheric dust that somehow breached its ship, looks up to me for help.
- Show Deflector Shield blueprints – Your standing with the Gek will increase and you’ll get a blueprint.
- Show Phase Beam blueprints
- Show Pulse Engine blueprints
12. Description: The trader pulls open a noisy trade vault. A close inspection reveals that it’s full of writhing mollusks. They are pink and slug-like, with sharp bloodied teeth.
The lifeform suggests that inserting one in or around my face would have some benefits. What I can’t quite make out, however, is which orifice it means…
- Insert slug in mouth – Nothing happens.
- Insert slug in ear – You’ll learn three Gek words.
- Insert slug in nose – Lose health.
13. Description: The visibly upset lifeform shows me a holographic video of attack craft forcing a trade ship to crash land on this planet’s surface. Footage taken from orbit shows waiting pirates swarm the cargo hold in a haze of plasma rounds.
The trader then points to the elements I’ve mined, and looks concerned – accusatory even. It emits a packet of gas that smells troubled.
- Reassure with Boltcaster – Decrease Gek reputation.
- Reassure with Mining Beam – Increase Gek reputation.
14. Description: Images of warrior battle freighters fill the shocked trader’s screen. They dwarf small trader ships as the pass by, like predatory fish innocuously swimming among their prey.
The panicked lifeform points at the trade, storage and resource vaults around our feet and shouts in fear.
- Open Resource Vault – You’ll get ammunition (carbon), and increase in Gek reputation.
- Open Storage Vault – You’ll get a Multi-Tool Blueprint.
- Open Trade Vault – You’ll get a Multi-Tool.
15. Description: The trader’s screen blinks angrily with a demand for urgent action. It worriedly shows me a list of items, each with a monetary figure attached. A timer is ticking down.
The lifeform holds its breath, and looks up to me with bulging eyes. It pecks at the sleeve of my exosuit. There are only seconds remaining.
- Waive money demand (Gek Best Friend or above) – Blueprint, Gek reputation increase, and Microdensity Fabric item.
- Demand reward, then pay (100 UNITS)
- Pay full amount (100 UNITS) – Blueprint, Gek reputation increase.
16. Description: The trader is studying a stash of interesting-looking technology and weaponry that’s been dragged through this facility and left inside a disposal vault. It looks at me conspiratorially, and indicates the dangerous-looking symbol that’s daubed on the vault hatch.
The equipment appears rusted and broken on-screen, but if we were to eject it all out onto the floor of the outpost we’d be able to better investigate. The trader looks at me, shrugs and holds its breath.
- Remove and examine equipment – Technology Blueprint
- Incinerate equipment – Gek standing increase, 1 900 Credits.
17. Description: The second the trader goes to greet me it becomes covered from head to foot with arcs of electricity. The blue sparks fade, and it grabs the lapels of my exosuit as if possessed. It screams at me in wild-eyed desperation.
I feel like there’s a 99.9% probability that the frantic motions it’s making towards the products I carry is an indication of what it wants…
- Give rare silicate (50 Chrysonite) – Multi-Tool
- Give rare isotope (50 Plutonium) – Exosuit upgrade Blueprint
- Five rare oxide (50 Titanium) – Ship upgrade Blueprint
18. Description: The air around the beaked lifeform smells foul. It seeps into my exosuit and makes me gag. Noticing my expression, the trader pecks at an element it carries. It breaks the unknown substance into pieces, then swallows each whole.
There is a deep gurgle, and the trader emits a gas packet that smells delightful. The creature wipes its empty hands, and beams at me with pleasure.
- Thank with common silicate (10 Heridium) – You’ll receive units.
- Thank with common oxide (10 Iron) – 19 Nanites, Gek reputation increase.
- Thank with common isotope (10 Carbon) – You’ll receive units.
19. Description: The trader seems to have recently woken – its eyes are crusty, and its beak is flecked with dried drool. It is very clearly not hard at work…
The lifeform lazily indicates a nearby terminal, upon which a product formula is displayed and is waiting for full input. I am ushered towards it, before the trader closes its eyes briefly to try to get some more sleep.
- Report Lazy worker (Gek Rank: Friend or above) – Gek reputation increase
- Take product formula – Blueprint
- Input product formula – Microdensity Fabric item
20. Description: The trader bounces excitedly while it boots up a graph that spins gently in front of me. There are three colored lines-a plunging blue one, a soaring red one and another that’s a fairly flat and uneventful yellow.
The squat little lifeform babbles a little, points to itself and hops from foot to foot. It seems to want to trade items for elements.
- Offer Oxide element(10 iron) – Nanites items
- Offer Isotope element(100 carbon) – Multi-Tool
- Offer Silicate element(100 heridium) – Microdensity Fabric item
21. Description: A mass-mailed corporate messages sit unread on the terminal. Its full of high numbers and seemingly impressive profit margins.the tone seams satisfied, and grated full.
At its foot the employee can choose between one of two mage: – galactic unit account, or a full hold of cargo.
- Choose the unit account – Gek standing increase, and Units.
- Chosse ship’s cargo – Gek standing increase, and Blueprint
We’re going to update this guide with more conversations as we delve further into the game.
Thanks to James, Justus, Eva Rolloff, Izulien, LynW, Mavrick88, Frostschaden, FunkyHoratio, William, Crav, Kain1356, Chris, Dee, Veny and others for the additional info.
a Gek alone at a Waypoint with a damaged machine.
Gek speech where he asks “Units! units! Units!”
Clear speech
1. offer units (10 units)
2. offer food through the exosuit
3. leave
1. offer units
clear speech
1. ask him about this area
2. leave
clear speech
A shrill alarm sounds as I approach the strange capsule.
1. touch the screen
2. use the Atlas pass (1 Atlas pass v1) – v1 mandatory. Option is greyed if you have v2 or v3
3. turn off your life support
4. leave
2. use the Atlas pass v1 – I got a Korvax casing
clear speech
1. give the korvax casing
2. keep the korvax casing
2. keep the korvax casing – he is disappointed. nothing else
The merchant has his eyes fixed on a cup filled with a dark and hot liquid…
1 Drink the liquid
2 empty cup
3 offer units for the cup (10 units)
3. I offer units in exchange for the cup, but the merchant offers me some liquid for free. I feel more awake. Gek rep +1
A harsh, reeking stench fills every corner of the facility. The toxic air is even thicker than outside. In inspect my Exosuit for things I could offer this lifeform…
1.) Offer hazard protection (receive 107 nanites; Gek standing increased 1x)
2.) Offer life support (not sure; haven’t tried)
3.) Leave
(After Interceptor update)
I think I got this or something very similar. I don’t know many Gek words yet so the NPCs speach is pretty broken:
The trader seems ill. Their skin is frostbitten and flaked, and their eyes lack a certain lustre. Ice Crystals have formed around their tear ducts.
“friend… life … Gek … help friend… … … … help…”
A strange, flat stench fills every corner of the facility. I inspect my exosuit for things I could offer this lifeform…
1) Offer hazard protection
2) Offer life Support (chose this based on the word “life” that the Gek spoke and Shooter didn’t choose it) – I collect a piece of hose from the floor and dock my life support system with the little alien’s own Exosuit. The relief on their face is plain to see.
The musty odour of the facility is washed away, replaced by a delicate, fragrant perfume, the very scent of gratitude. hands me a valuable reward. (103 Nanites, Gek standing +1. Not that valuable if you ask me.)
3) Leave
Looks like it doesn’t matter what the answer is, you’ll get similar rewards, 100-odd nanites and 1 Gek standing.
The trader is anxious, looking past me as I approach.
trade federation know i uide from them – yengur dearkisk, friend! Yuyden!
1. Take the box – (Get nanite clusters)
2. Refuse the box
2. Refuse the box – he hides the box for not be spotted (nothing)
These are outdated for the current version of no mans sky
Havent seen this one on here or ny orher site so i digured i would throw it up here and try to help….
Something about the trader’s posture makes them feel larger than many I have encountered amongst their species; their eye seem to glow with undaunted power.
“Why do the Korean still walk free? What have you done with out ‘colainu’?”
As my eyes move. It is as if I see two beings standing in the one place: one small, one strong. They glare at me, showing me a handful of metal shards.
Scan the shards
Take the shards
Threaten them
Scane the shards…. I scan the shards, revealing them to be currency used by the Gek over a thousand years ago. The lifeforms eyes me warily. They give me a gift of nanites.
Take the shards….. I take the shards, pleasing the lifeforms. But nothing else happens… all I am left with is useless metal.
I threaten the lifeforms with my multi-tool. They merely smile, giving me a weapon upgrade so that one day I might pose a fair challenge.
The Gek is lazily browsing the trade terminal catalogue, not appearing to be searching for anything in particular. They make a note of a few items that apparently catch their interest, uttering a soft exclamation to themselves.
Join in browsing
Point to highlighted item
Point to random item
Pointing to highlighted item gave me an item
The forlorn trader, their face smudged by a strange oil, looks up to me for help. Perhaps I might share plans from my own starship.
Share photon cannon plans
Share deflector shield plans – got a starship module
Description: The lifeform clucks and gabbles as it studies my equipment. It gently pecks at areas of my exosuit that show wear and tear, then runs its gloved fingers over my multi-tool to look for irregularities and imperfections.
Suddenly staring up at me, it squawks an offer and spins a tablet that shows the cost of its services.
1. Pay for multi-tool inspection (5,000 units) – ?
2. Pay for exosuit inspection (15,000 units) – The lifeform mutters and clucks, jealous of your exosuit. Eventually they move on. The little alien makes a great show of tightening a few loose screws.
a. Demand a refund – ?
b. Leave – end.
greets me cheerily, but has nothing more to say.
If you demand a refund from the gek who tightens the few loose screws, they will give you an exosuit upgrade module.
Nothing about the Gek’s appearance is unusual, and yet some aspect of their presence seems incomplete. It is only when I notice a gland flaring weakly on their neck that I realise they are entirely odourless. [Inhale Deeply]
Trader Ebbamero’s eyes widen with embarrassment. Scrambling to regain their dignity, they begin to secrete an oily substance, and a sweet, subtle fragrance begins to reach me – but is quickly muted by the cold. [Offer sustenance (50 Frozen Tubers) or Offer warmth 200 Carbon)]
Reward the same if give carbon or tubers:
Choose the smell of success (149 nanites)
Choose the smell of dreams (alien monolith detected + Gek relic)
Description: The trader looks weak, but they have a cunning air about them. They spin a datapad towards me, and I see that they’re selling Multi-tool components. The prices, however, are eye-watering.
“Friend! the plantary technology salesgek (haven’t learned) you! a (haven’t learned) technology (haven’t learned) for a (haven’t learned) (haven’t learned)!”
They eye me with a wary interest, waiting to see if I’ll bite…
Pay requested amount (15,000 units): Positive (upgrade module and some gek reputation)
Pressure lifeform into accepting less (5,000 units): Unknown
Leave: Negative (You get nothing)
Missed the first couple paragraphs but here’s a new one.
Description: They eye … seeing if I will take the bait.
Accept (15,000 units)
Force lifeform to accept lesser amount (5,000 units)
Description: The air around the beaked lifeform smells foul. It seeps into my exosuit and makes me gag. Noticing my expression, the trader pecks at an element it carries. It breaks the unknown substance into pieces, then swallows each whole.
There is a deep gurgle, and the trader emits a gas packet that smells delightful. The creature wipes its empty hands, and beams at me with pleasure.
Thank with common metal ( 10 ferrite dust) – increase in gek status
The one where the gek is embezzling and you “caught him red-handed”. Choosing to demand a share gives you 56 pyrite and dialogue for “ you demand a share of his ill-gotten goods, no one will ever know…”
Demanding all of his loot gives you 56 pyrite and a Gravitino ball, you also lose gek reputation. The dialogue goes “You demand all of the gek’a ill-gotten goods. The gek reports the crime and blames it on you…”
It glares at me, showing me a handful of metal shards.
Scan the shards. [10 nanites]
Take the shards. [32 rusted metal]
Threaten them. [Weapon mod – I got class A splitter mod]
The trader looks at me with boggle-eyed curiosity. They click their beak a few times, emit a neutral-scent, and wait for my request.
Offer a gift (1 Gek Charm)
Request dialect help (10 Units)
Ask for directions
*Ask for directions (what we chose)
Trader gave us directions of interest.
Asked to learn a word, he taught us “Docking”
HE was open to conversation, omitting a sweet-smelling gas.
Gave us more directions
He looked at us and made us feel welcome. We left him alone.
So I met this Gek. I forgot to write down the description text and reloading my last save changed it to a different scenario, but the information said something about the Gek looking miserable, and asking for help. The words “help” and “units” also showed up among the deciphered words in the Gek’s opening line. It gave me two options:
– Wave them away
– Give 10 units
Giving them the ten units will have no impact, and if you talk to the Gek again it will start the same scenario again. I tried giving it units several times, but it seems to be an infinite loop that doesn’t impact your standing with the Gek or anything else except your unit count. Choosing “Wave them away” will prompt a message that says the Gek looks even more miserable than before, but this choice will not hurt your standing with the Gek either. It will however close the scenario, so that when you speak to it again you will instead get a standard scenario where you can offer them a gift, ask for dialect help etc.
The Gek holds out a small device. The exact nature of the display is not clear to me, but I recognise the symbol for units, alongside an extremely large number.
Attempt to take units – Nothing happens but the Gek appears delighted
Leave – Nothing happens
A mass-mailed coporate messages sit unread on the terminal . Its full of high numbers and seemingly impressive profit margins.the tone seams satisfied, and grated full.
At its foot the employee can choose between one of twoi mage: – galactic unitaccount, or a full hold of cargo.
Choose the unit account —– 1 213 unit and geek increase
Chosse ship’s cargo ———- lemmium blue print geek increas
The traders fingers slow on it’s pad, and the noise of crunching gears can be heard from inside it. It’s lower beak drops open, and a green bulb on the end of a rare silicate antenna emerges.
The green light focuses on my visor, where a holographic image of a charging device appears. The green bulb flashes while it speaks in the language of the traders. It seems to assume I am a friend.
Report strange behavior
Give isotope(200 plutonium)
Detach silicate antenna
Give isotope grants a Jet pack Booster Sigma blueprint.
Peyushnar Gek monolith
A beak comes out and asks for elements. Give common oxyde (iron) to get increased reputation and blueprint.
The trader bounces excitedly while it boots up a graph that spins gently in front of me. There are three colored lines-a plunging blue one, a soaring red one and another that’s a fairly flat and uneventful yellow.
The squat little lifeform babbles a little, points to itself and hops from foot to foot. It seems to want to trade items for elements.
Offer Oxide element(10 iron)
Offer Isotope element(100 carbon)
Offer Silicate element(100 heridium)
Answer: Offer oxide element
Offer Oxide element (10 Iron) – Offers 19 Nanites
Offer Isotope element (100 Carbon) – Offers a Multi-tool
Offer Silicate element (100 Heridium) – Offers a Microdensity Fabric
The trader seems to have recently woken – its eyes are crusty, and its beak is flecked with dried drool. It is very clearly not hard at work…
The lifeform lazily indicates a nearby terminal, upon which a product formula is displayed and is waiting for full input. I am ushered towards it, before the trader closes its eyes briefly to try to get some more sleep.
Report Lazy worker (Gek Rank: Friend or above) – Gek reputation increase
Take product formula – New product blueprint
Input product formula – 1 Microdensity Fabric
Take product formala —- got a shielding sheet
Take product formula —- got salt refractor blueprint
Images of warrior battle…
The air around the beaked lifeform smells foul. It seeps into my exosuit and makes me gag. Noticing my expression, the trader pecks at an element it carries. It breaks the unknown substance into pieces, then swallows each whole.
There is a deep gurgle, and the trader emits a gas packet that smells delightful. The creature wipes its empty hands, and beams at me with pleasure.
Thank with common silicate (10 Heridium) Pays units (got 1291, it would prefer something else)
Thank with common oxide (10 Iron) 19 Nanites + Gek reputation
Thank with common isotope (10 Carbon) (same as Heridium)
Thank with carbon (15 carbon)
Thank with metal (15 ferrite dust)
Thank with catalyst (10 sodium)
Carbon is the wrong answer (no effect)
Thank with metal (15 ferrite dust) gave +1 Gek standing.
Sodium is also wrong
The second the trader goes to greet me it becomes covered from head to foot with arcs of electricity. The blue sparks fade, and it grabs the lapels of my exosuit as if possessed. It screams at me in wild-eyed desperation.
I feel like there’s a 99.9% probability that the frantic motions it’s making towards the products I carry is an indication of what it wants…
Give rare silicate (50 Chrysonite) – Multi tool
Give rare isotope (50 Plutonium) – Exosuit upgrade blueprint
Five rare oxide (50 Titanium) – Ship upgrade blueprint
The green light focuses on my visor, where a holographic image of a charging device appears…
1) Report strange behavior (suit upgrade)
2) Give isotope (200) plutonium (?)
3) Detach silicate antenna (?)
I chose the “Detach silicate antenna” option. The creature closed its beak and looked at me accusingly and I lost standing with the Korvax but gained a bit of Heridium.
I picked i give fuel 200 carbon and they gave me technology module.
Gave 200 Plutonium and got a ship upgrade.
Number 4. Option “Request help with the Sentinels” gets you rep and a new multi tool. The one I was offered had two slots more than my current at the time, and as many slots as the one on the wall behind the gektoil.
The trader is studying a stash of interesting-looking technology and weaponry that’s been dragged through this facility and left inside a disposal vault. It looks at me conspiratorially, and indicates the dangerous-looking symbol that’s daubed on the vault hatch.
The equipment appears rusted and broken on-screen, but if we were to eject it all out onto the floor of the outpost we’d be able to better investigate. The trader looks at me, shrugs and holds its breath.
-Remove and examine equipment
(Technology Blueprint)
-Incinerate equipment
Incinerate Equipment = 1900 credits, standing with Gek increases
Description: The trader’s screen blinks angrily with a demand for urgent action. It worriedly shows me a list of items, each with a monetary figure attached. A timer is ticking down.
The lifeform holds its breath, and looks up to me with bulging eyes. It pecks at the sleeve of my exosuit. There are only seconds remaining.
Waive money demand (Gek Best Friend or above)
Demand reward, then pay (100 UNITS)
Pay full amount (100 UNITS) (We both get bathed in a pleasant scent; receive blueprint; gain Gek reputation)
I chose “Waive money demand (Gek Best Friend or above)”. The Geck was astonished and grateful, and rewarded me with a blueprint and a Microdensity Fabric.
Wave money received a blu print + gek increased
Description: Images of warrior battle freighters fill the shocked trader’s screen. They dwarf small trader ships as the pass by, like predatory fish innocuously swimming amongst their prey.
The panicked lifeform points at the trade, storage and resource vaults around our feet and shouts in fear.
Open Resource Vault
Open Storage Vault (Received multi-tool blueprint)
Open Trade Vault
What I can decipher(put in caps known vocab for smoother read):
“DESPAIR! VY’KEEN HOSTILITY! Ceketisk radlager! Omis osuhtei! Acer eigild: MULTI-TOOL. STORAGE eigild: ivplacesiki! RESOURCE eigild: aufarsafn!”
Open Trade Vault (Receive new Multi-Tool 24 slot)
Opened “resource vault”.
Obtained ammunition(carbon)
And gained gek standing
Open trade vault— got multitool 13 slot class c
Description: The visibly upset lifeform shows me a holographic video of attack craft forcing a trade ship to crash land on this planet’s surface. Footage taken from orbit shows waiting pirates swarm the cargo hold in a haze of plasma rounds.
The trader then points to the elements I’ve mined, and looks concerned – accusatory even. It emits a packet of gas that smells troubled.
Reassure with Boltcaster. (Lose reputation).
Reassure with Mining Beam. (This is the answer).
Reassure with mining —-gek increased
Description: The trader pulls open a noisy trade vault. A close inspection reveals that it’s full of writhing molluscs. They are pink and slug-like, with sharp bloodied teeth.
The lifeform suggests that inserting one in or around my face would have some benefits. What I can’t quite make out, however, is which orifice it means…
Insert slug in mouth.
Insert slug in ear.
Insert slug in nose. (Extremely pain, lose health).
When I reload the save state the alien question changed completely.
Slug in ear = learn language
Insert slug in ear. + 3 Gek Words
Nothing happens with slug in mouth.
Insert mouth = Nothing happens
The one that asks you to show your Boltcaster or Mining Beam, show the mining beam. Boltcaster scares him and shows you are not to be trusted and you lose Gek Rep.
The lifeform is poring over complex starship schematics and holding it’s breath, but the holographic blueprints look corrupted. Damaged in-flight, perhaps.
The forlorn trader, it’s face smudged by atmospheric dust that somehow breached it’s ship, looks up to me for help.
Show Deflector Shield blueprints (chose this one since he had “dust” and needs a deflector) Gained Gek Rep and a blueprint
Show Phase Beam blueprints
Show Pulse Engine blueprints
Talked 2nd time, picked healing. Talked 3rd time, picked new word. Talked 4th time, picked shield. Talked 5th time, new word again. Talked 6th time, gave me fuel (most carbons back) so half convos are now free. Talked 7th time, new word. Apparently every other time is a new word. Just FYI for vocab players!
The Trader emits a strong, flowery scent, which quickly enters my exosuit system. I feel overcome with nostalgia for a perfect place I have never visited. I want to sing
Flushed with Joy, I try to signal my thanks to the trader for this olfactory gift, but it makes clear that it expects something in return.
Refuse – Senses are punished and gain new technology (Toxin suppressor Sigma in my case)
Give rare oxide (200 Titanium) * Gek is happy… it smells like a beach, a “fair” trade.
Give units (100 Units) – senses are punished nothing happens
I vote for Refusal since you don’t lose anything but do gain the tech.
Follow-Up Convo (20x Carbon)
* Request silicate (Gek Best friend or above)
* Request healing (Gek Valued Customer or above)
* Request new word (Gek Client or above)
Note, I went a 3rd time convo on this one and requested fuel which netted my Carbon back (70 returned 40 spent)
Refuse – This seems to have been changed; I got a decreased standing with Gek and nothing else.
The trader eyes the facility exit door sadly, as if it had been stuckin here for a while. It reaches down with its beak and dejectedly pecks at its suit’s poer cells and life support system.
It looks run down. The lack of chearge means that it’s ill-equipped for the planetary conditions and predators that rage outside.
Give Silicate element (10 Heridium) – looks confused, no reward
Give Isotope element (10 Carbon) – the relieved trader emits a gas packet, gives blueprint and Gek rep.
The Lifeform’s Eyes widen in surprise when I go to talk to It. It leans back, and watches for sudden movements. It’s very clearly never seen anything quite like me before.
I mime that I can’t speak its language and, increasingly reassured, the beaked trader indicates that in exchange for certain elements its willing to help.
Give isotope (10 carbon) * Learn 2 new Gek words
Give oxide (10 Iron) * Learn 2 new Gek words
Give silicate (10 heridium) * Learn 2 new Gek words
I recommend giving isotope since you can talk to this Gek again for 20 carbon and he will give you 100 carbon (so you net 70 carbon)
On the follow up you can request isotope if you are Gek Best Friend or above
healing (Valued Customer or above)
shield recharge (Client or above)
The Isotope option netted me 3 new words~ Don’t know if it’s because of current rep or a difference of being on PC vs ps4 (I’m on PC).
Pink slug like molluscs, answer is ear
The lifeform sits in a foul-smelling funk of it’s own creation. The trading screen behind ot is empty, the equipment it carries is old and uncared for and it’s suit barley looks alright.
The demoralized trader looks up at me with hope in it’s eyes.
•refuse to help
•shake hands
•give units (10 units)/ Blueprint and increased Gek rep
The lifeform clucks and gabbled as it studies my equipment. It gently pecks at areas of my exosuit that show wear and tear, then runs its gloved fingers over my multi-tool to look for irregularities and imperfections.
Suddenly staring up at me, it squawks an offer and spins a tablet that shows the cost of its services.
Answers: pay for exosuit inspection.
Pay for multi-tool inspection (100 units)
Blueprint and gek rep.
The small creature is busy adding up trade profits when I appear. Its eyes open wide in anticipation of our first contact, and it rubs its fingers together greedily.
It pecks emphatically at the monetary figures on its pad, then bounces up and down. I can’t help but notice that it smells amazing.
Pat the lifeform on the head
Apologise for being unable to help
Give units (10 UNITS) – Lifeform is clearly thrilled, you get Gek reputation and he gives you a new blueprint.