Fenglope Breeding Combos, Location, Drops and Skills | Palworld

Fenglope is a Neutral Pal in Palworld. In ages past, its beautiful visage was a common sight in paintings. As time passed, its beautiful pelt and antlers were often seen in works of art.

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Palworld Fenglope
Fenglope screenshot by Gosunoob.com ©
Fenglope Palworld Paldeck Pal Icon
Paldeck No.#093
ElementPal Element Neutral Icon
Work Suitability
  • Lumbering Lv. 2
Wind and Clouds
Can be ridden. Can double jump while mounted.

Possible Drops

Fenglope has 2 drops. These are usually crafting materials. Some Pals also drop upgrade items or even weapons.

  • 3x Leather 100%
  • 2x Horn 100%

Fenglope Location – Where to Find and Capture Fenglope in Palworld?

Some Pals can be found only during nighttime. Others are available only as bosses. Some rare Pals become available in Wildlife Sanctuaries after you defeat them as bosses. The screenshot of the map below shows orange dots for daytime pals, blue dots for nighttime pals, and map locations for bosses.

Fenglope Map Location in Palworld
Screenshot captured by Gosunoob.com ©

How to Get Fenglope from Breeding?

There are 184 ways to breed Fenglope. Bellow are the first 10 of them listed. You need the parents to be of different genders and be the specified Pals.

Parent 1Parent 2
Lamball Icon#1 LamballCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Lamball Icon#1 LamballAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Lamball Icon#1 LamballKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Lamball Icon#1 LamballWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Click here to show the remaining 173 breeding combos
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiIce Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice Kingpaca
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkPenking Icon#11 Penking
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Fuack Icon#6 FuackVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Fuack Icon#6 FuackBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeKatress Icon#75 Katress
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Penking Icon#11 PenkingVixy Icon#14 Vixy
Penking Icon#11 PenkingMau Cryst Icon#24B Mau Cryst
Penking Icon#11 PenkingHangyu Icon#32 Hangyu
Penking Icon#11 PenkingHangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu Cryst
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossKatress Icon#75 Katress
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Vixy Icon#14 VixyCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Vixy Icon#14 VixyGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Vixy Icon#14 VixyAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantSibelyx Icon#79 Sibelyx
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoIncineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram Noct
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoAnubis Icon#100 Anubis
Cremis Icon#18 CremisCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Cremis Icon#18 CremisGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Cremis Icon#18 CremisAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Cremis Icon#18 CremisWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Nox Icon#21 NoxArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Nox Icon#21 NoxFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Nox Icon#21 NoxPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Fuddler Icon#22 FuddlerTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Mau Icon#24 MauCinnamoth Icon#41 Cinnamoth
Mau Icon#24 MauKingpaca Icon#89 Kingpaca
Mau Icon#24 MauWumpo Icon#91 Wumpo
Mau Icon#24 MauWumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo Botan
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayGobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin Ignis
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlEikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer Terra
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlDumud Icon#43 Dumud
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaVanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm Cryst
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuSurfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent Terra
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystGrintale Icon#52 Grintale
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Dumud Icon#43 DumudGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Dumud Icon#43 DumudBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Dumud Icon#43 DumudVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisDinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom Lux
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonRobinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill Terra
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Galeclaw Icon#47 GaleclawLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Robinquill Icon#48 RobinquillLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Swee Icon#53 SweeVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Swee Icon#53 SweeBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Swee Icon#53 SweeBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Foxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Rayhound Icon#60 RayhoundDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Kitsun Icon#61 KitsunLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisBroncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry Aqua
Dinossom Icon#64 DinossomMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFlambelle Icon#70 Flambelle
Surfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent TerraFlambelle Icon#70 Flambelle
Lovander Icon#69 LovanderFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleElphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran Aqua
Katress Icon#75 KatressKelpsea Icon#81 Kelpsea
Katress Icon#75 KatressKelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea Ignis
Wixen Icon#76 WixenPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Kelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Kelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisBlazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl Noct

Fenglope Breeding Combos

Bellow is the list of all possible Fenglope breeding combos. This means that when you combine Fenglope with any of the bellow listed Pals you’ll get the specified child Pal. Gender of parents is inconsequential as long as they have different genders.

Parent 1Parent 2Child
Pengullet Icon#10 PengulletFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Jolthog Cryst Icon#12B Jolthog CrystFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Tocotoco Icon#27 TocotocoFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWixen Icon#76 Wixen
Foxparks Icon#5 FoxparksFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Sparkit Icon#7 SparkitFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Hoocrates Icon#15 HoocratesFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Flambelle Icon#70 FlambelleFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeWoolipop Icon#34 Woolipop
Mozzarina Icon#29 MozzarinaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Caprity Icon#35 CaprityFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Eikthyrdeer Icon#37 EikthyrdeerFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Click here to show the remaining 107 breeding combos
Loupmoon Icon#46 LoupmoonFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Lovander Icon#69 LovanderFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLoupmoon Icon#46 Loupmoon
Melpaca Icon#36 MelpacaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Reindrix Icon#59 ReindrixFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeCaprity Icon#35 Caprity
Lifmunk Icon#4 LifmunkFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Vixy Icon#14 VixyFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Mau Cryst Icon#24B Mau CrystFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Hangyu Icon#32 HangyuFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Hangyu Cryst Icon#32B Hangyu CrystFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDazzi Icon#62 Dazzi
Jolthog Icon#12 JolthogFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeNox Icon#21 Nox
Depresso Icon#17 DepressoFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeNox Icon#21 Nox
Gobfin Icon#31 GobfinFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Cawgnito Icon#44 CawgnitoFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Beegarde Icon#50 BeegardeFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGaleclaw Icon#47 Galeclaw
Killamari Icon#23 KillamariFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Flopie Icon#28 FlopieFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Kelpsea Ignis Icon#81B Kelpsea IgnisFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRushoar Icon#20 Rushoar
Teafant Icon#16 TeafantFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDaedream Icon#19 Daedream
Mau Icon#24 MauFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDaedream Icon#19 Daedream
Robinquill Terra Icon#48B Robinquill TerraFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeVerdash Icon#77 Verdash
Eikthyrdeer Terra Icon#37B Eikthyrdeer TerraFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Dumud Icon#43 DumudFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLovander Icon#69 Lovander
Nox Icon#21 NoxFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeCawgnito Icon#44 Cawgnito
Tanzee Icon#8 TanzeeFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Gumoss Icon#13 GumossFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Daedream Icon#19 DaedreamFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLunaris Icon#63 Lunaris
Celaray Icon#25 CelarayFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Digtoise Icon#67 DigtoiseFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Broncherry Icon#86 BroncherryFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeEikthyrdeer Icon#37 Eikthyrdeer
Blazehowl Icon#84 BlazehowlFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDigtoise Icon#67 Digtoise
Bristla Icon#30 BristlaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Ribbuny Icon#39 RibbunyFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeMaraith Icon#66 Maraith
Direhowl Icon#26 DirehowlFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Vaelet Icon#78 VaeletFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRobinquill Icon#48 Robinquill
Gorirat Icon#49 GoriratFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFelbat Icon#94 Felbat
Rushoar Icon#20 RushoarFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Leezpunk Ignis Icon#45B Leezpunk IgnisFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Maraith Icon#66 MaraithFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDirehowl Icon#26 Direhowl
Gobfin Ignis Icon#31B Gobfin IgnisFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Lunaris Icon#63 LunarisFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGorirat Icon#49 Gorirat
Woolipop Icon#34 WoolipopFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Dazzi Icon#62 DazziFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGobfin Icon#31 Gobfin
Vanwyrm Cryst Icon#71B Vanwyrm CrystFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeChillet Icon#55 Chillet
Rooby Icon#9 RoobyFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Wixen Icon#76 WixenFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBeegarde Icon#50 Beegarde
Petallia Icon#87 PetalliaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeReindrix Icon#59 Reindrix
Foxcicle Icon#57 FoxcicleFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeCelaray Icon#25 Celaray
Fuack Icon#6 FuackFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRooby Icon#9 Rooby
Dinossom Lux Icon#64B Dinossom LuxFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDumud Icon#43 Dumud
Arsox Icon#42 ArsoxFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Chillet Icon#55 ChilletFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeMelpaca Icon#36 Melpaca
Lamball Icon#1 LamballFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFuddler Icon#22 Fuddler
Cattiva Icon#2 CattivaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFuddler Icon#22 Fuddler
Cremis Icon#18 CremisFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFuddler Icon#22 Fuddler
Chikipi Icon#3 ChikipiFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGumoss Icon#13 Gumoss
Broncherry Aqua Icon#86B Broncherry AquaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeMozzarina Icon#29 Mozzarina
Cinnamoth Icon#41 CinnamothFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Azurobe Icon#82 AzurobeFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Kingpaca Icon#89 KingpacaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Wumpo Botan Icon#91B Wumpo BotanFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeRayhound Icon#60 Rayhound
Univolt Icon#56 UnivoltFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Blazehowl Noct Icon#84B Blazehowl NoctFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeKitsun Icon#61 Kitsun
Rayhound Icon#60 RayhoundFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Tombat Icon#68 TombatFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBroncherry Icon#86 Broncherry
Surfent Icon#65 SurfentFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Surfent Terra Icon#65B Surfent TerraFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Elphidran Icon#80 ElphidranFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFoxcicle Icon#57 Foxcicle
Penking Icon#11 PenkingFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Grintale Icon#52 GrintaleFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Elphidran Aqua Icon#80B Elphidran AquaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeTombat Icon#68 Tombat
Incineram Noct Icon#40B Incineram NoctFenglope Icon#93 FenglopePetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeAnubis Icon#100 AnubisPetallia Icon#87 Petallia
Incineram Icon#40 IncineramFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeArsox Icon#42 Arsox
Leezpunk Icon#45 LeezpunkFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeVaelet Icon#78 Vaelet
Kelpsea Icon#81 KelpseaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLeezpunk Icon#45 Leezpunk
Vanwyrm Icon#71 VanwyrmFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeDinossom Icon#64 Dinossom
Mossanda Icon#33 MossandaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Sibelyx Icon#79 SibelyxFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Ice Kingpaca Icon#89B Ice KingpacaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Wumpo Icon#91 WumpoFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBlazehowl Icon#84 Blazehowl
Mossanda Lux Icon#33B Mossanda LuxFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Ragnahawk Icon#74 RagnahawkFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFaleris Icon#105 FalerisUnivolt Icon#56 Univolt
Nitewing Icon#38 NitewingFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeKatress Icon#75 Katress
Sweepa Icon#54 SweepaFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeKatress Icon#75 Katress
Elizabee Icon#51 ElizabeeFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Reptyro Icon#88 ReptyroFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Warsect  Icon#92 Warsect Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeQuivern Icon#95 QuivernVanwyrm Icon#71 Vanwyrm
Mammorest Icon#90 MammorestFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Mammorest Cryst Icon#90B Mammorest CrystFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeJormuntide Icon#101 JormuntideBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeJormuntide Ignis Icon#101B Jormuntide IgnisBushi Icon#72 Bushi
Beakon Icon#73 BeakonFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Ice Reptyro Icon#88B Ice ReptyroFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeHelzephyr Icon#97 HelzephyrIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeGrizzbolt Icon#103 GrizzboltIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeLyleen Noct Icon#104B Lyleen NoctIncineram Icon#40 Incineram
Cryolinx Icon#83 CryolinxFenglope Icon#93 FenglopeSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeOrserk Icon#106 OrserkSurfent Icon#65 Surfent
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeBlazamut Icon#96 BlazamutAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeSuzaku Aqua Icon#102B Suzaku AquaAzurobe Icon#82 Azurobe
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeSuzaku Icon#102 SuzakuPenking Icon#11 Penking
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeShadowbeak Icon#107 ShadowbeakPenking Icon#11 Penking
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeFrostallion Noct Icon#110B Frostallion NoctElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeJetragon Icon#111 JetragonElphidran Icon#80 Elphidran
Fenglope Icon#93 FenglopeAstegon Icon#98 AstegonAnubis Icon#100 Anubis

Palworld Fenglope Active Skills

Fenglope has 7 active skills beside his primary partner skill Wind and Clouds.

Skill NameSkill DescriptionUnlock Lv.
Air CannonQuickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.1
Aqua GunHurls a ball of water straight at an enemy.7
Cloud TempestFenglope‘s exclusive skill. Charges forward while manipulating the atmosphere to create a pressurized wind tunnel around itself.15
Acid RainCreates acidic clouds that pour down acid rain on enemies.22
Aqua BurstCreates a giant ball of water and hurls it at an enemy.30
Blizzard SpikeCreates a giant lump of ice and hurls it at an enemy. It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.40
Pal BlastCharges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.50
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