Diablo 4 Brought to Heel, Red Mushroom for Lumir Location

In our Diablo 4 Brought to Heel, Red Mushroom for Lumir Location guide, we will take you to the place where you can collect a red mushroom to finish the side quest. Like in so many other missions, it’s a fetch quest where the only challenge is the vast search radius. Other than that, there’s nothing to it whatsoever. So, let’s find out where these mushrooms are hiding, shall we?

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diablo 4 brought to heel red mushroom for lumir location
Diablo 4 Brought to Heel, Red Mushroom for Lumir Location

Collect Red Mushroom for Lumir Diablo 4 Brought to Heel

To collect the red mushroom for Lumir and complete the Diablo 4 Brought to Heel side quest, you need to go just south of the center of the search zone. It’s in the area called Exile’s Heap, but it’s the exact middle of nowhere. We can’t really talk about any landmarks or anything like that. Just take a look at our screenshots below to see where you have to go. The mushroom patch is wide, but very easy to miss in the dark. Unless you mouse over it, you can very easily breeze right by it. We almost did. And don’t forget, you can only pick the mushrooms when you’re not on horseback. Once you’ve gotten some, head back and report to Lumir to complete the task.

And there you go, that’s where you can collect a red mushroom for Lumir and finish the Diablo 4 Brought to Heel side quest. This is just one of tens and tens of such fetch quests, where the only challenge is the ridiculously wide search perimeter. Honestly, it’s pretty uninspired mission design, and there are a ton of them. They get so boring after a while, and just keep coming. But anyways, enough of my kvetching. If you need help with something else in Diablo 4, feel free to check out our other guides. We have articles like Travelers Superstition, Solve the Note’s Riddle, Find Aneta The Heretic Side Quest Bug Fix and Closing the Book Ledger Pages Locations.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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