Thou Shalt Not Pass
Thou Shalt Not Pass is a secondary quest that sees you acquiring a transit pass in order to go through Redanian Border points. The only way to do this is to get the black market pass from a nearby merchant during the quest Fake Papers
Key Facts | |
Level: | 7 |
Location: | Velen |
Category: | Side Quest |
Reward: | Access to Redanian territory
Related: | Fake Papers |
Quest Text
The Redanian army had placed blockades on the crossings of the Pontar, something which at one point proved quite inconvenient to the witcher.
The guards refused to let him cross without showing a special pass issued by high command.
Starting NPC
Additional Info
When you try to cross the Pontar river using a bridge, the Redanian soldiers will turn you back. You need a pass.
Following contains quest spoilers. You’ve been warned
Acquire a pass granting permission to cross the Pontar.
You will have two choices when you first talk to the soldier. What it boils down to is that you need to go to the black market merchant and do his Fake Papers quest.
Choice 1
(10) I’m sure we can figure something out
Giving the guard 10 crowns won’t get you anywhere and you only get 1XP
Choice 2
Use the pass to cross the Pontar.

I got those passes plus u can get a real pass to cross the bridge by completing the contract from tavar eggebracht in the NG army group center camp. I think its patrol gone missing
I refused the offer from the merchant then failed the protection quest. After that I couldn’t talk to the merchant and now I’ve done this part with the guard I can’t even find the merchant where the mission marker is. Any help?
Just swim across the river.
If you do the notice board quest about the wood beast you will receive a free pass from the guard. I have another free pass from the Bloody Baron. If you chose not to kill the spooky child you will eventually find out some info about Tamara which will lead in you having a pass in order to go and talk to her. its kind interconneted the whole world of the witcher :). have fun