Warcraft Rumble Big Red Button Explained
What’s the purpose of the Big Red Button in Warcraft Rumble? After more than half a year in limited-launch testing, Warcraft Rumble is now finally available worldwide. The mobile real-time strategy is quickly gaining popularity due to it’s fun and addictive tactical gameplay, Warcraft theme and challenging PvE missions in the campaign. In this guide, we explain how and when to use the recycle button and everything else you need to know about it.

What Does Big Red Button Do in Warcraft Rumble
Let’s first start with the explanation. What the hell is this button, and what does it do? In Warcraft Rumble, your main way to progress, build your collection and upgrade your troops is via the G.R.I.D (hereinafter only GRID). The GRID is a 3×3 board where players can purchase new Minis, Talents, and Leaders and increase their rarity levels. These offerings are presented in rows and columns. And whenever you buy something, both the row and the column where that Mini was will reset. However, there are situations where you will not be satisfied with everything currently offered. In these cases, you have two options.
The first one is to wait 24 hours (or less, depending on when you are looking at the GRID) when the top two rows will be replaced with new options. The game calls this “next recombobulation”, and it shows you the time left until the switch happens. Alternatively, you can use the Warcraft Rumble Big Red Button and completely reset the GRID. Using the Big Red Button will “explode” the GRID, erasing all previous offers. Consequently, it will present you with a new set of offers randomly placed on the GRID. Hence, that’s the main and only use of the button in the game.
How to Get More GRID Recycles
You will be able to get the Big Red Button in Warcraft Rumble as rewards for completing various missions in the campaign, daily quests, as a part of various daily offerings in the Shop, as rewards for progressing your overall level, and in many other ways. It’s important to note that you are not obligated to use your buttons immediately. Rather, you can save them for when you need them. We don’t know if there’s an upper limit. However, we do know that some players reported having over 30 Big Red Buttons stacked. Hence, we think that there’s no cap or that the cap is 99.
How to Use the Big Red Button in Warcraft Rumble
We recommend using the Big Red Button only when you are absolutely sure that you want to reset the grid and if there are more than 12 hours until the next natural GRID reset. However, you should start using them only after you complete your whole collection. Early in the game, while you are completing your Minis collection, you will generally want to buy every new Mini offered. That’s because the most important thing is to have all the units collected. Hence, we advise using the Big Red Button in Warcraft Rumble later in the game. When you want to upgrade the rarity of specific Minis, and you are fishing for them in the GIRD. With that said, that’s all you need to know. If you have any further questions, ask us in the comments section!