AC Mirage Stealing the Ledger Key in The Master Thief of Anbar

The Master Thief of Anbar is the name of the first real mission in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. This mission acts as a sort of tutorial that is going to teach you a lot about the game, including the way that stealth works. After all, a true Assassin (even though you are not one just yet) needs to be quiet, discreet, and crafty. Your goal here is to steal a Ledger and then bring it back to Dervis. But there is a problem here – a locked door that is preventing you from doing so. Here’s how and where you can get the key for the door needed for stealing the Ledger in The Master Thief of Anbar in AC Mirage.

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AC Mirage Stealing the Ledger Key in The Master Thief of Anbar
AC Mirage Stealing the Ledger Key in The Master Thief of Anbar

How to Unlock the Door in Stealing the Ledger in The Master Thief of Anbar AC Mirage

When you get to this door and interact with it, Basim is going to say that it is locked. He will also claim that this is but a minor delay. A pop-up message is then going to say that locked doors such as this can only be opened with a specific key. A nearby guard has this key and you can either pickpocket it from them, or knock them out and then loot it from their body. Note that, at this point in the game, you still don’t have a weapon. You are a thief, and not yet an Assassin. So open combat with the guards is not really an option right now. Meaning that you need to use stealth and subterfuge to get your hands on the key.

So, where is the key for the locked door in stealing the Ledger key? Luckily, the location of The Master Thief of Anbar key is close nearby. Specifically, it is in the building right next to the locked door. There are several guards near it, and while you can sneak past them, it’s probably safer to stealthily knock them out. Carefully take care of them one by one and make sure that you have placed their bodies where they can’t be found. After all, you don’t want anyone to raise an alarm. There’s more than enough tall grass for you to easily be able to both sneak around and drag the bodies there.

The guard that you are looking for can be found on the upper floor in that building. Climb the ladders there and you will see him. Again, you can either pickpocket him, or knock him out. Or even both, if you are so inclined. Though it’s probably best to pickpocket him, as you are going to need to use this gameplay mechanic, and this provides you some much-needed excercise. In any case, once you have the key (it’s called the Anbar Harbor Warehouse Key), carefully go back to the door and unlock it. Inside is the ledger that you are looking for. Grab it, loot the rest of the room, and then take it back to Dervis.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.