How to Get Goblin Builder CoC
A recent Clash of Clans update added a new builder to the game, called the Goblin Builder. During the Goblin Builder event, and if you meet certain prerequisites, you will be able to get this foreman to help you with extra research tasks and upgrades. But what if the Goblin Builder is not showing up for you? In this guide, we are going to answer both how to get the Goblin Builder in CoC, as well as whether or not you can do something to fix the game if it is missing.

How to Get Goblin Builder in Clash of Clans
In order to get the Goblin Builder in Clash of Clans, you will first need to reach Level 7 for your Town Hall. Then, once the Goblin Builder event itself starts, make sure that all five of your other Builders (not including B.O.B.) are busy working on their own activities. When they are too busy, the Goblin Builder is then going to appear and offer you a helping hand. Also, note that the Goblin Builder isn’t permament. They’ll only stick around as long as the Work for Hire! event is underway.
CoC Goblin Builder Not Showing Up
There are a couple of reasons why the Goblin Builder is not showing up in your game. First of all, make sure that your Town Hall is Lvl 7, and that all of your Builders (minus B.O.B.) are busy. You also need to actually have something that you can build for the Goblin Builder to show up. One other reason that the Goblin Builder is missing could be because you are upgrading your Goblin Hut. Once that is done, he should arrive. Lastly, this could be because your need to install a CoC update. Check your device and if that is the case – install it. You can likewise try to clear your CoC app cache.