Destiny New Update Brings Weekly Heroic Matchmaking
Finding people to raid with can be problematic – school, work and life in general often get in the way of a couple of friends just trying to blast their way to some nice loot. That’s mainly where Destiny’s 1.1.1.
update is supposed to help. Weekly Heroic Strike is going to get its own matchmaking system, which will let you play with strangers of the appropriate level if none of your friends are around.
Over on Bungie’s blog, lead designer M.E.Cheng explains: “We wanted the Weekly Heroics to be a challenge that pushed you and your buddies, but what we observed was that these strikes don’t demand the same cooperation of a cohesive pre-made group. The overwhelming community response was such that many players didn’t have the numbers on their friends list to experience the activity on a weekly basis.”
After the update, you won’t be able to solo Weekly Heroic, either. No changes will be made to Nightfall or the Raids, although Cheng admits they see the problem many people have with finding Raid groups, and assures us that they’re looking for an adequate solution.
The update should go live near the end of February. Here’s a list of miscellaneous additions it will bring:

After the update, you won’t be able to solo Weekly Heroic, either. No changes will be made to Nightfall or the Raids, although Cheng admits they see the problem many people have with finding Raid groups, and assures us that they’re looking for an adequate solution.
The update should go live near the end of February. Here’s a list of miscellaneous additions it will bring:
Source: Bungie
- Xûr will stop forgetting to bring his Exotic engrams when he visits us from… wherever Xûr is from.
- Iron Banner will work as previously promised, with a greater variety of maps in rotation as well as a couple of new Bounties that give you more control over which weapon you can use to complete them – and we were hoping that one would have arrived before the current event.
- Strikes and Crucible Maps will be less likely to repeat themselves when you stay in a matchmaking playlist with your Fireteam.
- Grimoire Cards will drop when you expect them to.