Is Terrakion Good in Pokemon GO?
If you’re wondering whether Terrakion is good in Pokemon GO, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to break down all the important details on Terrakion, like weaknesses and resistances, the best moveset, and whether this Legendary is worth raiding for. Considering the Pokemon will be in five-star Raids in late November 2023, this is going to be useful info. Let’s jump right in!

Pokemon GO Is Terrakion Good?
Yes, Terrakion is good in Pokemon GO, and it’s best used with a Fighting build. Well, let’s break it down a bit more. This is a dual Rock- and Fighting-type Pokemon. It has seven weaknesses – Steel, Fighting, Water, Ground, Psychic, Grass and Fairy, all of which deal 160% damage. When it comes to resistances, they include Poison, Normal, Bug, Rock, Fire and Dark, which deal 63%. Next, the moveset. Terrakion can have the following Quick Moves: Zen Headbutt (Psychic), Smack Down (Rock) and Double Kick (Fighting). Charged Moves include Earthquake (Ground), Rock Slide (Rock), Close Combat (Fighting) and Sacred Sword (Fighting, Elite). I would recommend going with a full Fighting build, with Double Kick and Sacred Sword. The full Rock build, with Smack Down and Rock Slide, is also fine, but Rhyperior and Rampardos are far superior and more cost-effective.
So, yeah, that’s what Terrakion is good for in Pokemon GO. Let’s be honest, it’s the only one that’s worth a damn in the Terrakion / Virizion / Cobalion trio. The other two are borderline useless in Pokemon GO specifically; they were fine in their own game, but GO has way more options. And that’s basically all you need to know as far as this guide goes. Oh, and Terrakion can be shiny, and you’ll tell the difference really easily; the color palette is completely different. Just another thing to keep in mind if you plan to raid for Terrakion from November 23rd to November 30th, 2023. I wish you the best of luck!