Diablo 4 Gaspar Stilbian not Spawning Bug Fix

In our Diablo 4 Gaspar Stilbian not Spawning Bug Fix guide, we are going to talk about how this extremely rare Elite enemy is supposed to work. Then, we will cover the handful of fixes that might help the situation. They didn’t for us, but they’re worth a shot. Let’s get into it.

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diablo 4 gaspar stilbian not spawning bug fix
Diablo 4 Gaspar Stilbian not Spawning Bug Fix

Diablo 4 Gaspar Stilbian not Spawning Fix

Before we get into the potential fix for the Gaspar Stilbian not spawning bug in Diablo 4, we first have to talk about who he is and how he’s supposed to work. Gaspar is a really, really rare Elite enemy that sometimes spawns in Scosglen, in Highland Wilds. He appears to the west of the Whispering Pines dungeon. We’ll show you exactly where he’s supposed to show up in the map screenshots below. Gaspar is weird, because he never really attacks you back and just kinda tries to stand you to death. When you kill him, he drops five Crushed Beast Bones, which is a really important resource at higher levels. Therefore, players are constantly trying to farm him, extremely rare though he is.

Problem is, Gaspar Stilbian is not spawning at all in Diablo 4 at the moment, and that’s what players want a fix for. Like, I’ve been reading about people waiting at his location for hours and hours, and Gaspar just never appears. And, sure, he is an extremely rare Elite, but he’s not supposed to be that scarce. It’s definitely a bug of some sort, and the only fix we’ve heard of is switching ISPs and/or restarting your modem. Apparently, upgrading your NIC can also work, but we haven’t been able to check. If you have a fix that you’re certain works, let us all know in the comments. As you can see in the picture up top, Gaspar is not there for us either, and there’s a dozen people waiting for him.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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