Errors & Problems in Halo 5: Guardians
Halo 5: Guardians has just launched, and like with any other big game, people are experiencing issues. Some of them can be solved by simple workarounds, while others are more serious and will require waiting for the developers to fix them.
In this guide, we’re going to show you a list of the most common errors & problems in Halo 5: Guardians and how to solve the ones that can be solved.

Halo 5 slow download speed
Many people who bought the digital version of the game are reporting slow download speeds. A bit of fiddling with network settings might help.- Go to Network Settings.
- Change Primary DNS to
- Change Secondary DNS to
- Enter Advanced Settings and click Alternate MAC.
- Press Clear
Halo 5 REQ service down
“We’re aware of an issue impacting some players’ ability to connection to the Halo 5 REQ service. We are working to address this now.” source Josh HolmesWarzone REQ Pack not showing up
Some of the players who bought the Warzone REQ Bundle are upset their REQ Packs aren’t showing up. This is working as it should be – you’ll be getting two packs each week, until you’ve received all 14.Halo 5 preorder bonuses not showing up
If you’ve preordered the game, you’ll receive some bonuses – armour, skins, helmets, etc. Which ones you receive will depend on where you bought it. But they won’t appear in the game by themselves.- Go to Games and Apps.
- With the cursor over Halo 5, press Start.
- Choose Manage Game.
- Install the Promotional REQ Pack.
- Restart the console.
- Start the game.
- Go to Spartan Hub (press Start).
- Click Requisition, then Open Packs.
Halo 5 online issues
If you’re having any kind of online issues (lag, not being able to connect), there’s several things you could try:- Restart the console.
- Hard reset the console (hold the power button for 6 seconds).
How to play splitscreen in Halo 5
Sadly, you can’t. There’s no way to play with another person on the same console. You can play the campaign in co-op, but only over the Internet.Slow Halo 5 installation from disc
If you’re installing the game from a disc, disconnect from the internet before you begin. If you don’t, it will try to install the game and download the 9 GB patch at the same time, which will slow it down a lot.Halo 5 doesn’t detect Xbox Live Gold
If the game shows you a message saying you don’t have a Gold subscription (and you do), here’s what you could do:- Hard reset the console (hold power button for 6 seconds).
- Delete your gamertag from the console and re-download your profile.
why cant I connect to the halo 5 : guardians lobby service
It didn’t work for warzone and arena.
Hello people, my warzone and arena haven’t been working for over 6 weeks.
It Start’s to search for Spartans and all. But when it gets to stage 4 of loading the game just crashes and quits itself. I’m not sure if it’s the disc or the Xbox but Someone please help me!!!
my halo keeps on saying retrieving data.HOW DO I STOP THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having problems with halo 5. Just finished the mission “Reunion “. Going to the next mission “Swords of sanghelios “. Will not load!! Stuck on loading screen. Tried getting out and loading the mission. Gets stuck. I’ve reset my Xbox. Traded the game at the store. Just about everything! Please help
I keep getting sent back to matchmaking screen halfway through a war zone or arena game… It’s so frustrating, not sure what the problem is but I know it’s not my connection. Please help
I’m having the same problem, cent find any fixes
Halo 5 was working for about 1 day. It took 5 days to download it from the disk but now when I switch it on it is stuck at the start screen – for about 2 weeks now.
All halo stuff is working but I’m having trouble with putting the green warzone req bundle code I got for Christmas can anyone help?
Halo 5 WAS an amazing game. REQ system NEVER loads right, NEVER retrieves fats and NEVER shows post game results. Worked flawlessly for a couple months, then all of the sudden bam, nothing, broken and this is the only game I ever have these consistent issues with. Fix. It. Please!!!!!
I just can’t seem to be able to access the multiplayer in any way, it always tells me theres a server problem but my friends get one easily, anyone else fot this?
I bought a silver pack and only got 1 permanent card. There was supposed to be 2. And yes, there were plenty of common to rare items still locked. So what the the heck. This happens again I am not going to play anymore and i am going to start warning people.
So i got the Fotus Class aror and multiplayer emblem, i entered the code to download them and it started… But a week later i still cant find it and now when i try to use the code it says the code has been used. It doesn’t let me pick the armor from the spartan hub. What can i do to get it?
My achievements won’t pop up when i get them??? Anyone else getting this problem?
I have been having problems non stop with Halo 5.
Can’t confirm Xbox Live account. When clicking on Halo 5 on the main menu it goes to the Halo screen and freezes (screen where Osiris is staring at Blue)
Mulitplayer: Error scrren Can’t connect to Halo 5 Guardians Lobby, happens the first time every time. While playing I redo on screen what I’ve already done, i.e. throw a grenade multiple times, jump to a platform repeatedly, etc.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Halo mulitple times. Turned off/on Xbox. Quit and restarted, etc.
I have also had problems with other games, but not like this. Is the Xbox One this bad or is it Halo 5?
Are the preorder req pack bonuses only available to the first profile who plays Halo 5 on the Xbox, or can each profile get all the special extras that come with my preordered copy?
I think i’m being messed with again, my copy of halo 5 won’t connect to the internet to play multiplayer. I work hard for what little money I get and should be allowed full access to the game I payed for. I just beat the game on normal mode in the campaign thinking it would allow access to the multiplayer. Oh well I suck at halo multiplayer anyway. >.< Nasty people are nasty.
Beauty lol strait after I sent that it started working, took a while but now its running smooth again
Have the same prob too
Halo 5 Requisition Store keeps saying “Retrieving Data” and will not load no matter what I do. It was working for the last 4 days then suddenly not anymore. As a result the game is useless as I do not want to waste my time playing multiplayer to miss out on the rewards for my success. With all do respect.. fix this shit, if this is not solved within the next day or two Ill be returning my Game to EB as ” Brocken” and get my full refund
Well, I have the same problem, and it’s not going away
I unplugged my xbox one, then plugged it back in for a while. Now it works. Lol
I’ve had this issue for the past week now..Have done a ton of console restarts, shut downs, and unplugs. Still nothing has worked. It will sometimes come back just long enough to open one pack then i lose access again. Also can’t pull req’s out in warzone..So close to Rage-Quitting
so i bought the disc and installed the game but when i started the game it would crash my xbox BEFORE i could get to the title screen,i wouldnt get an error message, it would just reset my xbox completely. i tried hard resetting my xbox and that didnt work, i uninstalled Halo 5 and reinstalled it again, that didnt work either so i took the game back to gamestop and i bought the digital version. after the digital version was done installing i tried to play again and the same thing happens, the game doesnt get to the title screen and it crashes and resets my xbox, i do another hard reset and still nothing, i uninstall it again and reinstall it and yet again i cant even get to the title screen.
Ive looked all over the internet for help with this problem and i cant find anything. hard resetting and uninstalling then reinstalling does NOT work
If anyone knows how to fix this please share.
Contact me please if you get an answer! I am stuck here also. Gamertag is. Q nad
i was thrown inside a structure , now I can’ t leve , I’m stuck, even if I resume I get to the same point , this is realy bad I’m really desaponted
halo 5 disc install keeps stopping. getting error code for item is corrupt. tried everything including talking support at xbox. nothing seems to work. this is very frustrating just want to play the game but cant get that far