Diablo 4 Season 1 Invisible Walls, Can't Enter Dungeons & Cellars
If you are bumping into an Invisible Wall when trying to enter a new area in Diablo 4 Season 1, you’re not alone! The new season is finally here. However, aside from the controversial changes, it has also come with several issues. Players report not being able to enter Dungeons & Cellars in D4 Season 1. Many also say that they can’t enter Amber Sands, Kyovashad, and many other new locations. Here’s what we know about this.

Diablo 4 Season 1 Invisible Walls, Can’t Enter Dungeons & Cellars, Traverse Zones
Players being stuck on the loading screen when entering new areas in Diablo 4 Season 1 is unfortunately a widespread issue currently. Since the start of D4 Season 1, many players report that they are unable to enter dungeons or cellars. On top of it, they are also unable to enter new areas or leave the ones they are currently in. For example, the bug where they can’t enter Forest Clearing is game-breaking.
“Anyone else having trouble leaving Kyovashad?,” asks Reddit user CpnTightpants1. “Every exit seems to be an invisible wall.” Many other players confirm the same issue on that thread. Another Reddit user, that goes by the name Throben, says “I can’t enter the Amber Sands area in Kehjistan, does anyone else have this?.” As it currently stands, it seems that the game as a whole is currently having issues with transferring between areas.
“Stuck in a loading screen when I tried to enter a cellar, and my character moved,” reports another Reddit user. At the time of writing, there doesn’t seem to be a solution for this. The game seems broken in this regard. It might be that something in this patch has created this Diablo 4 Season 1 Invisible Wall. Or maybe players can’t enter new areas because servers are overloaded due to many players trying to play Diablo 4 Season 1. We will make sure to update the article once we have more info. If you know a workaround, share it with us in the comments section!
I did not receive Platinum when I claimed my Prem Battle Pass, #14 on the list. I did seem to get the cosmetics.
The issue is related to stress server. The game itself is managed by micro instances. Example, when you enter a world boss it generates or enters in a micro instance, which needs to load or be created, the transition between the instance you’re in and the world boss might create a bit of delay (it happens to me). So, since servers are overloaded by new characters being created, many users getting connected at once, and many loading instances makes this “invisible wall” (Is not an invisible wall, is just that is trying to load or enter into a micro instance). Hope this helps to understand what happens and how D4 works.