Alone in the Dark Kitchen Garden Puzzle, Water Hose & Bucket Solution

To be able to progress in Alone in the Dark, you will need to solve all manner of puzzles. Often, these can be very difficult to figure out. For example, near the beginning of the game, you will find a bucket at the bottom of the well in the Kitchen Garden. Obviously, you need to somehow get what’s inside of it, but how? Things will only get even more complicated once you find a Water Hose nearby. If this puzzle has got you stumped, here’s the complete Alone in the Dark Kitchen Garden Puzzle, Water Hose and Bucket Solution.

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Alone in the Dark Kitchen Garden Puzzle, Water Hose & Bucket Solution
Alone in the Dark Kitchen Garden Puzzle, Water Hose & Bucket Solution

How to Solve Kitchen Garden Puzzle in Alone in the Dark – Water Hose & Bucket

When you get to the Kitchen Garden, you are going to notice several important things there. Namely, a conspiciously chained shed door, and a hole with a bucket at the bottom and a water hose leading to it. If you try to turn on the water hose, you will soon learn that you can’t do this, as there is a section of the water hose missing. Obviously, you need to get more water hose. To do this, you are first going to have to open the chained shed there. And for this, you will need Bolt Cutters. We have explained how and where to get Bolt Cutters here.

Once you have the Bolt Cutters in hand, go back to the Kitchen Garden and use them to open the chained door. Inside you will find the Water Hose you need. Go to the hole with the bucket and use the Water Hose there to have it go down the hole. Now you need to turn on the water. Follow the water hose until it leads you to a water faucet. Turn it on and go back to the hole. You will see that the bucket has floated to the top. Pick up the item in the bucket – a Broken Plate. If you still have questions on how to do this, below you can see our video which shows this entire puzzle from beginning to end.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.


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