GW2 Candy Corn Gobbler Halloween 2023
“Shadow of the Mad King” is the Guild Wars 2 Halloween 2023 event which is going to run from October 17th until November 7th, 2023. During this event, you will be able to partake in many Halloween-themed activities in the game. And of course, what would Halloween be without candy? Or, more specifically, without the Candy Corn Gobbler in GW2. If you are wondering how to get the Candy Corn Gobbler in GW2 Halloween 2023, we are here to answer all the questions you may have about it.

How to Get Candy Corn Gobbler GW2
The only way to get the Candy Corn Gobbler in Guild Wars 2 is through the Candy Corn Gobbler Pack. You can buy the Candy Corn Gobbler Pack from the Gem Store for 300 Gems. When you click on it, you will receive x15 candy corn and the Candy Corn Gobbler itself. But, as we’ll see in the next section, the Candy Corn Gobbler appears to be missing from the Gem Store for some players.
GW2 Candy Corn Gobbler Missing from Gem Store Issue
For whatever reason, the Candy Corn Gobbler isn’t appearing when you search for it in the Gem Store. But don’t worry, it is there. To find it, go to the utility or pomotion section, and scroll down until you see it. Do this slowly so that you don’t miss it by accident. Once you find it, purchase it for 300 Gems.
Is GW2 Candy Corn Gobbler Worth It?
Before answering this, you need to be aware of how the Candy Corn Gobbler actually works. To begin with, you can only use it every five seconds, and Candy Corn which it uses needs to be physically in your inventory to do so. Also, you can’t use it while you are in combat, mounted, underwater, in instances, or in PvP. It provides you with several random boosts and transformations. So to answer whether or not it is worth it – this comes down entirely on your own preferences. Personally, we think it’s a fun enough item that provides a lot of temporary bonuses. As such, we think that the GW2 Candy Corn Gobbler Pack is worth it.