Warcraft Rumble Best Bloodmage Thalnos Deck for Gnomeregan
If you are looking for the best Bloodmage Thalnos deck in Warcraft Rumble, read on. It’s the Undead week in Warcraft Rumble, and that means you will be able to level up army slots for Sylvanas, Baron Rivendare, and our little skeleton mage friend. In this guide, we provide a deck list for the best Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos build, including the best spells and troops to play with him.

The Best Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos Builds for Gnomeregan Dungeon
Hearthstone veterans among you know that Bloodmage Thalnos is all about spells. And it’s exactly the same story in Warcraft Rumble. Thalnos’ power comes from your ability to protect him for a prolonged amount of time on the battlefield. His leader ability is called “Dark Ritual”, and it gives Thalnos 1 Level for each Spell you play while he’s on the map until his death. With proper timing and combination, he can become an unstoppable death machine, deleting enemy troops in a second. Naturally, the big focus of this build is on spells. Given that this is a DPS-focused build, we want to focus on the damage-dealing spells. Hence, without further ado, here’s the best PvE Bloodmage Thalnos in Warcraft Rumble for the Gnomeregan Dungeon.
Warcraft Rumble Thalnos List (Gnomeregan Dungeon)
- Abomination – A massive chunky tank that will protect Thalnos while he’s blasting shadow magic bolts from behind and deleting enemies. His hook will ensure that trouble-making enemy backline minis will be dealt with. It is essential to time your attack with Abomination in front of Thalnos properly. Because, without protection, Thalnos will die quickly, and you will not be able to gain value. Noxious Presence is the all-around best talent, but it is not necessary for this Bloodmage Thalnos deck.
- Ghoul – It is one of the most efficient tanks in the game when we look at the pure ratio of HP and gold cost. For just 2 Gold, you can deploy this little dude whenever needed to either protect your base from an enemy push or lead the attack in front of Thalnos if you can not afford Abomination at that moment.
- Arcane Blast – Arcane Blast is one of those spells I like to fit into many decks due to its flexibility. And its modularity comes especially handy with Thalons. Arcane Blast triggers Thalnos’ leader ability for each consecutive instance. This means you can quickly level up Thalons to insane levels. Try to always save Arcane Blast for this specific combo. Nevertheless, don’t shy away from using it even without the combo, when the situation requires it.
- Frostwolf Shaman – Frostwolf Shaman is my favorite Mini in the game, but only after you unlock the Earth Shield talent. If you manage to land the shield on Abomination, it will become almost unkillable. That’s the goal. However, it will have value even if you put it on Bloodmage Thalnos or Ghoul. Just make sure to position Frostwolf Shaman properly when deploying so that her shield lands on the target which you want and that she then follows the shielded troop and heals it.
- Holy Nova – A relatively cheap utility spell that can both finish off almost-dead enemy troops and heal yours in the process. It usually works best with a swarm build, but it will work just fine here as well. Don’t be afraid to use it only to heal one minion or to finish off a single opponent. Look for more value if possible, but don’t hesitate too much.
- Chain Lightning – A superb cheap spell that can quickly deal with a swarm of smaller opponents and squad units, especially if they are armored, such as Footmen. For this Bloodmage Thalnos deck, we will mostly use this spell to quickly clear an incoming wave or to buff Thalnos during an attack.