How to kill Bruxa boss guide - Witcher 3 Blood and Wine

While completing the quest titled – The Beast of Tousaint you will face the first boss in the Wither 3 Blood and Wine – named Bruxa. The quest will send you to a nearby vineyard Corvo Bianco where you should examine the body kept in the cellar.

bruxa witcher 3
Bruxae are rare creatures with uncanny speed, huge claws and special power that makes them invisible.
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They can easily confuse their opponents and attack you unexpectedly from behind. They are vulnerable against Moon Dust Bombs, Vampire Oil, Black Blood Potions.

How to kill The Bruxa

The fight is not hard if you dodge often and lure her in the Yrden circle. When the fight begins she’ll teleport around the room, often ending up behind you. Since she moves fast and disappears often, use Yrden sign to slow her down, and make her visible when she disappears. When Bruxa is invisible she can’t be attacked. You can also use a Quen with stun. Try dodging her screaming AoE attack because it’s the only high damage attack when she takes human form.

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  1. N
    Nancy Doyle

    This worked great!! Thanks for the advice. Undying setting helped, too! As a 73 year old grandma I wish this setting was REAL.

  2. M
    Michael Chavez

    I’m playing this again now in 2022 and I forgot how I beat her last time. Even tho I have PS5 I still love this game.

  3. R

    It’s actually easy. Here’s the trick.
    There’s a wooden ramp on the side with side rails. I throw a moon bomb at her before I go into the ramp, but it might not be necessary.
    Go into the ramp, and keep yourself surrounded with Yrden. She can only get to you directly from the front, or she can get behind you. But, the rails crowd her in and she can’t maneuver. You just have to keep swinging at her, and keep your health up. If she gets behind you, back up and keep swinging. You’ll wear her down with health to spare.

    1. J
      John Hamilton

      Seeing this now and thank you lol. Still glad to see people playing this in 2022!!

      1. L

        I’m playing now, a 30 years old girl,

    2. B
      Bettina Stahl

      Thanks so much for the advice! I was getting slaughtered.

    3. J
      Joey T

      That saved my bacon! Thank you