Complete Chapter 1 & 2 of Season Journey Diablo 4
Can’t figure out how to complete Chapter 1 and 2 of the Season Journey in Diablo 4? Welcome to the club; they’ll be making jackets soon. The developers definitely didn’t do a great job of communicating how all this works. What are you supposed to do to complete these chapters? More, importantly, where do you see the required steps? How do you complete the quest called “Summons of the Deathless?” Let’s get into it.

How to Complete Chapter 1 and 2 of Season Journey in Diablo 4
The first step to complete Chapter 1 and 2 of the Season Journey in Diablo 4 is to open your Season Journey tab. See, you actually need to do various challenges to level up your battle pass. Kinda. Point is, these are not regular quests as you’ve become accustomed to. Rather, it’s like going back to the seasonal model from Diablo 3. In order to open the Season Journey tab, you need to hit the U key if you’re on PC. I don’t know what the command is on other platforms; feel free to let me know in the comments. Select Season next to the Map button, then select “Season Journey.”
The next step to complete the Diablo 4 Season Journey Chapter 1 and 2 is to, well, do those objectives. They are not exactly quests. In fact, they’re not quests at all. They are just various objectives, as you can see in the list below. Completing Chapter 1 is a requirement for the “Summons of the Deathless” quest, which would be peachy, except for the fact that Chapter 1 of the Season Journey is bugged. It just won’t count anything you do towards progression. It’s hit us, too, and there’s nothing any of us can do; we just have to wait for Blizzard to fix it. For more info, you can check out the official website.
- Chapter 1
- The Crimson Garden – Collect 10 Reddamine, found in Dry Steppes
- Kind Stranger – Complete 3 Priority or Side Quests
- What Lurks Below – Complete a Cellar
- Waste Not – Salvage 7 Common Items at a Blacksmith or Jeweler
- Across the Golden Wastes – Complete 2 Dungeons in the Dry Steppes
- Trouble in the Wilds – Complete a World Event
- Contract Forged – Equip a piece of Pact Armor, obtained by completing or skipping the campaign.
- A Drop of Blood – Activate a Vampiric Power, available after completing or skipping the campaign.
- Chapter 2
- Forsaken Offerings – Obtain 2 Caches from the Tree of Whispers by completing Whispers
- Vault Delver – Complete 8 Cellars
- Ruins Reclaimed – Conquer a Stronghold
- Finer Clarity – Upgrade your Potion to Minor at the Alchemist
- Path to Strength – Unlock 8 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as by completing Dungeons
- Baptized in Blood – Reach Level 25
- Deliver Us From Evil – Rescue 5 Villagers within the Blood Harvest, available after completing or skipping the campaign.
- Vampire No More – Defeat a Blood Seeker, available after completing or skipping the campaign.
- Tides of Blood – Activate a Vampiric Power that requires at least 3 Pacts, available after completing or skipping the campaign.
- Contract Reforged – Add or remove Pacts from your armor, available after completing or skipping the campaign.
- Bejeweled – Craft a Gem at the Jeweler.
For all who came to this website thinking you were going to get some answers. Here are your answers.
Bring up the map in Diablo 4.
Select the “Season” tab next to “Map”.
Under “Season of the Malignant” on the left, select “Season Journey”.
Under each tab for Chapter 1 & Chapter 2, you’ll see the full list of objectives to complete for each of those chapters.
“flies away”
Thank you! 😀
Not helpful at all. Wake up.
On PS5 you bring up the main menu with the center button then hit L1 yo move from map to the new season tab. I would imagine it’s similar on Xbox.
I don’t mean to be offensive, but honestly, this is about the least helpful couple of paragraphs you could have written. Don’t title something “How to Complete Chapter 1 and 2 of Season Journey in Diablo 4” if it doesn’t give actual information. Even the dumbest among us know that to complete Chapters 1 & 2 you have to “do” the objectives. If you want to be a gaming journalist, write something useful.
Sorry, really don’t intend to be offensive but I now see this site as just clickbait. Prove me wrong. I’d love to keep coming back.
Tara I get what you mean, but this is all new material for everyone and so, personally, even though it was not as explanatory as I wished it to be, it did gave me some pointers as to what I need to do. And give the fact that season 1 launched less than 24 hours ago, well, I’m willing to be a bit more forgiving. In a week’s time I would expect more 🙂